/* ============================================================================ stddefs.h -- Standard definitions for C programs Version 12 -- 1987-12-15 -- D.N. Lynx Crowe Released to Public Domain - 1987-06 - D.N. Lynx Crowe ============================================================================ */ #pragma once #include "stdint.h" /* relational operators */ #define EQ == #define NE != #define GE >= #define LE <= #define GT > #define LT < /* logical operators */ #define NOT ! #define AND && #define OR || /* manifest constants for function return and flag values */ #define FAILURE -1 /* Function failure return val */ #define SUCCESS 0 /* Function success return val */ #define FOREVER for (;;) /* Infinite loop declaration */ #define NULL ((void *)0) /* Null pointer value */ #define TRUE 1 /* Function TRUE value */ #define FALSE 0 /* Function FALSE value */ /* BOOL type definition for flag variables */ typedef int8_t BOOL;