/* ============================================================================= etiosc.c -- MIDAS instrument editor -- oscillator field handlers Version 31 -- 1988-10-27 -- D.N. Lynx Crowe ============================================================================= */ #include "ram.h" /* initialized variables */ /* C C# D D# E F F# G G# A A# B */ int8_t notes[] = {2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 0, 0, 1}; /* A B C D E F G */ int16_t pitches[] = { 900, 1100, 0, 200, 400, 500, 700}; #include "ratio.h" /* short ratio[]; */ /* C C# D D# E F F# G G# A A# B */ int8_t sharps[] = {7, 9, 7, 9, 7, 7, 9, 7, 9, 7, 9, 7}; int16_t shrpflt[] = { 0, -100, 100}; int8_t sfdsp[] = {' ', (int8_t)D_FLAT, (int8_t)D_SHARP}; static int8_t intstr[] = "+0000"; static int8_t ratstr[] = "1/1"; static int8_t frqstr[] = "00.0"; static int8_t pchstr[] = "0C 00"; int16_t ndvals[10] = {0, 0, 1200, 1902, 2400, 2786, 3102, 3369, 3600, 3804}; /* ============================================================================= int2rat() -- convert interval to ratio ============================================================================= */ void int2rat(int16_t rat) { register int16_t den, inum, num; ebuf[0] = '1'; ebuf[1] = '/'; ebuf[2] = '1'; ebuf[3] = '\0'; for (num = 1; num < 10; num++) { inum = 10 * num; for (den = 1; den < 10; den++) { if (rat EQ ratio[inum + den]) { ebuf[0] = (int8_t)(num + '0'); ebuf[2] = (int8_t)(den + '0'); return; } } } } /* ============================================================================= cnvc2p() -- convert cents to pitch ============================================================================= */ void cnvc2p(int8_t *buf, int16_t cv) { int16_t rem, tmp; cv -= 160; buf[0] = (int8_t)(cv / 1200); rem = cv - (buf[0] * 1200); tmp = rem / 100; rem -= (tmp * 100); buf[1] = notes[tmp]; buf[2] = sharps[tmp]; buf[3] = (int8_t)(rem / 10); buf[4] = (int8_t)(rem - (buf[3] * 10)); } /* ============================================================================= cnvp2c() -- convert pitch to cents input in edit buffer: ebuf[0] = octave 0..9 ebuf[1] = note A..G (0..6) ebuf[2] = type natural, flat, sharp (7..9) ebuf[3] = ms byte of offset 0..9 ebuf[4] = ls byte of offset 0..9 output in cents ============================================================================= */ int16_t cnvp2c(void) { if (ebuf[0] EQ 9) { /* high limit is C9 00 */ if (ebuf[1] GT 2) return(FAILURE); else if (ebuf[1] EQ 2) { if (ebuf[2] NE 7) return(FAILURE); else if (ebuf[3] OR ebuf[4]) return(FAILURE); } } cents = (ebuf[0] * 1200) + pitches[ebuf[1]] + shrpflt[ebuf[2] - 7] + (ebuf[3] * 10) + ebuf[4] + 160; return(SUCCESS); } /* ============================================================================= et_iosc() -- load the edit buffer ============================================================================= */ int16_t et_iosc(int16_t nn) { register struct instdef *ip; register int16_t val, ctl, fh, fl, v; v = (nn >> 8) & 0x03; ip = &vbufs[curvce]; switch (v) { case 0: val = ip->idhos1v; ctl = ip->idhos1c; break; case 1: val = ip->idhos2v; ctl = ip->idhos2c; break; case 2: val = ip->idhos3v; ctl = ip->idhos3c; break; case 3: val = ip->idhos4v; ctl = ip->idhos4c; break; } bform = ctl & OC_MOD; switch (bform) { case OC_INT: /* interval */ sprintf(ebuf, "%04d%c", ((val < 0 ? -val : val) >> 1), (val < 0 ? '-' : '+')); ebflag = TRUE; return(SUCCESS); case OC_RAT: /* ratio */ int2rat(val >> 1); ebflag = TRUE; return(SUCCESS); case OC_FRQ: /* frequency */ fh = (val >> 1) / 10; fl = (val >> 1) - (fh * 10); sprintf(ebuf, "%02d.