source: buchla-68k/orig/DOC/P6ENTS.TXT@ dfe4288

Last change on this file since dfe4288 was 3ae31e9, checked in by Thomas Lopatic <thomas@…>, 8 years ago

Imported original source code.

  • Property mode set to 100755
File size: 26.2 KB
[3ae31e9]1Subroutines by Module
6C3DADR Calculate 3.5" disk address
7C8DADR Calculate 8.0" disk address
8DIRUPD Update the directory on disk if needed
9DSKSET Setup for 8.0" block operations
10FIRSTB Calculate starting sector of block
11FNDBLK Find a free block
12HLBY2 Divide (HL) by 2
13MDSET Setup for 3.5" disk I/O
14R3BLK Read a group of sectors from the 3.5" disk
15R8BLK Read block from 8.0" disk
16RDDIR Read directory
17RDISK Read a block from disk
18W3BLK Write a group of sectors on the 3.5" disk
19W8BLK Write a block on the 8.0" disk
20WDISK Write a block on disk
21YDSKSE Setup the microfloppy
22YERCHK Error check and retry handler
23YHOME Home the drive
24YREAD Read a 256 byte sector from the 3.5" disk
25YSETRK Set track and seek
26YWRITE Write a 256 byte sector on the 3.5" disk
30CFLA Calculate function line address
31CFTO Convert (HL) for time format and output
32DFNA Display function Action field
33DFNI Display function I field
34DFNT Display function Time field
35DFNV Display function value field
36DFTW Display function table window
37DSFE Display function table entry
38F$ATP Function display cursor routine dispatcher
39F$DEL Function display delete key handler
40F$DH1 Dispatcher for function field decoders
41F$DH2 Dispatcher for function field encoders
42F$FPA Function field pointer access routine
43F$MDH Function display menu data handler
44F$PMR Function display + / - handler
45F$SMU Function submenu display handler
46FD01 Function field decoder 1 - Line number
47FD02 Function field decoder 2 - Time
48FD03 Function field decoder 3 - Value
49FD04 Function field decoder 4 - Action = PLS
52Subroutines by Module -- continued
55P6FNS - continued
57FD05 Function field decoder 5 - Action = KEY/ JMP
58FE01 Function field encoder 1 - Line number
59FE02 Function field encoder 2 - Time
60FE03 Function field encoder 3 - Value
61FE04 Function field encoder 4 - PLS
62FE05 Function field encoder 5 - KEY / JMP
63FTDI Function display setup
64GRAB Grab a byte from (A) + (HL)
65SPACER Output a space
69BTOFPU Convert (HL) to FPU format
70FPUTOB Convert (HL) to binary from FPU format
71FTTB Convert @EBUF FPU time image to binary
72TTBM Convert digit in A and update HL
76FPU Process FPU inputs
77XTRG Entry for Sustain / Enable processing (pendant functions)
81IDKV Validate character entry
85CMISC Clear miscellaneous execution tables
86FZAP Clear the function data structure
87P6INI Initialize Patch-VI
88PLZAP Clear the polyphony table
89PZAP Clear the patch data structure
90SZAP Clear the sequence data structure
91WZAP Reset all waveshapes to the default waveshape
95BADIO Display I/O error message
96CDIRAD Calculate directory entry address
97CPSUM Calculate buffer area checksum
98CSCMN Common processing for character selector
99DAPREP Display Append / Replace
100DDE Display directory entry
103Subroutines by Module -- continued
106P6LBRY - continued
108L$ATP Library cursor action dispatcher
109L$DEL Delete key handler
110L$DH1 Library field decoder dispatcher
111L$DH2 Library field encoder dispatcher
112L$GCX Graphics cursor handler
113L$PFA Library field pointer access routine
