1 | * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 | * mtswap.s -- Multi-tasker -- swapper
3 | * Version 24 -- 1988-04-16 -- D.N. Lynx Crowe
4 | * (c) Copyright 1988 -- D.N. Lynx Crowe
5 | * Machine cycles are given as the first number in the comments for timing.
6 | * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 | .text
8 | *
9 | .xdef __MT_Swp
10 | .xdef __MT_Nxt
11 | *
12 | .xdef MT_Enq
13 | *
14 | .xref _MT_STpc
15 | .xref _MT_NTpc
16 | .xref _MT_LTCB
17 | *
18 | .xref _MT_TCBs * to force loading
19 | .xref _MT_CurP
20 | .xref _MT_RdyQ
21 | *
22 | .page
23 | *
24 | * TCB offsets
25 | * -----------
26 | NEXT .equ 0 * LONG - next TCB in queue
27 | FWD .equ NEXT+4 * LONG - next TCB in chain
28 | TID .equ FWD+4 * WORD - task ID
29 | PRI .equ TID+2 * WORD - task priority
30 | SLICE .equ PRI+2 * LONG - slice time limit
31 | REGS .equ SLICE+4 * LONG[16] - registers
32 | TCB_SP .equ REGS+64 * LONG - stack pointer
33 | TCB_PC .equ TCB_SP+4 * LONG - program counter
34 | TCB_SR .equ TCB_PC+4 * WORD - status register
35 | FLAGS .equ TCB_SR+2 * WORD - task flags
36 | TOS .equ FLAGS+2 * LONG - top of stack pointer
37 | *
38 | TCB_A6 .equ REGS+56 * LONG - task a6 image
39 | TCB_A7 .equ REGS+60 * LONG - task a7 image
40 | *
41 | MTF_RDY .equ $0001 * 'ready' bit
42 | NOT_RDY .equ $FFFE * 'ready' bit complement
43 | MTF_SWT .equ $0002 * 'wait' bit
44 | NOT_SWT .equ $FFFD * 'wait' bit complement
45 | MTF_RUN .equ $0004 * 'run' bit
46 | NOT_RUN .equ $FFFB * 'run' bit complement
47 | MTF_STP .equ $0008 * 'stop' bit
48 | NOT_STP .equ $FFF7 * 'stop' bit complement
49 | *
50 | IPL7 .equ $0700 * processor IPL 7 mask
51 | *
52 | RPRV .equ a1 * previous TCB pointer
53 | RCUR .equ a2 * current TCB pointer
54 | RNXT .equ a3 * next TCB pointer
55 | RTCP .equ a6 * general TCB pointer
56 | *
57 | RPRI .equ d0 * task priority
58 | RTST .equ d1 * test register
59 | *
60 | TRAP_SWP .equ 8 * swapper TRAP number 1
61 | TRAP_NXT .equ 9 * swapper TRAP number 2
62 | *
63 | .page
64 | *
65 | * _MT_Swp -- swap tasks
66 | * ------- ----------
67 | __MT_Swp: ori.w #IPL7,sr * 8 disable interrupts
68 | tst.l _MT_RdyQ * 20 see if anything is queued
69 | beq MT_runit * 8/10 re-run current task if not
70 | *
71 | movem.l a6-a7,-(a7) * 28 save a6,a7 on stack
72 | movea.l _MT_CurP,RTCP * 20 get current TCB pointer
73 | movem.l d0-d7/a0-a5,REGS(RTCP) * 152 put task d0-d7/a0-a5 in TCB
74 | move.l (a7)+,TCB_A6(RTCP) * 26 put task a6 in TCB
75 | move.l (a7)+,TCB_A7(RTCP) * 26 put task a7 in TCB
76 | move.w (a7)+,TCB_SR(RTCP) * 17 put task sr in TCB
77 | move.l (a7)+,TCB_PC(RTCP) * 26 put task pc in TCB
78 | move.l a7,TCB_SP(RTCP) * 18 put task sp in TCB
79 | andi.w #NOT_RUN,FLAGS(RTCP) * 21 turn off' run' bit
80 | move.w PRI(RTCP),RPRI * 12 get task priority
81 | lea _MT_RdyQ,RCUR * 8 point at ready queue
82 | movea.l (RCUR),RNXT * 12 get highest priority TCB
