/* ============================================================================= asgvce.c -- MIDAS-VII -- assign voice / enter notes into score Version 12 -- 1988-10-03 -- D.N. Lynx Crowe ============================================================================= */ #undef DEBUGGER /* define to enable debug trace */ #define DEBUGIT 0 #include "ram.h" /* ============================================================================= clrnl() -- clear note list ============================================================================= */ void clrnl(void) { register int16_t i; DB_ENTR("clrnl"); for (i = 0; i < NNEVTS - 1; i++) { nevents[i].nxt = &nevents[i + 1]; nevents[i].note = 0; nevents[i].group = 0; } nevents[NNEVTS - 1].nxt = (struct nevent *)0L; nelist = (struct nevent *)0L; nefree = &nevents[0]; nkdown = 0; DB_EXIT("clrnl"); } /* ============================================================================= ne_end() -- enter a note end event ============================================================================= */ void ne_end(int16_t trg, int16_t grp) { register int16_t nn; register int32_t fcend; register struct nevent *nx; register struct n_entry *ep; DB_ENTR("ne_end"); /* must be recording into a voice in record mode ... */ if ((recsw EQ 0) OR (grpmode[grp] NE 2)) { DB_EXIT("ne_end"); return; /* ... or, we're done */ } DB_CMNT("ne_end - recording"); /* make pointers point in the forward direction */ if (sd EQ D_BAK) chgsdf(); if (se EQ D_BAK) chgsef(); nn = trg & 0x007F; /* note number */ if (clksrc NE CK_STEP) { /* not in step mode */ DB_CMNT("ne_end - non-step"); if ((struct n_entry *)E_NULL NE (ep = (struct n_entry *)e_alc(E_SIZE1))) { DB_CMNT("ne_end - enter note end"); ep->e_time = t_cur; ep->e_type = EV_NEND | 0x80; ep->e_note = (int8_t)nn; ep->e_group = (int8_t)grp; ep->e_vel = SM_SCALE(64); p_cur = e_ins((struct s_entry *)ep, ep_adj(p_cur, 0, t_cur))->e_fwd; if (t_cur EQ t_ctr) newflag = TRUE; se_disp((struct s_entry *)ep, D_FWD, gdstbc, 1); } else { DB_CMNT("ne_end - no space"); } DB_EXIT("ne_end"); return; } else if (nkdown GE 1) { /* process note entry in step mode */ DB_CMNT("ne_end - log key up"); if (0 EQ --nkdown) { /* if all keys are up ... */ if (stepenb) { /* advance by the note weight */ DB_CMNT("ne_end - advance weight"); fcend = fc_val + stepfrm[3][stepint]; fc_val += stepfrm[stepwgt][stepint]; sc_trek(fc_val); sc_trak(fc_val); DB_CMNT("ne_end - doing note ends"); } while (nelist) { nn = nelist->note; /* get note */ grp = nelist->group; /* get group */ if ((struct n_entry *)E_NULL NE (ep = (struct n_entry *)e_alc(E_SIZE1))) { DB_CMNT("ne_end - enter note end"); ep->e_time = t_cur; ep->e_type = EV_NEND | 0x80; ep->e_note = (int8_t)nn; ep->e_group = (int8_t)grp; ep->e_vel = SM_SCALE(64); p_cur = e_ins((struct s_entry *)ep, ep_adj(p_cur, 0, t_cur))->e_fwd; se_disp((struct s_entry *)ep, D_FWD, gdstbc, 1); if (lstendc < NLSTENTS) lstends[lstendc++] = ep; } else { DB_CMNT("ne_end - no space"); } DB_CMNT("ne_end - freeing nevent"); nx = nelist->nxt; /* get next nelist ptr */ nelist->nxt = nefree; /* free nelist entry */ nefree = nelist; /* ... */ nelist = nx; /* update nelist */ } lstflag = TRUE; /* indicate end of list */ DB_CMNT("ne_end - note ends done"); if (stepenb) { if (fc_val LT fcend) { /* advance to the interval */ DB_CMNT("ne_end - advance interval"); fc_val = fcend; sc_trek(fc_val); sc_trak(fc_val); } } } } else { nkdown = 0; /* no keys down */ lstendc = 0; /* no step entries