114L$PMR Plus / minus handler
115L$PTM Cursor post-move action routine
116LBRY Library display initialization
117LCSOFF Turn off character selector
118LCSON Turn on character selector
119LLDLS Display load options and instrument name
120LSD01 Library field decoder 1 - file number
121LSDMD Display media selection
122LSE01 Library field encoder 1 - file number
123LSELFT Select Functions
124LSELPT Select Patches
125LSELST Select Sequences
126LSEWT Select Waveshapes
127PCKPT Pack patch table
128RLOAD Reset load safety switch and clear message line
129ROADIE Instrument packer
130RTAPE Read block from tape
131SAPREP Select Append / Replace
132SDISK1 Select Disk-1 (3.5" drive)
133SDISK2 Select Disk-2 (8.0" drive)
134SLOAD Load
135SSTORE Store
136STAPE Select tape
137TWAIT Wait for tape inter-record gap (IRG)
138UPDIR Update directory display
139UPPTB Update patch table
140VBLNKS Display blanks on the color display
141WTAPE Write block on tape
145FPULSE Turn off a pulse
146MSL Patch-VI Main scan loop
147PJS Process joystick input
148TPULSE Turn on a pulse
151Subroutines by Module -- continued
156IVSET Setup interrupt vectors for multitasker
157MTINIT Initialize the multitasker
158MTOFF Disable multitasking
159MTOGL Enable interrupts if MT is enabled
160MTON Enable multitasking
161TCBI Insert TCB into TCB chain
162TINSH Insert TCB at head of TCB chain
163TINST Insert TCB at tail of TCB chain
164TRMV Remove TCB from TCB chain
165TRUN Put a task in run mode
166TSTART Start a task
167TSTOP Put a task in stop mode
171ADRTAC Access ADRTAB entry
172BLNKS Fill an area with blanks
173IDOK Check PBSWS status for a complete ID
174OBSC Offset binary sign change
175P$ATP Patch display cursor action dispatcher
176P$DH1 Dispatcher for patch decoders
177P$DH2 Dispatcher for patch encoders
178P$FPA Patch field pointer access routine
179P$MDH Patch display menu data handler
180P$PMR Patch + / - handler
181PCHOK Check PBSWS status for a complete patch
182PD01 Decode DEF field
183PD02 Decode STM field
184PD03 Decode ADDRS field
185PD04 Decode F of SM field F+C7
186PD05 Decode VL field
187PD06 Decode FN field
188PD07 Decode C7 of SM F+C7
189PD08 Decode DA field
190PE01 Patch data encoder for DEF field
191PE02 Patch data encoder for STM field
192PE03 Handle patch ADDRS field format
193PE04 Handle patch "SM F+C7" format (part 1 - "F")
194PE05 Handle patch VL field format
195PE06 Handle patch FN field format
196PE07 Handle patch "SM F+C7" format (part 2)
197PE09 Handle patch "DA F" format
198PE10 Handle patch "DA FF" format
199PE11 Handle patch "DA FFF" format
200PE12 Handle patch "DA FFFF" format
201PE13 Handle patch "DA G939" format
202PE15 Handle patch "DA !RF" format
205Subroutines by Module -- continued
208P6PDH - continued
210PE16 Handle patch "DA RF=C7" format
211PSRCH Search for and display a patch
212PTPRC Locate or update a patch and display it and its neighbors
213RELJMP Relative jump through a table at (DE) based on (A)
214TRJMP Jump based on @TYP and (DE)
215UPDTP Update or insert a patch
219DDIR Display directory
220DSPSU Reset display from safety net mode
221KCLR Clear 448 keyboard FIFO
222MAKDSK Make a system disk on the 3.5" microfloppy
223MH0 Directory menu handler
224PDK Process a data key entry from the 448 keyboard
225PUTKYN Put in key numbers
226SETDSP Set menu itme attributes
227SYSDSK Entry for ROMP to make a disk
228TVTEST CRT alignment test pattern