83 | move.l (RNXT),(RCUR) * 13 dequeue the TCB
84 | andi.w #NOT_RDY,FLAGS(RNXT) * 21 turn off 'ready' bit
85 | *
86 | MT_Enq: movea.l RCUR,RPRV * 4 point at previous TCB
87 | movea.l (RPRV),RCUR * 10 get pointer to next TCB
88 | move.l RCUR,RTST * 4 test pointer
89 | beq enq1 * 8/10 enqueue now if pointer is NIL
90 | *
91 | cmp.w PRI(RCUR),RPRI * 12 compare priorities
92 | bls MT_Enq * 8/10 jump if RPRI LE table TCB
93 | *
94 | enq1: move.l RTCP,(RPRV) * 9 set NEXT of previous TCB
95 | move.l RTCP,_MT_LTCB * 22 log last TCB swapped out
96 | move.l RCUR,(RTCP) * 9 set NEXT of rescheduled TCB
97 | ori.w #MTF_RDY,FLAGS(RTCP) * 21 turn on 'ready' bit
98 | movea.l RNXT,RTCP * 4 get new TCB pointer
99 | move.l RTCP,_MT_CurP * 22 make it the current TCB
100 | clr.l (RTCP) * 22 clear NEXT of current TCB
101 | ori.w #MTF_RUN,FLAGS(RTCP) * 21 turn on 'run' bit
102 | move.l TCB_PC(RTCP),_MT_STpc * 25 log dispatch address
103 | movea.l TCB_SP(RTCP),a7 * 16 get task sp
104 | move.l TCB_PC(RTCP),-(a7) * 26 put task pc on the stack
105 | move.w TCB_SR(RTCP),-(a7) * 26 put task sr on the stack
106 | movem.l REGS(RTCP),d0-d7/a0-a5 * 128 restore task d0-d7/a0-a5
107 | movea.l TCB_A6(RTCP),a6 * 26 restore task a6
108 | *
109 | MT_runit: rte * 20 (re)start the task
110 | *
111 | .page
112 | *
113 | * __MT_Nxt -- start the first task in the ready queue
114 | * -------- ---------------------------------------
115 | __MT_Nxt: ori.w #IPL7,sr * 8 disable interrupts
116 | movem.l a6-a7,-(a7) * 28 save a6,a7 on stack
117 | movea.l _MT_CurP,RTCP * 20 get current TCB pointer
118 | move.l RTCP,_MT_LTCB * 22 log last TCB swapped out
119 | movem.l d0-d7/a0-a5,REGS(RTCP) * 152 put task d0-d7/a0-a5 in TCB
120 | move.l (a7)+,TCB_A6(RTCP) * 26 put task a6 in TCB
121 | move.l (a7)+,TCB_A7(RTCP) * 26 put task a7 in TCB
122 | move.w (a7)+,TCB_SR(RTCP) * 17 put task sr in TCB
123 | move.l (a7)+,TCB_PC(RTCP) * 26 put task pc in TCB
124 | move.l a7,TCB_SP(RTCP) * 18 put task sp in TCB
125 | andi.w #NOT_RUN,FLAGS(RTCP) * 21 turn off' run' bit
126 | lea _MT_RdyQ,RCUR * 8 point at ready queue
127 | movea.l (RCUR),RNXT * 12 get highest priority TCB
128 | move.l (RNXT),(RCUR) * 13 dequeue the TCB
129 | andi.w #NOT_RDY,FLAGS(RNXT) * 21 turn off 'ready' bit
130 | movea.l RNXT,RTCP * 4 get new TCB pointer
131 | move.l RTCP,_MT_CurP * 22 make it the current TCB
132 | clr.l (RTCP) * 22 clear NEXT of current TCB
133 | ori.w #MTF_RUN,FLAGS(RTCP) * 21 turn on 'run' bit
134 | move.l TCB_PC(RTCP),_MT_NTpc * 25 log dispatch address
135 | movea.l TCB_SP(RTCP),a7 * 16 get task sp
136 | move.l TCB_PC(RTCP),-(a7) * 26 put task pc on the stack
137 | move.w TCB_SR(RTCP),-(a7) * 26 put task sr on the stack
138 | movem.l REGS(RTCP),d0-d7/a0-a5 * 128 restore task d0-d7/a0-a5
139 | movea.l TCB_A6(RTCP),a6 * 26 restore task a6
140 | rte * 20 start the task
141 | *
142 | .end