/* ============================================================================= chksec.c -- section operation support functions Version 18 -- 1988-07-16 -- D.N. Lynx Crowe ============================================================================= */ #undef DEBUGGER /* define to enable debug trace */ #include "ram.h" int16_t cmslens[N_ETYPES] = { /* score event sizes for copy / merge */ 0, /* 0 - EV_NULL not copied or merged */ 0, /* 1 - EV_SCORE not copied or merged */ 0, /* 2 - EV_SBGN not copied or merged */ 0, /* 3 - EV_SEND not copied or merged */ 6, /* 4 - EV_INST */ 5, /* 5 - EV_NBEG */ 5, /* 6 - EV_NEND */ 5, /* 7 - EV_STOP */ 5, /* 8 - EV_INTP */ 6, /* 9 - EV_TMPO */ 6, /* 10 - EV_TUNE */ 6, /* 11 - EV_GRP */ 6, /* 12 - EV_LOCN */ 6, /* 13 - EV_DYN */ 6, /* 14 - EV_ANVL */ 6, /* 15 - EV_ANRS */ 6, /* 16 - EV_ASGN */ 6, /* 17 - EV_TRNS */ 5, /* 18 - EV_REPT */ 5, /* 19 - EV_PNCH */ 5, /* 20 - EV_PRES */ 0, /* 21 - EV_FINI not copied or merged */ 5, /* 22 - EV_CPRS */ 5, /* 23 - EV_BAR */ 5 /* 24 - EV_NEXT */ }; int8_t cmgtags[N_ETYPES] = { /* score event group sensitivity tags */ FALSE, /* 0 - EV_NULL not copied or merged */ FALSE, /* 1 - EV_SCORE not copied or merged */ FALSE, /* 2 - EV_SBGN not copied or merged */ FALSE, /* 3 - EV_SEND not copied or merged */ TRUE, /* 4 - EV_INST */ TRUE, /* 5 - EV_NBEG */ TRUE, /* 6 - EV_NEND */ FALSE, /* 7 - EV_STOP */ FALSE, /* 8 - EV_INTP */ FALSE, /* 9 - EV_TMPO */ FALSE, /* 10 - EV_TUNE */ TRUE, /* 11 - EV_GRP */ TRUE, /* 12 - EV_LOCN */ TRUE, /* 13 - EV_DYN */ TRUE, /* 14 - EV_ANVL */ TRUE, /* 15 - EV_ANRS */ FALSE, /* 16 - EV_ASGN */ TRUE, /* 17 - EV_TRNS */ FALSE, /* 18 - EV_REPT */ FALSE, /* 19 - EV_PNCH */ FALSE, /* 20 - EV_PRES */ FALSE, /* 21 - EV_FINI not copied or merged */ TRUE, /* 22 - EV_CPRS */ FALSE, /* 23 - EV_BAR */ FALSE /* 24 - EV_NEXT */ }; int8_t cmgtype[N_ETYPES] = { /* score event group types for copy / merge */ 0, /* 0 - EV_NULL not copied or merged */ 0, /* 1 - EV_SCORE not copied or merged */ 0, /* 2 - EV_SBGN not copied or merged */ 0, /* 3 - EV_SEND not copied or merged */ 0, /* 4 - EV_INST */ 1, /* 5 - EV_NBEG */ 1, /* 6 - EV_NEND */ 0, /* 7 - EV_STOP */ 0, /* 8 - EV_INTP */ 0, /* 9 - EV_TMPO */ 0, /* 10 - EV_TUNE */ 0, /* 11 - EV_GRP */ 0, /* 12 - EV_LOCN */ 0, /* 13 - EV_DYN */ 0, /* 14 - EV_ANVL */ 0, /* 15 - EV_ANRS */ 0, /* 16 - EV_ASGN */ 0, /* 17 - EV_TRNS */ 0, /* 18 - EV_REPT */ 0, /* 19 - EV_PNCH */ 0, /* 20 - EV_PRES */ 0, /* 21 - EV_FINI not copied or merged */ 1, /* 22 - EV_CPRS */ 0, /* 23 - EV_BAR */ 0 /* 24 - EV_NEXT */ }; int16_t ehdlist[N_ETYPES] = { /* hplist update type table */ -1, /* 0 - EV_NULL */ -1, /* 1 - EV_SCORE */ EH_SBGN, /* 2 - EV_SBGN */ EH_SEND, /* 3 - EV_SEND */ EH_INST, /* 4 - EV_INST */ -1, /* 5 - EV_NBEG */ -1, /* 6 - EV_NEND */ -1, /* 7 - EV_STOP */ EH_INTP, /* 8 - EV_INTP */ EH_TMPO, /* 9 - EV_TMPO */ EH_TUNE, /* 10 - EV_TUNE */ EH_GRP, /* 11 - EV_GRP */ EH_LOCN, /* 12 - EV_LOCN */ EH_DYN, /* 13 - EV_DYN */ -1, /* 14 - EV_ANVL */ EH_ANRS, /* 15 - EV_ANRS */ EH_ASGN, /* 16 - EV_ASGN */ EH_TRNS, /* 17 - EV_TRNS */ -1, /* 18 - EV_REPT */ -1, /* 19 - EV_PNCH */ -1, /* 20 - EV_PRES */ -1, /* 21 - EV_FINI */ -1, /* 22 - EV_CPRS */ -1, /* 23 - EV_BAR */ -1 /* 24 - EV_NEXT */ }; /* ============================================================================= oktocm() -- see if an event is OK to copy or merge returns: TRUE OK to copy or merge FALSE don't copy or merge ============================================================================= */ int16_t oktocm(struct s_entry *ep) { register int16_t et, grp, mode; et = 0x007F & ep->e_type; /* get event type */ if (0 EQ cmslens[et]) /* is this type not copied ? */ return(FALSE); /* return FALSE if so */ if (NOT cmgtags[et]) /* is it group sensitive ? */ return(TRUE); /* return TRUE if not */ /* get group number */ grp = 0x000F & (cmgtype[et] ? ep->e_data2 : ep->e_data1); if (NOT grpstat[grp]) /* group enabled ? */ return(FALSE); /* can't do it if not */ if ((et EQ EV_ANRS) OR (et EQ EV_ANVL)) /* analog */ mode = ancmsw ? varmode[0x0007 & (ep->e_data1 >> 4)][grp] : (grptmap[grp] EQ -1 ? 