/* ============================================================================= wheel.c -- MIDAS-VII -- scroll wheel, trackball and mouse functions Version 47 -- 1989-12-19 -- D.N. Lynx Crowe M8 Mouse driver -- uses 3 byte Microsoft format (default). ============================================================================= */ #define DEBUGMS 0 #define DEBUGTF 0 #define DEBUGTK 0 #include "ram.h" #define M_FL_CT 1024 /* mouse flush count */ #define M_ST_TM 2 #define C_PER_S 500 #define MAXTRIES 10 #define MATIME 2000 /* mouse activity timeout -- ms*/ #define CFR0 (BR_1200|NSB_1) /* UART CFR0 1200 baud, 1 stop bit */ #define CFR1 (P_NONE|NDB_7) /* UART CFR1 7 data bits, no parity */ #define M_NONE 0 /* No errors detected */ #define M_FLUSH 1 /* Unable to flush mouse buffer */ #define M_SYNC 2 /* Mouse out of sync */ #define M_NORESP 3 /* No response from mouse */ #define M_RESPNG 4 /* Bad response from mouse */ #if DEBUGMS short debugms; #endif #if DEBUGTF short debugtf; long txficnt; long tyficnt; #endif #if DEBUGTK short debugtk; #endif int16_t M_error; /* mouse I/F error code */ int16_t M_state; /* mouse state */ int16_t M_oldbs; /* previous mouse button state */ int8_t M_strng[32]; /* mouse input string buffer */ int16_t msctrl; /* mouse control flag -- mouse update */ int16_t msflag; /* mouse control flag -- mouse movement */ int16_t msrtag; /* mouse control flag -- mouse reset */ int16_t msxres; /* mouse x residue */ int16_t msyres; /* mouse y residue */ int16_t msxmov; /* mouse x movement */ int16_t msymov; /* mouse y movement */ int16_t msxdiv; /* mouse x divisor */ int16_t msydiv; /* mouse y divisor */ int16_t tkboth; /* both trackball axes went active */ int16_t txdiv; /* text cursor X divider */ int16_t tydiv; /* text cursor Y divider */ int16_t tkxdvr = TKXDVR; /* text cursor X divisor */ int16_t tkydvr = TKYDVR; /* text cursor Y divisor */ int16_t tkhdvr = TKCDVR; /* text cursor horizontal movement threshold */ int16_t tkvdvr = TKCDVR; /* text cursor vertical movement threshold */ int16_t msxgdv[13] = { /* mouse x cursor divisor table */ 1, /* -1 -- Main menu */ 1, /* 0 -- Librarian */ 1, /* 1 -- Patch editor */ 1, /* 2 -- Score editor */ 1, /* 3 -- Sequence editor */ 1, /* 4 -- Instrument editor */ 1, /* 5 -- Initialize system */ 1, /* 6 -- Waveshape editor */ 1, /* 7 -- Write program to disk */ 1, /* 8 -- Tuning editor */ 1, /* 9 -- Format disk */ 1, /* 10 -- Assignment editor */ 1 /* 11 -- Diagnostics */ }; int16_t msygdv[13] = { /* mouse y cursor divisor table */ 2, /* -1 -- Main menu */ 2, /* 0 -- Librarian */ 2, /* 1 -- Patch editor */ 2, /* 2 -- Score editor */ 2, /* 3 -- Sequence editor */ 2, /* 4 -- Instrument editor */ 2, /* 5 -- Initialize system */ 2, /* 6 -- Waveshape editor */ 2, /* 7 -- Write program to disk */ 2, /* 8 -- Tuning editor */ 2, /* 9 -- Format disk */ 2, /* 10 -- Assignment editor */ 2 /* 11 -- Diagnostics */ }; #include "swrtab.h" /* long swrtab[128]; */ /* ============================================================================= MouseRT() -- reset the mouse activity timer ============================================================================= */ void MouseRT(int16_t t) { int16_t oldi; oldi = setipl(TIM_DI); /* disable interrupts */ timers[MUTIMER] = t; /* set the mouse timer */ setipl(oldi); /* enable interrupts */ #if DEBUGMS if (debugms > 2) printf("MouseRT(%d)\n", t); #endif } /* ============================================================================= MouseRD() -- read