/* ============================================================================= cminit.c -- C-Meta parser functions Version 5 -- 1987-07-10 -- D.N. Lynx Crowe Some parser functions in C, modelled after HyperMeta(tm). Designed for, but not dedicated to, LR(k), top-down, recursive parsing. ============================================================================= */ #include "ram.h" #define CM_DBLK if (!QQanch) while (*QQip EQ ' ') ++QQip int16_t QQsw; /* parser result switch */ int16_t QQanch; /* parser anchored match switch */ int8_t *QQin; /* parser initial input pointer */ int8_t *QQip; /* parser current input pointer */ int8_t *QQop; /* parser string output pointer */ int32_t QQnum; /* parser numeric result */ int16_t QQlnum; /* parser list element number result */ int8_t QQdig; /* parser digit result */ int8_t QQchr; /* parser character result */ int8_t QQstr[CM_MXSTR]; /* parser string result */ /* ============================================================================= CMinit(ip) -- initialize the parser to work on the string at 'ip'. ============================================================================= */ void CMinit(int8_t *ip) { register int16_t i; register int8_t *t; QQip = ip; QQin = ip; QQsw = TRUE; QQanch = FALSE; QQdig = '?'; QQchr = '?'; QQnum = 0; QQop = QQstr; t = QQstr; for (i = 0; i < CM_MXSTR; i++) *t++ = '\0'; } /* ============================================================================= CMchr(c) -- attempt to match character 'c' in the input. ============================================================================= */ int16_t CMchr(int8_t c) { CM_DBLK; if (c NE *QQip) return(QQsw = FALSE); QQchr = *QQip++; return(QQsw = TRUE); } /* ============================================================================= CMuchr(c) -- attempt to match character 'c' in the input, ignoring case. ============================================================================= */ int16_t CMuchr(int8_t c) { register int8_t t; CM_DBLK; t = *QQip; if (isascii(c)) if (isupper(c)) c = _tolower(c); if (isascii(t)) if (isupper(t)) t = _tolower(t); if (c NE t) return(QQsw = FALSE); QQchr = *QQip++; return(QQsw = TRUE); } /* ============================================================================= CMstr(s) -- attempt to match string at 's' in the input. ============================================================================= */ int16_t CMstr(int8_t *s) { register int8_t *t; int8_t *q; CM_DBLK; t = QQip; q = s; while (*s) { if (*t++ NE *s++) return(QQsw = FALSE); } QQop = QQstr; while (*QQop++ = *q++) ; QQip = t; return(QQsw = TRUE); } /* ============================================================================= CMustr(s) -- attempt to match string 's' in the input, ignoring case. ============================================================================= */ int16_t CMustr(int8_t *s) { register int8_t *t, t1, t2; int8_t *q; CM_DBLK; t = QQip; q = s; while (*s) { t1 = *t++; t2 = *s++; if (isascii(t1)) if (isupper(t1)) t1 = _tolower(t1); if (isascii(t2)) if (isupper(t2)) t2 = _tolower(t2); if (t1 NE t2) return(QQsw = FALSE); } QQop = QQstr; while (*QQop++ = *q++) ; QQip = t; return(QQsw = TRUE); } /* ============================================================================= CMlong() -- attempt to parse a digit string in the input as a long. ============================================================================= */ int16_t CMlong(void) { register int8_t *p; register int32_t n; register int8_t c; CM_DBLK; p = QQip; n = 0L; c = *p++; if (!isascii(c)) return(QQsw = FALSE); if (!isdigit(c)) return(QQsw = FALSE); n = c - '0'; while (c = *p) { if (!isascii(c)) break; if (!isdigit(c)) break; n = (n * 10) + (c - '0'); ++p; } QQip = p; QQnum = n; return(QQsw = TRUE); } /* ============================================================================= CMdig() -- attempt to match a digit in the input string. ============================================================================= */ int16_t CMdig(void) { register int8_t c; CM_DBLK; c = *QQip; if (!isascii(c)) return(QQsw = FALSE); if (!isdigit(c)) return(QQsw = FALSE); QQdig = c; ++QQip; return(QQsw = TRUE); } /* ============================================================================= CMlist(l) -- attempt to match a string from the list 'l' in the input. ============================================================================= */ int16_t CMlist(int8_t *l[]) { register int16_t n; register int8_t *p, *q; CM_DBLK; n = 0; while (p = *l++) { q = p; if (CMstr(p)) { QQop = QQstr; while (*QQop++ = *q++) ; QQlnum = n; return(QQsw = TRUE); } ++n; } return(QQsw = FALSE); } /* ============================================================================= CMulist(l) -- attempt to match a string from the list 'l' in the input ignoring case in both the list and the input string. ============================================================================= */ int16_t CMulist(int8_t *l[]) { register int16_t n; register int8_t *p, *q; CM_DBLK; n = 0; while (p = *l++) { q = p; if (CMustr(p)) { QQop = QQstr; while (*QQop++ = *q++) ; QQlnum = n; return(QQsw = TRUE); } ++n; } return(QQsw = FALSE); } /* ============================================================================= CMstat(msg) -- output 'msg and dump parser status. Returns QQsw. ============================================================================= */ int16_t CMstat(int8_t *msg) { register int8_t *tp; tp = QQin; printf("%s\r\n", msg); printf(" QQsw: %s, QQanch: %s, QQchr: 0x%02x <%c>, QQdig: %c\r\n", (QQsw ? "OK" : "NOGO"), (QQanch ? "anchored" : "deblanked"), QQchr, (isascii(QQchr) ? (isprint(QQchr) ? QQchr : ' ') : ' '), QQdig); printf(" QQnum: %ld, QQlnum: %d\r\n", QQnum, QQlnum); printf(" QQstr: %s\r\n", QQstr); printf(" {%s}\r\n", QQin); printf(" "); while (tp++ NE QQip) printf(" "); printf("^\r\n"); return(QQsw); }