/* ============================================================================= stmproc.c -- MIDAS-VII Patch facility support functions Version 33 -- 1988-12-06 -- D.N. Lynx Crowe ============================================================================= */ #define DEBUGDP 0 #define DEBUGEP 0 #define DEBUGFD 0 #define DEBUGFP 0 #define DEBUGSR 0 #define PATCHDEF /* so patch.h gets it right */ #include "ram.h" #if DEBUGDP short debugdp = 1; #endif #if DEBUGEP short debugep = 0; short snapep = 1; #endif #if DEBUGFD short debugfd = 0; #endif #if DEBUGFP short debugfp = 1; #endif #if DEBUGSR short debugsr = 1; short snapsr = 1; #endif uint16_t dtfree; /* defent free list index */ uint16_t ptfree; /* patch free list index */ uint16_t dpepred; /* defent predecessor index */ uint16_t dpecpos; /* current defent index */ uint16_t dpesucc; /* defent successor index */ int8_t ptdsbuf[50]; /* patch display build buffer */ int8_t defptr[NDEFSTMS]; /* definition index table */ int8_t stmptr[NDEFSTMS]; /* stimulus index table */ struct defent defents[RAWDEFS]; /* definition control table */ struct patch patches[MAXPATCH]; /* patch table */ struct wordq ptefifo; /* patch trigger fifo header */ uint16_t ptewrds[NPTEQELS]; /* patch trigger fifo entries */ int8_t dmatch[] = { /* addat1 match tags */ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, /* 0 .. 7 */ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, /* 8 .. 15 */ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, /* 16 .. 23 */ 1, 1, 1 /* 24 .. 26 */ }; /* ============================================================================= initpt() -- initialize patch table data structure ============================================================================= */ void initpt(void) { register uint16_t i; /* initialize the trigger fifo */ setwq(&ptefifo, ptewrds, NPTEQELS, NPTEQHI, NPTEQLO); /* clear DEF / STM index tables */ memset(defptr, 0, sizeof defptr); memset(stmptr, 0, sizeof stmptr); /* setup patch free chain */ memset(patches, 0, sizeof patches); for (i = 1; i < 255; i++) patches[i].nextstm = 1 + i; ptfree = 1; /* setup defent free chain */ memset(defents, 0, sizeof defents); for (i = 1; i < 255; i++) defents[i].nextdef = 1 + i; dtfree = 1; } /* ============================================================================= pt_alc() -- allocate a patch table entry from the free list ============================================================================= */ uint16_t pt_alc(void) { register uint16_t pe; if (0 NE (pe = ptfree)) ptfree = patches[pe].nextstm; return(pe); } /* ============================================================================= pt_del() -- return a patch table entry to the free list ============================================================================= */ void pt_del(uint16_t pe) { patches[pe].nextstm = ptfree; ptfree = pe; } /* ============================================================================= dt_alc() -- allocate a def table entry from the free list ============================================================================= */ uint16_t dt_alc(void) { register uint16_t de; if (0 NE (de = dtfree)) dtfree = defents[de].nextdef; return(de); } /* ============================================================================= dt_del() -- return a def table entry to the free list ============================================================================= */ void dt_del(uint16_t de) { defents[de].nextdef = dtfree; dtfree = de; } /* ============================================================================= cprdpe() -- compare patch buffer to def table entry Returns: -1 = buffer < table entry 0 = buffer EQ table entry +1 = buffer > table entry ============================================================================= */ int16_t cprdpe(uint16_t np) { register uint16_t ca, cb, ct; register struct defent *pp; pp = &defents[np]; if ((cb = ptestm) < (ct = pp->stm)) return(-1); if (cb > ct) return(1); if ((ca = (PE_SPEC & ptespec)) < (ct = (PE_SPEC & pp->adspec))) return(-1); if (ca > ct) return(1); if ((cb = ptesuba) < (ct = pp->adsuba)) return(-1); if (cb > ct) return(1); /* check for extended destinations -- they need further testing */ if (dmatch[ca]) { /* check destination type */ if ((cb = ptedat1) < (ct = pp->addat1)) return(-1); if (cb > ct) return(1); else return(0); } else { return(0); } } /* ============================================================================= finddpe() -- find def table entry Returns: +1 = new def -- no DEF entry yet 0 = old def -- entry found in DEF chain -1 = new def -- entry not in DEF chain Sets: dpepred predecessor index, or 0 if none exists dpecpos def table index, or 0 if none exists dpesucc successor index, or 0 if none exists ============================================================================= */ int16_t finddpe(void) { register uint16_t c, idef; dpepred = 0; /* initialize dpepred = 0 (no predecessor) */ dpecpos = 0; /* initialize dpecpos = 0 (no current defent */ dpesucc = 0; /* initialize dpesucc = 0 (no successor) */ #if DEBUGFD if (debugsw AND debugfd) { printf("finddpe(): entry\n"); printf(" ptb $%04.4X $%04.4X $%04.4X $%04.4X $%04.4X $%04.4X\n", ptebuf.defnum, ptebuf.stmnum, ptebuf.paspec, ptebuf.pasuba, ptebuf.padat1, ptebuf.padat2); } #endif /* try to find the DEF chain index for the defent in defptr[] */ if (0 EQ (idef = defptr[TRG_MASK & ptebuf.defnum])) { #if DEBUGFD if (debugsw AND debugfd) { printf("finddpe(): 1 -- NO DEF -- "); printf("dpe pred: %3d cpos: %3d succ: %3d\n", dpepred, dpecpos, dpesucc); } #endif return(1); /* +1 = new defent -- no DEF entry yet */ } while (idef) { /* search the DEF chain */ /* compare ptebuf to defents[idef] */ if (1 NE (c = cprdpe(idef))) { if (c EQ 0) { /* if we find the defent ... */ dpecpos = idef; /* ... point at it */ dpesucc = defents[idef].nextdef; } #if DEBUGFD if (debugsw AND debugfd) { printf("finddpe(): %d -- %s -- ", c, c ? "NOT FOUND (>)" : "FOUND"); printf("dpe pred: %3d cpos: %3d succ: %3d\n", dpepred, dpecpos, dpesucc); } #endif return(c); /* return search result */ } dpepred = idef; /* point at next entry in DEF chain */ idef = defents[idef].nextdef; } #if DEBUGFD if (debugsw AND debugfd) { printf("finddpe(): -1 -- NOT FOUND (<) -- "); printf("dpe pred: %3d cpos: %3d succ: %3d\n", dpepred, dpecpos, dpesucc); } #endif return(-1); /* -1 = new defent -- entry not in DEF chain */ } /* ============================================================================= cprpte() -- compare patch buffer to patch table entry Returns: -1 = buffer < table entry 0 = buffer EQ table entry +1 = buffer > table entry ============================================================================= */ int16_t cprpte(uint16_t np) { register uint16_t ca, cb, ct; register struct patch *pb, *pp; pb = &ptebuf; pp = &patches[np]; if ((cb = pb->stmnum) < (ct = pp->stmnum)) return(-1); if (cb > ct) return(1); if ((cb = pb->defnum) < (ct = pp->defnum)) return(-1); if (cb > ct) return(1); if ((ca = (PE_SPEC & pb->paspec)) < (ct = (PE_SPEC & pp->paspec))) return(-1); if (ca > ct) return(1); if ((cb = pb->pasuba) < (ct = pp->pasuba)) return(-1); if (cb > ct) return(1); /* check for extended destinations -- they need further testing */ if (dmatch[ca]) { /* check destination type */ if ((cb = pb->padat1) < (ct = pp->padat1)) return(-1); if (cb > ct) return(1); else return(0); } else { return(0); } } /* ============================================================================= findpte() -- find patch table entry Returns: +1 = new patch -- no STM entry yet 0 = old patch -- entry found in STM chain -1 = new patch -- entry not in STM chain Sets: ptepred predecessor index, or 0 if none exists ptecpos patch table index, or 0 if none exists ptesucc successor index, or 0 if none exists ============================================================================= */ int16_t findpte(void) { register uint16_t c, istim; ptepred = 0; /* initialize ptepred = 0 (no predecessor) */ ptecpos = 