a string from the mouse ============================================================================= */ int16_t MouseRD(int8_t *str, int16_t nc, int16_t nt) { int32_t tc; tc = nt * (int32_t)C_PER_S; while (nc > 0) { if (BIOS(B_RDAV, PRT_DEV)) { *str++ = (int8_t)BIOS(B_GETC, PRT_DEV); *str = '\0'; --nc; } else { if (tc-- LE 0) return(FAILURE); } } return(SUCCESS); } /* ============================================================================= MouseWR() -- write a string to the mouse ============================================================================= */ void MouseWR(int8_t *str) { register uint16_t c; #if DEBUGMS if (debugms > 1) printf("OUT \"%s\"\n", str); #endif while ((c = 0x00FF & *str++)) /* get a byte */ BIOS(B_PUTC, PRT_DEV, c); /* output it */ } /* ============================================================================= MouseFL() -- flush the mouse input buffer ============================================================================= */ int16_t MouseFL(int16_t tc) { int32_t flushed; flushed = 0L; /* reset the flush counter */ M_state = 0; /* reset mouse state */ msflag = FALSE; /* reset mouse movement flag */ msctrl = FALSE; /* reset mouse update flag */ while (BIOS(B_RDAV, PRT_DEV)) { /* check for data */ BIOS(B_GETC, PRT_DEV); /* read a byte */ ++flushed; /* update flush count */ if (--tc LE 0) { /* see if we've timed out */ #if DEBUGMS if (debugms) printf("FLUSH %d %ld FAILURE\n", M_state, flushed); #endif return(FAILURE); /* FAILED */ } } #if DEBUGMS if (debugms) printf("FLUSH %d %ld SUCCESS\n", M_state, flushed); #endif return(SUCCESS); /* SUCCEEDED */ } /* ============================================================================= MouseWK() -- wake up the mouse ============================================================================= */ int16_t MouseWK(void) { int16_t tries; M_error = M_NONE; /* reset mouse error flag */ M_oldbs = 0; /* reset mouse button state */ M_state = 0; /* reset the mouse state machine */ /* set the UART to 1200 baud, 7 data bits, No parity, 1 stop bit */ XBIOS(X_SETPRT, PRT_DEV, L_NUL, -1, CFR0, CFR1); if (MouseFL(M_FL_CT)) { /* flush the FIFO */ M_error = M_FLUSH; /* error -- can't flush */ #if DEBUGMS if (debugms) printf("MouseWK() -- FAILURE\n"); #endif return(FAILURE); /* return -- we failed */ } for (tries = 0; tries < MAXTRIES; tries++) { MouseWR("t"); /* ask the mouse its mode */ if (MouseRD(M_strng, 2, M_ST_TM)) { M_error = M_NORESP; } else if (strcmp("VO", M_strng)) { M_error = M_RESPNG; if (MouseFL(M_FL_CT)) M_error = M_FLUSH; } else { M_error = M_NONE; MouseRT(MATIME); #if DEBUGMS if (debugms) printf("MouseWK() -- SUCCESS\n"); #endif return(SUCCESS); } } #if DEBUGMS if (debugms) printf("MouseWK() -- FAILURE\n"); #endif return(FAILURE); } /* ============================================================================= MouseEX() -- process a mouse report ============================================================================= */ void MouseEX(int8_t *str) { int16_t oldi, msc, mst; #if DEBUGMS if (debugms > 2) printf("REPORT %02.2X %02.2X %02.2X\n", str[0] & 0x00FF, str[1] & 0x00FF, str[2] & 0x00FF); #endif M_error = M_NONE; /* reset error code */ if ((str[0] & 0x0040) NE 0x0040) { if (MouseFL(M_FL_CT)) M_error = M_FLUSH; else M_error = M_SYNC; M_state = 0; MouseRT(MATIME); #if DEBUGMS if (debugms) printf("SYNC\n"); #endif return; } mst = str[0] & 0x0030; /* extract mouse buttons */ msc = M_oldbs ^ mst; /* see what changed */ M_oldbs = mst; /* update button state */ if (msc) { /* check for button status change */ if (msc & 0x0010) { /* m key ? (right mouse button) */ astat = (mst & 0x0010) >> 4; (*m_key)(); } if (msc & 0x0020) { /* e key ? (left mouse button) */ astat = (mst & 0x0020) >> 5; (*e_key)(); } } if ((ss_ptsw NE 0) OR (ss_sqsw NE 0)) { cxrate = 0; cyrate = 0; return; } msxmov = str[1] | ((str[0] & 0x0003) << 6); if (msxmov & 0x0080) msxmov |= (int16_t)0xFF80; msxmov += msxres; msymov = str[2] + ((str[0] & 0x000C) << 4); if (msymov & 0x0080) msymov |= (int16_t)0xFF80; msymov += msyres; msxdiv = msxgdv[ndisp + 1]; msydiv = msygdv[ndisp + 1]; /* calculate rates */ if (msxdiv > 1) cxrate = msxmov / msxdiv; else cxrate = msxmov; if (msydiv > 1) cyrate = msymov / msydiv; else cyrate = msymov; /* calculate residues */ if (msxdiv > 1) msxres = msxmov % msxdiv; else msxres = 0; if (msydiv > 1) msyres = msymov % msydiv; else msyres = 0; if ((cxrate EQ 0) AND (cyrate EQ 0)) /* we're done if nothing changed */ return; msctrl = TRUE; /* setup movement switches */ cmfirst = FALSE; trkball = FALSE; cvtime = 0; /* clear delays */ ncvwait = 0; chtime = 0; nchwait = 0; curhold = 0; if (NOT msflag) /* if mouse just started moving ... */ (*xy_dn)(); /* ... process key down */ oldi = setipl(TIM_DI); /* set the mouse movement timer */ timers[MSTIMER] = MSTOVAL; setipl(oldi); msflag = TRUE; /* indicate the mouse has started moving */ } /* ============================================================================= MouseIN() -- process a byte from the mouse ============================================================================= */ void MouseIN(int16_t c) { c &= 0x00FF; /* mask off extraneous bits from mouse input */ #if DEBUGMS if (debugms > 2) printf("IN %d %02.2X\n", M_state, c); #endif if ((M_state GE 0) AND (M_state < 3)) { M_strng[M_state] = (int8_t)c; if (M_state EQ 2) { MouseEX(M_strng); M_state = 0; } else { ++M_state; } } } #if DEBUGTF /* ============================================================================= tfdump() -- dump a trackball FIFO ============================================================================= */ tfdump(msg, fifo, ndx, fin, cnt) char *msg; register short *fifo, ndx, fin; long cnt; { register short nol = 0, i = fin, j = fin - 1; printf("Dump of %s FIFO\n", msg); printf(" ndx=%d fin=%d cnt=%ld\n", ndx, fin, cnt); if (j < 0) j = NTKFIFO - 1; do { if (nol EQ 0) printf(" "); if (i EQ ndx) printf("<%2d ", fifo[i]); else if (i EQ j) printf(" %2d> ", fifo[i]); else printf(" %2d ", fifo[i]); if (++nol GE 15) { printf("\n"); nol = 0; } if (++i GE NTKFIFO) i = 0; } while (i NE fin); if (nol) printf("\n"); printf("\n"); } #endif /* ============================================================================= wheel() -- process inputs from the scroll wheel ============================================================================= */ void wheel(void) { register int16_t i, oldi; if (astat) { /* if it's touched ... */ if (NOT swflag) { /* GOING DOWN */ swflag = TRUE; swctrl = FALSE; swfiin = 0; swlast = aval; swstop = swwait; swcount = 0; for (i = 0; i < NSWFIFO; i++) swfifo[i] = aval; } else { /* finger moved */ if (0 EQ swstop) { swdelta = swlast - aval; if (swdelta GE swthr) { if ((clkctl EQ CK_STEP) OR ((clkctl NE CK_STEP) AND (NOT clkrun))) { /* FINGER MOVED LEFT */ swtemp = swdelta / swthr; oldi = setipl(TIM_DI); fc_val += swtemp; if (fc_val GE 