/* ============================================================================= msl.c -- midas main scan loop Version 102 -- 1989-11-14 -- D.N. Lynx Crowe List with pr -e4 option to expand tabs to 4 spaces instead of 8. ============================================================================= */ #define DEBUGIT 0 /* enable debug code */ #define OLDTIME 0 /* use old tempo time calculations */ #include "ram.h" #define LCL_PRT 3 /* 1-origin local keyboard port number */ #if DEBUGIT short debugms = 1; #endif uint16_t fifoval; /* ============================================================================= clk_ped() -- process clock on/off toggle pedal ============================================================================= */ void clk_ped(int16_t stat) { if (stat) tglclk = TRUE; } /* ============================================================================= pch_ped() -- process punch in/out toggle pedal ============================================================================= */ void pch_ped(int16_t stat) { if (stat AND pchsw) tglpch = TRUE; } /* ============================================================================= msl() -- MIDAS main scan loop ============================================================================= */ void msl(void) { volatile uint8_t *ioadr; struct s_entry *ep; int16_t i, ti, val; uint16_t crel, oldsr; int16_t chan, port, trg, trig, vel; int16_t esi, newsig, oldclk, oldrec; int32_t fctemp; #if DEBUGIT if (debugsw AND debugms) printf("msl(): ENTRY ndisp=%d\n", ndisp); #endif runit = TRUE; /* set run state */ while (runit) { dsp_ok = TRUE; /* set display-OK flag for this pass */ ioadr = &io_ser + 2L; /* get edit switch status */ esi = *ioadr & 0x0008; if (editss NE esi) { /* check for edit switch change */ editss = esi; if (editss) /* toggle edit state if it went hi */ editsw = NOT editsw; } if (editsw) /* update edit LED */ io_leds = 0x9E; else io_leds = 0x1E; if ((NOT lampsw) AND lcdtime) { if (0 EQ --lcdtime) io_leds = 0x1F; /* turn off the LCD backlight */ } msm(); /* scan the MIDI ports */ if (tglclk) { /* check for clock on/off toggle */ oldsr = setsr(0x2700); /* disable interrupts */ tglclk = FALSE; /* cancel toggle flag */ setsr(oldsr); /* enable interrupts */ clkset(NOT clkrun); /* toggle clock mode */ dclkmd(); /* update display */ } if (tglpch) { /* check for punch in/out toggle */ oldsr = setsr(0x2700); /* disable interrupts */ tglpch = FALSE; /* cancel toggle flag */ setsr(oldsr); /* enable interrupts */ if ((ndisp EQ 2) AND (v_regs[5] & 0x0180)) vbank(0); for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) { /* scan the groups */ if (grpmode[i] EQ 1) { /* stdby -> rec */ grpmode[i] = 2; if (ndisp EQ 2) vputc(obj8, 2, 6 + (i * 5), '*', simled[grpmode[i]]); } else if (grpmode[i] EQ 2) { /* rec -> play */ grpmode[i] = 0; if (ndisp EQ 2) vputc(obj8, 2, 6 + (i * 5), '*', simled[grpmode[i]]); } } } /* process stimulli from the patch stimulus fifo */ if (getwq(&ptefifo, &fifoval) GE 0) { crel = 0x8000 & fifoval; trg = TRG_MASK & fifoval; port = 0x0003 & (fifoval >> 11); chan = 0x000F & (fifoval >> 7); trig = 0x007F & fifoval; veltab[trg] = vel = SM_SCALE(64); prstab[trg] = 0; if (crel) { /* release */ trgtab[trg] &= ~M_KSTATE; for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) { if (vce2trg[i] EQ trg) { vce2trg[i] = -1; procpfl(trg); } } stmproc(fifoval); /* do it as a patch stimulus */ } else { /* closure */ trgtab[trg] |= M_KSTATE; stmproc(fifoval); /* do it as a patch stimulus */ for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) if ((grp2prt[i][0] EQ 1 + port) AND (grp2prt[i][1] EQ 1 + chan)) asgvce(i, port, chan, trig, vel); } } if (-1L NE (afi = XBIOS(X_ANALOG))) { /* check panel inputs */ asig = (afi >> 8) & 0x007F; /* signal number */ astat = (afi >> 7) & 0x0001; /* status */ aval = afi & 0x007F; /* value */ if (asig) { /* active signal */ aflag = TRUE; newsig = astat AND (NOT sigtab[asig][1]); sigtab[asig][0] = aval; sigtab[asig][1] = astat; } else { /* all keys up */ aflag = FALSE; newsig = FALSE; for (i = 0; i < 128; i++) sigtab[i][1] = 0; } if (aflag) { /* anything changed ? */ if ((asig GE 1) AND (asig LE 24)) { /* local keyboard performance key */ localkb(asig); } else if ((asig GE 25) AND (asig LE 38)) { if (astat) lcd_on(); if (NOT newsig) doslide(); } else if ((asig GE 39) AND (asig LE 52)) { if (astat) lcd_on(); (*(*swpt)[asig - 39])(astat, (asig - 39)); } else if ((asig GE 60) AND (asig LE 69)) { (*d_key)(asig - 60); } else switch (asig) { case 53: /* tablet x */ val = SM_SCALE(aval); for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) { if (grp2prt[i][0] EQ LCL_PRT) { if (newsv(i, SM_HTPW, val)) { if (recsw AND grpstat[i] AND (2 EQ (ancmsw ? varmode[0][i] : grpmode[i]))) { if (E_NULL NE (ep = e_alc(E_SIZE2))) { ep->e_time = t_cur; ep->e_type = EV_ANVL; ep->e_data1 = (int8_t)i; ep->e_dn = (struct s_entry *)((int32_t)val << 16); p_cur = e_ins(ep, ep_adj(p_cur, 0, t_cur))->e_fwd; ctrsw = TRUE; se_disp(ep, D_FWD, gdstbc, 1); ctrsw = FALSE; } } else if ((angroup - 1) EQ i) { dsanval(0); } } } } break; case 54: /* tablet y */ val = SM_SCALE(aval); for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) { if (grp2prt[i][0] EQ LCL_PRT) { if (newsv(i, SM_VTMW, val)) { if (recsw AND grpstat[i] AND (2 EQ (ancmsw ? varmode[1][i] : grpmode[i]))) { if (E_NULL NE (ep = e_alc(E_SIZE2))) { ep->e_time = t_cur; ep->e_type = EV_ANVL; ep->e_data1 = (int8_t)(0x0010 | i); ep->e_dn = (struct s_entry *)((int32_t)val << 16); p_cur = e_ins(ep, ep_adj(p_cur, 0, t_cur))->e_fwd; ctrsw = TRUE; se_disp(ep, D_FWD, gdstbc, 1); ctrsw = FALSE; } } else if ((angroup - 1) EQ i) { dsanval(1); } } } } break; case 55: /* cursor x */ (*cx_key)(); break; case 56: /* cursor y */ (*cy_key)(); break; case 58: /* longpot r */ val = SM_SCALE(aval); for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) { if (grp2prt[i][0] EQ LCL_PRT) { if (newsv(i, SM_LPBR, val)) { if (recsw AND grpstat[i] AND (2 EQ (ancmsw ? varmode[2][i] : grpmode[i]))) { if (E_NULL NE (ep = e_alc(E_SIZE2))) { ep->e_time = t_cur; ep->e_type = EV_ANVL; ep->e_data1 = (int8_t)(0x0020 | i); ep->e_dn = (struct s_entry *)((int32_t)val << 16); p_cur = e_ins(ep, ep_adj(p_cur, 0, t_cur))->e_fwd; ctrsw = TRUE; se_disp(ep, D_FWD, gdstbc, 1); ctrsw = FALSE; } } else if ((angroup - 1) EQ i) { dsanval(2); } } } } break; case 59: /* scroll wheel */ wheel(); break; case 70: /* X key */ (*x_key)(); break; case 71: /* E key */ #if DEBUGIT if (debugsw AND debugms) printf("msl(): -> e_key ($%lX) astat=%d ndisp=%d\n", e_key, astat, ndisp); #endif (*e_key)(); #if DEBUGIT if (debugsw AND debugms) printf("msl(): <- e_key ($%lX) astat=%d ndisp=%d runit=%d\n", e_key, astat, ndisp, runit); #endif break; case 72: /* M key */ (*m_key)(); break; case 73: /* Tempo */ if (aval > 50) /* dead band */ if (aval < 53) aval = 50; else aval -= 2; tmpomlt = aval > 100 ? 100 : aval; #if OLDTIME ti = ( (tmpomlt + 50) * tmpoval) / 100; ti = (short)( (192000L / ti) - 1); #else ti = (tmpomlt + 50) * tmpoval; ti = (int16_t)( (19200000L / ti) - 1); #endif TIME_T2H = (uint8_t)(ti >> 8); TIME_T2L = (uint8_t)(ti & 0x00FF); if (tmpomlt EQ 50) { /* 0 */ io_leds = 0x18; /* green off */ io_leds = 0x19; /* red off */ } else if (tmpomlt GT 50) { /* hi */ io_leds = 0x98; /* green on */ io_leds = 0x19; /* red off */ } else { /* lo */ io_leds = 0x18; /* green off */ io_leds = 0x99; /* red on */ } break; case 74: /* Time */ if (aval > 50) /* dead band */ if (aval < 53) aval = 50; else aval -= 2; ti = aval > 100 ? 