229XHWR Linkage to HWR
230XMAKTP Store system on tape
231XSINI User safety net routine for Init. System command
235DPRCLR Clear print status lines
236DPRSEL Display print selections
237DPRSTT Display print status
238DPRSUB Display a print selection entry
239GNL Get next line to print
240HDG Print page heading
241NXTPT Get next print type
242PR$DEL Process delete key for print display
243PR$FPA Print display field pointer access routine
244PR$PMR Print + / - handler
245PRDI Initialize print display
246PRINTX Printing routine
247PRTLN Print a line from PRMBUF
248TOF Skip to top of form
251Subroutines by Module -- continued
256ADLE Allocate DEFLST entry
257APTE Allocate patch table entry
258CPTE Compate patch table entries
259FDLE Free DEFLST entry
260FDST Find DEF/STM entry in DEFLST
261FNDP Find patch entry
262FPTE Free patch table entry
263IPTE Insert patch table entry
264XDFE Remove a DEFLST entry from the DEFPTR chain and delete it
265XPTE Delete patch table entry
269CLADR Calculate line address
270DCSB Display CTL subfield
271DCTL Display CTL DA field
272DCVAL Display C-Value
273DDAF Display DA field of patch
274DFNF Display function (FN) data field
275DKP Display KEY or PLS DA field
276DNV Display note value
277DOSF Display patch DEF or STM field
278DPAD Display patch address
279DPOP Display patch OP-CODE
280DPOPQ Display OP-CODE type for DPOP
281DPTW Display patch table window
282DREG Display REG DA field
283DSMF Display source/multiplier (SM) data field
284DSMU Display submenu
285DSPCUR Initialize the cursor
286DSPON Setup the display attributes
287DSPP Display patch entry
288DTRG Display TRG DA field
289DVLF Display value (VL) data field
290FPDF Fetch patch DA data field
291FPPD Find patch predecessor for display
292FPSD Find patch successor for display
293ISMA Intensify submenu area
294ISMM Intnesify submenu strip
295MBF Convert from mixed base hex to binary
296MBT Convert from binary to mixed base hex
297NOOP0 Return 0 (Z)
298NOOP1 Return 1 (NZ)
299P$SMU Patch display submenu handler
300PTDI Patch display setup
301PUTHDR Display header routine
304Subroutines by Module -- continued
309P6RTC "Real-Time" clock task
310SQTIME Update sequence timers
314CVO Calculate waveshape offset
315CVU Control voltage update
316OCV Calculate CV number and FPU address
317OFC Calculate CV number or oscillator offset
318OPA Calculate oscillator parameter address
319OSM Output source value
320SMX Output source control bytes for a voice
324ADR Convert (HL) to a window address
325WMF Move from window memory to main memory
326WMT Move from main memory to window memory
330MTC Move text cursor
331TCM Text cursor motion control routine
332TRC Calculate text offset
333TXY Setup text cursor location
334CTA Call (?FPA) to calculate ?FTP
335CC0 Null cursor routine
336CC1 Cursor up
337CC2 Cursor down
338CC3 Cursor right
339CC4 Cursor left
340PCURS Position cursor
341STRB Setup edit buffer switch and pointer
342STRC Setup @TCR and @TCC
343TCOFF Turn off text cursor
344TCON Turn on text cursor
345XNO Get current field number
349HWR Hardware / software reset
352Subroutines by Module -- continued
357CENTER Find center line of text screen area
358COLA Calculate offset line address
359CTOP Get line number of top of screen
360F$CD Function display cursor down handler
361F$CU Function display cursor up handler
362FFP Find first patch
