1 | /*
2 | =============================================================================
3 | midas.h -- MIDAS 700 global definitions
4 | Version 38 -- 1989-12-19 -- D.N. Lynx Crowe
5 | =============================================================================
6 | */
7 |
8 | #pragma once
9 |
10 | #include "graphdef.h"
11 | #include "stdint.h"
12 | #include "vsdd.h"
13 |
14 | typedef void (*LPF)(int16_t _1, int16_t _2); /* pointer to a LCD panel function */
15 |
16 | #define SM_SCALE(x) (((x) * 252) & 0x7fe0)
17 | #define ART_VAL(x) (((((x) - 5) > 100) ? 100 : (((x) - 5) < 0 ? 0 : ((x) - 5))) * 320)
18 |
19 | #define CWORD(x) ((int16_t)((x) | ((x) << 4) | ((x) << 8) | ((x) << 12)))
20 |
21 | #define CTOX(C) ((C) << 3) /* column to x pixel value */
22 | #define RTOY(R) ((R) * 14) /* row to y pixel value */
23 | #define XTOC(X) ((X) >> 3) /* x pixel value to column */
24 | #define YTOR(Y) ((Y) / 14) /* y pixel value to row */
25 |
26 | #define AMP_TIME 200 /* amplitude pot interpolate time */
27 |
28 | #define GCPRI 15 /* graphic cursor priority */
29 | #define GCURS 0 /* graphic cursor object number */
30 |
31 | #define BIT2 V_RES2 /* graphics - 2 bit pixels */
32 | #define BIT3 V_RES3 /* graphics - 4 bit pixels */
33 | #define CHR2 0 /* characters - no attributes */
34 | #define CHR3 (V_FAD | V_HCR) /* characters - full attributes */
35 |
36 | #define OBFL_00 (BIT3 | V_TDE) /* cursor - arrow */
37 |
38 | #define LIBRFL V_RES3 /* librarian display object flags */
39 |
40 | #define TTCURS 2 /* typewriter cursor object */
41 | #define TTCPRI 14 /* typewriter cursor priority */
42 | #define TTCCFL (V_RES3 | V_OBL | V_TDE)
43 |
44 | #define XYCENTRE 50 /* center of range of cursor pots */
45 |
46 | #define SMYRATE 4 /* smooth scroll vertical rate */
47 |
48 | #define HCWVAL 30 /* graphics cursor x wait time */
49 | #define VCWVAL 30 /* graphics cursor y wait time */
50 | #define THCWVAL 60 /* text cursor h wait time */
51 | #define TVCWVAL 120 /* text cursor v wait time */
52 | #define CURHOLD 300 /* cursor motion startup delay */
53 |
54 | #define CXMAX XMAX /* cursor x maximum */
55 | #define CYMAX YMAX /* cursor y maximum */
56 |
57 | #define FN_NULL 0L /* null for address entries */
58 |
59 | /* |
60 |
61 | */
62 |
63 | #define NASGS 100 /* number of assignments in memory */
64 | #define NASGLIB 99 /* number of assignments on disk */
65 |
66 | #define NTUNS 10 /* number of tunings in memory */
67 | #define NTUNSLIB 9 /* number of tunings on disk */
68 |
69 | #define NINST 41 /* number of instruments in memory */
70 | #define NINORC 20 /* number of instruments on disk */
71 | #define NIPNTS 128 /* maximum number of points in the instrument */
72 | #define MAXIDLN 16 /* maximum length of function ID strings */
73 | #define NFINST 13 /* number of functions in an instrument */
74 | #define NUMCFG 12 /* number of oscillator configurations */
75 |
76 | #define NUMWAVS 20 /* number of waveshapes in memory or on disk*/
77 | #define NUMWIDS 8 /* number of waveshape cursor widths */
78 | #define NUMHARM 32 /* number of waveshape harmonics */
79 | #define NUMWPNT 254 /* number of waveshape points stored */
80 | #define NUMWPCAL 256 /* number of waveshape points calculated */
81 |
82 | #define VID_EI 0 /* IPL to enable video */
83 | #define VID_DI 1 /* IPL to disable video */
84 | #define FPU_EI 1 /* IPL to enable FPU */
85 | #define FPU_DI 2 /* IPL to disable FPU */
86 | #define TIM_DI 4 /* IPL to disable timer */
87 |
88 | #define NTRIGS 6144 /* number of trigger related entries */
89 | #define NCTRLS 6144 /* number of controller related entries */
90 | #define NPFENTS 336 /* number of pendant function list entries */
91 | #define NLSTENTS 48 /* number of last note entry table entries */
92 |
93 | #define NMPORTS 2 /* number of MIDI ports */
94 |
95 | #define MASENSCT 500 /* active sensing timeout count */
96 |
97 | #define MIDISUS 64 /* MIDI damper (sustain) controller number */
98 | #define MIDIHLD 66 /* MIDI sustenuto (hold) controller number */
99 |
100 | #define MSW_ON 0x3F /* MIDI switch on threshold */
101 | #define MSW_OFF 0x40 /* MIDI switch off threshold */
102 |
103 | #define M_KSTATE 0x01 /* MIDI key status */
104 | #define M_LCLSUS 0x04 /* MIDI local sustain status */
105 | #define M_CHNSUS 0x08 /* MIDI channel sustain status */
106 | #define M_LCLHLD 0x40 /* MIDI local hold status */
107 | #define M_CHNHLD 0x80 /* MIDI channel hold status */
108 | #define MKEYHELD (M_CHNHLD | M_LCLHLD)
109 | /* key held */
110 |
111 | #define PITCHMIN 320 /* C0 in 1/2 cents (160 cents) */
112 | #define PITCHMAX 21920 /* C9 in 1/2 cents (10960 cents) */
113 |
114 | #define GTAG1 0x0100
115 | #define GTAG2 0x0200
116 | #define GTAG3 0x0400
117 | #define GTAG4 0x0800
118 | #define GTAG5 0x1000
119 | #define GTAG6 0x2000
120 | #define GTAG7 0x4000
121 | #define GTAG8 0x8000
122 |
123 | #define CTAG1 0x0100
124 | #define CTAG2 0x0200
125 | #define CTAG3 0x0400
126 | #define CTAG4 0x0800
127 | #define CTAG5 0x1000
128 | #define CTAG6 0x2000
129 | #define CTAG7 0x4000
130 | #define CTAG8 0x8000