%d", fh, fl); ebflag = TRUE; return(SUCCESS); case OC_PCH: cnvc2p(ebuf, (val >> 1)); ebflag = TRUE; return(SUCCESS); } return(FAILURE); } /* ============================================================================= setoval() -- set oscillator mode and pitch/ratio variables ============================================================================= */ void setoval(struct instdef *ip, int16_t v, int16_t val) { switch (v) { case 0: ip->idhos1v = val << 1; ip->idhos1c = (int8_t)((ip->idhos1c & ~OC_MOD) | bform); break; case 1: ip->idhos2v = val << 1; ip->idhos2c = (int8_t)((ip->idhos2c & ~OC_MOD) | bform); break; case 2: ip->idhos3v = val << 1; ip->idhos3c = (int8_t)((ip->idhos3c & ~OC_MOD) | bform); break; case 3: ip->idhos4v = val << 1; ip->idhos4c = (int8_t)((ip->idhos4c & ~OC_MOD) | bform); break; } ip->idhfnc[v].idftmd = (int8_t)((ip->idhfnc[v].idftmd & ~I_NRATIO) | ((bform & 2) ? I_NRATIO : 0)); } /* ============================================================================= ef_iosc() -- unload (parse) edit buffer ============================================================================= */ int16_t ef_iosc(int16_t nn) { register struct instdef *ip; register int16_t v, i, tmp; v = (nn >> 8) & 3; ip = &vbufs[curvce]; ebflag = FALSE; switch (bform) { case OC_INT: /* interval */ tmp = 0; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) tmp = (tmp * 10) + (ebuf[i] - '0'); if (ebuf[4] EQ '-') tmp = -tmp; setoval(ip, v, tmp); modinst(); return(SUCCESS); case OC_RAT: /* ratio */ tmp = ndvals[ebuf[0] - '0'] - ndvals[ebuf[2] - '0']; setoval(ip, v, tmp); modinst(); return(SUCCESS); case OC_FRQ: /* frequency */ tmp = 0; for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) tmp = (tmp * 10) + ebuf[i] - '0'; tmp = (tmp * 10) + ebuf[3] - '0'; if (tmp GT 159) return(FAILURE); setoval(ip, v, tmp); modinst(); return(SUCCESS); case OC_PCH: /* pitch */ if (cnvp2c() EQ FAILURE) return(FAILURE); setoval(ip, v, cents); modinst(); return(SUCCESS); } return(FAILURE); } /* ============================================================================= rd_iosc() -- (re)display the field ============================================================================= */ int16_t rd_iosc(int16_t nn) { register struct instdef *ip; register int16_t val, ctl, fh, fl, v; int16_t n; int8_t ocs; v = (nn >> 8) & 0x03; n = nn & 0xFF; ip = &vbufs[curvce]; switch (v) { case 0: val = ip->idhos1v; ctl = ip->idhos1c; break; case 1: val = ip->idhos2v; ctl = ip->idhos2c; break; case 2: val = ip->idhos3v; ctl = ip->idhos3c; break; case 3: val = ip->idhos4v; ctl = ip->idhos4c; break; } bform = ctl & OC_MOD; ocs = ((v EQ 3) ? ' ' : (ctl & OC_SYN ? 