/* ============================================================================= sqselbx.c -- MIDAS-VII sequence editor box selection functions Version 19 -- 1988-11-18 -- D.N. Lynx Crowe ============================================================================= */ #include "stddefs.h" #include "fields.h" #include "vsdd.h" #include "graphdef.h" #include "patch.h" #include "macros.h" #include "curpak.h" #include "midas.h" #include "ptdisp.h" #define ST_0 0x01 /* initial Action 1 or Action 2*/ #define ST_1 0x02 /* operand type */ #define ST_2 0x04 /* initial Action 3*/ #define ST_OFF 0x00 /* cancel highlighting */ /* */ extern short cmtype; extern short curslin; extern short stccol; extern short stcrow; extern short submenu; extern short vtccol; extern short vtcrow; extern char actlft[]; extern short sqatype[]; extern unsigned short *obj11; extern struct seqent seqtab[]; short action; /* current action column */ short sqdeflg; /* sequence data entry buffer filled */ short sqmenu; /* sqeuence submenu state */ char sqdebuf[50]; /* sequence data entry buffer */ struct seqent seqbuf; /* sequence line buffer */ short sqfnbox(short n); /* */ char sqhilit[][8] = { /* submenu highlight table */ /* start, width, row1, row2, row3, row4, row5, pad */ { 2, 13, ST_0|ST_2, ST_0|ST_2, ST_0|ST_2, ST_0, 0, 0}, { 17, 11, ST_0|ST_2, ST_0|ST_2, ST_0|ST_2, ST_0, 0, 0}, { 30, 11, ST_0|ST_2, ST_0|ST_2, 0, ST_0, 0, 0}, { 43, 8, ST_0|ST_2, ST_0|ST_2, ST_0, ST_0, ST_0, 0}, { 53, 8, ST_1, ST_1, ST_1, ST_1, 0, 0}, }; struct selbox sqboxes[] = { /* selection boxes */ {CTOX(1), RTOY(DATAROW), CTOX(48)-1, RTOY(1+DATAROW)-1, 0, sqfnbox}, /* current patch */ { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, FN_NULL} }; char sqopreq[] = { /* action needs operand type flag table */ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1 }; char nextact[] = { 24, 36, 6 }; /* next column after action entry */ /* */ short sqidata[] = { /* intial data by box */ 0x0000, /* " " 0 */ 0x0000, /* "Kt 001 1 01" 1 */ 0x0000, /* "Kc 001 1 01" 2 */ 0x0000, /* "Kr 001 1 01" 3 */ 0x0000, /* "If 001 1 01" 4 */ 0x0000, /* "Trig on 01" 5 */ 0x0000, /* "Trig off 01" 6 */ 0x0000, /* "Trig tgl 01" 7 */ 0x0000, /* "If trig 01" 8 */ 0x0000, /* "Stop " 9 */ 0x0000, /* "Jump to 000" 10 */ 0x0000, /* "???????????" 11 */ 0x0000, /* "If stim act" 12 */ SQ_VAL, /* "Set R01=00 " 13 */ SQ_VAL, /* "Inc R01+00 " 14 */ SQ_VAL, /* "If R01=00 " 15 */ SQ_VAL, /* "If R01<00 " 16 */ SQ_VAL /* "If R01>00 " 17 */ }; /* */ char actcol[] = { /* action data entry column by action */ 0, 3, 3, 3, 3, 9, 9, 9, 9, 5, 5, 5, 5, 10, 8, 3, 5 }; char sqvcol[] = { 9, 8, 9, 9 }; /* value entry column - type order */ char seqvcol[] = { 8, 8, 9, 9, 9 }; /* value entry column - box order */ short sqndata[] = { /* data types in box order */ SQ_VAL, SQ_REG, SQ_VLT, SQ_RND }; /* */ /* ============================================================================= hilitsq() -- highlight sequence submenu ============================================================================= */ void hilitsq(char n) { register short