/* ============================================================================= libdsp.c -- MIDAS librarian display Version 64 -- 1988-11-17 -- D.N. Lynx Crowe ============================================================================= */ #define DEBUGRE 0 #define DEBUGWE 0 #include "stddefs.h" #include "biosdefs.h" #include "curpak.h" #include "memory.h" #include "stdio.h" #include "errno.h" #include "ascii.h" #include "charset.h" #include "fpu.h" #include "hwdefs.h" #include "vsdd.h" #include "vsddsw.h" #include "vsddvars.h" #include "graphdef.h" #include "charset.h" #include "fields.h" #include "midas.h" #include "asgdsp.h" #include "instdsp.h" #include "libdsp.h" #include "wsdsp.h" #if (DEBUGRE|DEBUGWE) extern short debugsw; #endif #if DEBUGRE short debugre = 1; #endif #if DEBUGWE short debugwe = 1; #endif extern int16_t lcancel(int16_t lct); extern int32_t ptsizer(void); extern int32_t scsizer(void); extern int32_t sqsizer(void); /* */ /* things defined elsewhere */ extern void (*point)(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t pen); extern void clrlsel(void); extern void _clsvol(void); extern void setgc(int16_t xv, int16_t yv); extern int16_t _bpbin; extern int16_t chtime; extern int16_t cmtype; extern int16_t cvtime; extern int16_t cxval; extern int16_t cyval; extern int16_t sgcsw; extern int16_t stccol; extern int16_t stcrow; extern int16_t submenu; extern int16_t thcwval; extern int16_t tvcwval; extern uint16_t *obj0, *obj2; extern int8_t *ldbxlb0[]; extern int8_t vtlin1[], vtlin2[], vtlin3[]; extern int16_t ldbox[][8]; extern struct instdef idefs[]; extern struct bpb *_thebpb; /* */ extern uint16_t *librob; /* display object pointer */ extern int16_t catin; /* catalog read in flag */ extern int16_t lrasw; /* append (TRUE) / replace (FALSE) score */ extern int16_t lorchl; /* hi (TRUE) / lo (FALSE) orchestra */ extern int16_t ldrow; /* fetch select row */ extern int16_t ldslot; /* fetch select slot */ extern int16_t lselsw; /* fetch select switch */ extern int16_t ldkind; /* fetch file type */ extern int16_t lstrsw; /* store state switch */ extern int16_t lasgsw; /* assignments store switch */ extern int16_t lksel; /* librarian key slot selector */ extern int16_t lorchsw; /* hi orchestra (21 - 40) store switch */ extern int16_t lorclsw; /* lo orchestra (01 - 20) store switch */ extern int16_t lpatsw; /* patch store switch */ extern int16_t lscrsw; /* score store switch */ extern int16_t lseqsw; /* sequence store switch */ extern int16_t ltunsw; /* tunings store switch */ extern int16_t lwavsw; /* waveshapes store switch */ extern int16_t ldelsw; /* delete switch */ extern int16_t lderrsw; /* error message displayed switch */ extern int16_t ldidsiz; /* getcat() did showsiz() switch */ extern int16_t lmwtype; /* librarian message window type */ extern int16_t ltagged; /* load tag update in progress flag */ extern int16_t ndisp; /* display number currently up */ extern int32_t lcsum; /* library checksum */ extern int32_t ndbytes; /* bytes needed for storage */ extern int8_t *lmln22; /* message window line 22 */ extern int8_t *lmln23; /* message window line 23 */ extern int8_t *lmln24; /* message window line 24 */ extern int8_t ldfile[9]; /* file name field */ extern int8_t ldcmnt[38]; /* comment field */ extern int8_t ldmsg1[65]; /* messsage build area 1 */ extern int8_t ldmsg2[65]; /* messsage build area 2 */ extern int8_t ldmsg3[65]; /* messsage build area 3 */ extern int8_t errbuf[65]; /* error message build area */ extern struct octent *ldoct; /* object control table pointer */ extern struct mlibhdr ldhead; /* library header */ /* forward references */ void ldpoint(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t pen); void ldswin(int16_t n); extern int16_t dspace(int16_t which); extern int16_t infield(int16_t row, int16_t col, struct fet *fetp); extern int16_t wrt_asg(int16_t slot); extern int16_t wrt_orc(int16_t slot, int16_t lorh); extern int16_t wrt_pat(int16_t slot); extern int16_t wrt_scr(int16_t slot); extern int16_t wrt_seq(int16_t slot); extern int16_t wrt_tun(int16_t slot); extern int16_t wrt_wav(int16_t slot); extern void arcurs(uint16_t icolor); extern void dswap(void); extern void itcini(uint16_t color); extern void itcpos(int16_t row, int16_t col); extern void ldermsg(int8_t *p1, int8_t *p2, int8_t *p3, uint16_t p4, uint16_t p5); extern void nospace(int8_t *et); extern void postio(void); extern void preio(void); extern void savefc(int16_t kind); extern void ttcini(uint16_t color); extern void vsndpal(int16_t pp[16][3]); /* */ int8_t *ftypes[][3] = { /* file types (must match libdsp.h) */ {"ASG", "Assignmnt", "Assignmnt"}, /* FT_ASG */ {"ORL", "Orchestra", "Orchestra"}, /* FT_ORL */ {"ORH", "Orchestra", "Orchestra"}, /* FT_ORH */ {"SCR", " Score", "Score"}, /* FT_SCR */ {"TUN", " Tuning", "Tuning"}, /* FT_TUN */ {"WAV", "Waveshape", "Waveshape"}, /* FT_WAV */ {"ORC", "Orchestra", "Orchestra"}, /* FT_ORC */ {"PAT", " Patch", "Patch"}, /* FT_PAT */ {"SEQ", " Sequence", "Sequence"} /* FT_SEQ */ }; int8_t ld_em1[] = "No files stored on disk"; int8_t ld_em2[] = " by this operation"; int16_t lbrpal[16][3] = { /* librarian color palette */ {0, 0, 0}, /* 0 */ {3, 3, 3}, /* 1 */ {1, 0, 0}, /* 2 */ {1, 1, 0}, /* 3 */ {2, 1, 0}, /* 4 (was 2, 2, 0) */ {1, 1, 0}, /* 5 */ {2, 1, 0}, /* 6 (was 2, 2, 0) */ {1, 0, 0}, /* 7 */ {0, 1, 1}, /* 8 (was 0, 1, 0) */ {1, 0, 0}, /* 9 */ {1, 1, 0}, /* 10 */ {2, 2, 2}, /* 11 */ {2, 3, 3}, /* 12 */ {3, 3, 0}, /* 13 */ {3, 0, 0}, /* 14 */ {0, 0, 0} /* 15 */ }; /* */ /* ============================================================================= ftkind() -- return the file type for a given file catalog slot ns = catalog slot index -1 returned on error (returns 1..NFTYPES for a good type) ============================================================================= */ int16_t ftkind(int16_t ns) { register int16_t i; for (i = 0; i < NFTYPES; i++) if (0 EQ memcmpu(filecat[ns].fcextn, ftypes[i][0], 3)) return(++i); return(-1); } /* ============================================================================= fctstr() -- return a string showing the file catalog entry type ns = catalog slot index just = 0: right justify string, 1: left justify string ============================================================================= */ int8_t *fctstr(int16_t ns, int16_t just) { static int8_t fcbad[11]; register int16_t i; for (i = 0; i < NFTYPES; i++) if (0 EQ memcmpu(filecat[ns].fcextn, ftypes[i][0], 3)) return(ftypes[i][just ? 2 : 1]); sprintf(fcbad, "?? %3.3s ??", filecat[ns].fcextn); return(fcbad); } /* */ /* ============================================================================= ocslot() -- determine if a slot is occupied ============================================================================= */ int16_t ocslot(int16_t slot) { if (memcmp(filecat[slot].fcsize, "000", 3) AND (0 NE filecat[slot].fcsize[0])) return(TRUE); else return(FALSE); } /* ============================================================================= ldline() -- determine which catalog line the cursor is on, if any ============================================================================= */ int16_t ldline(int16_t cy) { if (cy > 292) return(0); if (cy < 14) return(0); return(cy / 14); } /* */ /* ============================================================================= lin2slt() -- determine which slot a line corresponds to, if any -1 returned on error (0..FCMAX-1 returned for a good slot) ============================================================================= */ int16_t lin2slt(int16_t line) { register int16_t slot, row; row = 0; for (slot = 0; slot < FCMAX; slot++) if (ocslot(slot)) if (++row EQ line) return(slot); return(-1); } /* ============================================================================= exp_c() -- expand a 4 bit color to 16 bits ============================================================================= */ uint16_t exp_c(uint16_t c) { c &= 0x000F; /* use low 4 bits as the basis */ c |= c << 4; /* turn them into 8 bits */ c |= c << 8; /* make it a full 16 bits */ return(c); } /* */ /* ============================================================================= ldwmsg() -- display a message in the message window ============================================================================= */ void ldwmsg(int8_t *line1, int8_t *line2, int8_t *line3, uint16_t fgcolor, uint16_t bgcolor) { lderrsw = FALSE; /* clear error switch */ lmwtype = 2; /* message type */ submenu = FALSE; if (ndisp NE 0) return; bgcolor = exp_c(bgcolor); /* expand background color */ fgcolor = exp_c(fgcolor); /* expand foreground color */ if (v_regs[5] & 0x0180) vbank(0); /* clear the window */ vbfill4(librob, 128, ldbox[10][0], ldbox[10][1], ldbox[10][2], ldbox[10][3], bgcolor); if ((int8_t *)NULL NE line1) tsplot4(librob, 64, fgcolor, ldbox[10][6], ldbox[10][7], line1, 14); if ((int8_t *)NULL NE line2) tsplot4(librob, 64, fgcolor, (ldbox[10][6] + 1), ldbox[10][7], line2, 14); if ((int8_t *)NULL NE line3) tsplot4(librob, 64, fgcolor, (ldbox[10][6] + 2), ldbox[10][7], line3, 14); } /* */ /* ============================================================================= chksum() -- checksum an area of memory ============================================================================= */ int32_t chksum(int8_t *area, int32_t len) { register int32_t cs, i; cs = 0L; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) cs += 0x000000FFL & *area++; return(cs); } /* ============================================================================= makelh() -- make a library header ============================================================================= */ void makelh(int16_t kind) { memset(ldhead.l_csum, '?', 8); /* checksum */ memcpy(ldhead.l_name, ldfile, 8); /* file name */ memcpy(ldhead.l_type, ftypes[kind - 1][0], 3); /* file type */ memcpy(ldhead.l_cmnt, ldcmnt, 37); /* comment */ lcsum = chksum(ldhead.l_name, (int32_t)(LH_LEN - 8)); } /* */ /* ============================================================================= ldbusy() -- put up a "Busy" message ============================================================================= */ void ldbusy(int8_t *msg) { if (ndisp NE 0) return; ldwmsg((int8_t *)NULL, " Busy - Please stand by", msg, ldbox[10][4], ldbox[10][5]); } /* ============================================================================= noslot() -- complain about not finding a slot we expected ============================================================================= */ void noslot(int16_t fctype) { sprintf(ldmsg1, " the %s file,", ftypes[fctype - 1][2]); ldermsg("Can't find a slot for", ldmsg1, " and one was expected", LD_EMCF, LD_EMCB); } /* */ /* ============================================================================= wr_ec() -- write with error checking ============================================================================= */ int16_t wr_ec(FILE *fp, int8_t *from, int32_t len) { register int32_t count; register int8_t c; for (count = 0; count < len; count++) { errno = 0; c = *from++; if (EOF EQ putc(c, fp)) { sprintf(errbuf, "errno = %d", errno); ldermsg("Disk may be full", errbuf, (int8_t *)NULL, LD_EMCF, LD_EMCB); fclose(fp); postio(); /* restore LCD backlight */ return(FAILURE); } #if DEBUGWE if (debugsw AND debugwe) printf(" %02.2X", 0x00FF & c); #endif } return(SUCCESS); } /* */ /* ============================================================================= rd_ec() -- read with error checking ============================================================================= */ int16_t rd_ec(FILE *fp, int8_t *to, int32_t len) { register int32_t count; register int16_t c; for (count = 0; count < len; count++) { errno = 0; if (EOF EQ (c = getc(fp))) { sprintf(errbuf, "errno = %d", errno); ldermsg("Unexpected EOF", errbuf, (int8_t *)NULL, LD_EMCF, LD_EMCB); fclose(fp); postio(); /* restore LCD backlight */ return(FAILURE); } else { *to++ = c; #if DEBUGRE if (debugsw AND debugre) printf(" %02.2X", 0x00FF & c); #endif } } return(SUCCESS); } /* */ /* ============================================================================= srchcat() -- search the file catalog returns -1 on 'not found', slot 0..FCMAX-1 if found ============================================================================= */ int16_t srchcat(int8_t extn[]) { register int16_t fcslot; for (fcslot = 0; fcslot < FCMAX; fcslot++) { if (ocslot(fcslot)) if (0 EQ (memcmp(filecat[fcslot].fcname, ldfile, 8)) AND (0 EQ memcmpu(filecat[fcslot].fcextn, extn, 3))) return(fcslot); } return(-1); } /* ============================================================================= clrcat() -- clear the file catalog ============================================================================= */ void clrcat(void) { register int16_t i; int8_t fcebuf[1 + sizeof (struct fcat)]; for (i = 0; i < FCMAX; i++) { sprintf(fcebuf, "000 Empty-%02.2d ??? %-37.37s%c%c", i, "1234567890123456789012345678901234567", A_CR, A_LF); memcpy(&filecat[i], fcebuf, sizeof (struct fcat)); } } /* */ /* ============================================================================= clreq() -- return number of clusters needed for a file Assumes the BPB pointer is valid. ============================================================================= */ int16_t clreq(int32_t bytes) { register int16_t rclusts; register int32_t clmask; clmask = _thebpb->clsizb - 1; rclusts = (bytes / _thebpb->clsizb) + ((bytes & clmask) ? 