'S' : 's')); switch (bform) { case OC_INT: /* interval */ sprintf(dspbuf, "Int %c%04d %c", (val < 0 ? '-' : '+'), ((val < 0 ? -val : val) >> 1), ocs); break; case OC_RAT: /* ratio */ int2rat(val >> 1); sprintf(dspbuf, "Rat %c/%c %c", ebuf[0], ebuf[2], ocs); break; case OC_FRQ: /* frequency */ fh = (val >> 1) / 10; fl = (val >> 1) - (fh * 10); sprintf(dspbuf, "Frq %02d.%d %c", fh, fl, ocs); break; case OC_PCH: strcpy(dspbuf, "Pch "); cnvc2p(&dspbuf[4], (val >> 1)); dspbuf[4] = (int8_t)(dspbuf[4] + '0'); dspbuf[5] = (int8_t)(dspbuf[5] + 'A'); dspbuf[6] = sfdsp[dspbuf[6] - 7]; dspbuf[7] = (int8_t)(dspbuf[7] + '0'); dspbuf[8] = (int8_t)(dspbuf[8] + '0'); dspbuf[9] = ' '; dspbuf[10] = ocs; dspbuf[11] = '\0'; break; } if (v_regs[5] & 0x0180) vbank(0); vcputsv(instob, 64, idbox[n][4], idbox[n][5], 18 + v , 36, dspbuf, 14); return(SUCCESS); } /* ============================================================================= setoscb() -- change oscillator data entry buffer format ============================================================================= */ void setoscb(int16_t n, int16_t v) { register struct instdef *ip; register int16_t bfm, ctl, val; register int8_t ocs; ip = &vbufs[curvce]; switch (v) { case 0: ctl = ip->idhos1c; val = ip->idhos1v; break; case 1: ctl = ip->idhos2c; val = ip->idhos2v; break; case 2: ctl = ip->idhos3c; val = ip->idhos3v; break; case 3: ctl = ip->idhos4c; val = ip->idhos4v; break; } ocs = ((v EQ 3) ? ' ' : (ctl & OC_SYN ? 'S' : 's')); bfm = ctl & OC_MOD; switch (bform) { case OC_INT: /* interval */ if ((bfm EQ OC_RAT) OR (bfm EQ OC_INT)) { sprintf(ebuf, "%04d%c", ((val < 0 ? -val : val) >> 1), (val < 0 ? '-' : '+')); sprintf(dspbuf, "Int %c%04d %c", (val < 0 ? '-' : '+'), ((val < 0 ? -val : val) >> 1), ocs); } else { strcpy(ebuf, "0000+"); sprintf(dspbuf, "Int %s %c", intstr, ocs); } break; case OC_RAT: /* ratio */ if (bfm EQ OC_RAT) { int2rat(val >> 1); sprintf(dspbuf, "Rat %c/%c %c", ebuf[0], ebuf[2], ocs); } else { strcpy(ebuf, ratstr); sprintf(dspbuf, "Rat %s %c", ratstr, ocs); } break; case OC_FRQ: /* frequency */ strcpy(ebuf, frqstr); sprintf(dspbuf, "Frq %s %c", frqstr, ocs); break; case OC_PCH: /* pitch */ ebuf[0] = 0; /* 0 */ ebuf[1] = 2; /* C */ ebuf[2] = 7; /* */ ebuf[3] = 0; /* 0 */ ebuf[4] = 0; /* 0 */ sprintf(dspbuf, "Pch %s %c", pchstr, ocs); break; } ebflag = TRUE; if (v_regs[5] & 0x0180) vbank(0); vcputsv(instob, 64, ID_ENTRY, idbox[n][5], stcrow, 36, dspbuf, 14); } /* ============================================================================= setosyn() -- set oscillator sync mode ============================================================================= */ void setosyn(int16_t n, int16_t v, int16_t t) { register struct instdef *ip; register int8_t *sc; ip = &vbufs[curvce]; if (stcrow EQ 21) return; sc = t ? "S" : "s"; switch (v) { case 0: ip->idhos1c = (int8_t)((ip->idhos1c & ~OC_SYN) | (t ? OC_SYN : 0)); break; case 1: ip->idhos2c = (int8_t)((ip->idhos2c & ~OC_SYN) | (t ? OC_SYN : 0)); break; case 2: ip->idhos3c = (int8_t)((ip->idhos3c & ~OC_SYN) | (t ? OC_SYN : 0)); break; case 3: return; } dosync(curvce); if (v_regs[5] & 0x0180) vbank(0); vcputsv(instob, 64, idbox[n][4], idbox[n][5], stcrow, stccol, sc, 14); modinst(); } /* ============================================================================= nd_iosc() -- handle new data entry ============================================================================= */ int16_t nd_iosc(int16_t nn, int16_t k) { register int16_t v, n; n = nn & 0xFF; v = (nn >> 8) & 3; if (stccol LT 39) { /* mode */ if (k EQ 8) { /* - */ if (--bform LT 0) bform = 3; setoscb(n, v); return(SUCCESS); } else if (k EQ 9) { /* + */ if (++bform GT 3) bform = 0; setoscb(n, v); return(SUCCESS); } else return(FAILURE); } else if (stccol EQ 46) { /* sync */ if (stcrow EQ 21) return(FAILURE); if (k EQ 8) { /* - */ setosyn(n, v, 0); /* off */ return(SUCCESS); } else if (k EQ 9) { /* + */ setosyn(n, v, 1); /* on */ return(SUCCESS); } else return(FAILURE); } else if ((stccol GE 40) AND (stccol LE 44)) { /* value */ switch (bform) { case OC_INT: /* interval */ if (stccol EQ 40) { /* sign */ if (k EQ 8) { /* - */ k = '-'; ebuf[4] = '-'; } else if (k EQ 9) { /* + */ k = '+'; ebuf[4] = '+'; } else return(FAILURE); } else { ebuf[stccol - 41] = (int8_t)(k + '0'); } dspbuf[0] = (int8_t)((k > 9) ? k : (k + '0')); dspbuf[1] = '\0'; if (v_regs[5] & 0x0180) vbank(0); vcputsv(instob, 64, ID_ENTRY, idbox[n][5], stcrow, stccol, dspbuf, 14); if (stccol EQ 44) return(SUCCESS); advicur(); return(SUCCESS); case OC_RAT: /* ratio */ if (stccol EQ 40) { if (k) { ebuf[0] = dspbuf[0] = (int8_t)(k + '0'); dspbuf[1] = '\0'; if (v_regs[5] & 0x0180) vbank(0); vcputsv(instob, 64, ID_ENTRY, idbox[n][5], stcrow, stccol, dspbuf, 14); advicur(); advicur(); return(SUCCESS); } else return(FAILURE); } else if (stccol EQ 42) { if (k) { ebuf[2] = dspbuf[0] = (int8_t)(k + '0'); dspbuf[1] = '\0'; if (v_regs[5] & 0x0180) vbank(0); vcputsv(instob, 64, ID_ENTRY, idbox[n][5], stcrow, stccol, dspbuf, 14); return(SUCCESS); } else return(FAILURE); } else { return(FAILURE); } case OC_FRQ: /* frequency */ if (stccol EQ 42) return(FAILURE); ebuf[stccol - 40] = (int8_t)(k + '0'); dspbuf[0] = (int8_t)(k + '0'); dspbuf[1] = '\0'; if (v_regs[5] & 0x0180) vbank(0); vcputsv(instob, 64, ID_ENTRY, idbox[n][5], stcrow, stccol, dspbuf, 14); if (stccol EQ 44) return(SUCCESS); advicur(); if (stccol EQ 42) advicur(); return(SUCCESS); case OC_PCH: /* pitch */ switch (stccol) { case 40: ebuf[0] = (int8_t)k; dspbuf[0] = (int8_t)(k + '0'); break; case 41: if (k GT 6) return(FAILURE); ebuf[1] = (int8_t)k; dspbuf[0] = (int8_t)(k + 'A'); break; case 42: if (k EQ 7) { /* blank */ ebuf[2] = (int8_t)k; dspbuf[0] = sfdsp[0]; break; } else if (k EQ 8) { /* flat */ ebuf[2] = (int8_t)k; dspbuf[0] = sfdsp[1]; break; } else if (k EQ 9) { /* sharp */ ebuf[2] = (int8_t)k; dspbuf[0] = sfdsp[2]; break; } else return(FAILURE); case 43: case 44: ebuf[stccol - 40] = (int8_t)k; dspbuf[0] = (int8_t)(k + '0'); break; } dspbuf[1] = '\0'; if (v_regs[5] & 0x0180) vbank(0); vcputsv(instob, 64, ID_ENTRY, idbox[n][5], stcrow, stccol, dspbuf, 14); if (stccol EQ 44) return(SUCCESS); advicur(); return(SUCCESS); } return(FAILURE); } else { return(FAILURE); } }