/* ============================================================================= tundsp.c -- MIDAS tuning table editor Version 23 -- 1988-11-28 -- D.N. Lynx Crowe ============================================================================= */ #include "hwdefs.h" #include "biosdefs.h" #include "stddefs.h" #include "graphdef.h" #include "vsdd.h" #include "vsddsw.h" #include "vsddvars.h" #include "charset.h" #include "fields.h" #include "midas.h" #include "tundsp.h" #define TUN_VAL 100 /* default value for tunval in cents */ extern short stcrow, stccol, cxval, cyval; extern short curtun; /* current tuning table */ extern short submenu; /* submenu cursor switch */ extern short tunmod; /* tuning table modified */ extern short tunval; /* tuning table generator value */ extern short ttcmdsv; /* tuning table editing state variable */ extern short tdnamsw; /* tuning editor displaying typewriter */ extern short oldtun[]; /* previous tuning table for undo */ extern short tuntab[]; /* current tuning table */ extern short tunlib[][128]; /* tuning table library */ extern short panlkey[]; /* local key tunings */ extern short lclkmap[]; /* local key to MIDI key map */ extern char tuncurn[]; /* current tuning table name */ extern char tunname[][32]; /* tuning table names */ extern char sfdsp[]; extern unsigned *obj0, *obj2; extern char bfs[]; extern char *tdbxlb[]; extern short tdbox[][8]; extern unsigned *tunob; extern struct octent *tdoct; /* */ short tunpal[16][3] = { /* color palette */ {0, 0, 0}, /* 0 */ {3, 3, 3}, /* 1 */ {0, 0, 0}, /* 2 */ {3, 3, 3}, /* 3 */ {1, 1, 0}, /* 4 */ {1, 0, 1}, /* 5 */ {0, 1, 1}, /* 6 (was 0, 1, 0) */ {0, 1, 1}, /* 7 (was 0, 1, 0) */ {0, 0, 1}, /* 8 (was 0, 0, 2) */ {0, 2, 3}, /* 9 (was 0, 3, 0) */ {2, 2, 2}, /* 10 */ {2, 3, 3}, /* 11 */ {3, 3, 0}, /* 12 */ {3, 3, 0}, /* 13 */ {3, 0, 0}, /* 14 */ {0, 0, 3} /* 15 */ }; /* 12345678901234567890123456789012 */ static char dfltnam[] = "Local 3rds + MIDI 12 tone scale "; char *tdlabl[] = { "C", "#", "D", "#", "E", "F", "#", "G", "#", "A", "#", "B", "C", "#", "D", "#", "E", "F", "#", "G", "#", "A", "#", "B" }; /* */ /* ============================================================================= gettun() -- retrieve a tuning table from the tuning table library ============================================================================= */ gettun(n) short n; { memcpyw(tuntab, tunlib[n], 128); memcpy(tuncurn, tunname[n], 32); curtun = n; tunmod = FALSE; } /* ============================================================================= puttun() -- store a tuning table in the tuning table library ============================================================================= */ puttun(n) short n; { memcpyw(tunlib[n], tuntab, 128); memcpy(tunname[n], tuncurn, 32); tunmod = FALSE; } /* */ /* ============================================================================= inittt() -- initialize tuning table to equal tempered 12 tone scale ============================================================================= */ inittt(n) short n; { register short i; for (i = 0; i < 128; i++) tunlib[n][i] = ((i < 21) ? 160 : (i > 108) ? 10960 : (160 + ((i - 12) * 100))) << 1; for (i = 0; i < 24; i++) tunlib[n][lclkmap[i]] = panlkey[i] << 1; strcpy(tunname[n], dfltnam); } /* ============================================================================= inittl() -- initialize tuning table library ============================================================================= */ inittl() { register short i; for (i = 0; i < NTUNS; i++) inittt(i); tunval = TUN_VAL << 1; gettun(0); memcpyw(oldtun, tuntab, 128); } /* */ /* ============================================================================= tt_trcp() -- transpose and copy tuning table values ============================================================================= */ tt_trcp(start, finish, dest) short start, finish, dest; { register short i; register long v; memcpyw(oldtun, tuntab, 128); /* preserve old table for undo */ if (start > finish) { for (i = finish; ((i LE start) AND (dest < 128)); i++) { /* reverse copy */ v = oldtun[i] + (long)tunval; /* transpose */ if (v GT (long)PITCHMAX) /* limit */ v = (long)PITCHMAX; else if (v LT (long)PITCHMIN) v = (long)PITCHMIN; tuntab[dest++] = (short)v; /* store the value */ } } else { for (i = start; ((i LE finish) AND (dest < 128)); i++) { /* forward copy */ v = oldtun[i] + (long)tunval; /* transpose */ if (v GT (long)PITCHMAX) /* limit */ v = (long)PITCHMAX; else if (v LT (long)PITCHMIN) v = (long)PITCHMIN; tuntab[dest++] = (short)v; /* store the value */ } } tunmod = TRUE; } /* */ /* ============================================================================= tt_intp() -- interpolate tuning table values ============================================================================= */ short tt_intp(from, to) short from, to; { register short i, j, k, n; register long t; memcpyw(oldtun, tuntab, 128); /* preserve old table for undo */ if (from > to) { /* adjust to and from for forward scan */ i = from; from = to; to = i; } n = to - from; /* get interval size */ if (n < 2) return(FAILURE); k = tuntab[from]; t = (((long)tuntab[to] - (long)k) << 16) / n; j = 1 + from; n--; for (i = 0; i < n ; i++) tuntab[j++] = (short)((t * (1 + i)) >> 16) + k; tunmod = TRUE; return(SUCCESS); } /* */ /* ============================================================================= tt_incr() -- increment tuning table values ============================================================================= */ short tt_incr(from, to) short from, to; { register short i; register long v; memcpyw(oldtun, tuntab, 128); /* preserve old table for undo */ if (from > to) { /* adjust to and from for forward scan */ i = from; from = to; to = i; } v = (long)oldtun[from]; /* initial value */ if (from++ EQ to) /* interval has to be at least 1 */ return(FAILURE); for (i = from; i LE to; i++) { v += (long)tunval; /* increment */ if (v GT (long)PITCHMAX) /* limit */ v = (long)PITCHMAX; else if (v LT (long)PITCHMIN) v = (long)PITCHMIN; tuntab[i] = (short)v; /* store the value */ } tunmod = TRUE; return(SUCCESS); } /* */ /* ============================================================================= td_trcp() -- display transpose select label ============================================================================= */ td_trcp(mode) short mode; { register unsigned cx; cx = exp_c(mode ? TDSELD : tdbox[6][4]); vbank(0); vcputsv(tunob, 64, cx, tdbox[6][5], 9, 54, "Transpose", 14); vcputsv(tunob, 64, cx, tdbox[6][5], 10, 54, "and Copy", 14); } /* ============================================================================= td_incr() -- display increment select label ============================================================================= */ td_incr(mode) short mode; { register unsigned cx; cx = exp_c(mode ? TDSELD : tdbox[6][4]); vbank(0); vcputsv(tunob, 64, cx, tdbox[6][5], 12, 54, "Increment", 14); } /* ============================================================================= td_intp() -- display interpolate select label ============================================================================= */ td_intp(mode) short mode; { register unsigned cx; cx = exp_c(mode ? TDSELD : tdbox[6][4]); vbank(0); vcputsv(tunob, 64, cx, tdbox[6][5], 14, 54, "Intrpolat", 14); } /* */ /* ============================================================================= advtcur() -- advance the tuning display text cursor ============================================================================= */ advtcur() { register short newcol; if (infield(stcrow, stccol, curfet)) cfetp = infetp; else return; newcol = stccol + 1; if (newcol LE cfetp->frcol) itcpos(stcrow, newcol); cxval = stccol * 8; cyval = stcrow * 14; } /* ============================================================================= bsptcur() -- backspace the tuning display text cursor ============================================================================= */ bsptcur() { register short newcol; if (infield(stcrow, stccol, curfet)) cfetp = infetp; else return; newcol = stccol - 1; if (newcol GE cfetp->flcol) itcpos(stcrow, newcol); cxval = stccol * 8; cyval = stcrow * 14; } /* */ /* ============================================================================= dsttval() -- display a tuning table value ============================================================================= */ dsttval(row, col, val, fg, bg) short row, col, val; unsigned fg, bg; { register unsigned cfg, cbg; cfg = exp_c(fg); cbg = exp_c(bg); cnvc2p(bfs, (val >> 1)); bfs[0] += '0'; bfs[1] += 'A'; bfs[2] = sfdsp[bfs[2] - 