/* ============================================================================= vobjfns.c -- VSDD object functions Version 23 -- 1988-01-29 -- D.N. Lynx Crowe (c) Copyright 1987,1988 -- D.N. Lynx Crowe SelObj(obj) Select 'obj' as the current working object. SetPri(obj, pri) Display object 'obj' with priority 'pri'. SetObj(obj, type, bank, base, xpix, ypix, x0, y0, flags, pri) Setup object 'obj' of type 'type' at 'base' in bank 'bank' with height 'ypix' and width 'xpix' at initial location 'x0','y0', with flags 'flags'. Assumes HRS EQ 1. If 'pri' >= 0, display the object at priority level 'pri'. Define a bitmap object if 'type' EQ 0, or a character object if 'type' NE 0. CpyObj(from, to, w, h, sw) Copy a 'w'-word by 'h'-line object from 'from' to 'to' with a destination width of 'sw' words. */ /* VIint() is located in viint.s but is mentioned here for completeness VIint() Vertical Interrupt handler. Enables display of any object whose bit is set in vi_ctl. Bit 0 = object 0, etc. SetPri() uses BIOS(B_SETV, 25, VIint) to set the interrupt vector and lets VIint() enable the object. If vi_dis is set, SetPri() won't enable the interrupt or set the vector so that several objects can be started up at once. ============================================================================= */ #include "ram.h" typedef void (*intfun)(void); typedef volatile intfun *intvec; int16_t wsize; /* object width calculated by SetObj() */ int16_t vi_dis; /* disable use of VIint */ volatile uint16_t vi_ctl; /* object unblank control bits */ /* ============================================================================= SelObj(obj) -- Select 'obj' as the current working object. ============================================================================= */ void SelObj(int16_t obj) { register struct octent *op; register uint16_t newbank; op = &v_obtab[obj]; newbank = ((op->obank & 0x0001u) << 8) | ((op->obank & 0x0002u) << 6); v_nobj = obj; v_curob = op; v_obpri = op->opri; if ((v_regs[5] & 0x0180) NE newbank) vbank(op->obank & 3); } /* ============================================================================= SetPri(obj, pri) -- Display object 'obj' with priority 'pri'. Blanks the object first, then sets the access table and unblanks the object via VIint(). ============================================================================= */ void SetPri(int16_t obj, int16_t pri) { register struct octent *op; if (v_regs[5] & 0x0180) /* point at the control bank */ vbank(0); op = &v_obtab[obj]; /* point at the object table */ op->opri = (int8_t)pri; /* set the priority */ v_odtab[pri][0] = op->odtw0 | V_BLA; /* start object as blanked */ v_odtab[pri][1] = op->odtw1; v_odtab[pri][2] = (uint16_t)(((int32_t)op->obase >> 1) & 0xFFFF); objon(pri, op->objy, op->ysize); /* enable access table bits */ if (vi_dis) /* don't unblank if vi_dis set */ return; setipl(7); /* disable interrupts */ vi_ctl |= (1u << pri); /* set unblank bit */ if (*(intvec)0x000064 NE &VIint) /* make sure VI vector is set */ BIOS(B_SETV, 25, VIint); setipl(0); /* enable VI interrupt */ } /* ============================================================================= SetObj(obj, type, bank, base, xpix, ypix, x0, y0, flags, pri) Setup an object, and optionally display it. Assumes HRS EQ 1. ============================================================================= */ void SetObj(int16_t obj, int16_t type, int16_t bank, uint16_t *base, int16_t xpix, int16_t ypix, int16_t x0, int16_t y0, uint16_t flags, int16_t pri) { register struct octent *op; if (v_regs[5] & 0x0180) /* point at the control bank */ vbank(0); op = &v_obtab[obj]; v_curob = op; v_nobj = obj; v_obpri = pri; op->ysize = ypix; op->xsize = xpix; op->objx = x0; op->objy = y0; op->obase = base; op->opri = (int8_t)pri; op->obank = bank & 3; if (type) { /* character objects */ op->odtw0 = (flags & 0xF9FFu) | V_CTYPE; switch (V_RES3 & op->odtw0) { case V_RES0: wsize = xpix / 128; break; case V_RES1: wsize = xpix / 48; break; case V_RES2: wsize = xpix / 64; break; case V_RES3: wsize = xpix / 96; break; } if (V_FAD & op->odtw0) wsize = wsize + (wsize << 1); } else { /* bitmap objects */ op->odtw0 = (flags & 0x0E37u) | (V_BTYPE | (((uint16_t)bank & 3u) << 6)); switch (V_RES3 & op->odtw0) { case V_RES0: case V_RES1: wsize = 0; break; case V_RES2: wsize = xpix / 32; break; case V_RES3: wsize = xpix / 16; break; } } op->odtw1 = (((uint16_t)x0 >> 1) & 0x03FFu) | (0xFC00u & ((uint16_t)wsize << 10)); if (pri < 0) return; SetPri(obj, pri); } /* ============================================================================= CpyObj(from, to, w, h, sw) Copy a 'w'-word by 'h'-line object from 'from' to 'to' with a destination width of 'sw' words. Assumes we're pointing at the correct bank. ============================================================================= */ void CpyObj(uint16_t *from, uint16_t *to, int16_t w, int16_t h, int16_t sw) { register uint16_t *tp; register int16_t i, j; for (i = h; i--; ) { tp = to; for (j = w; j--; ) *tp++ = *from++; to += sw; } }