1 | /*
2 | =============================================================================
3 | clusmap.c -- various file structure utilities
4 | Version 9 -- 1987-10-29 -- D.N. Lynx Crowe
5 | =============================================================================
6 | */
7 |
8 | #include "ram.h"
9 |
10 | static int8_t *mfname[] = { /* FCB flag names */
11 |
12 | "?D0", /* D0 - 0001 */
13 | "?D1", /* D1 - 0002 */
14 | "?D2", /* D2 - 0004 */
15 | "?D3", /* D3 - 0008 */
16 |
17 | "BF ", /* D4 - 0010 */
18 | "NB ", /* D5 - 0020 */
19 | "TR ", /* D6 - 0040 */
20 | "EX ", /* D7 - 0080 */
21 |
22 | "RD ", /* D8 - 0100 */
23 | "WR ", /* D9 - 0200 */
24 | "AP ", /* D10 - 0400 */
25 | "CR ", /* D11 - 0800 */
26 |
27 | "OPN", /* D12 - 1000 */
28 | "ERR", /* D13 - 2000 */
29 | "BAD", /* D14 - 4000 */
30 | "EOF" /* D15 - 8000 */
31 | };
32 |
33 | /* |
34 |
35 | */
36 |
37 | static int8_t *dfname[] = {
38 |
39 | "RDONLY", /* D0 - 01 */
40 | "HIDDEN", /* D1 - 02 */
41 | "SYSTEM", /* D2 - 04 */
42 | "VOLUME", /* D3 - 08 */
43 | "SUBDIR", /* D4 - 10 */
44 | "ARCHIV", /* D5 - 20 */
45 | "??D6??", /* D6 - 40 */
46 | "??D7??" /* D7 - 80 */
47 | };
48 |
49 | static int8_t *ffname[] = {
50 |
51 | "BUSY ", /* D0 - 01 */
52 | "ALLBUF", /* D1 - 02 */
53 | "DIRTY ", /* D2 - 04 */
54 | "EOF ", /* D3 - 08 */
55 | "IOERR ", /* D4 - 10 */
56 | "??D5??", /* D5 - 20 */
57 | "??D6??", /* D6 - 40 */
58 | "??D7??" /* D7 - 80 */
59 | };
60 |
61 | /* |
62 |
63 | */
64 |
65 | /* |
66 |
67 | */
68 |
69 | /*
70 | =============================================================================
71 | ClusMap(fcp) -- print a map of the clusters for the file associated with
72 | the FCB pointed to by 'fcp'. Nothing is printed if the file isn't open.
73 | Returns 0 if a map was printed, -1 otherwise.
74 | =============================================================================
75 | */
76 |
77 | int16_t ClusMap(struct fcb *fcp)
78 | {
79 | int16_t clus, nc;
80 | int32_t alsize, bused, bunused;
81 |
82 | if (!(fcp->modefl & FC_OPN)) {
83 |
84 | errno = EINVAL;
85 | return(FAILURE);
86 | }
87 |
88 | nc = 0;
89 | clus = micons(fcp->de.bclust);
90 |
91 | if (clus) {
92 |
93 | printf("Allocated cluster chain for [%-8.8s].[%-3.3s]:\n%6d",
94 | fcp->de.fname, fcp->de.fext, clus);
95 | nc = 1;
96 |
97 | while (clus < 0xFF0) {
98 |
99 | clus = _gtcl12(_thefat, clus);
100 |
101 | if (clus < 0xFF0) {
102 |
103 | nc++;
104 |
105 | if (0 EQ (nc-1) % 10)
106 | printf("\n");
107 |
108 | printf("%6d", clus);
109 | }
110 | }
111 | }
112 |
113 | alsize = nc * _thebpb->clsizb;
114 | bused = fcp->curlen;
115 | bunused = alsize - bused;
116 |
117 | printf("\nFAT cluster count=%d, asects=%ld\n", nc, fcp->asects);
118 | printf("%ld bytes allocated, %ld bytes used", alsize, bused);
119 |
120 | if (alsize GE bused)
121 | printf(", %ld bytes unused", bunused);
122 |
123 | printf("\n");
124 |
125 | if (bused GT alsize)
126 | printf("ERROR: directory file size exceeds FAT allocation\n");
127 |
128 | if (fcp->asects NE nc)
