/* ============================================================================= strtol.c -- convert a string of ASCII digits to a long Version 1 -- 1987-06-12 ============================================================================= */ #include "ram.h" #define DIGIT(x) (isdigit(x) ? (x)-'0' : islower(x) ? (x)+10-'a' : (x)+10-'A') #define MBASE ('z' - 'a' + 1 + 10) int32_t strtol(int8_t *str, int8_t **ptr, int16_t base) { register int32_t val; register int16_t c; int16_t xx, neg = 0; if (ptr != (int8_t **)0) *ptr = str; /* in case no number is formed */ if (base < 0 || base > MBASE) return (0); /* base is invalid -- should be a fatal error */ if (!isalnum(c = *str)) { while (isspace(c)) c = *++str; switch (c) { case '-': neg++; case '+': /* fall-through */ c = *++str; } } if (base == 0) if (c != '0') base = 10; else if (str[1] == 'x' || str[1] == 'X') base = 16; else base = 8; /* for any base > 10, the digits incrementally following 9 are assumed to be "abc...z" or "ABC...Z" */ if (!isalnum(c) || (xx = DIGIT(c)) >= base) return (0); /* no number formed */ if (base == 16 && c == '0' && isxdigit(str[2]) && (str[1] == 'x' || str[1] == 'X')) c = *(str += 2); /* skip over leading "0x" or "0X" */ for (val = -DIGIT(c); isalnum(c = *++str) && (xx = DIGIT(c)) < base; ) /* accumulate neg avoids surprises near MAXLONG */ val = base * val - xx; if (ptr != (int8_t **)0) *ptr = str; return (neg ? val : -val); }