0; /* initialize ptecpos = 0 (no current patch */ ptesucc = 0; /* initialize ptesucc = 0 (no successor) */ #if DEBUGFP if (debugsw AND debugfp) { printf("findpte(): entry\n"); printf(" ptb $%04.4X $%04.4X $%04.4X $%04.4X $%04.4X $%04.4X\n", ptebuf.defnum, ptebuf.stmnum, ptebuf.paspec, ptebuf.pasuba, ptebuf.padat1, ptebuf.padat2); } #endif /* try to find the STM chain index for the patch in stmptr[] */ if (0 EQ (istim = stmptr[TRG_MASK & ptebuf.stmnum])) { #if DEBUGFP if (debugsw AND debugfp) { printf("findpte(): 1 -- NO STM -- "); printf("pte pred: %3d cpos: %3d succ: %3d\n", ptepred, ptecpos, ptesucc); } #endif return(1); /* +1 = new patch -- no STM entry yet */ } while (istim) { /* search the STM chain */ /* compare ptebuf to patches[istim] */ if (1 NE (c = cprpte(istim))) { if (c EQ 0) { /* if we find the patch ... */ ptecpos = istim; /* ... point at it */ ptesucc = patches[istim].nextstm; } #if DEBUGFP if (debugsw AND debugfp) { printf("findpte(): %d -- %s -- ", c, c ? "NOT FOUND (>)" : "FOUND"); printf("pte pred: %3d cpos: %3d succ: %3d\n", ptepred, ptecpos, ptesucc); } #endif return(c); /* return search result */ } ptepred = istim; /* point at next entry in STM chain */ istim = patches[istim].nextstm; } #if DEBUGFP if (debugsw AND debugfp) { printf("findpte(): -1 -- NOT FOUND (<) -- "); printf("pte pred: %3d cpos: %3d succ: %3d\n", ptepred, ptecpos, ptesucc); } #endif return(-1); /* -1 = new patch -- entry not in STM chain */ } /* ============================================================================= entrpte() -- enter or update a patch table entry ============================================================================= */ void entrpte(void) { register int16_t c; register uint16_t np, stim; ptegood = ptedfok AND ptestok AND ptedsok AND ptedtok; if (ptegood) { buf2pte(); c = findpte(); if (c EQ 0) { /* old patch -- just update it */ memcpyw(&patches[ptecpos].defnum, &ptebuf.defnum, 6); patches[ptecpos].paspec |= PE_TBIT; /* define it */ #if DEBUGEP if (debugsw AND debugep) { if (snapep) SnapPTV("entrpte"); printf("entrpte(): UPDATED\n"); } #endif return; } /* allocate a patch entry and fill it in */ if (0 EQ (ptecpos = pt_alc())) { #if DEBUGEP if (debugsw AND debugep) printf("entrpte(): patch table FULL\n"); #endif return; /* no patch entries left */ } memcpyw(&patches[ptecpos].defnum, &ptebuf.defnum, 6); patches[ptecpos].paspec |= PE_TBIT; /* define it */ stim = TRG_MASK & ptebuf.stmnum; if (c EQ 1) { /* new patch -- no STM entry yet */ ptepred = 0; stmptr[stim] = ptecpos; } /* put patch in STM chain */ if (ptepred) { /* predecessor exits */ ptesucc = patches[ptepred].nextstm; patches[ptecpos].nextstm = ptesucc; patches[ptecpos].prevstm = ptepred; patches[ptepred].nextstm = ptecpos; if (ptesucc) patches[ptesucc].prevstm = ptecpos; } else { /* no predecessor */ patches[ptecpos].prevstm = 0; if (c EQ -1) { ptesucc = stmptr[stim]; patches[ptecpos].nextstm = ptesucc; patches[ptesucc].prevstm = ptecpos; stmptr[stim] = ptecpos; } else { patches[ptecpos].nextstm = 0; } } /* update DEF table */ if (0 EQ (c = finddpe())) { #if DEBUGEP if (debugsw AND debugep) printf("entrpte(): defent already exists\n"); #endif return; /* defent already exists */ } if (0 EQ (dpecpos = dt_alc())) { #if DEBUGEP if (debugsw AND debugep) printf("entrpte(): defent table FULL\n"); #endif return; /* no defents left */ } defents[dpecpos].nextdef = 0; defents[dpecpos].stm = ptestm; defents[dpecpos].adspec = ptespec; defents[dpecpos].adsuba = ptesuba; defents[dpecpos].addat1 = ptedat1; np = TRG_MASK & ptebuf.defnum; if (c EQ 1) { dpepred = 0; defptr[np] = dpecpos; } if (dpepred) { dpesucc = defents[dpepred].nextdef; defents[dpecpos].nextdef = dpesucc; defents[dpepred].nextdef = dpecpos; } else { if (c EQ -1) { dpesucc = defptr[np]; defents[dpecpos].nextdef = dpesucc; defptr[np] = dpecpos; } else { defents[dpecpos].nextdef = 0; } } #if DEBUGEP if (debugsw AND debugep) { if (snapep) SnapPTV("entrpte"); printf("entrpte(): ENTERED\n"); } #endif