363P$CD Patch table cursor down handler
364P$CU Patch table cursor up handler
365P6SCR Scrolling task
366S$CD Sequence display cursor down handler
367S$CU Sequence display cursor up handler
368SPREP Prepare for scrollin
369UPCP Update CPOS, PBUF, and PBSWS
370VBLANK Output (C) blanks to the fixed text display
371VBLNKS Output (C) blanks to the display
375CSLA Get sequence line into buffer
376CSLU Update sequence line in window memory
377CSLWA Calculate sequence line window address
378DSAF Display sequence action field
379DSLN Display sequence line number
380DSSE Display sequence table entry
381DSTF Display sequence time field
382DSTW Display sequence table window
383S$ATP Sequence display cursor action routine dispatcher
384S$DEL Sequence delete key processor
385S$DH1 Dispatcher for sequence field decoders
386S$DH2 Dispatcher for sequence field encoders
387S$FPA Sequence field pointer access routine
388S$MDH Sequence menu data handler
389S$PMR Sequence + / - handler
390S$SMU Sequence submenu display routine
391SD01 Sequence field 1 decoder - line number
392SD02 Sequence field 2 decoder - time
393SD03 Sequence field 3 deocder - action
394SE01 Sequence field 1 encoder - line number
395SE02 Sequence field 2 encoder - time
396SE03 Sequence field 3 encoder - action
397SFADR Calculate sequence subfield address
398SRDSP Redisplay current sequence line
399STDI Sequence display initialization
403DSTAT Display setup for status display
404P6STAT Background task for the status display
407Subroutines by Module -- continued
412BITX CTL bit execution subroutine
413CSEQLN Get address of sequence line for execution
414ECVAL Evaluate a C-Value
415EXECP Execute patch
416EXFN Execution code for FN ops
417EXHDR Execution header for calculating CVNUM and FPUADR
418EXSM Execution code for SM ops
419EXVL Execution code for VL ops
420FKE Process performance keys
421GETTRG Get a trigger from the trigger FIFO
422LEDX LED execution code
423NEWTRG Enter a trigger into the trigger FIFO (with DI/EI)
424NITRG Enter a trigger into the trigger FIFO (without DI/EI)
425OSG Output a function segment
426PSEQ Process sequences
427PTRG Process a trigger
428RGMIN Subtract CVALUE from a register
429RGPLUS Add CVALUE to a register
430RGRND Add / Subtract CVALUE from a register at random
431RGSET Store CVALUE in a register
432RNSCAL Scale a random value
433TSCAN Scan triggers
434UNPEND Remove a function from the pendant function list
438RST4 RTC interrupt handler / Debug relinquish CPU
439RST5 Relinquish CPU
440$$NXT Dispatch next task
443Subroutines by Name
446$$NXT TASKER Dispatch next task
448ADLE P6PTCH Allocate DEFLST entry
449ADR P6S2 Convert (HL) to a window address
450ADRTAC P6PDH Access ADRTAB entry
451APTE P6PTCH Allocate patch table entry
453BADIO P6LBRY Display I/O error message
454BITX P6XEQ CTL bit execution subroutine
455BLNKS P6PDH Fill an area with blanks
456BTOFPU P6FPT Convert (HL) to FPU format
458C3DADR P6DISK Calculate 3.5" disk address
459C8DADR P6DISK Calculate 8.0" disk address
460CC0 P6S3 Null cursor routine
461CC1 P6S3 Cursor up
462CC2 P6S3 Cursor down
463CC3 P6S3 Cursor right
464CC4 P6S3 Cursor left
465CDIRAD P6LBRY Calculate directory entry address
466CENTER P6SCR Find center line of text screen area
467CFLA P6FNS Calculate function line address
468CFTO P6FNS Convert (HL) for time format and output
469CLADR P6PTD Calculate line address