129 | printf("ERROR: FAT cluster count (%d) NE FCB cluster count (%ld)\n",
130 | nc, fcp->asects);
131 | return(SUCCESS);
132 | }
133 |
134 | /* |
135 |
136 | */
137 |
138 | /*
139 | =============================================================================
140 | FCBmode(fcp) -- print FCB mode flags
141 | =============================================================================
142 | */
143 |
144 | struct fcb *FCBmode(struct fcb *fcp)
145 | {
146 | register uint16_t mf;
147 | register int16_t i;
148 |
149 | printf(" flags: ");
150 | mf = 0x0001;
151 |
152 | for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
153 |
154 | if (fcp->modefl & mf)
155 | printf("%s ", mfname[i]);
156 |
157 | mf <<= 1;
158 | }
159 |
160 | printf("\n atrib: ");
161 |
162 | mf = 0x01;
163 |
164 | for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
165 |
166 | if (fcp->de.atrib & mf)
167 | printf("%s ", dfname[i]);
168 |
169 | mf <<= 1;
170 | }
171 |
172 | printf("\n");
173 | return(fcp);
174 | }
175 |
176 |
177 | /* |
178 |
179 | */
180 |
181 | /*
182 | =============================================================================
183 | SnapFCB(fcp) -- print contents of an FCB pointed to by 'fcp'
184 | =============================================================================
185 | */
186 |
187 | struct fcb *SnapFCB(struct fcb *fcp)
188 | {
189 | printf("\nFCB at 0x%08lx: [%-8.8s].[%-3.3s]\n",
190 | fcp, fcp->de.fname, fcp->de.fext);
191 | FCBmode(fcp);
192 |
193 | printf(" atrib 0x%04x", fcp->de.atrib);
194 | printf(" modefl 0x%04x\n", fcp->modefl);
195 |
196 | printf(" crtime 0x%04x", micons(fcp->de.crtime));
197 | printf(" crdate 0x%04x\n", micons(fcp->de.crdate));
198 |
199 | printf(" asects %8ld", fcp->asects);
200 | printf(" flen %8ld", miconl(fcp->de.flen));
201 | printf(" curlen %8ld\n", fcp->curlen);
202 |
203 | printf(" bclust %8d", micons(fcp->de.bclust));
204 | printf(" curcls %8d", fcp->curcls);
205 | printf(" clsec %8d\n", fcp->clsec);
206 |
207 | printf(" curlsn %8ld", fcp->curlsn);
208 | printf(" curdsn %8ld", fcp->curdsn);
209 | printf(" offset %8d\n", fcp->offset);
210 |
211 | printf("\n");
212 | return(fcp);
213 | }
214 |
215 | /* |
216 |
217 | */
218 |
219 | /*
220 | =============================================================================
221 | MapFAT() -- print the first 'ncl' cluster entries from 'fat'
222 | =============================================================================
223 | */
224 |
225 | void MapFAT(int8_t *fat, int16_t ncl, int16_t stops)
226 | {
227 | register int16_t i;
228 |
229 | printf("\nCluster dump of FAT at 0x%08.8lx (%d entries):\n",
230 | fat, ncl);
231 | printf(" 0: .... .... ");
232 |
233 | for (i = 2; i < ncl; i++) {
234 |
235 | if ((i % 10) EQ 0)
236 | printf("\n%4.4d: ", i);
237 |
238 | printf("%4.4d ", _gtcl12(fat, i));
239 |
240 | /* stop every 10 lines if requested */
241 |
242 | if (stops AND (((i / 10) % 10) EQ 0))
243 | waitcr();
244 | }
245 |
246 | printf("\n");
247 | }
248 |
249 | /* |
250 |
251 | */