return; } #if DEBUGEP if (debugsw AND debugep) { if (snapep) SnapPTV("entrpte"); printf("entrpte(): INVALID\n"); } #endif } /* ============================================================================= find1st() -- find the first patch in the patch table ============================================================================= */ int16_t find1st(void) { register int16_t cp, pp; for (cp = 0; cp < NDEFSTMS; cp++) if (0 NE (pp = ADR_MASK & stmptr[cp])) return(pp); return(0); } /* ============================================================================= findnxt() -- find the next patch in the patch table ============================================================================= */ int16_t findnxt(int16_t cp) { register int16_t np, stim; if (0 NE (np = patches[cp].nextstm)) return(np); stim = TRG_MASK & patches[cp].stmnum; while (++stim < NDEFSTMS) if (0 NE (np = ADR_MASK & stmptr[stim])) return(np); return(0); } /* ============================================================================= findprv() -- find the previous patch in the patch table ============================================================================= */ int16_t findprv(int16_t cp) { register int16_t np, pp, stim; if (0 NE (np = patches[cp].prevstm)) /* return prevstm if set */ return(np); stim = TRG_MASK & patches[cp].stmnum; /* extract the stimulus */ while (--stim GE 0) { /* back up one stimulus if we can */ if (0 NE (np = ADR_MASK & stmptr[stim])) { /* any there ? */ /* find the end of the chain for the stimulus */ while (pp = patches[np].nextstm) np = pp; return(np); } } return(0); /* backed up to the start of the table */ } /* ============================================================================= dpte() -- display a patch at a given line on the screen ============================================================================= */ void dpte(int16_t pe, int16_t row, int16_t atr) { register int16_t i; memset(ptdsbuf, ' ', 50); if (pe) { dspdfst(&ptdsbuf[ 2], patches[pe].defnum); dspdfst(&ptdsbuf[15], patches[pe].stmnum); dspdest(&ptdsbuf[28], &patches[pe]); for (i = 0; i < 50; i++) if (ptdsbuf[i] EQ '\0') ptdsbuf[i] = ' '; ptdsbuf[48] = '\0'; } UpdVid(row, 0, "\260 ", PTBATR); UpdVid(row, 1, &ptdsbuf[1], atr); } /* ============================================================================= dptw() -- display window around current patch at ptecpos ============================================================================= */ void dptw(void) { register int16_t cp, r, row, pp; #if DEBUGDP if (debugsw AND debugdp) printf("dptw(): ENTRY ptecpos = %d\n", ptecpos); #endif if (ptecpos) { /* search back from ptecpos for predecessors */ row = 7; pp = ptecpos; while (0 NE (cp = findprv(pp))) { pp = cp; if (--row EQ 0) break; } #if DEBUGDP if (debugsw AND debugdp) printf("dptw(): backed up to row = %d pp = %d\n", row, pp); #endif if (row) { /* blank any unused lines (rows 0..6) */ for (r = 0; r < row; r++) dpte(0, r, PTPATR); } while (row < 7) { /* display predecessors (rows 0..6) */ dpte(pp, row++, PTPATR); pp = findnxt(pp); } /* display ptecpos at the center (row 7) */ #if DEBUGDP if (debugsw AND debugdp) printf("dptw(): row = %d pp = %d ptecpos = %d\n", row, pp, ptecpos); #endif dpte(pp, row++, PTEATR); /* display forward from ptecpos (rows 8..15) */ while (0 NE (pp = findnxt(pp))) { dpte(pp, row++, PTPATR); if (row > 15) break; } /* blank any unused display lines (rows 8..15) */ while (row < 16) dpte(0, row++, PTPATR); } else { if (0 NE (ptecpos = find1st())) { #if DEBUGDP if (debugsw AND debugdp) printf("dptw(): found 1st at %d\n", ptecpos); #endif /* clear lines above the center (rows 0..6) */ for (row = 0; row < 7; ++row) dpte(0, row, PTPATR); /* display ptecpos at the center (row 7) */ dpte(pp = ptecpos, row++, PTEATR); /* display forward from ptecpos (rows 8..15) */ while (0 NE (pp = findnxt(pp))) { dpte(pp, row++, PTPATR); if (row > 15) break; } /* blank any unused display lines (rows 8..15) */ while (row < 16) dpte(0, row++, PTPATR); } else { #if DEBUGDP if (debugsw AND debugdp) printf("dptw(): no patches to display\n"); #endif /* clear the patch display */ for (row = 0; row < 16; ++row) dpte(0, row, (row EQ 7) ? PTEATR : PTPATR); } } if (ptecpos) { memcpyw(&ptebuf.defnum, &patches[ptecpos].defnum, 6); pteset = TRUE; pte2buf(); #if DEBUGDP if (debugsw AND debugdp) printf("dptw(): EXIT -- LOADED buffer, ptecpos = %d\n", ptecpos); #endif } else { pteset = FALSE; voidpb(); #if DEBUGDP if (debugsw AND debugdp) printf("dptw(): EXIT -- VOIDED buffer, ptecpos = %d\n", ptecpos); #endif } } /* ============================================================================= srdspte() -- search for and display patch table entry ============================================================================= */ void srdspte(void) { int16_t oldcpos, oldpred, oldsucc; #if DEBUGSR register short i; char dbuf[50]; #endif ptegood = ptedfok AND ptestok AND ptedsok AND ptedtok; #if DEBUGSR if (debugsw AND debugsr) { printf("srdspte(): ENTRY pte good=%d dfok=%d stok=%d dsok=%d dtok=%d\n", ptegood, ptedfok, ptestok, ptedsok, ptedtok); memcpy(dbuf, ptdebuf, 48); for (i = 0; i < 48; i++) if (dbuf[i] EQ '\0') dbuf[i] = ' '; else if (dbuf[i] & 0x0080) dbuf[i] = '~'; dbuf[48] = '\0'; printf(" ptdebuf = \"%s\"\n", dbuf); } #endif if (ptegood) { oldcpos = ptecpos; /* save patch pointers */ oldpred = ptepred; oldsucc = ptesucc; buf2pte(); if (0 EQ findpte()) { #if DEBUGSR if (debugsw AND debugsr) printf("srdspte(): FOUND patch at ptecpos = %d\n", ptecpos); #endif memcpyw(&ptebuf.defnum, &patches[ptecpos].defnum, 6); pteset = TRUE; pte2buf(); dptw(); } else { ptecpos = oldcpos; /* restore patch pointers */ ptepred = oldpred; ptesucc = oldsucc; #if DEBUGSR if (debugsw AND debugsr) { printf("srdspte(): patch not found\n"); if (snapsr) SnapPTV("srdspte"); } #endif } } #if DEBUGSR if (debugsw AND debugsr) printf("srdspte(): EXIT -- ptecpos = %d\n", ptecpos); #endif } /* ============================================================================= stmproc() -- process a trigger as a definer and a stimulus ============================================================================= */ void stmproc(uint16_t trg) { register struct defent *nextdef; register struct patch *nextpch; register uint16_t adspec, adsuba, np, stim; uint16_t addat1, adrtag; /* ***** DEFINER PROCESSING PHASE ***** */ np = ADR_MASK & defptr[TRG_MASK & trg]; nextdef = np ? &defents[np] : (struct defent *)NULL; /* point at DEF chain */ while ((struct defent *)NULL NE nextdef) { /* process DEF chain */ /* setup search criteria */ adspec = nextdef->adspec; adsuba = nextdef->adsuba; addat1 = nextdef->addat1; stim = nextdef->stm; adrtag = dmatch[adspec]; /* point at the start of the STM chain */ np = ADR_MASK & stmptr[TRG_MASK & stim]; nextpch = np ? &patches[np] : (struct patch *)NULL; while ((struct patch *)NULL NE nextpch) { /* process STM chain */ /* if this patch matches our search criteria ... */ if ((stim EQ nextpch->stmnum) AND (adspec EQ (nextpch->paspec & PE_SPEC)) AND (adsuba EQ nextpch->pasuba)) { if ((NOT adrtag) OR (adrtag AND addat1 EQ nextpch->padat1)) { if (nextpch->defnum EQ trg) nextpch->paspec |= PE_TBIT; /* define */ else nextpch->paspec &= ~PE_TBIT; /* undefine */ } } /* point at the next patch in the STM chain */ np = nextpch->nextstm; nextpch = np ? &patches[np] : (struct patch *)NULL; } /* point at the next DEF entry */ np = nextdef->nextdef; nextdef = np ? &defents[np] : (struct defent *)NULL; } /* ***** STIMULUS PROCESSING PHASE ***** */ /* setup initial STM chain pointer */ np = ADR_MASK & stmptr[TRG_MASK & trg]; nextpch = np ? &patches[np] : (struct patch *)NULL; /* process the STM chain */ while ((struct patch *)NULL NE nextpch) { /* for each patch .. */ if ((nextpch->paspec & PE_TBIT) AND /* if it's defined ... */ (nextpch->stmnum EQ trg)) /* ... and stm matches */ dopatch(nextpch); /* ... do the patch */ /* point at the next patch */ np = nextpch->nextstm; nextpch = np ? &patches[np] : (struct patch *)NULL; } }