100 : aval; timemlt = tmultab[ti]; if (ti EQ 50) { /* 0 */ io_leds = 0x1A; /* green off */ io_leds = 0x1B; /* red off */ } else if (ti GT 50) { /* hi */ io_leds = 0x9A; /* green on */ io_leds = 0x1B; /* red off */ } else { /* lo */ io_leds = 0x1A; /* green off */ io_leds = 0x9B; /* red on */ } break; case 75: /* Tuning */ if (aval > 50) /* dead band */ if (aval < 53) aval = 50; else aval -= 2; i = (aval > 100) ? 100 : aval; tuneval = (i - 50) << 2; settune(); if (i EQ 50) { io_leds = 0x1C; /* green off */ io_leds = 0x1D; /* red off */ } else if (i GT 50) { io_leds = 0x9C; /* green on */ io_leds = 0x1D; /* red off */ } else { io_leds = 0x1C; /* green off */ io_leds = 0x9D; /* red on */ } break; case 76: /* amplitude */ aval += aval >> 2; if (aval > 127) aval = 127; amplval = (aval << 9) ^ (int16_t)0x8000; sendval(0, 0, amplval); break; case 77: /* pedal 1 */ val = SM_SCALE(aval); for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) { if (grp2prt[i][0] EQ LCL_PRT) { if (newsv(i, SM_PED1, val)) { if (recsw AND grpstat[i] AND (2 EQ (ancmsw ? varmode[4][i] : grpmode[i]))) { if (E_NULL NE (ep = e_alc(E_SIZE2))) { ep->e_time = t_cur; ep->e_type = EV_ANVL; ep->e_data1 = (int8_t)(0x0040 | i); ep->e_dn = (struct s_entry *)((int32_t)val << 16); p_cur = e_ins(ep, ep_adj(p_cur, 0, t_cur))->e_fwd; ctrsw = TRUE; se_disp(ep, D_FWD, gdstbc, 1); ctrsw = FALSE; } } else if ((angroup - 1) EQ i) { dsanval(4); } } } } break; case 79: /* cv 1 */ val = SM_SCALE(aval); for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) { if (grp2prt[i][0] EQ LCL_PRT) { if (newsv(i, SM_CTL1, val)) { if (recsw AND grpstat[i] AND (2 EQ (ancmsw ? varmode[3][i] : grpmode[i]))) { if (E_NULL NE (ep = e_alc(E_SIZE2))) { ep->e_time = t_cur; ep->e_type = EV_ANVL; ep->e_data1 = (int8_t)(0x0030 | i); ep->e_dn = (struct s_entry *)((int32_t)val << 16); p_cur = e_ins(ep, ep_adj(p_cur, 0, t_cur))->e_fwd; ctrsw = TRUE; se_disp(ep, D_FWD, gdstbc, 1); ctrsw = FALSE; } } if ((angroup - 1)EQ i) { dsanval(3); } } } } break; } } } #if DEBUGIT if (debugsw AND debugms AND (NOT runit)) printf("msl(): end of asig cases -- dsp_ok = %d\n", dsp_ok); #endif /* memory allocation changed ? */ if ((ndisp EQ 2) AND se_chg AND dsp_ok) { dsmem(); /* display memory remaining */ se_chg = FALSE; } nxtflag = FALSE; /* clear 'next score' flag */ fctemp = fc_val; /* sample the frame clock */ if (t_cur NE fctemp) { /* see if frame clock changed */ if (t_cur LT fctemp) { /* clock incremented */ if (se EQ D_BAK) /* change direction ? */ chgsef(); sc_trek(fctemp); /* track frame clock */ } else { /* clock decremented */ if (se EQ D_FWD) /* change direction ? */ chgseb(); sc_trek(fctemp); /* track frame clock */ } /* handle display update if there's time for it */ } else if (dsp_ok AND (t_ctr NE t_cur)) { if (t_ctr LT t_cur) { /* clock incremented */ if (sd EQ D_BAK) /* change direction ? */ chgsdf(); sc_trak(t_ctr + 1); /* track frame clock */ } else { /* clock decremented */ if (sd EQ D_FWD) /* change direction ? */ chgsdb(); sc_trak(t_ctr - 1); /* track frame clock */ } } #if DEBUGIT if (debugsw AND debugms AND (NOT runit)) printf("msl(): end of clock processing -- dsp_ok = %d\n", dsp_ok); #endif /* handle 'next score' flag */ if (nxtflag AND (sd EQ D_FWD)) { /* switch scores ? */ oldrec = recsw; oldclk = clkrun; ti = curscor + 1; if (ti GE N_SCORES) ti = 0; for (i = 0; i < N_SCORES; i++) { if (E_NULL NE scores[ti]) { selscor(ti); break; } if (++ti GE N_SCORES) ti = 0; } clkset(oldclk); /* restore clock mode */ dsclk(); recsw = oldrec; /* restore record/play mode */ dsrpmod(); nxtflag = FALSE; /* clear 'next score' flag */ } #if DEBUGIT if (debugsw AND debugms AND (NOT runit)) printf("msl(): curproc\n"); #endif curproc(); /* process wheel and ball */ #if DEBUGIT if (debugsw AND debugms AND (NOT runit)) printf("msl(): seqproc\n"); #endif seqproc(); /* process sequences */ } #if DEBUGIT if (debugsw AND debugms) printf("msl(): EXIT ndisp=%d\n", ndisp); #endif }