470CMISC P6INI Clear miscellaneous execution tables
471COLA P6SCR Calculate offset line address
472CPSUM P6LBRY Calculate buffer area checksum
473CPTE P6PTCH Compate patch table entries
474CSCMN P6LBRY Common processing for character selector
475CSEQLN P6XEQ Get address of sequence line for execution
476CSLA P6SEQ Get sequence line into buffer
477CSLU P6SEQ Update sequence line in window memory
478CSLWA P6SEQ Calculate sequence line window address
479CTA P6S3 Call (?FPA) to calculate ?FTP
480CTOP P6SCR Get line number of top of screen
481CVO P6S1 Calculate waveshape offset
482CVU P6S1 Control voltage update
485Subroutines by Name -- continued
488DAPREP P6LBRY Display Append / Replace
489DCSB P6PTD Display CTL subfield
490DCTL P6PTD Display CTL DA field
491DCVAL P6PTD Display C-Value
492DDAF P6PTD Display DA field of patch
493DDE P6LBRY Display directory entry
494DDIR P6PDK Display directory
495DFNA P6FNS Display function Action field
496DFNF P6PTD Display function (FN) data field
497DFNI P6FNS Display function I field
498DFNT P6FNS Display function Time field
499DFNV P6FNS Display function value field
500DFTW P6FNS Display function table window
501DIRUPD P6DISK Update the directory on disk if needed
502DKP P6PTD Display KEY or PLS DA field
503DNV P6PTD Display note value
504DOSF P6PTD Display patch DEF or STM field
505DPAD P6PTD Display patch address
506DPOP P6PTD Display patch OP-CODE
507DPOPQ P6PTD Display OP-CODE type for DPOP
508DPRCLR P6PRNT Clear print status lines
509DPRSEL P6PRNT Display print selections
510DPRSTT P6PRNT Display print status
511DPRSUB P6PRNT Display a print selection entry
512DPTW P6PTD Display patch table window
513DREG P6PTD Display REG DA field
514DSAF P6SEQ Display sequence action field
515DSFE P6FNS Display function table entry
516DSKSET P6DISK Setup for 8.0" block operations
517DSLN P6SEQ Display sequence line number
518DSMF P6PTD Display source/multiplier (SM) data field
519DSMU P6PTD Display submenu
520DSPCUR P6PTD Initialize the cursor
521DSPON P6PTD Setup the display attributes
522DSPP P6PTD Display patch entry
523DSPSU P6PDK Reset display from safety net mode
524DSSE P6SEQ Display sequence table entry
525DSTAT P6STAT Display setup for status display
526DSTF P6SEQ Display sequence time field
527DSTW P6SEQ Display sequence table window
528DTRG P6PTD Display TRG DA field
529DVLF P6PTD Display value (VL) data field
532Subroutines by Name -- continued
535ECVAL P6XEQ Evaluate a C-Value
536EXECP P6XEQ Execute patch
537EXFN P6XEQ Execution code for FN ops
538EXHDR P6XEQ Execution header for calculating CVNUM and FPUADR
539EXSM P6XEQ Execution code for SM ops
540EXVL P6XEQ Execution code for VL ops
542F$ATP P6FNS Function display cursor routine dispatcher
543F$CD P6SCR Function display cursor down handler
544F$CU P6SCR Function display cursor up handler
545F$DEL P6FNS Function display delete key handler
546F$DH1 P6FNS Dispatcher for function field decoders
547F$DH2 P6FNS Dispatcher for function field encoders
548F$FPA P6FNS Function field pointer access routine
549F$MDH P6FNS Function display menu data handler
550F$PMR P6FNS Function display + / - handler
551F$SMU P6FNS Function submenu display handler
552FD01 P6FNS Function field decoder 1 - Line number
553FD02 P6FNS Function field decoder 2 - Time
554FD03 P6FNS Function field decoder 3 - Value
555FD04 P6FNS Function field decoder 4 - Action = PLS
