1 | /*
2 | =============================================================================
3 | fsize.c -- file size and disk capacity functions
4 | Version 1 -- 1987-10-29 -- D.N. Lynx Crowe
5 | =============================================================================
6 | */
7 |
8 | #include "ram.h"
9 |
10 | /*
11 | =============================================================================
12 | fsize() -- return the current size of an open stream file
13 |
14 | how = 0: in bytes, 1: in allocated clusters
15 | =============================================================================
16 | */
17 |
18 | int32_t fsize(FILE *fp, int16_t how)
19 | {
20 | register struct channel *chp;
21 | register struct fcb *fcp;
22 |
23 | if (fp EQ (FILE *)0L)
24 | return(-1L);
25 |
26 | if (fp->_flags & _BUSY) {
27 |
28 | chp = &chantab[fp->_unit];
29 |
30 | if (chp->c_close NE _filecl)
31 | return(-1L);
32 |
33 | fcp = chp->c_arg;
34 |
35 | if (fcp->modefl & FC_OPN) {
36 |
37 | if (how)
38 | return(fcp->asects);
39 | else
40 | return(fcp->curlen);
41 |
42 | } else
43 | return(-1L);
44 |
45 | } else
46 | return(-1L);
47 | }
48 |
49 | /* |
50 |
51 | */
52 |
53 | /*
54 | =============================================================================
55 | dspace() -- return disk capacity or usage
56 |
57 | which = 0: capcity, 1: usage
58 | =============================================================================
59 | */
60 |
61 | int16_t dspace(int16_t which)
62 | {
63 | register int16_t maxcl, clcount, nc;
64 |
65 | if (_opnvol())
66 | return(-1L);
67 |
68 | maxcl = _thebpb->numcl;
69 |
70 | if (which) {
71 |
72 | clcount = 0;
73 |
74 | for (nc = 2; nc < maxcl; nc++)
75 | if (0 EQ _gtcl12(_thefat, nc))
76 | ++clcount;
77 |
78 | return(clcount);
79 |
80 | } else {
81 |
82 | return(maxcl);
83 | }
84 | }
85 |