/* ============================================================================= ldselbx.c -- librarian box selection functions Version 46 -- 1988-11-18 -- D.N. Lynx Crowe ============================================================================= */ #define DEBUGIT 0 #include "ram.h" int16_t ft2lt[] = { /* file type to load type map */ LT_ASG, LT_ORL, LT_ORH, LT_SCR, LT_TUN, LT_WAV, LT_ORL, LT_PAT, LT_SEQ }; struct selbox ldboxes[] = { { 1, 1, 510, 13, 0, ldfnbox}, /* 0 - index area label */ { 1, 14, 510, 293, 1, ldfnbox}, /* 1 - index area */ { 1, 294, 78, 307, 2, ldfnbox}, /* 2 - file name label */ { 80, 294, 143, 307, 3, ldfnbox}, /* 3 - file name */ {145, 294, 214, 307, 4, ldfnbox}, /* 4 - comment label */ {216, 294, 510, 307, 5, ldfnbox}, /* 5 - comment */ { 1, 308, 70, 321, 6, ldfnbox}, /* 6 - fetch */ { 1, 322, 70, 335, 7, ldfnbox}, /* 7 - replace / append */ { 1, 336, 70, 349, 8, ldfnbox}, /* 8 - lo orch / hi orch */ { 72, 308, 255, 349, 9, ldfnbox}, /* 9 - store */ {257, 308, 510, 349, 10, ldfnbox}, /* 10 - message window */ { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, FN_NULL} /* end of table */ }; /* ============================================================================= skperr() -- complain about an error while skipping a score ============================================================================= */ void skperr(int16_t sn) { int8_t scid[32]; int8_t erms[64]; clrlsel(); sprintf(scid, " score %d", sn + 1); sprintf(erms, " errno = %d", errno); ldermsg("Couldn't skip", scid, erms, LD_EMCF, LD_EMCB); } /* ============================================================================= skp_ec() -- skip with error checking ============================================================================= */ int16_t skp_ec(FILE *fp, int32_t len) { register int32_t count; register int16_t c; int8_t errbuf[64]; for (count = 0; count < len; count++) { errno = 0; if (EOF EQ (c = getc(fp))) { sprintf(errbuf, "errno = %d", errno); ldermsg("Unexpected EOF", errbuf, (int8_t *)NULL, LD_EMCF, LD_EMCB); #if DEBUGIT if (debugsw) FILEpr(fp); #endif fclose(fp); postio(); /* restore LCD backlight */ return(FAILURE); } } return(SUCCESS); } /* ============================================================================= scskip() -- skip a score starting with its section list ============================================================================= */ int16_t scskip(FILE *fp, int16_t ns) { register int16_t ehdr, go; int8_t etype; int8_t erms[64]; go = TRUE; if (skp_ec(fp, (int32_t)(N_SECTS * 12))) { /* skip section times */ skperr(ns); return(FAILURE); } if (rd_ec(fp, &etype, 1L)) { /* read first score header event */ skperr(ns); return(FAILURE); } if (etype NE EV_SCORE) { /* complain if it's not a score event */ sprintf(erms, " score %d etype = %d", ns + 1, etype); ldermsg("Bad score --", " 1st event is wrong", erms, LD_EMCF, LD_EMCB); return(FAILURE); } if (skp_ec(fp, (int32_t)(scsizes[etype][1] - 1))) { /* skip data */ skperr(ns); return(FAILURE); } do { /* skip remaining score events */ if (rd_ec(fp, &etype, 1L)) { /* get event type */ skperr(ns); return(FAILURE); } /* skip the event's data */ if (skp_ec(fp, (int32_t)(scsizes[etype][1] - 1))) { skperr(ns); return(FAILURE); } if (etype EQ EV_FINI) /* check for score end */ go = FALSE; } while (go); return(SUCCESS); } /* ============================================================================= ldermsg() -- display an error message if none is up already ============================================================================= */ void ldermsg(int8_t *p1, int8_t *p2, int8_t *p3, uint16_t p4, uint16_t p5) { int8_t