1 : 0); return(rclusts); } /* */ /* ============================================================================= spacerq() -- return space required for storing a file ============================================================================= */ int16_t spacerq(int16_t kind) { register int16_t howmuch; register int32_t k; k = 0L; switch (kind) { case FT_ASG: /* Assignment file */ k = (sizeof (struct asgent) * (int32_t)NASGLIB) + LH_LEN; break; case FT_ORL: case FT_ORH: case FT_ORC: k = ((OR_LEN1 + (2 * OR_LEN2)) * (int32_t)NINORC) + LH_LEN; break; case FT_PAT: /* Patch file */ k = ptsizer() + LH_LEN; break; case FT_SCR: /* Score file */ k = scsizer() + LH_LEN; break; case FT_SEQ: /* Sequence file */ k = sqsizer() + LH_LEN; break; case FT_TUN: /* Tuning file */ k = (NTUNSLIB * 256L) + (NTUNSLIB * 32L) + LH_LEN; break; case FT_WAV: /* Waveshape file */ k = ((int32_t)NUMWAVS * OR_LEN2) + LH_LEN; break; default: k = 0L; break; } /* */ howmuch = k ? clreq(k) : -1; ndbytes = k; return(howmuch); } /* */ /* ============================================================================= ckstor() -- check for storage type selection ============================================================================= */ int16_t ckstor(void) { if (lasgsw) /* assignments */ return(SUCCESS); if (lorchsw) /* hi orch */ return(SUCCESS); if (lorclsw) /* lo orch */ return(SUCCESS); if (lpatsw) /* patches */ return(SUCCESS); if (lscrsw) /* score */ return(SUCCESS); if (lseqsw) /* sequences */ return(SUCCESS); if (ltunsw) /* tunings */ return(SUCCESS); if (lwavsw) /* waveshapes */ return(SUCCESS); return(FAILURE); } /* */ /* ============================================================================= ckdups() -- check for duplicate file type entries in the file catalog ============================================================================= */ int16_t ckdups(void) { if (lasgsw) if (-1 NE srchcat("asg")) return(FT_ASG); if (lorchsw) if (-1 NE srchcat("orh")) return(FT_ORH); if (lorclsw) if (-1 NE srchcat("orl")) return(FT_ORL); if (lorchsw OR lorclsw) if (-1 NE srchcat("orc")) return(FT_ORC); if (lpatsw) if (-1 NE srchcat("pat")) return(FT_PAT); if (lscrsw) if (-1 NE srchcat("scr")) return(FT_SCR); if (lseqsw) if (-1 NE srchcat("seq")) return(FT_SEQ); if (ltunsw) if (-1 NE srchcat("tun")) return(FT_TUN); if (lwavsw) if (-1 NE srchcat("wav")) return(FT_WAV); return(0); } /* */ /* ============================================================================= showsiz() -- display disk capacity and usage Forces the disk to be read to get the BPB and FAT. ============================================================================= */ int16_t showsiz(void) { register int16_t dcap, drem, dused; _bpbin = FALSE; /* force disk to be read */ dcap = dspace(0); if (dcap EQ -1) { ldermsg("Disk not ready ?", (int8_t *)NULL, (int8_t *)NULL, LD_EMCF, LD_EMCB); return(FAILURE); } drem = dspace(1); dused = dcap - drem; sprintf(ldmsg1, "Microdisk capacity %4u blocks", dcap); sprintf(ldmsg2, "This disk consumes %4u blocks", dused); sprintf(ldmsg3, "Available space is %4u blocks", drem); ldwmsg(ldmsg1, ldmsg2, ldmsg3, ldbox[10][4], ldbox[10][5]); return(SUCCESS); } /* */ /* ============================================================================= getcat() -- get the file catalog from disk ============================================================================= */ int16_t getcat(int16_t msgsw) { register FILE *fp; int16_t rc, fesize; ldidsiz = FALSE; /* we didn't show the size (yet) */ _bpbin = FALSE; /* guarantee we read the directory */ catin = FALSE; /* catalog not valid */ errno = 0; preio(); /* kill LCD backlight */ fp = fopenb(CATNAME, "r"); /* open the catalog file */ if (NULL EQ fp) { clrcat(); catin = TRUE; if (msgsw) { /* see if we show the message */ showsiz(); ldidsiz = TRUE; /* showed the size */ } return(SUCCESS); /* no catalog is OK, too */ } fesize = sizeof(struct fcat); memset(filecat, 0, sizeof (struct fcat) * FCMAX); /* */ errno = 0; rc = fread(filecat, fesize, FCMAX, fp); if (rc NE FCMAX) { if (rc) { sprintf(ldmsg1, " fread returned %d", rc); sprintf(ldmsg2, " errno = %d, fesize=%d", errno, fesize); ldermsg("Unable to read catalog", ldmsg1, ldmsg2, LD_EMCF, LD_EMCB); catin = FALSE; } else { ldermsg("File catalog is NULL", (int8_t *)NULL, (int8_t *)NULL, LD_EMCF, LD_EMCB); clrcat(); catin = TRUE; } fclose(fp); postio(); /* restore LCD backlight */ return(FAILURE); } catin = TRUE; fclose(fp); postio(); /* restore LCD backlight */ return(SUCCESS); } /* */ /* ============================================================================= putcat() -- write the updated catalog on disk ============================================================================= */ int16_t putcat(void) { register FILE *fp; register int16_t i, rc, fesize; for (i = 0; i < FCMAX; i++) { /* clean up the catalog */ filecat[i].fceol[0] = A_CR; filecat[i].fceol[1] = A_LF; } errno = 0; preio(); /* kill LCD backlight */ fp = fopenb(CATNAME, "w"); /* open the catalog file */ if (NULL EQ fp) { sprintf(ldmsg2, " errno = %d", errno); ldermsg("Unable to open catalog", (int8_t *)NULL, ldmsg2, LD_EMCF, LD_EMCB); return(FAILURE); } fesize = sizeof (struct fcat); /* */ errno = 0; rc = fwrite(filecat, fesize, FCMAX, fp); if (rc NE FCMAX) { if (rc) { sprintf(ldmsg1, " fwrite returned %d", rc); sprintf(ldmsg2, " errno = %d, fesize=%d", errno, fesize); ldermsg("Can't write catalog", ldmsg1, ldmsg2, LD_EMCF, LD_EMCB); } else { sprintf(ldmsg2, " errno = %d", errno); ldermsg("Disk may be full", (int8_t *)NULL, ldmsg2, LD_EMCF, LD_EMCB); } fclose(fp); postio(); /* restore LCD backlight */ return(FAILURE); } fclose(fp); postio(); /* restore LCD backlight */ return(SUCCESS); } /* */ /* ============================================================================= dslslot() -- display a file catalog entry ============================================================================= */ void dslslot(int16_t slot, uint16_t fg, int16_t row) { register uint16_t color, chilon, chilorc; int16_t c; int8_t buf[40]; if (ndisp NE 0) return; color = exp_c(fg); /* foreground color */ chilon = exp_c(ldbox[1][4]); chilorc = exp_c(HILORC); /* file type */ vcputsv(librob, 64, color, ldbox[1][5], row, 1, fctstr(slot, 0), 14); /* load letter */ c = filecat[slot].fcp0; buf[0] = 0x007F & c; buf[1] = '\0'; vcputsv(librob, 64, (c & 0x0080) ? chilorc : chilon, ldbox[1][5], row, 11, buf, 14); /* file name */ memcpy(buf, filecat[slot].fcname, 8); buf[8] = '\0'; vcputsv(librob, 64, color, ldbox[1][5], row, 13, buf, 14); /* comment */ memcpy(buf, filecat[slot].fccmnt, 37); buf[37] = '\0'; vcputsv(librob, 64, chilon, ldbox[1][5], row, 22, buf, 14); /* size */ memcpy(buf, filecat[slot].fcsize, 3); buf[3] = '\0'; vcputsv(librob, 64, chilon, ldbox[1][5], row, 60, buf, 14); } /* */ /* ============================================================================= showcat() -- display the file catalog entries ============================================================================= */ int16_t showcat(void) { register int16_t i, fcslot, fcrow, fcount; register uint16_t color; if (ndisp NE 0) return(FAILURE); ldswin(0); /* fix up the title */ color = exp_c(ldbox[1][5]); /* background color */ if (v_regs[5] & 0x0180) vbank(0); vbfill4(librob, 128, ldbox[1][0], ldbox[1][1], ldbox[1][2], ldbox[1][3], color); color = ldbox[1][4]; /* foreground color */ fcrow = 1; fcount = 0; for (fcslot = 0; fcslot < FCMAX; fcslot++) { if (ocslot(fcslot)) { dslslot(fcslot, color, fcrow); fcrow++; fcount++; } } return(fcount); } /* */ /* ============================================================================= fcindex() -- display the file catalog ============================================================================= */ int16_t fcindex(void) { if (NOT lderrsw) ldbusy(" Reading catalog"); if (getcat(1)) /* get catalog, possibly display size */ return(FAILURE); if (NOT lderrsw) showcat(); /* display the catalog */ /* show size if getcat() didn't */ if ((NOT ldidsiz) AND (NOT lderrsw)) showsiz(); return(SUCCESS); } /* */ /* ============================================================================= streset() -- reset the switches after a store or an error ============================================================================= */ void streset(void) { lstrsw = FALSE; lasgsw = FALSE; lorchsw = FALSE; lorclsw = FALSE; lpatsw = FALSE; lscrsw = FALSE; lseqsw = FALSE; ltunsw = FALSE; lwavsw = FALSE; ldswin(9); } /* ============================================================================= fcreset() -- reset the switches after a fetch or an error ============================================================================= */ void fcreset(void) { lselsw = FALSE; ldswin(6); } /* */ /* ============================================================================= getslot() -- find a free file catalog slot returns -1 on error, slot # 0..FCMAX-1 if a slot was found ============================================================================= */ int16_t getslot(void) { register int16_t i; for (i = 0; i < FCMAX; i++) if (NOT ocslot(i)) return(i); return(-1); } /* ============================================================================= slotnam() -- return the file name for a slot ============================================================================= */ int8_t *slotnam(uint16_t slot, uint16_t kind) { static int8_t thename[13]; sprintf(thename, "M7SLOT%02.2u.%-3.3s", slot, ftypes[kind - 1][0]); return(thename); } /* */ /* ============================================================================= wrtfile() -- write a file on the disk ============================================================================= */ int16_t wrtfile(int16_t kind) { register int16_t slot, flspace, tkind; int8_t sizetmp[4]; slot = getslot(); if (-1 EQ slot) { noslot(kind); streset(); return(FAILURE); } /* */ switch (kind) { case FT_ASG: if (wrt_asg(slot)) return(FAILURE); else break; case FT_ORL: /* lo orch write */ if (wrt_orc(slot, 0)) return(FAILURE); else break; case FT_ORH: /* hi orch write */ if (wrt_orc(slot, 1)) return(FAILURE); else break; case FT_PAT: if (wrt_pat(slot)) return(FAILURE); else break; case FT_SCR: if (wrt_scr(slot)) return(FAILURE); else break; case FT_SEQ: if (wrt_seq(slot)) return(FAILURE); else break; /* */ case FT_TUN: if (wrt_tun(slot)) return(FAILURE); else break; case FT_WAV: if (wrt_wav(slot)) return(FAILURE); else break; default: sprintf(ldmsg1, " kind=%d", kind); ldermsg("bad wrtfile argument:", ldmsg1, (int8_t *)NULL, LD_EMCF, LD_EMCB); return(FAILURE); } /* */ /* update the file catalog */ if ((kind EQ FT_ORL) OR (kind EQ FT_ORH)) tkind = FT_ORC; else tkind = kind; flspace = spacerq(kind); sprintf(sizetmp, "%03.3d", flspace); /* size */ memcpy(filecat[slot].fcsize, sizetmp, 3); memcpy(filecat[slot].fcname, ldfile, 8); /* name */ memcpy(filecat[slot].fcextn, ftypes[tkind - 1][0], 3); /* type */ memcpy(filecat[slot].fccmnt, ldcmnt, 37); /* comment */ savefc(kind); filecat[slot].fceol[0] = A_CR; filecat[slot].fceol[1] = A_LF; return(SUCCESS); } /* */ /* ============================================================================= writem() -- write selected files ============================================================================= */ int16_t writem(void) { if (lasgsw) /* Assignments */ if (wrtfile(FT_ASG)) return(FAILURE); if (lorchsw) /* Hi Orch */ if (wrtfile(FT_ORH)) return(FAILURE); if (lorclsw) /* Lo Orch */ if (wrtfile(FT_ORL)) return(FAILURE); if (lpatsw) /* Patches */ if (wrtfile(FT_PAT)) return(FAILURE); if (lscrsw) /* Score */ if (wrtfile(FT_SCR)) return(FAILURE); if (lseqsw) /* Sequences */ if (wrtfile(FT_SEQ)) return(FAILURE); if (ltunsw) /* Tunings */ if (wrtfile(FT_TUN)) return(FAILURE); if (lwavsw) /* Waveshapes */ if (wrtfile(FT_WAV)) return(FAILURE); return(SUCCESS); } /* */ /* ============================================================================= storit() -- store selected files on disk ============================================================================= */ int16_t storit(void) { register int16_t weneed, i, slotnd, slothv; int16_t rc, drem; /* make sure the file is named */ if (0 EQ memcmp(ldfile, " ", 8)) { ldermsg("File must be named", ld_em1, ld_em2, LD_EMCF, LD_EMCB); streset(); return(FAILURE); } /* make sure something was selected */ if (ckstor()) { ldermsg("No file type