1 |
2 |
3 |
4 | SSSSUUUUNNNN((((1111)))) UUUUNNNNIIIIXXXX 5555....0000 ((((9999 MMMMaaaayyyy 1111999988885555)))) SSSSUUUUNNNN((((1111))))
5 |
6 |
7 |
9 | sun - calculate sunrise and sunset times
10 |
12 | ssssuuuunnnn [ ----pppp ] [ ----tttt _h:_m:_s ] [ ----dddd _m/_d/_y ] [ ----aaaa _l_a_t ] [ ----oooo _l_o_n ]
13 | [ ----zzzz _t_z ]
14 |
16 | _S_u_n Calculates the times of sunrise and sunset for the
17 | current system date. Optionally, _s_u_n calculates the current
18 | position of the sun and its position at sunrise and sunset
19 | for other dates, times and places.
20 |
21 | The command line options are:
22 |
23 | ----pppp Show current altitude and azimuth for the sun and its
24 | azimuth at sunrise and sunset.
25 |
26 | ----tttt _h:_m:_s
27 | Use _h:_m:_s as local hours (24 hour clock), minutes and
28 | seconds as the time instead of the current system time.
29 |
30 | ----dddd _m/_d/_y
31 | Use _m/_d/_y as the month, day and year instead of the
32 | current system date.
33 |
34 | ----aaaa _l_a_t
35 | Use _l_a_t as the latitude of the observer, instead of the
36 | system latitude. The latitude is specified in decimal
37 | degrees north. For example, use 45.5333 for Beaverton,
38 | Oregon.
39 |
40 | ----oooo _l_o_n
41 | Use _l_o_n as the longitude of the observer, instead of
42 | the system longitude. The longitude is specified in
43 | decimal degrees west. For example, use 122.8333 for
44 | Beaverton, Oregon.
45 |
46 | ----zzzz _t_z
47 | Use _t_z as the time zone of the observer, instead of the
48 | current system timezone. Timezone is specified as a
49 | positive number for locations west of Greenwich. For
50 | example, use 8 for Pacific Standard Time.
51 |
53 | Robert Bond
54 |
56 | Should figure out timezone and guess at longitude from the
57 | system time. Timezone, latitude and longitude are compiled
58 | in.
59 |
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61 |
62 |
63 | Page 1 (printed 5/15/85)
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67 | |