556FD05 P6FNS Function field decoder 5 - Action = KEY/ JMP
557FDLE P6PTCH Free DEFLST entry
559FE01 P6FNS Function field encoder 1 - Line number
560FE02 P6FNS Function field encoder 2 - Time
561FE03 P6FNS Function field encoder 3 - Value
562FE04 P6FNS Function field encoder 4 - PLS
563FE05 P6FNS Function field encoder 5 - KEY / JMP
564FFP P6SCR Find first patch
565FIRSTB P6DISK Calculate starting sector of block
566FKE P6XEQ Process performance keys
567FNDBLK P6DISK Find a free block
568FNDP P6PTCH Find patch entry
569FPDF P6PTD Fetch patch DA data field
570FPPD P6PTD Find patch predecessor for display
571FPSD P6PTD Find patch successor for display
572FPTE P6PTCH Free patch table entry
573FPU P6FPU Process FPU inputs
574FPULSE P6MSL Turn off a pulse
575FPUTOB P6FPT Convert (HL) to binary from FPU format
576FTDI P6FNS Function display setup
577FTTB P6FPT Convert @EBUF FPU time image to binary
578FZAP P6INI Clear the function data structure
580GETTRG P6XEQ Get a trigger from the trigger FIFO
581GNL P6PRNT Get next line to print
582GRAB P6FNS Grab a byte from (A) + (HL)
585Subroutines by Name -- continued
588HDG P6PRNT Print page heading
589HLBY2 P6DISK Divide (HL) by 2
590HWR P6S4 Hardware / software reset
592IDKV P6IDKV Validate character entry
593IDOK P6PDH Check PBSWS status for a complete ID
594IPTE P6PTCH Insert patch table entry
595ISMA P6PTD Intensify submenu area
596ISMM P6PTD Intnesify submenu strip
597IVSET P6MTSK Setup interrupt vectors for multitasker
599KCLR P6PDK Clear 448 keyboard FIFO
601L$ATP P6LBRY Library cursor action dispatcher
602L$DEL P6LBRY Delete key handler
603L$DH1 P6LBRY Library field decoder dispatcher
604L$DH2 P6LBRY Library field encoder dispatcher
605L$GCX P6LBRY Graphics cursor handler
606L$PFA P6LBRY Library field pointer access routine
607L$PMR P6LBRY Plus / minus handler
608L$PTM P6LBRY Cursor post-move action routine
609LBRY P6LBRY Library display initialization
610LCSOFF P6LBRY Turn off character selector
611LCSON P6LBRY Turn on character selector
612LEDX P6XEQ LED execution code
613LLDLS P6LBRY Display load options and instrument name
614LSD01 P6LBRY Library field decoder 1 - file number
615LSDMD P6LBRY Display media selection
616LSE01 P6LBRY Library field encoder 1 - file number
617LSELFT P6LBRY Select Functions
618LSELPT P6LBRY Select Patches
619LSELST P6LBRY Select Sequences
620LSEWT P6LBRY Select Waveshapes
622MAKDSK P6PDK Make a system disk on the 3.5" microfloppy
623MBF P6PTD Convert from mixed base hex to binary
624MBT P6PTD Convert from binary to mixed base hex
625MDSET P6DISK Setup for 3.5" disk I/O
626MH0 P6PDK Directory menu handler
627MSL P6MSL Patch-VI Main scan loop
628MTC P6S3 Move text cursor
629MTINIT P6MTSK Initialize the multitasker
630MTOFF P6MTSK Disable multitasking
631MTOGL P6MTSK Enable interrupts if MT is enabled
632MTON P6MTSK Enable multitasking
635Subroutines by Name -- continued
638NEWTRG P6XEQ Enter a trigger into the trigger FIFO (with DI/EI)
639NITRG P6XEQ Enter a trigger into the trigger FIFO (without DI/EI)
640NOOP0 P6PTD Return 0 (Z)
641NOOP1 P6PTD Return 1 (NZ)
642NXTPT P6PRNT Get next print type
644OBSC P6PDH Offset binary sign change
645OCV P6S1 Calculate CV number and FPU address
646OFC P6S1 Calculate CV number or oscillator offset
647OPA P6S1 Calculate oscillator parameter address
648OSG P6XEQ Output a function segment
649OSM P6S1 Output source value
