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4 | Function: filter "Filter Command Line Files In Classic UNIX Style"
5 |
6 | Created: Sat Aug 10 21:57:12 EDT 1985
7 | By: Gary Perlman (Wang Institute, Tyngsboro, MA 01879 USA)
8 |
9 | Compilation: nothing unusual
10 |
11 | Tester: $Compile: cc -DSTANDALONE -o filter %f
12 |
13 | Preconditions:
14 | The index of the first file operand has been determined.
15 |
16 | Postconditions:
17 | All files have been opened, processed, and closed.
18 |
19 | Returns:
20 | The return status (non-zero is bad) depends on the accessibility
21 | of files, the ability to open them, and the return statuses of
22 | the called function.
23 |
24 | Exceptions:
25 | If any file cannot be accessed, then none will be processed.
26 | During processing, if something goes wrong (a file that could
27 | be accessed cannot be opened, or the file processor returns a
28 | non-zero status), processing continues.
29 |
30 | Notes:
31 | "-" is the conventional name for the standard input.
32 | It can only be read once.
33 | Fputs and putc are used to print error messages to avoid
34 | loading fat fprintf just because filter used it.
35 |
36 | Some modifications might be useful but unpopular:
37 | If there is piped input (!isatty (fileno (stdin))),
38 | and the standard input is not read,
39 | then some information may be ignored,
40 | so a warning should be printed.
41 | Unfortunately, this would break things like vi filters.
42 |
43 | If there is not piped input,
44 | and the standard input is being read from the keyboard,
45 | then prompt the user for input with something like:
46 | pgm: reading input from terminal
47 | This would avoid the problem of people forgetting to supply
48 | an input redirection.