msgbuf[64]; if (NOT lderrsw) { /* put up new messages only */ strcpy(msgbuf, "ERROR: "); strcat(msgbuf, p1); ldwmsg(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5); } lderrsw = TRUE; /* set error state */ } /* ============================================================================= clrerms() -- clear an error message from the message window ============================================================================= */ void clrerms(void) { if (lderrsw) { lderrsw = FALSE; lmwclr(); ldswin(10); } } /* ============================================================================= clrlsel() -- clear library selection ============================================================================= */ void clrlsel(void) { if (lselsw) { if (lrasw) { lksel = -1; ldpass = 0; pkctrl = oldpk; sliders = oldsl; swpt = oldsw; lcdlbls(); setleds(); fcindex(); } else { dslslot(ldslot, exp_c(ldbox[1][4]), ldrow); } } fcreset(); } /* ============================================================================= endltyp() -- end function for virtual typewriter ============================================================================= */ void endltyp(void) { lmwclr(); ldswin(10); } /* ============================================================================= savefc() -- save name and comment from loaded or stored file ============================================================================= */ void savefc(int16_t kind) { int16_t fi; fi = ft2lt[kind - 1]; if (kind EQ FT_ORC) fi = lorchl ? LT_ORH : LT_ORL; memcpy(loadedf[fi], ldfile, 8); memcpy(loadedc[fi], ldcmnt, 37); } /* ============================================================================= lcancel() -- cancel librarian selections ============================================================================= */ int16_t lcancel(int16_t lct) { int16_t rc; rc = FALSE; if ((lct NE 0) AND lselsw) { rc = TRUE; clrlsel(); } if ((lct NE 1) AND (lstrsw OR (NOT ckstor()))) { rc = TRUE; streset(); } if ((lct NE 2) AND ldelsw) { rc = TRUE; ldelsw = FALSE; dslslot(ldslot, exp_c(ldbox[1][4]), ldrow); } return(rc); } /* ============================================================================= dpy_scr() -- display score contents entry ============================================================================= */ void dpy_scr(uint16_t color, int16_t ns) { int8_t buf[40]; int32_t scl; if (ndisp NE 0) return; if (v_regs[5] & 0x0180) vbank(0); if (ldmap[ns] EQ -1) strcpy(buf, " "); else sprintf(buf, "%02d", 1 + ldmap[ns]); vcputsv(librob, 64, ldbox[1][4], ldbox[1][5], 1 + ns, 1, buf, 14); if (-1L EQ (scl = sindex[ns].sclen)) strcpy(buf, "{ empty score } 0"); else sprintf(buf, "%-16.16s %5ld", sindex[ns].scfnm, scl); vcputsv(librob, 64, color, ldbox[1][5], 1 + ns, 4, buf, 14); } /* ============================================================================= lst_scr() -- list the score contents directory ============================================================================= */ void lst_scr(void) { register int16_t i; uint16_t cx; if (ndisp NE 0) return; point = ldpoint; cx = exp_c(ldbox[0][5]); if (v_regs[5] & 0x0180) vbank(0); vbfill4(librob, 128, ldbox[0][0], ldbox[0][1], ldbox[0][2], ldbox[0][3], cx); tsplot4(librob, 64, ldbox[0][4], ldbox[0][6], ldbox[0][7], "No Score Name Length", 14); lseg( 8, 13, 23, 13, LUNDRLN); lseg( 32, 13, 159, 13, LUNDRLN); lseg(168, 13, 215, 13, LUNDRLN); cx = exp_c(ldbox[1][5]); vbfill4(librob, 128, ldbox[1][0], ldbox[1][1], ldbox[1][2], ldbox[1][3], cx); for (i = 0; i < N_SCORES; i++) dpy_scr(ldbox[1][4], i); } /* ============================================================================= ndx_scr() -- display