651P$ATP P6PDH Patch display cursor action dispatcher
652P$CD P6SCR Patch table cursor down handler
653P$CU P6SCR Patch table cursor up handler
654P$DH1 P6PDH Dispatcher for patch decoders
655P$DH2 P6PDH Dispatcher for patch encoders
656P$FPA P6PDH Patch field pointer access routine
657P$MDH P6PDH Patch display menu data handler
658P$PMR P6PDH Patch + / - handler
659P$SMU P6PTD Patch display submenu handler
660P6INI P6INI Initialize Patch-VI
661P6RTC P6RTC "Real-Time" clock task
662P6SCR P6SCR Scrolling task
663P6STAT P6STAT Background task for the status display
664PCHOK P6PDH Check PBSWS status for a complete patch
665PCKPT P6LBRY Pack patch table
666PCURS P6S3 Position cursor
667PD01 P6PDH Decode DEF field
668PD02 P6PDH Decode STM field
669PD03 P6PDH Decode ADDRS field
670PD04 P6PDH Decode F of SM field F+C7
671PD05 P6PDH Decode VL field
672PD06 P6PDH Decode FN field
673PD07 P6PDH Decode C7 of SM F+C7
674PD08 P6PDH Decode DA field
675PDK P6PDK Process a data key entry from the 448 keyboard
676PE01 P6PDH Patch data encoder for DEF field
677PE02 P6PDH Patch data encoder for STM field
678PE03 P6PDH Handle patch ADDRS field format
679PE04 P6PDH Handle patch "SM F+C7" format (part 1 - "F")
680PE05 P6PDH Handle patch VL field format
681PE06 P6PDH Handle patch FN field format
682PE07 P6PDH Handle patch "SM F+C7" format (part 2)
685Subroutines by Name -- continued
688PE09 P6PDH Handle patch "DA F" format
689PE10 P6PDH Handle patch "DA FF" format
690PE11 P6PDH Handle patch "DA FFF" format
691PE12 P6PDH Handle patch "DA FFFF" format
692PE13 P6PDH Handle patch "DA G939" format
693PE15 P6PDH Handle patch "DA !RF" format
694PE16 P6PDH Handle patch "DA RF=C7" format
695PJS P6MSL Process joystick input
696PLZAP P6INI Clear the polyphony table
697PR$DEL P6PRNT Process delete key for print display
698PR$FPA P6PRNT Print display field pointer access routine
699PR$PMR P6PRNT Print + / - handler
700PRDI P6PRNT Initialize print display
701PRINTX P6PRNT Printing routine
702PRTLN P6PRNT Print a line from PRMBUF
703PSEQ P6XEQ Process sequences
704PSRCH P6PDH Search for and display a patch
705PTDI P6PTD Patch display setup
706PTPRC P6PDH Locate or update a patch and display it and its neighbors
707PTRG P6XEQ Process a trigger
708PUTHDR P6PTD Display header routine
709PUTKYN P6PDK Put in key numbers
710PZAP P6INI Clear the patch data structure
712R3BLK P6DISK Read a group of sectors from the 3.5" disk
713R8BLK P6DISK Read block from 8.0" disk
714RDDIR P6DISK Read directory
715RDISK P6DISK Read a block from disk
716RELJMP P6PDH Relative jump through a table at (DE) based on (A)
717RGMIN P6XEQ Subtract CVALUE from a register
718RGPLUS P6XEQ Add CVALUE to a register
719RGRND P6XEQ Add / Subtract CVALUE from a register at random
720RGSET P6XEQ Store CVALUE in a register
721RLOAD P6LBRY Reset load safety switch and clear message line
722RNSCAL P6XEQ Scale a random value
723ROADIE P6LBRY Instrument packer
724RST4 TASKER RTC interrupt handler / Debug relinquish CPU
725RST5 TASKER Relinquish CPU
726RTAPE P6LBRY Read block from tape
729Subroutines by Name -- continued
732S$ATP P6SEQ Sequence display cursor action routine dispatcher
733S$CD P6SCR Sequence display cursor down handler
734S$CU P6SCR Sequence display cursor up handler
735S$DEL P6SEQ Sequence delete key processor
736S$DH1 P6SEQ Dispatcher for sequence field decoders
