/* ============================================================================= sedump.c -- dump various kinds of MIDAS-VII data in readable format Version 42 -- 1988-08-24 -- D.N. Lynx Crowe ============================================================================= */ #include "graphdef.h" #include "hwdefs.h" #include "stddefs.h" #include "score.h" #include "scfns.h" #include "slice.h" #include "secdefs.h" #include "vsdd.h" #include "midas.h" #include "instdsp.h" extern unsigned scrl; extern short curfunc; extern short curvce; extern short sbase; extern short sd; extern short se; extern short soffset; extern short subj; extern short varmode[][16]; extern struct gdsel *gdstbc[NGDSEL]; extern struct gdsel *gdstbn[NGDSEL]; extern struct gdsel *gdstbp[NGDSEL]; extern struct gdsel *gdfsep; extern struct gdsel gdfsl[MAXFSL]; extern struct instdef vbufs[]; extern char *idbxlbl[]; extern char *osclbl[]; /* */ char *A6PTR = 0L; /* traceback a6 starting address */ char *A7PTR = 0L; /* traceback a7 starting address */ char *A7TOP = 0x000FFFFFL; /* traceback stack top */ short SCnumv = 0; /* voice for SCvoice() to dump (0..11) */ short SL_Flag; /* ROMP trap disable flag */ short x_unrec; /* unrecognized event type or size flag */ long SCdlim = MAX_SE; /* score dump limit */ char *evkinds[N_ETYPES] = { /* event types (must match score.h) */ "00: EV_NULL null event ", "01: EV_SCORE score begin ", "02: EV_SBGN section begin", "03: EV_SEND section end ", "04: EV_INST instr. change", "05: EV_NBEG note begin ", "06: EV_NEND note end ", "07: EV_STOP stop ", "08: EV_INTP interpolate ", "09: EV_TMPO tempo ", "0A: EV_TUNE tuning ", "0B: EV_GRP group status ", "0C: EV_LOCN location ", "0D: EV_DYN dynamics ", "0E: EV_ANVL analog value ", "0F: EV_ANRS analog res. ", "10: EV_ASGN I/O assign ", "11: EV_TRNS transposition", "12: EV_REPT repeat ", "13: EV_PNCH punch in/out ", "14: EV_PRES poly pressure", "15: EV_FINI score end ", "16: EV_CPRS chan pressure", "17: EV_BAR bar marker " }; char *hpname[N_TYPES] = { /* header type names (must match score.h) */ "EH_INST", "EH_GRP ", "EH_LOCN", "EH_DYN ", "EH_ANRS", "EH_TRNS", "EH_INTP", "EH_TMPO", "EH_TUNE", "EH_ASGN", "EH_SBGN", "EH_SEND" }; char *var_lbl[6] = { /* variable names */ "Pch/Hor", "Mod/Vrt", "Brth/LP", "GPC/CV1", "Pedal 1", "Key Prs" }; char *srcname[] = { /* source names (must match smdefs.h) */ "NONE", "RAND", "CTL1", "?03?", "?04?", "PTCH", "KPRS", "KVEL", "PED1", "?09?", "FREQ", "HTPW", "VTMW", "LPBR" }; char *actname[] = { /* function action names */ "NULL", "SUST", "ENBL", "JUMP", "LOOP", "KYUP", "KYDN", "HERE" }; /* */ /* ============================================================================= ev_kind(sep) -- returns a pointer to a string describing the event at 'sep', or a NULL pointer if the event is unrecognized. Sets x_unrec according to the result. ============================================================================= */ char * ev_kind(sep) struct s_entry *sep; { if ((sep->e_type & 0x00FF) GE N_ETYPES) { x_unrec = TRUE; return(NULL); } x_unrec = FALSE; return(evkinds[sep->e_type]); } /* */ /* ============================================================================= SEctrl() -- print current score pointers and times ============================================================================= */ SEctrl() { printf("curscor: %d \"%-16.16s\" cursect: %d scp: $%08lX\n\n", curscor, scname[curscor], cursect, scp); printf(" fc_val: %8ld fc_sw: %d\n\n", fc_val, fc_sw); printf(" t_bak: %8ld t_cur: %8ld t_ctr: %8ld t_fwd: %8ld\n", t_bak, t_cur, t_ctr, t_fwd); printf(" p_bak: $%08lX p_cur: $%08lX p_ctr: $%08lX p_fwd: $%08lX\n\n", p_bak, p_cur, p_ctr, p_fwd); } /* ============================================================================= SEsnap() -- snap dump critical score storage variables ============================================================================= */ SEsnap() { register short i, j; printf("\n"); printf("evleft: %ld spcount: %ld frags: %ld\n", evleft(), spcount, frags); printf(" se1_cnt=%ld se2_cnt=%ld se3_cnt=%ld\n", se1_cnt, se2_cnt, se3_cnt); printf(" pspool=$%08lX size1=$%08lX size2=$%08lX size3=$%08lX\n", pspool, size1, size2, size3); SEctrl(); for (i = 0; i < N_SCORES; i++) printf("%2d: \"%-16.16s\" $%08lX %s\n", i + 1, scname[i], scores[i], (i EQ curscor) ? "<--- curscor" : ""); printf("\n\n"); printf("Variable modes for each group:\n\n"); printf("V# VarName 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12\n"); printf("-- ------- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --\n"); for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { printf("%02d %s ", i, var_lbl[i]); for (j = 0; j < 12; j++) printf(" %d ", varmode[i][j]); printf("\n"); } printf("\n"); } /* */ /* ============================================================================= SEdump(sep) -- dumps the event at 'sep' in readable format. Returns 'sep'. Sets x_unrec TRUE if the event is unrecognized, FALSE if the event is recognized. ============================================================================= */ struct s_entry * SEdump(sep) struct s_entry *sep; { char *et; x_unrec = TRUE; switch (sep->e_size) { case E_SIZE1: case E_SIZE2: case E_SIZE3: break; default: printf("[%08lX]: ** Bad event size: $%02.2X **\n", sep, sep->e_size); return(sep); } if (NULL EQ (et = ev_kind(sep))) { printf("[%08lX]: ** Bad event type: $%02.2X **\n", sep, sep->e_type); return(sep); } x_unrec = FALSE; printf("$%08lX: t=%10ld F:$%08lX B:$%08lX * %s\n", sep, sep->e_time, sep->e_fwd, sep->e_bak, et); printf(" data = $%02.2X $%02.2X", 0x00FF & sep->e_data1, 0x00FF & sep->e_data2); if (sep->e_size EQ E_SIZE1) printf(" $%04.4X $%04.4X", ((struct n_entry *)sep)->e_vel, ((struct n_entry *)sep)->e_data4); printf("\n"); if (sep->e_size GT E_SIZE1) printf(" up: $%08lX dn: $%08lX", sep->e_up, sep->e_dn); else return(sep); if (sep->e_size GT E_SIZE2) printf(" lft: $%08lX rgt: $%08lX", sep->e_lft, sep->e_rgt); printf("\n"); return(sep); } /* */ /* ============================================================================= SEchase() -- print up to 'n' events or to the end of the score, starting with event 'ep'. ============================================================================= */ struct s_entry * SEchase(ep, n) register struct s_entry *ep; register long n; { register long i; register struct s_entry *np; printf("\n"); if (ep EQ E_NULL) { printf("NULL pointer\n"); return(scp); } if (Pcheck(ep, "ep - SEchase()")) return(scp); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { SEdump(ep); if ((ep->e_type EQ EV_FINI) OR x_unrec) return(scp); np = ep->e_fwd; if (Pcheck(np, "e_fwd - SEchase()")) return(scp); if (Pcheck(ep->e_bak, "e_bak - SEchase()")) return(scp); ep = np; } printf("\n"); return(ep); } /* */ /* ============================================================================= SLdump() -- print slice control data ============================================================================= */ SLdump() { register short i; register struct gdsel *gp; printf("\n"); printf("sd = %s se = %s sbase = %d soffset = %d scrl = $%04.4X\n", sd ? "BAK" : "FWD", se ? "BAK" : "FWD", sbase, soffset, scrl); printf("gdfsep = $%08lX\n\n", gdfsep); printf("gr $ gdstbp $ gdstbc $ gdstbn\n"); printf(" %08lX %08lX %08lX\n", gdstbp, gdstbc, gdstbn); printf("-- -------- -------- --------\n"); for (i = 0; i < NGDSEL; i++) { printf("%2d %08lX %08lX %08lX\n", i + 1, gdstbp[i], gdstbc[i], gdstbn[i]); if (i EQ 11) printf("\n"); } printf("\n"); if (SL_Flag EQ FALSE) xtrap15(); SL_Flag = FALSE; } /* */ /* ============================================================================= SECdump() -- dump section variables and hplist ============================================================================= */ SECdump() { register short i; printf("p_sbgn = $%08lX p_send = $%08lX\n", p_sbgn, p_send); printf("t_sbgn = %8ld t_send = %8ld t_sect = %8ld\n\n", t_sbgn, t_send, t_sect); printf("p_cbgn = $%08lX p_cend = $%08lX\n", p_cbgn, p_cend); printf("t_cbgn = %8ld t_cend = %8ld\n\n", t_cbgn, t_cend); printf("seclist[curscor][]\n"); printf("------------------\n\n"); printf("Sec Addr_____ Sec Addr_____ Sec Addr_____ Sec Addr_____ Sec Addr_____ \n"); for (i = 0; i < N_SECTS; i += 5) { printf("%2d $%08lX ", i + 1, seclist[curscor][i]); if ((i + 1) < N_SECTS) printf("%2d $%08lX ", i + 2, seclist[curscor][i + 1]); if ((i + 2) < N_SECTS) printf("%2d $%08lX ", i + 3, seclist[curscor][i + 2]); if ((i + 3) < N_SECTS) printf("%2d $%08lX ", i + 4, seclist[curscor][i + 3]); if ((i + 4) < N_SECTS) printf("%2d $%08lX ", i + 5, seclist[curscor][i + 4]); printf("\n"); } printf("\n"); printf("hplist[curscor][]\n"); printf("-----------------\n"); printf("Type___ Addr_____\n"); for (i = 0; i < N_TYPES; i++) printf("%s $%08lX\n", hpname[i], hplist[curscor][i]); printf("\n"); } /* */ /* ============================================================================= DOA() -- do a simple stack traceback ============================================================================= */ DOA() { register long *olda6, *cura6; register short n, *prptr; if (A6PTR AND A7PTR) { printf("Stack dump: $%08lX to $%08lX\n\n", A7PTR, A7TOP); mdump(A7PTR, A7TOP, A7PTR); printf("\n\n"); printf("Stack traceback: from A6 = $%08lX\n\n", A6PTR); printf("A6 Old A6 Return\n"); } else { printf("Set A6PTR ($%08lX) and A7PTR ($%08lX) first\n", &A6PTR, &A7PTR); xtrap15(); } cura6 = A6PTR; while (cura6) { olda6 = *cura6; printf("$%08lX: $%08lX $%08lX\n", cura6, olda6, *(cura6 + 4L)); prptr = cura6 + 8L; n = 8; while (prptr < olda6) { printf(" +%-4d [$%08lX]: $%04.4X\n", n, prptr, *prptr); n += 2; ++prptr; } cura6 = olda6; } xtrap15(); } /* */ /* ============================================================================= SCPanic() -- print the score control variables ============================================================================= */ SCPanic() { SEsnap(); /* control data */ xtrap15(); } /* ============================================================================= SCdump() -- print the score control variables and the current score ============================================================================= */ SCdump() { SEsnap(); /* control data */ SECdump(); /* section variables */ SEchase(scp, SCdlim); /* current score */ xtrap15(); } /* ============================================================================= SCcrash() -- print all of the score related data and the current score ============================================================================= */ SCcrash() { SL_Flag = TRUE; SLdump(); /* slice data */ SCdump(); /* control data and current score */ } /* ============================================================================= SCtimes() -- print the score times and pointers ============================================================================= */ SCtimes() { SEctrl(); xtrap15(); } /* */ /* ============================================================================= SCslice() -- print details of the slices ============================================================================= */ SCslice() { register