chr, h, v, w; sqmenu = n; /* set current submenu type */ for (h = 0; h < 5; h++) { /* scan the columns */ for (v = 0; v < 5; v++) { /* scan the rows */ chr = sqhilit[h][0]; /* starting character */ for (w = sqhilit[h][1]; w-- > 0; ) vsetcv(obj11, v + 1, chr++, (sqhilit[h][v + 2] & n) ? PTIATR : PTMATR, 64); } } } /* */ /* ============================================================================= postcm() -- determine state after cursor motion ============================================================================= */ void postcm(void) { if (inrange(stccol, 12, 22)) { if (inrange(stccol, 12, 13)) hilitsq(ST_0); else if ((sqopreq[seqbuf.seqact1 & SQ_MACT]) AND (stccol EQ 19)) hilitsq(ST_1); else hilitsq(ST_OFF); return; } else if (inrange(stccol, 24, 34)) { if (inrange(stccol, 24, 25)) hilitsq(ST_0); else if ((sqopreq[seqbuf.seqact2 & SQ_MACT]) AND (stccol EQ 31)) hilitsq(ST_1); else hilitsq(ST_OFF); return; } else if (inrange(stccol, 36, 46)) { if (inrange(stccol, 36, 37)) hilitsq(ST_2); else if ((sqopreq[seqbuf.seqact3 & SQ_MACT]) AND (stccol EQ 43)) hilitsq(ST_1); else hilitsq(ST_OFF); return; } else { hilitsq(ST_OFF); return; } } /* */ /* ============================================================================= movestc() -- move cursor and reset highlighting ============================================================================= */ void movestc(short r, short c) { ctcpos(r, c); postcm(); } /* ============================================================================= endssm() -- end patch submenu data entry ============================================================================= */ void endssm(short row, short col) { submenu = FALSE; cmtype = CT_SMTH; mtcoff(); ctcon(); movestc(row, col); } /* */ /* ============================================================================= setsqm() -- setup submenu ============================================================================= */ void setsqm(short r, short c) { submenu = TRUE; cmtype = CT_MENU; mtcpos(r, c); } /* */ /* ============================================================================= sqenter() -- enter an action ============================================================================= */ short sqenter(void) { register short i, lcol; register long ltemp; register unsigned short *ap, *dp; unsigned short theact, port, chan, key, val, obj, dtype; switch (action) { case 0: ap = &seqbuf.seqact1; dp = &seqbuf.seqdat1; break; case 1: ap = &seqbuf.seqact2; dp = &seqbuf.seqdat2; break; case 2: ap = &seqbuf.seqact3; dp = &seqbuf.seqdat3; break; default: action = 0; movestc(DATAROW, actlft[action]); return(FAILURE); } /* */ lcol = actlft[action]; theact = SQ_MACT & *ap; switch (theact) { case SQ_TKEY: /* "Kt 001 1 01" */ case SQ_CKEY: /* "Kc 001 1 01" */ case SQ_RKEY: /* "Kr 001 1 01" */ case SQ_IKEY: /* "If 001 1 01" */ ltemp = 0; for (i = lcol + 3; i < lcol + 6; i++) ltemp = (ltemp * 10) + (sqdebuf[i] - '0'); if ((ltemp < 1L) OR (ltemp > 128L)) { movestc(DATAROW, actlft[action] + 3); return(FAILURE); } key = ltemp - 1; /* */ i = sqdebuf[lcol + 7]; if ((i EQ '1') OR (i EQ '2')) { port = i - '1'; } else if (i EQ 'L') { port = 2; } else { movestc(DATAROW, actlft[action] + 7); return(FAILURE); } ltemp = ((sqdebuf[lcol + 9] - '0') * 10) + (sqdebuf[lcol + 10] - '0'); if ((ltemp < 1L) OR (ltemp > 16L)) { movestc(DATAROW, actlft[action] + 9); return(FAILURE); } chan = ltemp - 1; *dp = (port << 11) | (chan << 7) | key; break; /* */ case SQ_STRG: /* "Trig on 01" */ case SQ_CTRG: /* "Trig off 01" */ case SQ_TTRG: /* "Trig tgl 01" */ ltemp = ((sqdebuf[lcol + 9] - '0') * 10)+ (sqdebuf[lcol + 10] - '0'); if ((ltemp < 1L) OR (ltemp > 16)) { movestc(DATAROW, actlft[action] + 9); return(FAILURE); } *dp = ltemp - 1; break; case SQ_NULL: /* " " */ case SQ_ITRG: /* "If trig act" */ case SQ_STOP: /* "Stop " */ case SQ_ISTM: /* "If stim act" */ break; case SQ_JUMP: /* "Jump to 000" */ ltemp = 0; for (i = lcol + 8; i < lcol + 11; i++) ltemp = (ltemp * 10) + (sqdebuf[i] - '0'); *dp = ltemp; break; /* */ case SQ_SREG: /* "Set R01=00 " */ case SQ_AREG: /* "Inc R01+00 " */ case SQ_IREQ: /* "If R01=00 " */ case SQ_IRLT: /* "If R01<00 " */ case SQ_IRGT: /* "If R01>00 " */ dtype = *dp & SQ_MTYP; ltemp = ((sqdebuf[lcol + 5] - '0') * 10) + (sqdebuf[lcol + 6] - '0'); if ((ltemp < 1) OR (ltemp > 16)) { movestc(DATAROW, actlft[action] + 5); return(FAILURE); } obj = ltemp - 1; switch (dtype) { case SQ_REG: /* register */ ltemp = ((sqdebuf[lcol + 9] - '0') * 10) + (sqdebuf[lcol + 10] - '0'); if ((ltemp < 1) OR (ltemp > 16)) { movestc(DATAROW, actlft[action] + 9); return(FAILURE); } val = ltemp - 1; break; case SQ_VAL: /* constant value */ val = ((sqdebuf[lcol + 8] - '0') * 10) + (sqdebuf[lcol + 9] - '0'); break; /* */ case SQ_VLT: /* control voltage */ val = (sqdebuf[lcol + 9] - '0') - 1; break; case SQ_RND: /* random value */ val = sqdebuf[lcol + 9] - '0'; break; default: movestc(DATAROW, actlft[action] + 8); return(FAILURE); } if (((*ap & SQ_MACT) EQ SQ_AREG) AND (sqdebuf[lcol + 7] EQ '-')) val |= 0x1000; *ap = (*ap & SQ_MACT) | (obj << 8); *dp = (*dp & SQ_MTYP) | val; break; default: movestc(DATAROW, actlft[action]); return(FAILURE); } /* */ memcpyw(&seqtab[curslin], &seqbuf, NSEQW); dsqlin(sqdebuf, curslin); sqdeflg = TRUE; dcursq(); movestc(DATAROW, nextact[action]); return(SUCCESS); } /* */ /* ============================================================================= sqfnbox() -- sequence display box hit processor ============================================================================= */ short sqfnbox(short n) { short act, vtype; register short box; register short i; register long ltemp; if (NOT submenu) { /* SEQUENCE DATA ENTRY LINE */ if (inrange(stccol, 2, 4)) { /* Line */ ltemp = 0; for (i = 2; i < 5; i++) ltemp = (ltemp * 10) + (sqdebuf[i] - '0'); curslin = ltemp; sqdeflg = FALSE; dstw(); movestc(DATAROW, 2); return(SUCCESS); } else if (inrange(stccol, 6, 10)) { /* Time */ ltemp = 0; for (i = 6; i < 8; i++) ltemp = (ltemp * 10) + (sqdebuf[i] - '0'); for (i = 9; i < 11; i++) ltemp = (ltemp * 10) + (sqdebuf[i] - '0'); seqtab[curslin].seqtime = ltemp; seqbuf.seqtime = ltemp; dsqlin(sqdebuf, curslin); sqdeflg = TRUE; dcursq(); movestc(DATAROW, 12); return(SUCCESS); /* */ } else if (inrange(stccol, 12, 22)) { /* Action 1 */ action = 0; if (inrange(stccol, 12, 13)) { setsqm(19, 2); return(SUCCESS); } else if ((sqopreq[seqbuf.seqact1 & SQ_MACT]) AND (stccol EQ 19)) { setsqm(19, 53); return(SUCCESS); } else { return(sqenter()); } } else if (inrange(stccol, 24, 34)) { /* Action 2 */ action = 1; if (inrange(stccol, 24, 25)) { setsqm(19, 2); return(SUCCESS); } else if ((sqopreq[seqbuf.seqact2 & SQ_MACT]) AND (stccol EQ 31)) { setsqm(19, 53); return(SUCCESS); } else { return(sqenter()); } /* */ } else if (inrange(stccol, 36, 46)) { /* Action 3 */ action = 2; if (inrange(stccol, 36, 37)) { setsqm(19, 2); return(SUCCESS); } else if ((sqopreq[seqbuf.seqact3 & SQ_MACT]) AND (stccol EQ 43)) { setsqm(19, 53); return(SUCCESS); } else { return(sqenter()); } } else return(FAILURE); /* */ } else { /* SUBMENU SELECTION */ /* determine the "box" we're pointing at */ if (inrange(vtccol, 2, 14)) box = vtcrow - 18; else if (inrange(vtccol, 17, 27)) box = vtcrow - 14; else if (inrange(vtccol, 30, 40)) box = vtcrow - 10; else if (inrange(vtccol, 43, 50)) box = vtcrow - 6; else if (inrange(vtccol, 53, 60)) box = vtcrow - 1; else return(FAILURE); /* */ switch (sqmenu) { /* switch on submenu type */ case ST_0: /* Action 1 or Action 2 type */ case ST_2: /* Action 3 type */ if (inrange(box, 18, 21)) return(FAILURE); switch (action) { case 0: /* action 1 */ act = SQ_MACT & (seqbuf.seqact1 = sqatype[box]); vtype = 0x000F & ((seqbuf.seqdat1 = sqidata[box]) >> 8); break; case 1: /* action 2 */ act = SQ_MACT & (seqbuf.seqact2 = sqatype[box]); vtype = 0x000F & ((seqbuf.seqdat2 = sqidata[box]) >> 8); break; case 2: /* action 3 */ if ((box EQ 4) OR (box EQ 8) OR (box EQ 12) OR inrange(box, 15, 17)) return(FAILURE); act = SQ_MACT & (seqbuf.seqact3 = sqatype[box]); vtype = 0x000F & ((seqbuf.seqdat3 = sqidata[box]) >> 8); break; } memcpyw(&seqtab[curslin], &seqbuf, NSEQW); dsqlin(sqdebuf, curslin); sqdeflg = TRUE; dcursq(); if (sqopreq[act]) endssm(stcrow, actlft[action] + sqvcol[vtype]); else if ((act EQ SQ_ISTM) OR (act EQ SQ_STOP)) endssm(stcrow, nextact[action]); else endssm(stcrow, actlft[action] + actcol[act]); return(SUCCESS); /* */ case ST_1: /* operand type */ if (NOT inrange(box, 18, 21)) return(FAILURE); switch (action) { case 0: /* action 1 */ if (NOT sqopreq[act = SQ_MACT & seqbuf.seqact1]) return(FAILURE); seqbuf.seqdat1 = (seqbuf.seqdat1 & SQ_MFLG) | sqndata[box - 18]; break; case 1: /* action 2 */ if (NOT sqopreq[act = SQ_MACT & seqbuf.seqact2]) return(FAILURE); seqbuf.seqdat2 = (seqbuf.seqdat2 & SQ_MFLG) | sqndata[box - 18]; break; case 2: /* action 3 */ if (NOT sqopreq[act = SQ_MACT & seqbuf.seqact3]) return(FAILURE); seqbuf.seqdat3 = (seqbuf.seqdat3 & SQ_MFLG) | sqndata[box - 18]; break; } break; default: /* -BOGUS- */ endssm(stcrow, stccol); return(FAILURE); } memcpyw(&seqtab[curslin], &seqbuf, NSEQW); dsqlin(sqdebuf, curslin); sqdeflg = TRUE; dcursq(); endssm(stcrow, actlft[action] + seqvcol[box - 18]); return(SUCCESS); } return(FAILURE); }