7]; bfs[3] += '0'; bfs[4] += '0'; bfs[5] = '\0'; vbank(0); vcputsv(tunob, 64, cfg, cbg, row, col, bfs, 14); } /* */ /* ============================================================================= tdswin() -- display a window ============================================================================= */ tdswin(n) register short n; { register short cx, i, tv; char ts; cx = exp_c(tdbox[n][5]); /* first, fill the box with the background color */ vbank(0); vbfill4(tunob, 128, tdbox[n][0], tdbox[n][1], tdbox[n][2], tdbox[n][3], cx); /* put in the box label */ tsplot4(tunob, 64, tdbox[n][4], tdbox[n][6], tdbox[n][7], tdbxlb[n], 14); /* */ switch (n) { /* final text - overlays above stuff */ case 0: /* keys 0..23 */ for (i = 0; i < 24; i++) { tsplot4(tunob, 64, TDLABEL, i, 1, tdlabl[i], 14); sprintf(bfs, "%2d", 1 + i); tsplot4(tunob, 64, TDMKEYC, i, 3, bfs, 14); dsttval(i, 6, tuntab[i], ((tuntab[i] EQ 320) OR (tuntab[i] EQ 21920)) ? TDMKEYC : tdbox[n][4], tdbox[n][5]); } return; case 1: /* keys 24..47 */ for (i = 24; i < 48; i++) { sprintf(bfs, "%2d", 1 + i); tsplot4(tunob, 64, TDMKEYC, i - 24, 13, bfs, 14); dsttval(i - 24, 16, tuntab[i], ((tuntab[i] EQ 320) OR (tuntab[i] EQ 21920)) ? TDMKEYC : tdbox[n][4], tdbox[n][5]); } return; case 2: /* keys 48..71 */ for (i = 48; i < 72; i++) { sprintf(bfs, "%2d", 1 + i); tsplot4(tunob, 64, TDMKEYC, i - 48, 23, bfs, 14); dsttval(i - 48, 26, tuntab[i], ((tuntab[i] EQ 320) OR (tuntab[i] EQ 21920)) ? TDMKEYC : tdbox[n][4], tdbox[n][5]); } return; /* */ case 3: /* keys 72..95 */ for (i = 72; i < 96; i++) { sprintf(bfs, "%2d", 1 + i); tsplot4(tunob, 64, TDMKEYC, i - 72, 33, bfs, 14); dsttval(i - 72, 36, tuntab[i], ((tuntab[i] EQ 320) OR (tuntab[i] EQ 21920)) ? TDMKEYC : tdbox[n][4], tdbox[n][5]); } return; case 4: /* keys 96..119 */ for (i = 96; i < 120; i++) { sprintf(bfs, "%3d", 1 + i); tsplot4(tunob, 64, TDMKEYC, i - 96, 43, bfs, 14); dsttval(i - 96, 47, tuntab[i], ((tuntab[i] EQ 320) OR (tuntab[i] EQ 21920)) ? TDMKEYC : tdbox[n][4], tdbox[n][5]); } return; case 5: /* keys 120..127 */ for (i = 120; i < 128; i++) { sprintf(bfs, "%3d", 1 + i); tsplot4(tunob, 64, TDMKEYC, i - 120, 54, bfs, 14); dsttval(i - 120, 58, tuntab[i], ((tuntab[i] EQ 320) OR (tuntab[i] EQ 21920)) ? TDMKEYC : tdbox[n][4], tdbox[n][5]); } return; /* */ case 6: td_trcp(0); td_incr(0); td_intp(0); tsplot4(tunob, 64, tdbox[n][4], 16, 54, "Undo", 14); tv = (tunval GE 0 ? tunval : -tunval) >> 1; ts = tunval GE 0 ? '+' : '-'; sprintf(bfs, "Val %c%04d", ts, tv); tsplot4(tunob, 64, tdbox[n][4], 18, 54, bfs, 14); tsplot4(tunob, 64, tdbox[n][4], 20, 54, "Store", 14); tsplot4(tunob, 64, tdbox[n][4], 22, 54, "Retrieve", 14); tsplot4(tunob, 64, tdbox[n][4], 24, 54, "Table #", 14); bfs[0] = curtun + '0'; bfs[1] = '\0'; tsplot4(tunob, 64, tunmod ? TDCHGD : tdbox[n][4], 24, 61, bfs, 14); return; case 7: /* tuning table name */ tsplot4(tunob, 64, tdbox[n][4], 24, 7, tuncurn, 14); return; } } /* */ /* ============================================================================= twins() -- display all tuning editor windows ============================================================================= */ twins() { register short i; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) tdswin(i); } /* */ /* ============================================================================= tundsp() -- put up the tuning display ============================================================================= */ tundsp() { tunob = &v_score[0]; /* setup object pointer */ obj0 = &v_curs0[0]; /* setup cursor object pointer */ obj2 = &v_tcur[0]; /* setup typewriter object pointer */ tdoct = &v_obtab[TUNOBJ]; /* setup object control table pointer */ ttcmdsv = 0; /* nothing selected */ tdnamsw = FALSE; submenu = FALSE; dswap(); /* initialize display */ if (v_regs[5] & 0x0180) vbank(0); memsetw(tunob, 0, 32767); /* clear the display */ memsetw(tunob+32767L, 0, 12033); SetObj(TUNOBJ, 0, 0, tunob, 512, 350, 0, 0, TUNFL, -1); SetObj( 0, 0, 1, obj0, 16, 16, TDCURX, TDCURY, OBFL_00, -1); SetObj(TTCURS, 0, 1, obj2, 16, 16, 0, 0, TTCCFL, -1); arcurs(TDCURSR); /* setup arrow cursor object */ itcini(TDCURSR); /* setup text cursor object */ ttcini(TDTCURC); /* setup typewriter cursor object */ twins(); SetPri(TUNOBJ, TUNPRI); settc(YTOR(TDCURY), XTOC(TDCURX)); /* display the text cursor */ vsndpal(tunpal); }