0 : 2); else /* other */ mode = grptmap[grp] EQ -1 ? 0 : 2; /* return TRUE if in record mode */ return((mode EQ 2) ? TRUE : FALSE); } /* ============================================================================= oktode() -- see if an non-note event is OK to delete returns: TRUE OK to delete FALSE don't delete ============================================================================= */ int16_t oktode(struct s_entry *ep) { register int16_t et, grp, mode; et = 0x007F & ep->e_type; /* get event type */ if ((et EQ EV_NBEG) OR (et EQ EV_NEND)) /* don't delete notes */ return(FALSE); if (NOT cmgtags[et]) /* is event group sensitive ? */ return(TRUE); /* return TRUE if not */ /* get group number */ grp = 0x000F & (cmgtype[et] ? ep->e_data2 : ep->e_data1); if (NOT grpstat[grp]) /* enabled ? */ return(FALSE); /* can't do it if not */ if ((et EQ EV_ANRS) OR (et EQ EV_ANVL)) /* analog */ mode = ancmsw ? varmode[7 & (ep->e_data1 >> 4)][grp] : grpmode[grp]; else /* other */ mode = grpmode[grp]; /* return TRUE if in record mode */ return((mode EQ 2) ? TRUE : FALSE); } /* ============================================================================= oktodg() -- see if a note event is OK to delete returns: TRUE OK to delete FALSE don't delete ============================================================================= */ int16_t oktodg(struct s_entry *ep) { register int16_t et, grp; et = 0x007F & ep->e_type; /* get event type */ if ((et NE EV_NBEG) AND /* is it a note begin ... */ (et NE EV_NEND)) /* ... or a note end ? */ return(FALSE); /* return FALSE if not */ grp = ep->e_data2; /* get group number */ if ((grpmode[grp] EQ 2) AND /* is group in record mode ... */ grpstat[grp]) /* ... and enabled ? */ return(TRUE); /* return TRUE if so */ else return(FALSE); /* return FALSE if not */ } /* ============================================================================= chksec() -- check for a valid section returns: 0 section OK (both ends found in proper order) 1 can't find the begin event 2 can't find the end event 3 section end occurs before section begin ============================================================================= */ int16_t chksec(int16_t ns) { register struct s_entry *ep; DB_ENTR("chksec"); /* find section beginning in seclist */ if (E_NULL EQ (p_sbgn = seclist[curscor][ns])) { secopok = FALSE; p_send = E_NULL; DB_EXIT("chksec - 1"); return(1); } t_sbgn = p_sbgn->e_time; /* save section start time */ /* find section end by scanning hplist */ ep = hplist[curscor][EH_SEND]; while (ep) { if (((ep->e_type & 0x007F) EQ EV_SEND) AND (ep->e_data1 EQ ns)) break; ep = ep->e_up; } if (E_NULL EQ (p_send = ep)) { /* error if not found */ secopok = FALSE; DB_EXIT("chksec - 2"); return(2); } /* get section end and check that it occurs after section begin */ if (t_sbgn GE (t_send = ep->e_time)) { secopok = FALSE; DB_EXIT("chksec - 3"); return(3); } t_sect = 1 + t_send - t_sbgn; /* calculate section time */ DB_EXIT("chksec - 0"); return(0); } /* ============================================================================= sizesec() -- find the size of a section returns: number of storage units required Assumes that the section passed chksec() and that p_sbgn and p_send are valid. Fails badly if not. ============================================================================= */ int32_t sizesec(void) { register int32_t ec; register int16_t et; register struct s_entry *sbp, *sep; DB_ENTR("sizesec"); ec = 0L; /* start with zero length */ sbp = p_sbgn->e_fwd; /* point to first event to copy */ sep = p_send; /* point at section end */ while (sbp NE sep) { /* scan up to section end ... */ et = 0x007F & sbp->e_type; /* get event type */ if (oktocm(sbp)) /* if it's one we want ... */ ec += cmslens[et]; /* ... add its length */ sbp = sbp->e_fwd; /* point at next event */ } #ifdef DEBUGGER if (ec) DB_CMNT("sizesec - non-null copy"); else DB_CMNT("sizesec - null copy"); #endif