0x00FFFFFFL) fc_val = 0x00FFFFFFL; setipl(oldi); swlast = aval; } } else if ((swdelta = abs(swdelta)) GE swthr) { if ((clkctl EQ CK_STEP) OR ((clkctl NE CK_STEP) AND (NOT clkrun))) { /* FINGER MOVED RIGHT */ swtemp = swdelta / swthr; oldi = setipl(TIM_DI); fc_val -= swtemp; if (fc_val LT 0L) fc_val = 0L; setipl(oldi); swlast = aval; } } } else { swlast = aval; --swstop; } } } else { /* FINGER UP */ swlast = aval; swflag = FALSE; swctrl = FALSE; if ((clkctl EQ CK_STEP) OR ((clkctl NE CK_STEP) AND (NOT clkrun))) { swndx = swfiin - swback; if (swndx < 0) swndx += NSWFIFO; swrate = swfifo[swndx] - swlast; if (swrate > swrmin) { swdir = D_FWD; /* SCROLL FORWARD */ swrate = swrtab[swrate - swrmin]; swctrl = TRUE; } else if ((swrate = abs(swrate)) > swrmin) { swdir = D_BAK; /* SCROLL BACKWARD */ swrate = swrtab[swrate - swrmin]; swctrl = TRUE; } else { swrate = 0L; /* STOP SCROLLING */ } } } } /* ============================================================================= txyup() -- process trackball -- both axes inactive ============================================================================= */ void txyup(void) { register int16_t txndx, tyndx, txrate, tyrate; #if DEBUGTF if (debugtf) printf("txyup(): both inactive\n"); #endif tkboth = FALSE; /* both axes inactive now */ txdiv = 0; /* reset text cursor dividers */ tydiv = 0; if ((txndx = txfiin - tkback) < 0) /* get fifo index */ txndx += NTKFIFO; /* adjust index */ txrate = txfifo[txndx] - txlast; /* get movement */ #if DEBUGTF if (debugtf) tfdump("X", txfifo, txndx, txfiin, txficnt); #endif if (txrate GE tkrmin) cxrate = -cratex[txrate - tkrmin]; /* tracking left */ else if ((txrate = abs(txrate)) GE tkrmin) cxrate = cratex[txrate - tkrmin]; /* tracking right */ else cxrate = 0; /* X inactive */ if ((tyndx = tyfiin - tkback) < 0) /* get fifo index */ tyndx += NTKFIFO; /* adjust index */ tyrate = tyfifo[tyndx] - tylast; /* get movement */ #if DEBUGTF if (debugtf) tfdump("Y", tyfifo, tyndx, tyfiin, tyficnt); #endif if (tyrate GE tkrmin) cyrate = cratey[tyrate - tkrmin]; /* tracking down */ else if ((tyrate = abs(tyrate)) GE tkrmin) cyrate = -cratey[tyrate - tkrmin]; /* tracking up */ else cyrate = 0; /* Y inactive */ if ((cxrate EQ 0) AND (cyrate EQ 0)) { tkctrl = FALSE; /* STOP -- both rates are zero */ (*xy_up)(); } else { tkctrl = TRUE; /* ROLL -- some rate is non-zero */ } #if DEBUGTK if (debugtk) printf("txyup(): %s rmin=%d txr=%d cxr=%d tyr=%d cyr=%d\n", tkctrl ? "ROLL" : "STOP", tkrmin, txrate, cxrate, tyrate, cyrate); #endif } /* ============================================================================= txydn() -- process trackball -- both axes active ============================================================================= */ void txydn(void) { register int16_t i; #if DEBUGTK if (debugtk) printf("txydn(): both active txlast=%d tylast=%d\n", txlast, tylast); #endif tkboth = TRUE; /* both down now */ (*xy_dn)(); tkctrl = FALSE; /* stop rolling */ cxrate = 0; cyrate = 0; txfiin = 0; /* preset the FIFOs */ tyfiin = 0; for (i = 0; i < NTKFIFO; i++) { txfifo[i] = txlast; tyfifo[i] = tylast; } #if DEBUGTF txficnt = 0; tyficnt = 0; #endif } /* ============================================================================= txstd() -- process inputs from the trackball X axis ============================================================================= */ void txstd(void) { register int16_t oldcx, txdelta, txcdvr; trkball = TRUE; /* set trackball mode */ cmfirst = FALSE; chtime = tktime; nchwait = tktime; chwait = tktime; /* get rate divisor */ txcdvr = (cmtype EQ CT_GRAF) ? tkthr : tkhdvr; if (astat) { /* is axis active ? */ if (NOT txflag) { /* GOING ACTIVE */ txflag = TRUE; txstop = tkwait; txlast = aval; if (tyflag AND (NOT tkboth)) txydn(); /* both active now */ } else { /* finger moved ? */ if (txstop LE 0) { /* debounced ? */ txdelta = txlast - aval; oldcx = cxval; if (txdelta GE txcdvr) { /* FINGER MOVED LEFT */ cxrate = -(txdelta / txcdvr); (*cx_upd)(); /* update cxval */ if (oldcx NE cxval) /* new cxval ? */ (*curmove)(); /* move cursor */ txlast = aval; cxrate = 0; } else if ((txdelta = abs(txdelta)) GE txcdvr) { /* FINGER MOVED RIGHT */ cxrate = txdelta / txcdvr; (*cx_upd)(); /* update cxval */ if (oldcx NE cxval) /* new cxval ? */ (*curmove)(); /* move cursor */ txlast = aval; cxrate = 0; } } else { /* debounce data */ txlast = aval; --txstop; } } } else { /* AXIS GOING INACTIVE */ txlast = aval; /* get current value */ txflag = FALSE; /* X axis inactive */ if (NOT tyflag) /* check other axis */ txyup(); /* both inactive now */ } } /* ============================================================================= tystd() -- process inputs from the trackball Y axis ============================================================================= */ void tystd(void) { register int16_t oldcy, tydelta, tycdvr; trkball = TRUE; /* set trackball mode */ cmfirst = FALSE; cvtime = tktime; ncvwait = tktime; cvwait = tktime; /* get rate divisor */ tycdvr = (cmtype EQ CT_GRAF) ? tkthr : tkvdvr; if (astat) { /* if axis active ? */ if (NOT tyflag) { /* GOING ACTIVE */ tyflag = TRUE; tystop = tkwait; tylast = aval; if (txflag AND (NOT tkboth)) txydn(); /* both active now */ } else { /* finger moved ? */ if (tystop LE 0) { /* debounced ? */ tydelta = tylast - aval; oldcy = cyval; if (tydelta GE tycdvr) { /* FINGER MOVED DOWN */ cyrate = tydelta / tycdvr; (*cy_upd)(); /* update cyval */ if (oldcy NE cyval) /* new cyval ? */ (*curmove)(); /* move cursor */ tylast = aval; cyrate = 0; } else if ((tydelta = abs(tydelta)) GE tycdvr) { /* FINGER MOVED UP */ cyrate = -(tydelta / tycdvr); (*cy_upd)(); /* udpate cyval */ if (oldcy NE cyval) /* new cyval ? */ (*curmove)(); /* move cursor */ tylast = aval; cyrate = 0; } } else { /* debounce data */ tylast = aval; --tystop; } } } else { /* AXIS GOING INACTIVE */ tylast = aval; /* get current value */ tyflag = FALSE; /* Y axis inactive */ if (NOT txflag) /* check other axis */ txyup(); /* both inactive now */ } } /* ============================================================================= curproc() -- process cursor trackball and scroll wheel updates ============================================================================= */ void curproc(void) { int16_t cxprev, cyprev; int16_t oldcx, oldcy; int16_t oldi; /* SET CURRENT WAIT COUNTS FROM TIMERS */ chwait = timers[TXTIMER]; cvwait = timers[TYTIMER]; if (trkball) { /* are we tracking ? */ if (txflag AND (chwait LE 0)) { /* SAMPLE THE TRACKBALL X AXIS */ txfifo[txfiin] = sigtab[55][0]; #if DEBUGTF ++txficnt; #endif if (++txfiin GE NTKFIFO) txfiin = 0; } if (tyflag AND (cvwait LE 0)) { /* SAMPLE THE TRACKBALL Y AXIS */ tyfifo[tyfiin] = sigtab[56][0]; #if DEBUGTF ++tyficnt; #endif if (++tyfiin GE NTKFIFO) tyfiin = 0; } } /* PROCESS MOUSE INPUTS */ if (BIOS(B_RDAV, PRT_DEV)) { MouseIN((int16_t)BIOS(B_GETC, PRT_DEV)); MouseRT(MATIME); /* reset mouse activity timer */ } /* PROCESS THE CURSORS */ if (cvwait LE 0) { /* has the vertical timer run out ? */ if (ss_ptsw) /* see if the patches need scrolled */ smy_up(ss_ptsw); /* scroll the patch display */ if (ss_sqsw) /* see if the sequences need scrolled */ sqy_up(ss_sqsw); /* scroll the sequence display */ } if (msctrl OR /* is the mouse moving ? */ (cvwait LE 0) OR (chwait LE 0)) { /* has X or Y timer runout ? */ if (msctrl OR tkctrl OR (xkstat AND ykstat)) { /* cursor moving ? */ oldcx = cxrate; /* save old cxrate, cyrate */ oldcy = cyrate; cxprev = cxval; /* save old cxval, cyval */ cyprev = cyval; vtprow = vtcrow; /* save old vtrow, vtcol */ vtpcol = vtccol; if (NOT msctrl) /* if it's not the mouse ... */ cmfix(); /* ... adjust the rates */ if ((cxrate NE 0) AND (msctrl OR (chwait LE 0))) /* UPDATE X VALUES */ (*cx_upd)(); if ((cyrate NE 0) AND (msctrl OR (cvwait LE 0))) /* UPDATE Y VALUES */ (*cy_upd)(); cxrate = oldcx; cyrate = oldcy; /* see if cursor should be moved */ if ( (cxprev NE cxval) OR (cyprev NE cyval) OR (vtprow NE vtcrow) OR (vtpcol NE vtccol) ) { (*curmove)(); /* MOVE CURSOR */ if (ebflag) { /* FIXUP EDIT BUFFER */ if ((struct fet *)NULL NE curfet) { if (infield(stcrow, stccol, curfet)) { if ((cfetp NE NULL) AND (cfetp NE infetp)) { (*cfetp->redisp)(cfetp->ftags); ebflag = FALSE; } } else { /* isn't in a field */ if (cfetp NE NULL) (*cfetp->redisp)(cfetp->ftags); ebflag = FALSE; } } else { /* no fet, no field */ ebflag = FALSE; } } } } } /* CHECK THE MOUSE MOTION TIMER */ if (msflag AND (0 EQ timers[MSTIMER])) { (*xy_up)(); /* indicate key up */ msflag = FALSE; /* indicate mouse stopped */ } msctrl = FALSE; /* indicate mouse movement processed */ /* CHECK THE MOUSE ACTIVITY TIMER */ if (0 EQ timers[MUTIMER]) { if (M_state) if (MouseFL(M_FL_CT)) M_error = M_FLUSH; M_state = 0; MouseRT(MATIME); #if DEBUGMS if (debugms > 1) printf("MRESET\n"); #endif } /* UPDATE THE CURSOR TIMERS */ if (cvwait LE 0) { /* reset vertical timer */ cvwait = ncvwait; ncvwait = cvtime; oldi = setipl(TIM_DI); timers[TYTIMER] = cvwait; setipl(oldi); } if (chwait LE 0) { /* reset horizontal timer */ chwait = nchwait; nchwait = chtime; oldi = setipl(TIM_DI); timers[TXTIMER] = chwait; setipl(oldi); } /* PROCESS THE SCROLL WHEEL */ if (0 EQ timers[SWTIMER]) { /* is it time ? */ if (swflag) { /* SAMPLE THE SCROLL WHEEL */ swfifo[swfiin] = sigtab[59][0]; if (++swfiin GE NSWFIFO) swfiin = 0; } if (swctrl) { /* SCROLL ... */ swtemp = swcount + swrate; swcount = swtemp & 0x0000FFFFL; swtemp >>= 16; if (swdir EQ D_FWD) { /* ... FORWARD */ oldi = setipl(TIM_DI); fc_val += swtemp; if (fc_val GE 0x00FFFFFFL) { swctrl = FALSE; fc_val = 0x00FFFFFFL; } setipl(oldi); } else { /* ... BACKWARD */ oldi = setipl(TIM_DI); fc_val -= swtemp; if (fc_val < 0) { swctrl = FALSE; fc_val = 0L; } setipl(oldi); } } if (swflag OR swctrl) { /* RESET THE SCROLL TIMER */ oldi = setipl(TIM_DI); timers[SWTIMER] = swtime; setipl(oldi); } } } /* ============================================================================= tkinit() -- initialize trackball variables ============================================================================= */ void tkinit(void) { trkball = FALSE; /* stop the trackball */ txflag = FALSE; /* ... */ tyflag = FALSE; /* ... */ tkctrl = FALSE; /* ... */ tkboth = FALSE; /* ... */ memsetw(txfifo, 0, NTKFIFO); /* clear trackball X fifo */ txfiin = 0; /* ... */ memsetw(tyfifo, 0, NTKFIFO); /* clear trackball Y fifo */ tyfiin = 0; /* ... */ }