737S$DH2 P6SEQ Dispatcher for sequence field encoders
738S$FPA P6SEQ Sequence field pointer access routine
739S$MDH P6SEQ Sequence menu data handler
740S$PMR P6SEQ Sequence + / - handler
741S$SMU P6SEQ Sequence submenu display routine
742SAPREP P6LBRY Select Append / Replace
743SD01 P6SEQ Sequence field 1 decoder - line number
744SD02 P6SEQ Sequence field 2 decoder - time
745SD03 P6SEQ Sequence field 3 deocder - action
746SDISK1 P6LBRY Select Disk-1 (3.5" drive)
747SDISK2 P6LBRY Select Disk-2 (8.0" drive)
748SE01 P6SEQ Sequence field 1 encoder - line number
749SE02 P6SEQ Sequence field 2 encoder - time
750SE03 P6SEQ Sequence field 3 encoder - action
751SETDSP P6PDK Set menu itme attributes
752SFADR P6SEQ Calculate sequence subfield address
754SMX P6S1 Output source control bytes for a voice
755SPACER P6FNS Output a space
756SPREP P6SCR Prepare for scrollin
757SQTIME P6RTC Update sequence timers
758SRDSP P6SEQ Redisplay current sequence line
760STAPE P6LBRY Select tape
761STDI P6SEQ Sequence display initialization
762STRB P6S3 Setup edit buffer switch and pointer
763STRC P6S3 Setup @TCR and @TCC
764SYSDSK P6PDK Entry for ROMP to make a disk
765SZAP P6INI Clear the sequence data structure
768Subroutines by Name -- continued
771TCBI P6MTSK Insert TCB into TCB chain
772TCM P6S3 Text cursor motion control routine
773TCOFF P6S3 Turn off text cursor
774TCON P6S3 Turn on text cursor
775TINSH P6MTSK Insert TCB at head of TCB chain
776TINST P6MTSK Insert TCB at tail of TCB chain
777TOF P6PRNT Skip to top of form
778TPULSE P6MSL Turn on a pulse
779TRC P6S3 Calculate text offset
780TRJMP P6PDH Jump based on @TYP and (DE)
781TRMV P6MTSK Remove TCB from TCB chain
782TRUN P6MTSK Put a task in run mode
783TSCAN P6XEQ Scan triggers
784TSTART P6MTSK Start a task
785TSTOP P6MTSK Put a task in stop mode
786TTBM P6FPT Convert digit in A and update HL
787TVTEST P6PDK CRT alignment test pattern
788TWAIT P6LBRY Wait for tape inter-record gap (IRG)
789TXY P6S3 Setup text cursor location
791UNPEND P6XEQ Remove a function from the pendant function list
793UPDIR P6LBRY Update directory display
794UPDTP P6PDH Update or insert a patch
795UPPTB P6LBRY Update patch table
797VBLANK P6SCR Output (C) blanks to the fixed text display
798VBLNKS P6LBRY Display blanks on the color display
799VBLNKS P6SCR Output (C) blanks to the display
801W3BLK P6DISK Write a group of sectors on the 3.5" disk
802W8BLK P6DISK Write a block on the 8.0" disk
803WDISK P6DISK Write a block on disk
804WMF P6S2 Move from window memory to main memory
805WMT P6S2 Move from main memory to window memory
806WTAPE P6LBRY Write block on tape
807WZAP P6INI Reset all waveshapes to the default waveshape
810Subroutines by Name -- continued
813XDFE P6PTCH Remove a DEFLST entry from the DEFPTR chain and delete it
814XHWR P6PDK Linkage to HWR
815XMAKTP P6PDK Store system on tape
816XNO P6S3 Get current field number
817XPTE P6PTCH Delete patch table entry
818XSINI P6PDK User safety net routine for Init. System command
819XTRG P6FPU Entry for Sustain / Enable processing (pendant functions)
821YDSKSE P6DISK Setup the microfloppy
822YERCHK P6DISK Error check and retry handler
823YHOME P6DISK Home the drive
824YREAD P6DISK Read a 256 byte sector from the 3.5" disk
825YSETRK P6DISK Set track and seek
826YWRITE P6DISK Write a 256 byte sector on the 3.5" disk
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