selected", ld_em1, ld_em2, LD_EMCF, LD_EMCB); streset(); return(FAILURE); } if (NOT lderrsw) ldbusy(" Storing files"); if (getcat(0)) { /* get the catalog */ streset(); return(FAILURE); } /* find out how much space we need to store everything */ drem = dspace(1); slotnd = 0; weneed = 0; /* */ if (lasgsw) { weneed += spacerq(FT_ASG); ++slotnd; } if (lorchsw) { weneed += spacerq(FT_ORH); ++slotnd; } if (lorclsw) { weneed += spacerq(FT_ORL); ++slotnd; } if (lpatsw) { weneed += spacerq(FT_PAT); ++slotnd; } if (lscrsw) { weneed += spacerq(FT_SCR); ++slotnd; } if (lseqsw) { weneed += spacerq(FT_SEQ); ++slotnd; } if (ltunsw) { weneed += spacerq(FT_TUN); ++slotnd; } if (lwavsw) { weneed += spacerq(FT_WAV); ++slotnd; } if (drem < weneed) { nospace("file"); streset(); return(FAILURE); } /* */ /* see if we have enough catalog space */ slothv = 0; for (i = 0; i < FCMAX; i++) if (NOT ocslot(i)) ++slothv; if (slothv < slotnd) { nospace("file"); streset(); return(FAILURE); } /* make sure the name is unique */ if (rc = ckdups()) { sprintf(ldmsg1, "Duplicate %s", ftypes[rc - 1][2]); ldermsg(ldmsg1, ld_em1, ld_em2, LD_EMCF, LD_EMCB); streset(); return(FAILURE); } /* */ /* write the files */ rc = writem(); if (NOT rc) ldbusy(" Writing catalog"); if (putcat()) { _clsvol(); streset(); showcat(); return(FAILURE); } _clsvol(); streset(); showcat(); if (rc) return(FAILURE); showsiz(); return(SUCCESS); } /* */ /* ============================================================================= advlcur() -- advance the librarian display text cursor ============================================================================= */ void advlcur(void) { register int16_t newcol; if (infield(stcrow, stccol, curfet)) cfetp = infetp; else return; newcol = stccol + 1; if (newcol LE cfetp->frcol) itcpos(stcrow, newcol); cxval = stccol * 8; cyval = stcrow * 14; } /* ============================================================================= bsplcur() -- backspace the librarian display text cursor ============================================================================= */ void bsplcur(void) { register int16_t newcol; if (infield(stcrow, stccol, curfet)) cfetp = infetp; else return; newcol = stccol - 1; if (newcol GE cfetp->flcol) itcpos(stcrow, newcol); cxval = stccol * 8; cyval = stcrow * 14; } /* */ /* ============================================================================= ldswin() -- display a window ============================================================================= */ void ldswin(int16_t n) { register int16_t cx, cy; if (ndisp NE 0) return; if ((n EQ 10) AND (lmwtype EQ 1)) cx = exp_c(TTBACK); /* use black for the typewriter */ else cx = exp_c(ldbox[n][5]); /* expand the background color */ /* first, fill the box with the background color */ if (v_regs[5] & 0x0180) vbank(0); vbfill4(librob, 128, ldbox[n][0], ldbox[n][1], ldbox[n][2], ldbox[n][3], cx); /* put in the box label */ tsplot4(librob, 64, ldbox[n][4], ldbox[n][6], ldbox[n][7], ldbxlb0[n], 14); /* */ switch (n) { /* final text - overlays above stuff */ case 0: /* titles */ point = ldpoint; lseg( 8, 13, 79, 13, LUNDRLN); lseg( 88, 13, 95, 13, LUNDRLN); lseg(104, 13, 167, 13, LUNDRLN); lseg(176, 13, 471, 13, LUNDRLN); lseg(480, 13, 504, 13, LUNDRLN); return; case 1: /* index area */ return; case 3: /* current file name */ tsplot4(librob, 64, ldbox[n][4], ldbox[n][6], ldbox[n][7], ldfile, 14); return; case 5: /* current comment field */ tsplot4(librob, 64, ldbox[n][4], ldbox[n][6], ldbox[n][7], ldcmnt, 14); return; /* */ case 7: /* "Replace" / "Append" */ if (lrasw) cy = exp_c(LD_SELC); else cy = ldbox[n][4]; tsplot4(librob, 64, cy, ldbox[n][6], ldbox[n][7], "Content", 14); return; case 8: /* "Hi Orch" / "Lo Orch" */ if (lselsw) { ldkind = ftkind(ldslot); if ((ldkind EQ FT_ORC) OR (ldkind EQ FT_ORL) OR (ldkind EQ FT_ORH)) cy = exp_c(LD_SELC); else cy = ldbox[n][4]; } else { cy = ldbox[n][4]; } tsplot4(librob, 64, cy, ldbox[n][6], ldbox[n][7], (lorchl ? "Hi Orch" : "Lo Orch"), 14); return; /* */ case 9: /* "Store" status */ cy = exp_c(lstrsw ? LD_SELC : ldbox[n][4]); tsplot4(librob, 64, cy, 22, 10, "Store", 14); cy = exp_c(lscrsw ? LD_SELC : ldbox[n][4]); tsplot4(librob, 64, cy, 22, 17, "Score", 14); cy = exp_c(lorchsw ? LD_SELC : ldbox[n][4]); tsplot4(librob, 64, cy, 22, 24, "Hi Orch", 