/* ============================================================================= fsize.c -- file size and disk capacity functions Version 1 -- 1987-10-29 -- D.N. Lynx Crowe ============================================================================= */ #include "ram.h" /* ============================================================================= fsize() -- return the current size of an open stream file how = 0: in bytes, 1: in allocated clusters ============================================================================= */ int32_t fsize(FILE *fp, int16_t how) { register struct channel *chp; register struct fcb *fcp; if (fp EQ (FILE *)0L) return(-1L); if (fp->_flags & _BUSY) { chp = &chantab[fp->_unit]; if (chp->c_close NE _filecl) return(-1L); fcp = chp->c_arg; if (fcp->modefl & FC_OPN) { if (how) return(fcp->asects); else return(fcp->curlen); } else return(-1L); } else return(-1L); } /* ============================================================================= dspace() -- return disk capacity or usage which = 0: capcity, 1: usage ============================================================================= */ int16_t dspace(int16_t which) { register int16_t maxcl, clcount, nc; if (_opnvol()) return(-1L); maxcl = _thebpb->numcl; if (which) { clcount = 0; for (nc = 2; nc < maxcl; nc++) if (0 EQ _gtcl12(_thefat, nc)) ++clcount; return(clcount); } else { return(maxcl); } }