252 |
253 | /*
254 | =============================================================================
255 | FILEfl() -- print FILE flags
256 | =============================================================================
257 | */
258 |
259 | FILE *FILEfl(FILE *fp)
260 | {
261 | register uint16_t mf;
262 | register int16_t i;
263 |
264 | printf(" _flags: ");
265 | mf = 0x0001;
266 |
267 | for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
268 |
269 | if (fp->_flags & mf)
270 | printf("%s ", ffname[i]);
271 |
272 | mf <<= 1;
273 | }
274 |
275 | printf("\n");
276 | return(fp);
277 | }
278 |
279 | /* |
280 |
281 | */
282 |
283 | /*
284 | =============================================================================
285 | FILEpr(fp) -- print contents of a FILE structure pointed to by 'fp'
286 | =============================================================================
287 | */
288 |
289 | void FILEpr(FILE *fp)
290 | {
291 | int16_t (*arg)(), ft;
292 | int8_t *ds, *fsn, *fse;
293 | struct fcb *fcp;
294 |
295 | if (fp EQ (FILE *)0L) {
296 |
297 | printf("FILEpr(): ERROR - argument was NULL\n");
298 | return;
299 | }
300 |
301 |
302 | printf("\nFILE at $%08.8lX", fp);
303 |
304 | arg = chantab[fp->_unit].c_close;
305 | ft = 0;
306 |
307 | if (arg EQ _noper) {
308 |
309 | ds = ((struct devtabl *)chantab[fp->_unit].c_arg)->d_name;
310 | printf(" is a device: [%s]\n", ds);
311 |
312 | } else if (arg EQ _filecl) {
313 |
314 | ft = 1;
315 | fcp = (struct fcb *)chantab[fp->_unit].c_arg;
316 | fsn = fcp->de.fname;
317 | fse = fcp->de.fext;
318 | printf(" is a disk file: [%8.8s].[%3.3s], fcb at $%08.8lX\n",
319 | fsn, fse, fcp);
320 |
321 | } else {
322 |
323 | printf(" is of UNKNOWN type: c_close=$%08.8lX, c_arg=$%08.8lX\n",
324 | arg, chantab[fp->_unit].c_arg);
325 | }
326 |
327 | printf(" _buff=$%08.8lX, _bp=$%08.8lX, _bend=$%08.8lX, _buflen=%u\n",
328 | fp->_buff, fp->_bp, fp->_bend, fp->_buflen);
329 | printf(" _flags=$%04.4X, _unit=%d, _bytbuf=$%02.2X\n",
330 | fp->_flags, fp->_unit, fp->_bytbuf);
331 |
332 | FILEfl(fp);
333 |
334 | if (ft)
335 | SnapFCB(fcp);
336 | else
337 | printf("\n");
338 | }
339 |
340 | /* |
341 |
342 | */
343 |
344 | /*
345 | =============================================================================
346 | fd2fcb() -- convert a unit number to a pointer to a fcb
347 | =============================================================================
348 | */
349 |
350 | struct fcb *fd2fcb(int16_t fd)
351 | {
352 | if ((fd < 0) OR (fd > MAXCHAN))
353 | return((struct fcb *)NULL);
354 |
355 | return(chantab[fd].c_arg);
356 | }
357 |
358 | /*
359 | =============================================================================
360 | fp2fcb() -- convert a FILE pointer to a pointer to a fcb
361 | =============================================================================
362 | */
363 |
364 | struct fcb *fp2fcb(FILE *fp)
365 | {
366 | if (fp EQ (FILE *)NULL)
367 | return((struct fcb *)NULL);
368 |
369 | return(chantab[fp->_unit].c_arg);
370 | }
371 |