/* ============================================================================= dofmt.c -- integer and string formatted output function Version 4 -- 1987-06-12 -- D.N. Lynx Crowe Supports most of the BSD & SysV Unix(tm) [f|s]printf conversion codes - No floating point support in this implementation. Returns a long instead of the int returned by the Unix(tm) functions. WARNING - "Crufty code": This code contains hacks to work around a bug in the Alcyon C compiler, which, among other things, doesn't handle % properly for longs. Conversions for o and x are hacked to use shifts instead of modulus. Alcyon 'cruft' is enabled by defining CRUFTY non-zero. ============================================================================= */ #define CRUFTY 1 #include "stddefs.h" #include "ctype.h" #include "stdarg.h" #include "strings.h" #define MAXDIGS 11 #define HIBITL (1L << ( (8 * sizeof(int32_t)) - 1)) #define LONGHMSK 0x0FFFFFFFL #define LONGOMSK 0x1FFFFFFFL #define tonum(x) ((x)-'0') #define todigit(x) ((x)+'0') #define max(a,b) ((a)>(b)?(a):(b)) #define min(a,b) ((a)<(b)?(a):(b)) #if CRUFTY extern int32_t uldiv(int32_t divid, int32_t divis); extern int32_t uldivr; #endif int32_t dofmt_(int16_t (*putsub)(), int8_t *format, va_list args) { register int16_t fcode; int32_t k, n, lzero, count; int16_t hradix, lowbit, length, fplus, fminus, fblank, fsharp, flzero, width, prec; register int8_t *bp, *p; int8_t *prefix, *tab, buf[MAXDIGS]; int32_t val; /* */ count = 0; for ( ; ; ) { for (bp = format; (fcode = *format) NE '\0' AND fcode NE '%'; format++) ; if (n = (int32_t)format - (int32_t)bp) { count += n; while (n--) (*putsub)(*bp++); } if (fcode EQ '\0') return(count); fplus = fminus = fblank = fsharp = flzero = 0; for ( ; ; ) { switch (fcode = *++format) { case '+': fplus++; continue; case '-': fminus++; continue; case ' ': fblank++; continue; case '#': fsharp++; continue; } break; } /* */ if (fcode EQ '*') { width = va_arg(args, int16_t); if (width < 0) { width = -width; fminus++; } format++; } else { if (fcode EQ '0') flzero++; for (width = 0; isdigit(fcode = *format); format++) width = width * 10 + tonum(fcode); } if (*format NE '.') prec = -1; else if (*++format EQ '*') { prec = va_arg(args, int16_t); format++; } else for (prec = 0; isdigit(fcode = *format); format++) prec = prec * 10 + tonum(fcode); length = 0; if (*format EQ 'l') { length++; format++; } prefix = ""; lzero = 0; /* */ switch (fcode = *format++) { case 'd': case 'u': hradix = 10/2; goto fixed; case 'o': hradix = 8/2; goto fixed; case 'X': case 'x': hradix = 16/2; fixed: if (prec < 0) if (flzero AND width > 0) prec = width; else prec = 1; if (length) val = va_arg(args, int32_t); else if (fcode EQ 'd') val = va_arg(args, int16_t); else val = va_arg(args, uint16_t); if (fcode EQ 'd') { if (val < 0) { prefix = "-"; if (val NE HIBITL) val = -val; } else if (fplus) prefix = "+"; else if (fblank) prefix = " "; } tab = (fcode EQ 'X') ? "0123456789ABCDEF" : "0123456789abcdef"; p = bp = buf + MAXDIGS; /* */ switch (hradix) { case 4: while (val NE 0) { *--bp = tab[val & 0x07L]; val = (val >> 3) & LONGOMSK; } break; case 5: while (val NE 0) { #if CRUFTY /* uldiv does a long divide */ /* ... with remainder in uldivr */ val = uldiv(val, 10L); *--bp = tab[uldivr]; #else /* on most compilers, this works */ lowbit = val & 1; val = (val >> 1) & ~HIBITL; *--bp = tab[val % hradix * 2 + lowbit]; val /= hradix; #endif } break; case 8: while (val NE 0) { *--bp = tab[val & 0x0FL]; val = (val >> 4) & LONGHMSK; } } lzero = (int32_t)bp - (int32_t)p + (int32_t)prec; if (fsharp AND bp NE p) switch (fcode) { case 'o': if (lzero < 1) lzero = 1; break; case 'x': case 'X': prefix = "0x"; break; } break; /* */ default: buf[0] = fcode; goto c_merge; case 'c': buf[0] = va_arg(args, int16_t); c_merge: p = (bp = &buf[0]) + 1; break; case 's': p = bp = va_arg(args, int8_t *); if (prec < 0) p += strlen(bp); else { while (*p++ NE '\0' AND --prec GE 0) ; --p; } break; case '\0': return(-1); } /* */ if (lzero < 0) lzero = 0; k = (n = (int32_t)p - (int32_t)bp) + (int32_t)(lzero + (prefix[0] EQ '\0' ? 0 : (prefix[1] EQ '\0' ? 1 : 2))); count += (width >k) ? width : k; if (!fminus) while (--width GE k) (*putsub)(' '); while (*prefix NE '\0') (*putsub)(*prefix++); while (--lzero GE 0) (*putsub)('0'); if (n > 0) while (n--) (*putsub)(*bp++); while (--width GE k) (*putsub)(' '); } }