/* ============================================================================= etloc.c -- location field handlers Version 11 -- 1988-07-13 -- D.N. Lynx Crowe ============================================================================= */ #include "stddefs.h" #include "fields.h" #include "hwdefs.h" #include "fpu.h" #include "graphdef.h" #include "vsdd.h" #include "vsddsw.h" #include "score.h" #include "scfns.h" #include "midas.h" #include "scdsp.h" #include "instdsp.h" extern unsigned setsr(unsigned sr); extern unsigned *obj8; extern unsigned curintp; extern short ctrsw; extern short timemlt; extern short recsw; extern short stccol; extern short grploc[]; extern short grpmode[]; extern short grpstat[]; extern short loctab[]; extern short vce2grp[]; extern unsigned expbit[]; extern struct gdsel *gdstbc[]; extern struct instdef vbufs[]; /* */ /* ============================================================================= et_loc() -- load edit buffer ============================================================================= */ short et_loc(short n) { ebuf[0] =grploc[n] + 1 + '0'; ebuf[1] = '\0'; ebflag = TRUE; return(SUCCESS); } /* */ /* ============================================================================= setloc() -- set location ============================================================================= */ void setloc(short grp, short loc) { register short g, i, val; register long ltmp; register unsigned *fpu; register struct idfnhdr *fp; unsigned fpmant, fpexp; short oldsr; short nop; grploc[grp] = loc; val = (loctab[loc] << 1) ^ 0x8000; g = grp + 1; fpmant = (((long)curintp & 0x0000FFF0L) * ((long)timemlt & 0x0000FFFFL)) >> 15; fpexp = expbit[curintp & 0x000F]; /* */ for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) if (g EQ vce2grp[i]) { fp = &vbufs[i].idhfnc[4]; fpu = io_fpu + FPU_OFNC + (i << 8) + 0x0040; oldsr = setsr(0x2200); /* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ FPU interrupts disabled +++++++++++++++++++++ */ fp->idftmd ^= I_NVBITS; *(fpu + (long)FPU_TMNT) = fpmant; ++nop; ++nop; ++nop; *(fpu + (long)FPU_TEXP) = fpexp; ++nop; ++nop; ++nop; if (fp->idftmd & I_VNSUBN) *(fpu + (long)FPU_TNV1) = val; else *(fpu + (long)FPU_TNV0) = val; ++nop; ++nop; ++nop; *(fpu + (long)FPU_TCTL) = (fp->idftmd & (I_NRATIO | I_NVBITS)) | 0x0001; setsr(oldsr); /* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Interrupts restored +++++++++++++++++++++++++ */ } } /* */ /* ============================================================================= ef_loc() -- parse edit buffer ============================================================================= */ short ef_loc(short n) { register short ival; register struct s_entry *ep; ebuf[1] = '\0'; ival = ebuf[0] - '0'; ebflag = FALSE; if (ival EQ 0) return(FAILURE); --ival; setloc(n, ival); if (recsw AND grpstat[n] AND (2 EQ grpmode[n])) { if (E_NULL NE (ep = findev(p_cur, t_cur, EV_LOCN, n, -1))) { ep->e_data2 = ival; } else if (E_NULL NE (ep = e_alc(E_SIZE2))) { ep->e_type = EV_LOCN; ep->e_data1 = n; ep->e_data2 = ival; ep->e_time = t_cur; p_cur = e_ins(ep, ep_adj(p_cur, 0, t_cur))->e_fwd; eh_ins(ep, EH_LOCN); ctrsw = TRUE; se_disp(ep, D_FWD, gdstbc, 1); scupd(); } } return(SUCCESS); } /* */ /* ============================================================================= rd_loc() -- (re)display the field ============================================================================= */ short rd_loc(short n) { if (v_regs[5] & 0x0180) vbank(0); vputc(obj8, 4, 8+(n*5), (grploc[n] + 1 + '0'), SDW11ATR); return(SUCCESS); } /* ============================================================================= ds_loc() -- display all location to group assignments ============================================================================= */ void ds_loc(void) { register short i; for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) rd_loc(i); } /* */ /* ============================================================================= nd_loc() -- data entry function ============================================================================= */ short nd_loc(short n, short k) { ebuf[0] = k + '0'; if (v_regs[5] & 0x0180) vbank(0); vputc(obj8, 4, stccol, k + '0', SDW11DEA); advscur(); return(SUCCESS); }