14); cy = exp_c(lwavsw ? LD_SELC : ldbox[n][4]); tsplot4(librob, 64, cy, 23, 10, "Waves", 14); cy = exp_c(lpatsw ? LD_SELC : ldbox[n][4]); tsplot4(librob, 64, cy, 23, 17, "Patch", 14); cy = exp_c(lorclsw ? LD_SELC : ldbox[n][4]); tsplot4(librob, 64, cy, 23, 24, "Lo Orch", 14); cy = exp_c(lasgsw ? LD_SELC : ldbox[n][4]); tsplot4(librob, 64, cy, 24, 10, "Assgn", 14); cy = exp_c(lseqsw ? LD_SELC : ldbox[n][4]); tsplot4(librob, 64, cy, 24, 17, "Seqnc", 14); cy = exp_c(ltunsw ? LD_SELC : ldbox[n][4]); tsplot4(librob, 64, cy, 24, 24, "Tunings", 14); return; case 10: /* typewriter / error messages */ tsplot4(librob, 64, ldbox[n][4], 22, ldbox[n][7], lmln22, 14); tsplot4(librob, 64, ldbox[n][4], 23, ldbox[n][7], lmln23, 14); tsplot4(librob, 64, ldbox[n][4], 24, ldbox[n][7], lmln24, 14); return; } } /* */ /* ============================================================================= lwins() -- display all librarian windows ============================================================================= */ void lwins(void) { register int16_t i; for (i = 0; i < 11; i++) ldswin(i); } /* ============================================================================= ldpoint() -- plot a point for the lseg function ============================================================================= */ void ldpoint(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t pen) { if (v_regs[5] & 0x0180) vbank(0); vputp(ldoct, x, y, exp_c(pen)); } /* */ /* ============================================================================= ldbord() -- draw the border for the librarian display ============================================================================= */ void ldbord(void) { point = ldpoint; lseg( 0, 0, 511, 0, LBORD); /* outer border */ lseg(511, 0, 511, 349, LBORD); lseg(511, 349, 0, 349, LBORD); lseg( 0, 349, 0, 0, LBORD); lseg( 0, 293, 511, 293, LBORD); /* windows - H lines */ lseg(511, 308, 0, 308, LBORD); lseg( 79, 293, 79, 308, LBORD); /* windows - V lines */ lseg(144, 293, 144, 308, LBORD); lseg(215, 293, 215, 308, LBORD); lseg( 71, 308, 71, 349, LBORD); lseg(256, 308, 256, 349, LBORD); } /* */ /* ============================================================================= lwclr() -- clear the message window text strings ============================================================================= */ void lmwclr(void) { lmwtype = 0; submenu = FALSE; lmln22 = ""; lmln23 = ""; lmln24 = ""; } /* ============================================================================= lmwvtyp() -- load the typewriter into the message window text strings ============================================================================= */ void lmwvtyp(void) { lmwtype = 1; submenu = TRUE; lmln22 = vtlin1; lmln23 = vtlin2; lmln24 = vtlin3; } /* */ /* ============================================================================= libdsp() -- put up the librarian display ============================================================================= */ void libdsp(void) { librob = &v_score[0]; /* setup display object pointer */ obj0 = &v_curs0[0]; /* setup cursor object pointer */ obj2 = &v_tcur[0]; /* setup typewriter cursor pointer */ ldoct = &v_obtab[LIBROBJ]; /* setup object control table pointer */ lselsw = FALSE; ldelsw = FALSE; lstrsw = FALSE; lasgsw = FALSE; lorchsw = FALSE; lorclsw = FALSE; lpatsw = FALSE; lscrsw = FALSE; lseqsw = FALSE; ltunsw = FALSE; lwavsw = FALSE; lderrsw = FALSE; ltagged = FALSE; lksel = -1; /* */ clrcat(); /* void the catalog */ catin = FALSE; lmwclr(); /* clear the message window text strings */ dswap(); /* initialize display */ if (v_regs[5] & 0x0180) vbank(0); memsetw(librob, 0, 32767); memsetw(librob+32767L, 0, 12033); SetObj(LIBROBJ, 0, 0, librob, 512, 350, 0, 0, LIBRFL, -1); SetObj( 0, 0, 1, obj0, 16, 16, LCURX, LCURY, OBFL_00, -1); SetObj( TTCURS, 0, 1, obj2, 16, 16, 0, 0, TTCCFL, -1); arcurs(TTCURC); /* setup arrow cursor object */ itcini(TTCURC); /* setup text cursor object */ ttcini(TTCURC); /* setup typewriter cursor object */ ldbord(); /* draw the border */ lwins(); vsndpal(lbrpal); /* setup the palette */ SetPri(LIBROBJ, LIBRPRI); SetPri(0, GCPRI); /* display the graphic cursor */ setgc(LCURX, LCURY); chtime = thcwval; /* turn it into a text cursor */ cvtime = tvcwval; cmtype = CT_TEXT; itcpos(cyval / 14, cxval >> 3); }