to delete */ lstbgnc = 0; lstflag = FALSE; } DB_EXIT("ne_end"); } /* ============================================================================= ne_bgn() -- enter a note begin event ============================================================================= */ void ne_bgn(int16_t grp, int16_t key, int16_t vel) { register struct n_entry *ep; register struct nevent *np; DB_ENTR("ne_bgn"); /* must be recording into a group in record mode ... */ if ((recsw NE 0) AND (grpmode[grp] EQ 2)) { DB_CMNT("ne_bgn - recording"); /* make pointers point in the forward direction */ if (sd EQ D_BAK) chgsdf(); if (se EQ D_BAK) chgsef(); if (lstflag) { /* cancel old list of notes */ lstbgnc = 0; lstendc = 0; lstflag = FALSE; } if (clksrc EQ CK_STEP) { /* step mode */ DB_CMNT("ne_bgn - step"); ++nkdown; /* count keys down */ if (nefree) { /* log a key closure */ np = nefree; nefree = np->nxt; np->note = key; np->group = grp; np->nxt = nelist; nelist = np; DB_CMNT("ne_bgn - key logged"); } else { DB_CMNT("ne_bgn - nefree empty"); } } if ((struct n_entry *)E_NULL NE (ep = (struct n_entry *)e_alc(E_SIZE1))) { DB_CMNT("ne_bgn - enter note begin"); ep->e_time = t_cur; ep->e_type = EV_NBEG | 0x80; ep->e_note = (int8_t)key; ep->e_group = (int8_t)grp; ep->e_vel = (clksrc EQ CK_STEP) ? SM_SCALE(64) : vel; p_cur = e_ins((struct s_entry *)ep, ep_adj(p_cur, 0, t_cur))->e_fwd; se_disp((struct s_entry *)ep, D_FWD, gdstbc, 1); if (t_cur EQ t_ctr) newflag = TRUE; if ((clksrc EQ CK_STEP) AND (lstbgnc < NLSTENTS)) lstbgns[lstbgnc++] = ep; } else { DB_CMNT("ne_bgn - no space"); } } DB_EXIT("ne_bgn"); } /* ============================================================================= showvel() -- display velocity for a group ============================================================================= */ void showvel(int16_t g, int16_t v) { int8_t buf[6]; if (v_regs[5] & 0x0180) vbank(0); lastvel[g] = v; sprintf(buf, "%03d", (v / 252)); vputs(obj8, 5, (g * 5) + 6, buf, SDW11ATR); } /* ============================================================================= asgvce() -- assign a voice ============================================================================= */ void asgvce(int16_t grp, int16_t port, int16_t chan, int16_t key, int16_t vel) { register int16_t i; register int16_t tv; register int16_t vp; register int16_t trg; register int16_t aflag; DB_ENTR("asgvce"); trg = (port << 11) + (chan << 7) + key; /* trigger number */ vp = lastvce[grp] + 1; /* voice to start with */ vp = (vp > 11) ? 0 : vp; /* ... (adjust into range) */ DB_CMNT("asgvce - search unassgined"); for (i = 12; i--; ) { /* search for unassigned voice */ if ((vce2trg[vp] EQ -1) AND (vce2grp[vp] EQ (grp + 1))) { if ((ndisp EQ 2) AND velflag AND (NOT recsw)) showvel(grp, vel); lastvce[grp] = vp; execkey(trg, tuntab[key], vp, 0); DB_EXIT("asgvce - free voice"); return; } if (++vp > 11) vp = 0; } DB_CMNT("asgvce - seach non-held"); for (i = 12; i--; ) { /* search for non-held voice */ tv = vce2trg[vp]; if (tv EQ -1) aflag = TRUE; /* OK - unassigned */ else if (0 EQ (tv & (MKEYHELD << 8))) aflag = TRUE; /* OK - not held */ else aflag = FALSE; /* NO - held */ if (aflag AND (vce2grp[vp] EQ (grp + 1))) { if ((ins2grp[grp] & GTAG1) AND (tv NE trg) AND (tv NE -1)) legato = 1; if ((ndisp EQ 2) AND velflag AND (NOT recsw)) showvel(grp, vel); lastvce[grp] = vp; execkey(trg, tuntab[key], vp, 0); DB_EXIT("asgvce - stolen voice"); return; } if (++vp > 11) vp = 0; } DB_EXIT("asgvce - no voice"); }