1 | /*
2 | ============================================================================
3 | booter.c -- load an absolute format Alcyon object file
4 | Version 18 -- 1987-11-06 -- D.N. Lynx Crowe
5 | ============================================================================
6 | */
7 |
8 | #define PRINTIT 1 /* define non-zero to get printf output from booter */
9 |
10 | #include "rom.h"
11 |
12 | static FILE *B_file; /* boot file pointer */
13 |
14 | struct EXFILE B_fhdr; /* executable file header */
15 |
16 | int32_t B_txt_o, /* test origin from file header */
17 | B_dat_o, /* data origin from file header */
18 | B_bss_o, /* bss origin from file header */
19 | B_txt_l, /* text length from file header */
20 | B_dat_l, /* data length from file header */
21 | B_bss_l, /* bss length from file header */
22 | B_lod_l, /* total data length loaded */
23 | B_end, /* end address */
24 | B_chk; /* checksum */
25 |
26 | int8_t *B_buf_a; /* boot load address */
27 |
28 | int16_t B_log_s; /* boot log switch */
29 | int16_t B_dbg_s; /* boot debug switch */
30 |
31 | /* |
32 | */
33 |
34 | /*
35 | ============================================================================
36 | booter(fn, textadr) -- load file named by string 'fn' at 'textadr'.
37 | If 'textadr' is 0, the text origin from the file will be used.
38 | Returns 0 if load was OK, non-zero error code otherwise.
39 | ============================================================================
40 | */
41 |
42 | int16_t booter(int8_t *fn, int32_t textadr)
43 | {
44 | register int32_t i, bgnbss, endbss;
45 | register int8_t *cp;
46 | #if PRINTIT
47 | register struct fcb *fcp;
48 | #endif
49 |
50 | /* initialize the origins and lengths to 0 */
51 |
52 | B_txt_o = 0L;
53 | B_dat_o = 0L;
54 | B_bss_o = 0L;
55 | B_txt_l = 0L;
56 | B_dat_l = 0L;
57 | B_bss_l = 0L;
58 | B_lod_l = 0L;
59 |
60 | /* open the file */
61 |
62 | if (NULL EQ (B_file = fopenb(fn, "r"))) {
63 |
64 | #if PRINTIT
65 | if (B_log_s)
66 | printf("booter: Unable to open \042%s\042\n", fn);
67 | #endif
68 | return(1);
69 | }
70 |
71 | #if PRINTIT
72 | if (B_dbg_s) { /* if we're debugging, print the FCB stuff */
73 |
74 | fcp = (struct fcb *)(chantab[B_file->_unit].c_arg);
75 |
76 | SnapFCB(fcp);
77 | ClusMap(fcp);
78 | waitcr2();
79 | }
80 | #endif
81 |
82 | /* read in the file header */
83 |
84 | if (1 NE fread(&B_fhdr, sizeof B_fhdr, 1, B_file)) {
85 |
86 | #if PRINTIT
87 | if (B_log_s)
88 | printf("booter: Unable to read header for \042%s\042\n", fn);
89 | #endif
90 | fclose(B_file);
91 | return(2);
92 | }
93 |
94 | /* check the magic */
95 |
96 | if ((B_fhdr.F_Magic NE F_R_C) AND (B_fhdr.F_Magic NE F_R_D)) {
97 |
98 | #if PRINTIT
99 | if (B_log_s)
100 | printf("booter: Bad magic [0x%04x] in file \042%s\042",
101 | B_fhdr.F_Magic, fn);
102 | #endif
103 | fclose(B_file);
104 | return(3);
105 | }
106 |
107 | /* |
108 |
109 | */
110 |
111 | /* if it's a discontinuous file, read the origins */
112 |
113 | if (B_fhdr.F_Magic EQ F_R_D) {
114 |
115 | B_dat_o = getl(B_file);
116 | B_bss_o = getl(B_file);
117 | }
118 |
119 | B_txt_o = B_fhdr.F_Res2;
120 |
121 | B_buf_a = textadr ? textadr : B_txt_o;
122 | B_lod_l = B_fhdr.F_Text + B_fhdr.F_Data;
123 |
124 | if (0 NE flread(B_buf_a, B_lod_l, B_file)) {
125 |
126 | #if PRINTIT
127 | if (B_log_s)
128 | printf("booter: Unable to read \042%s\042\n", fn);
129 | #endif
130 | fclose(B_file);
131 | return(4);
132 | }
133 |
134 | B_end = B_buf_a + B_lod_l - 1L;
135 |
136 | B_txt_l = B_fhdr.F_Text;
137 | B_dat_l = B_fhdr.F_Data;
138 | B_bss_l = B_fhdr.F_BSS;
139 |
140 | cp = B_buf_a; /* calculate checksum */
141 | B_chk = 0L;
142 |
143 | for (i = 0; i < B_lod_l; i++)
144 | B_chk += *cp++ & 0x000000FFL;
145 |
146 | if (B_bss_o)
147 | bgnbss = B_bss_o;
148 | else
149 | bgnbss = B_end + 1L;
150 |
151 | endbss = bgnbss + B_bss_l - 1L;
152 |
153 | #if PRINTIT
154 | if (B_log_s) {
155 |
156 | printf("File \042%s\042 loaded from $%08lX to $%08lX\r\n",
157 | fn, B_buf_a, B_end);
158 | printf(" BSS $%08lX to $%08lX\r\n", bgnbss, endbss);
159 | printf("Checksum = $%08lX, Load length = %ld ($%08lX)\r\n",
160 | B_chk, B_lod_l, B_lod_l);
161 | printf(" B_txt_o = $%08lX, B_dat_o = $%08lX, B_bss_o = $%08lX\r\n",
162 | B_txt_o, B_dat_o, B_bss_o);
163 | printf(" B_txt_l = $%08lX, B_dat_l = $%08lX, B_bss_l = $%08lX\r\n",
164 | B_txt_l, B_dat_l, B_bss_l);
165 | }
166 | #endif
167 |
168 | fclose(B_file);
169 | return(0);
170 | }
171 |