/* ============================================================================= filname.c -- file name and extension extractors Version 3 -- 1987-07-09 -- D.N. Lynx Crowe ============================================================================= */ #define TESTER 0 /* define non-zero for test routine */ #include "ram.h" #define MAX_NAME 8 /* maximum length of a file name */ #define MAX_EXT 3 /* maximum length of an extension */ /* ============================================================================= FilName(s, p) -- Return a pointer to a string containing the file name found in the string at 's'. Copy the file name into string 'p'. ============================================================================= */ int8_t *FilName(int8_t *s, int8_t *p) { register int8_t *tp; register int16_t i; tp = p; for (i = 0; i < MAX_NAME; i++) { /* scan the name */ if (*s) { /* ... until we hit a '\0' */ if (*s EQ '.') /* ... or a '.' */ break; *p++ = *s++; /* ... copying as we go */ } else { /* stop at '\0' */ *p = '\0'; /* terminate the string */ return(tp); /* return a pointer to it */ } } *p = '\0'; /* copied MAX_NAME bytes - that's all folks */ return(tp); } /* ============================================================================= FilExt(s, p) -- Returns a pointer to a copy of the extension of the file name in 's'. The file name is copied into string 'p' and a pointer to 'p' is returned. ============================================================================= */ int8_t *FilExt(int8_t *s, int8_t *p) { register int8_t c, *tp; register int16_t i; tp = p; while ((c = *s)) { /* scan the string */ if (c EQ '.') { /* ... until we hit the dot */ ++s; /* point past the dot */ for (i = 0; i < MAX_EXT; i++) { /* scan the extension ... */ if (*s) { /* ... until we hit a '\0' */ *p++ = *s++; /* ... copying as we go */ } else { /* stop at '\0' */ *p = '\0'; /* terminate the string */ return(tp); /* return a pointer to it */ } } *p = '\0'; /* copied MAX_EXT bytes - that's all folks */ return(tp); /* return a pointer to the result */ } else { ++s; /* advance the pointer */ } } *p = '\0'; /* terminate the string */ return(tp); /* return a pointer to the result */ } #if TESTER char *fn[] = { /* test cases */ "FILE.NAM", "FILE", "FILE.", ".NAM", ".", "", "fartoolonganame.longextension", "fartoolonganame", "fartoolonganame.", ".longextension" }; #define NCASES ((sizeof fn) / (sizeof (char *))) char temp1[MAX_NAME+1], temp2[MAX_EXT+1]; fnt(s) /* test both functions and print the result */ char *s; { printf("[%s] gave [%s] [%s]\r\n", s, FilName(s, temp1), FilExt(s, temp2)); } main() { int i; /* hand the functions each of the test cases */ for (i = 0; i < NCASES; i++) fnt(fn[i]); exit(); } #endif