the table of contents for a score ============================================================================= */ int16_t ndx_scr(int16_t slot) { register FILE *fp; register int16_t i; register int32_t rlen; int32_t rdlen; int8_t msgbuf1[64]; int8_t msgbuf2[64]; ldpass = 0; for (i = 0; i < N_SCORES; i++) { sindex[i].sclen = -1L; memset(sindex[i].scfnm, ' ', 16); } errno = 0; if ((FILE *)NULL EQ (fp = fopenb(slotnam(slot, FT_SCR), "r"))) { sprintf(msgbuf2, " errno = %d", errno); ldermsg("Couldn't open the file", " for the scores", msgbuf2, LD_EMCF, LD_EMCB); clrlsel(); return(FAILURE); } errno = 0; if (fseek(fp, 60L, 1)) { /* seek past header */ sprintf(msgbuf2, " errno = %d", errno); ldermsg("Seek failure", (int8_t *)NULL, msgbuf2, LD_EMCF, LD_EMCB); #if DEBUGIT if (debugsw) FILEpr(fp); #endif fclose(fp); postio(); /* restore LCD backlight */ clrlsel(); return(FAILURE); } #if DEBUGIT if (debugsw) FILEpr(fp); #endif for (i = 0; i < N_SCORES; i++) { if (rd_ec(fp, &rdlen, 4L)) { sprintf(msgbuf1, " of score %d", i + 1); sprintf(msgbuf2, " errno = %d", errno); ldermsg("Unable to read the length", msgbuf1, msgbuf2, LD_EMCF, LD_EMCB); #if DEBUGIT if (debugsw) FILEpr(fp); #endif clrlsel(); return(FAILURE); } sindex[i].sclen = rdlen; if (-1L NE rdlen) { if (rd_ec(fp, sindex[i].scfnm, 16L)) { sprintf(msgbuf1, " of score %d", i + 1); sprintf(msgbuf2, " errno = %d", errno); ldermsg("Unable to read the name", msgbuf1, msgbuf2, LD_EMCF, LD_EMCB); #if DEBUGIT if (debugsw) FILEpr(fp); #endif clrlsel(); return(FAILURE); } errno = 0; if (scskip(fp, i)) { sprintf(msgbuf1, " score %d", i + 1); sprintf(msgbuf2, " errno=%d rlen=%ld", errno, rlen); ldermsg("Unable to skip past", msgbuf1, msgbuf2, LD_EMCF, LD_EMCB); #if DEBUGIT if (debugsw) FILEpr(fp); #endif fclose(fp); postio(); /* restore LCD backlight */ clrlsel(); return(FAILURE); } } } fclose(fp); postio(); /* restore LCD backlight */ ldpass = 1; lst_scr(); point = GLCplot; GLCcurs(G_ON); if (ismode NE IS_NULL) { /* cancel inst. mode */ ismode = IS_NULL; pkctrl = oldpk; sliders = oldsl; swpt = oldsw; lcdlbls(); } if (gomode NE GO_NULL) { /* cancel goto mode */ gomode = GO_NULL; pkctrl = oldpk; lseg(GOTO_XL, GOTO_Y, GOTO_XR, GOTO_Y, 0); } if (asmode) { /* cancel assign mode */ asmode = 0; pkctrl = oldpk; swpt = oldsw; lseg(ASGN_XL, ASGN_Y, ASGN_XR, ASGN_Y, 0); } if ((pkctrl EQ PK_PFRM) OR (pkctrl EQ PK_NOTE)) oldpk = pkctrl; if (sliders NE LS_LIBR) oldsl = sliders; oldsw = swpt; swpt = &t_libr; pkctrl = PK_LIBR; sliders = LS_LIBR; lcdlbls(); setleds(); return(SUCCESS); } /* ============================================================================= getit() -- read selected file ============================================================================= */ int16_t getit(void) { ldkind = ftkind(ldslot); if (ldkind EQ -1) { ldermsg("Unknown file type", (int8_t *)NULL, (int8_t *)NULL, LD_EMCF, LD_EMCB); clrlsel(); return(FAILURE); } ldbusy(" Reading file"); switch (ldkind) { case FT_ASG: if (get_asg()) return(FAILURE); break; case FT_ORH: case FT_ORL: case FT_ORC: if (get_orc(lorchl, ldkind)) return(FAILURE); break; case FT_PAT: if (get_pat()) return(FAILURE); break; case FT_SCR: if (get_scr()) return(FAILURE); break; case FT_SEQ: if (get_seq()) return(FAILURE); break; case FT_TUN: if (get_tun()) return(FAILURE); break; case FT_WAV: if (get_wav()) return(FAILURE); break; default: ldermsg("ldkind bad", (int8_t *)NULL, (int8_t *)NULL, LD_EMCF, LD_EMCB); clrlsel(); return(FAILURE); } memcpy(ldfile, filecat[ldslot].fcname, 8); memcpy(ldcmnt, filecat[ldslot].fccmnt, 37); savefc(ldkind); clrlsel(); if (lrasw) { ldswin(0); ldswin(8); } ldswin(3); ldswin(5); showsiz(); return(SUCCESS); } /* ============================================================================= ldfnbox() -- librarian display box hit processor ============================================================================= */ int16_t ldfnbox(int16_t n) { register int16_t col, i, slot, sn; col = hitcx >> 3; if (lderrsw) clrerms(); switch (n) { case 1: /* index area */ if (lcancel(0)) return(SUCCESS); if (lselsw) { /* something already selected ? */ if (lrasw) { /* content mode ? */ if (ldkind EQ FT_SCR) { /* score */ sn = ldline(hitcy) - 1; if (sindex[sn].sclen NE -1L) { if ((1 + sn) NE ldrow) { dpy_scr(ldbox[1][4], ldrow - 1); ldrow = 1 + sn; } dpy_scr(LD_SELC, sn); lksel = sn; } else { lksel = -1; } return(SUCCESS); } } if (ldrow NE ldline(hitcy)) { clrlsel(); return(SUCCESS); } return(getit()); } else { /* nothing selected yet */ if (0 NE (ldrow = ldline(hitcy))) { if (col EQ 11) { if (catin AND ltagged) { slot = lin2slt(ldrow); if (slot EQ tagslot) { putcat(); ltagged = FALSE; showcat(); } } } else { if (-1 NE (ldslot = lin2slt(ldrow))) { lselsw = TRUE; ldswin(8); ldkind = ftkind(ldslot); for (i = 0; i < N_SCORES; i++) ldmap[i] = i; if (lrasw AND (ldkind EQ FT_SCR)) return(ndx_scr(ldslot)); dslslot(ldslot, exp_c(LD_SELC), ldrow); return(SUCCESS); } } } clrlsel(); return(FAILURE); } case 3: /* file name field */ if (lcancel(3)) return(SUCCESS); if (lmwtype NE 1) { lmwvtyp(); /* setup for the typewriter */ ldswin(10); /* display the typewriter */ vtsetup(librob, vtdisp, 10, ldfile, 22, 33, advlcur, bsplcur, nokey, nokey, endltyp, ldbox[n][4], ldbox[n][5]); } else { vtyper(); } return(SUCCESS); case 5: /* comment field */ if (lcancel(3)) return(SUCCESS); if (lmwtype NE 1) { lmwvtyp(); /* setup for the typewriter */ ldswin(10); /* display the typewriter */ vtsetup(librob, vtdisp, 27, ldcmnt, 22, 33, advlcur, bsplcur, nokey, nokey, endltyp, ldbox[n][4], ldbox[n][5]); } else { vtyper(); } return(SUCCESS); case 6: /* "Index" */ if (lcancel(0)) return(SUCCESS); clrlsel(); return(fcindex()); case 7: /* "Content" */ if (lselsw AND lrasw) return(getit()); lrasw = NOT lrasw; ldswin(7); return(SUCCESS); case 8: /* "Hi Orch" / "Lo Orch" */ lorchl = NOT lorchl; ldswin(8); return(SUCCESS); case 9: /* "Store" */ if (lcancel(1)) return(SUCCESS); if (cyval < 321) { /* row 22: "Store", "Score", or "Hi Orch" */ if (cxval < 120) { /* "Store" */ if (lstrsw) { storit(); } else { lstrsw = TRUE; ldswin(9); } return(SUCCESS); } else if ((cxval > 135) AND (cxval < 176)) { /* "Score" */ lscrsw = NOT lscrsw; ldswin(9); if (lstrsw) storit(); return(SUCCESS); } else if (cxval > 191) { /* "Hi Orch" */ lorchsw = NOT lorchsw; ldswin(9); if (lstrsw) storit(); return(SUCCESS); } } else if ((cyval > 321) AND (cyval < 335)) { /* row 23: "Waves", "Patch", or "Lo Orch" */ if (cxval < 120) { /* "Waves" */ lwavsw = NOT lwavsw; ldswin(9); if (lstrsw) storit(); return(SUCCESS); } else if ((cxval > 135) AND (cxval < 176)) { /* "Patch" */ lpatsw = NOT lpatsw; ldswin(9); if (lstrsw) storit(); return(SUCCESS); } else if (cxval > 191) { /* "Lo Orch" */ lorclsw = NOT lorclsw; ldswin(9); if (lstrsw) storit(); return(SUCCESS); } } else if (cyval > 335) { /* row 24: "Assgn", "Seqnc", or "Tunings" */ if (cxval < 120) { /* "Assgn" */ lasgsw = NOT lasgsw; ldswin(9); if (lstrsw) storit(); return(SUCCESS); } else if ((cxval > 135) AND (cxval < 176)) { /* "Seqnc" */ lseqsw = NOT lseqsw; ldswin(9); if (lstrsw) storit(); return(SUCCESS); } else if (cxval > 191) { /* "Tunings" */ ltunsw = NOT ltunsw; ldswin(9); if (lstrsw) storit(); return(SUCCESS); } } return(FAILURE); default: lcancel(3); return(FAILURE); } }