short i, s; register struct gdsel *gp; /* print details of gdstbp */ s = FALSE; for (i = 0; i < NGDSEL; i++) { if ((struct gdsel *)NULL NE (gp = gdstbp[i])) { if (NOT s) { printf("gdstbp:"); s = TRUE; } while (gp) { printf(" %02d:%02d:%d", i + 1, gp->note, gp->code); gp = gp->next; } } } if (s) printf("\n"); /* */ /* print details of gdstbc */ s = FALSE; for (i = 0; i < NGDSEL; i++) { if ((struct gdsel *)NULL NE (gp = gdstbc[i])) { if (NOT s) { printf("gdstbc:"); s = TRUE; } while (gp) { printf(" %02d:%02d:%d", i + 1, gp->note, gp->code); gp = gp->next; } } } if (s) printf("\n"); /* */ /* print details of gdstbn */ s = FALSE; for (i = 0; i < NGDSEL; i++) { if ((struct gdsel *)NULL NE (gp = gdstbn[i])) { if (NOT s) { printf("gdstbn:"); s = TRUE; } while (gp) { printf(" %02d:%02d:%d", i + 1, gp->note, gp->code); gp = gp->next; } } } if (s) printf("\n"); } /* */ /* ============================================================================= SCvce() -- dump voice buffer instrument definition ============================================================================= */ SCvce(n) { register short i, j, pif, pt1; register struct instdef *ip; register struct idfnhdr *fp; register struct instpnt *pp; ip = &vbufs[n]; /* dump instrument header */ printf("VOICE %2d: %-16.16s %-16.16s %-16.16s %-16.16s\n", (1 + n), ip->idhname, ip->idhcom1, ip->idhcom2, ip->idhcom3); printf(" flag=%04.4X Cfg=%d #plft=%d WsA=%d WsB=%d\n", ip->idhflag, (0x00FF & ip->idhcfg), (0x00FF & ip->idhplft), (1 + (0x00FF & ip->idhwsa)), (1 + (0x00FF & ip->idhwsb))); printf(" Osc 1:%s %c %04.4X 2:%s %c %04.4X 3:%s %c %04.4X 4:%s %c %04.4X\n", osclbl[ip->idhos1c & OC_MOD], ((ip->idhos1c & OC_SYN) ? 'S' : ' '), ip->idhos1v, osclbl[ip->idhos2c & OC_MOD], ((ip->idhos2c & OC_SYN) ? 'S' : ' '), ip->idhos2v, osclbl[ip->idhos3c & OC_MOD], ((ip->idhos3c & OC_SYN) ? 'S' : ' '), ip->idhos3v, osclbl[ip->idhos4c & OC_MOD], ((ip->idhos4c & OC_SYN) ? 'S' : ' '), ip->idhos4v); /* dump function headers */ printf("\nFunction headers\n"); printf(" Fn Pch Mult Sr Pif Pt1 Cpt Md Pr Trg \n"); printf(" -- ---- ---- -- --- --- --- -- -- ----\n"); for (i = 0; i < NFINST; i++) { fp = &ip->idhfnc[i]; printf(" %2d %04.4X %04.4X %02X %3d %3d %3d %02x %02x %04.4x %s\n", i, fp->idfpch, fp->idfmlt, (0x00FF & fp->idfsrc), (0x00FF & fp->idfpif), (0x00FF & fp->idfpt1), (0x00FF & fp->idfcpt), (0x00FF & fp->idftmd), (0x00FF & fp->idfprm), fp->idftrg, idbxlbl[i]); } /* dump occupied points for each function */ printf("\nOccupied points\n"); printf(" Fn Fpt Ipt Time Val Mult Src Act P1 P2 P3 Pd\n"); printf(" -- --- --- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- -- -- -- --\n"); for (i = 0; i < NFINST; i++) { fp = &ip->idhfnc[i]; pif = 0x00FF & fp->idfpif; pt1 = 0x00FF & fp->idfpt1; for (j = 0; j < pif; j++) { pp = &ip->idhpnt[pt1 + j]; printf(" %2d %3d %3d %04.4X %04.4X %04.4X %4s %4s %2X %2X %2X %2X\n", i, j, (pt1 + j), pp->iptim, pp->ipval, pp->ipvmlt, srcname[0x00FF & pp->ipvsrc], actname[0x00FF & pp->ipact], (0x00FF & pp->ippar1), (0x00FF & pp->ippar2), (0x00FF & pp->ippar3), (0x00FF & pp->ippad)); } } printf("\n"); } /* */ /* ============================================================================= SCvces() -- dump voice buffer instrument definitions ============================================================================= */ SCvces() { register short i; for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) SCvce(i); xtrap15(); } /* ============================================================================= SCvoice() -- dump voice buffer instrument definition ============================================================================= */ SCvoice() { SCvce(SCnumv); xtrap15(); }