/* ============================================================================= tdselbx.c -- tuning editor box selection functions Version 14 -- 1988-12-08 -- D.N. Lynx Crowe ============================================================================= */ #include "stddefs.h" #include "fields.h" #include "vsdd.h" #include "graphdef.h" #include "midas.h" #include "tundsp.h" extern short enterit(), loc2key(), advtcur(), bsptcur(), vtdisp(), nokey(); extern unsigned exp_c(); extern short hitbox, cxval, cyval, hitcx, hitcy, submenu; extern short tunmod, curtun, tdnamsw; extern short ttcmdsv, ttsel1, ttsel2, ttsel3; extern short tdbox[][8]; extern struct selbox *csbp, *curboxp; extern unsigned *tunob; extern short tuntab[]; extern short oldtun[]; extern char tuncurn[]; extern char vtlin1[], vtlin2[], vtlin3[]; /* forward references */ short bx_null(), tdfnbox(); /* */ struct selbox tdboxes[] = { { 0, 0, 95, 335, 0, tdfnbox}, /* 0: keys 0..23 */ { 96, 0, 175, 335, 1, tdfnbox}, /* 1: keys 24..47 */ {176, 0, 255, 335, 2, tdfnbox}, /* 2: keys 48..71 */ {256, 0, 335, 335, 3, tdfnbox}, /* 3: keys 72..95 */ {336, 0, 423, 335, 4, tdfnbox}, /* 4: keys 96..119 */ {424, 0, 511, 118, 5, tdfnbox}, /* 5: keys 120..127 */ {424, 119, 511, 349, 6, tdfnbox}, /* 6: commands */ { 0, 336, 423, 349, 7, tdfnbox}, /* 7: name */ { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, FN_NULL} /* end of table */ }; /* */ /* ============================================================================= endttyp() -- end function for virtual typewriter ============================================================================= */ endttyp() { tdnamsw = FALSE; submenu = FALSE; tdswin(0); tdswin(1); tdswin(2); tdswin(6); } /* ============================================================================= tcoladj() -- adjust select column to be a display column ============================================================================= */ short tcoladj(icol) short icol; { if (icol < 12) return(6); else if (icol < 22) return(16); else if (icol < 32) return(26); else if (icol < 42) return(36); else if (icol < 53) return(47); else return(58); } /* */ /* ============================================================================= tdhilit() -- highlight selected tuning entries ============================================================================= */ tdhilit(from, to) short from, to; { register short i, row, col, box; if (to < from) { i = to; to = from; from = i; } /* */ for (i = from; i LE to; i++) { if (i < 24) { row = i; col = 6; box = 0; } else if (i < 48) { row = i - 24; col = 16; box = 1; } else if (i < 72) { row = i - 48; col = 26; box = 2; } else if (i < 96) { row = i - 72; col = 36; box = 3; } else if (i < 120) { row = i - 96; col = 47; box = 4; } else { row = i - 120; col = 58; box = 5; } dsttval(row, col, tuntab[i], TDSELD, tdbox[box][5]); } } /* */ /* ============================================================================= tdfnbox() -- tuning display box hit processor ============================================================================= */ short tdfnbox(n) short n; { register short i, key, dcol, row, col; row = hitcy / 14; col = hitcx >> 3; switch (hitbox) { case 0: /* pitch area */ case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: switch (ttcmdsv) { /* switch on editing state */ case 0: /* data entry */ enterit(); return(SUCCESS); /* */ case 1: /* transpose and copy -- start */ ttsel1 = loc2key(row, col); if (ttsel1 < 0) { ttcmdsv = 0; tdswin(6); return(SUCCESS); } ttcmdsv = 2; dcol = tcoladj(col); dsttval(row, dcol, tuntab[ttsel1], TDSELD, tdbox[hitbox][5]); return(SUCCESS); case 2: /* transpose and copy -- finish */ ttsel2 = loc2key(row, col); if (ttsel2 < 0) { ttcmdsv = 0; tdswin(6); return(SUCCESS); } ttcmdsv = 3; tdhilit(ttsel1, ttsel2); return(SUCCESS); case 3: /* transpose and copy -- dest */ ttsel3 = loc2key(row, col); if (ttsel3 GE 0) tt_trcp(ttsel1, ttsel2, ttsel3); ttcmdsv = 0; for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) tdswin(i); return(SUCCESS); /* */ case 4: /* increment -- from */ ttsel1 = loc2key(row, col); if (ttsel1 < 0) { ttcmdsv = 0; tdswin(6); return(SUCCESS); } ttcmdsv = 5; dcol = tcoladj(col); dsttval(row, dcol, tuntab[ttsel1], TDSELD, tdbox[hitbox][5]); return(SUCCESS); case 5: /* increment -- to */ ttsel2 = loc2key(row, col); if (ttsel2 GE 0) tt_incr(ttsel1, ttsel2); ttcmdsv = 0; for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) tdswin(i); return(SUCCESS); /* */ case 6: /* interpolate -- from */ ttsel1 = loc2key(row, col); if (ttsel1 < 0) { ttcmdsv = 0; tdswin(6); return(SUCCESS); } ttcmdsv = 7; dcol = tcoladj(col); dsttval(row, dcol, tuntab[ttsel1], TDSELD, tdbox[hitbox][5]); return(SUCCESS); case 7: /* interpolate -- to */ ttsel2 = loc2key(row, col); if (ttsel2 GE 0) tt_intp(ttsel1, ttsel2); ttcmdsv = 0; for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) tdswin(i); return(SUCCESS); } return(FAILURE); /* */ case 6: /* command, value, table # */ switch (row) { case 9: /* transpose and copy */ case 10: ttcmdsv = 1; td_trcp(1); return(SUCCESS); case 12: /* increment */ ttcmdsv = 4; td_incr(1); return(SUCCESS); case 14: /* interpolate */ ttcmdsv = 6; td_intp(1); return(SUCCESS); case 16: /* undo */ ttcmdsv = 0; memcpyw(tuntab, oldtun, 128); twins(); return(SUCCESS); /* */ case 18: /* data entry */ case 24: enterit(); return(SUCCESS); case 20: /* store */ if (curtun EQ 0) return(FAILURE); puttun(curtun); memcpyw(oldtun, tuntab, 128); tdswin(6); return(SUCCESS); case 22: /* retrieve */ gettun(curtun); memcpyw(oldtun, tuntab, 128); twins(); return(SUCCESS); } return(FAILURE); /* */ case 7: /* tuning table name */ if ((col < 7) OR (col GT 38)) return(FAILURE); if (tdnamsw) { vtyper(); tunmod = TRUE; } else { vbank(0); vbfill4(tunob, 128, CTOX(1), RTOY(21), CTOX(31) - 1, RTOY(24) - 1, exp_c(TDTCURB)); tsplot4(tunob, 64, TDTCHRC, 21, 1, vtlin1, 14); tsplot4(tunob, 64, TDTCHRC, 22, 1, vtlin2, 14); tsplot4(tunob, 64, TDTCHRC, 23, 1, vtlin3, 14); vtsetup(tunob, vtdisp, 7, tuncurn, 21, 1, advtcur, bsptcur, nokey, nokey, endttyp, tdbox[n][4], tdbox[n][5]); tdnamsw = TRUE; submenu = TRUE; } return(SUCCESS); } return(FAILURE); }