DB_EXIT("sizesec"); return(ec); /* return number of longs required */ } /* ============================================================================= edelta() -- adjust times in events above 'btime' by 'delta' ep pointer to event to start adjusting at btime base time delta adjustment factor added to event times ============================================================================= */ void edelta(struct s_entry *ep, int32_t btime, int32_t delta) { DB_ENTR("edelta"); while ((ep->e_type & 0x007F) NE EV_FINI) { /* for each event */ if (ep->e_time > btime) /* in range ? */ ep->e_time += delta; /* add delta */ ep = ep->e_fwd; /* point at next event */ } DB_EXIT("edelta"); } /* ============================================================================= madjsec() -- make a time-adjusted section copy Returns a pointer to the copy, or E_NULL if copy is empty. sbp section begin pointer to section to copy btime base time of copy Copy is bi-linked on e_fwd/e_bak, E_NULL terminated. Assumes that the section is complete and well ordered, and that we have enough free events to make the copy. Fails badly if not. ============================================================================= */ struct s_entry *madjsec(struct s_entry *sbp, int32_t btime) { int16_t ns, nv; register int16_t grp, es, et; register struct s_entry *ep, *np; struct s_entry *cp; register int32_t sat; DB_ENTR("madjsec"); np = ep = cp = E_NULL; /* initialize np, ep and cp */ ns = sbp->e_data1; /* get section number */ sat = sbp->e_time - btime; /* get section adjust time */ sbp = sbp->e_fwd; /* advance to first event to copy */ /* copy up to section end */ while (TRUE) { et = sbp->e_type & 0x007F; /* get event type */ /* we're done when we see the section end */ if ((EV_SEND EQ et) AND (sbp->e_data1 EQ ns)) break; if (oktocm(sbp)) { /* if event is copyable */ es = sbp->e_size; /* get event size */ np = e_alc(es); /* allocate event */ memcpyw(np, sbp, es << 1); /* make copy */ if (cmgtags[et]) { /* group sensitive ? */ grp = 0x000F & (cmgtype[et] ? np->e_data2 : np->e_data1); if ((et EQ EV_NBEG) OR (et EQ EV_NEND)) { /* regroup */ np->e_data2 = (np->e_data2 & 0x00F0) | grptmap[grp]; /* transpose */ nv = np->e_data1 + grptran; if (nv > 127) nv = 127; else if (nv < 0) nv = 0; np->e_data1 = nv; } else if ((et EQ EV_ANRS) OR (et EQ EV_ANVL)) { /* regroup */ np->e_data1 = (np->e_data1 & 0x000F) | (grptmap[grp] << 4); } else { /* regroup */ if (cmgtype[et]) np->e_data2 = (np->e_data2 & 0x00F0) | grptmap[grp]; else np->e_data1 = (np->e_data1 & 0x00F0) | grptmap[grp]; } } if (ep) { /* if copy started */ ep->e_fwd = np; /* link new event to copy */ } else { /* first event in chain */ DB_CMNT("madjsec - making copy"); cp = np; /* start the copy chain */ } np->e_bak = ep; /* link new event to previous one */ np->e_fwd = E_NULL; /* terminate the copy chain */ np->e_time -= sat; /* adjust the copied event time */ ep = np; /* point ep at new event */ } sbp = sbp->e_fwd; /* point at next event to copy */ } p_cbgn = cp; /* save address of start of copy */ p_cend = np; /* save address of end of copy */ if (cp) { DB_CMNT("madjsec - copy made"); t_cbgn = cp->e_time; /* save start time of copy */ t_cend = np->e_time; /* save end time of copy */ } DB_EXIT("madjsec"); return(cp); /* return start address of copy */ } /* ============================================================================= ehfix() -- put event headers in a copied section into hplist cbp pointer to first event in copy cep pointer to last event in copy ============================================================================= */ void ehfix(struct s_entry *cbp, struct s_entry *cep) { register int16_t et; for (;;) { /* for each event from cbp to cep ... */ et = 0x007F & cbp->e_type; /* get event type */ /* does event belong in hplist ? */ if (-1 NE ehdlist[et]) eh_ins(cbp, ehdlist[et]); /* if so, update hplist */ if (cbp EQ cep) /* see if we're done */ return; /* return if so */ cbp = cbp->e_fwd; /* advance to the next event */ } }