/* * Copyright (C) 2017 The Contributors * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * A copy of the GNU General Public License can be found in the file * "gpl.txt" in the top directory of this repository. */ #include #define ver(...) _ver(gdb_verbose, 0, __VA_ARGS__) #define ver2(...) _ver(gdb_verbose, 1, __VA_ARGS__) #define ver3(...) _ver(gdb_verbose, 2, __VA_ARGS__) int32_t gdb_verbose = 0; #define PORT 12053 #define SZ_BUF 10000 #define RES_ERR \ ((result_t){ .ok = false }) #define RES_OK \ ((result_t){ .ok = true }) #define RES_DAT(_out, _n_out) \ ((result_t){ .ok = true, .out = (uint8_t *)_out, .n_out = (int32_t)_n_out }) #define LOCK_NONE 0 #define LOCK_REQ 1 #define LOCK_ACK 2 typedef enum { STATE_HEAD, STATE_DATA, STATE_CHECK_1, STATE_CHECK_2, STATE_ACK } state_t; typedef struct { bool ok; const uint8_t *out; int32_t n_out; } result_t; static TCPsocket lis; static SDLNet_SocketSet set; static state_t state; static SDL_atomic_t lock; void gdb_init(void) { ver("gdb init"); IPaddress addr; if (SDLNet_ResolveHost(&addr, NULL, PORT) < 0) { fail("SDLNet_ResolveHost() failed: %s", SDLNet_GetError()); } lis = SDLNet_TCP_Open(&addr); if (lis == NULL) { fail("SDLNet_TCP_Open() failed: %s", SDLNet_GetError()); } set = SDLNet_AllocSocketSet(2); if (set == NULL) { fail("SDLNet_AllocSocketSet() failed: %s", SDLNet_GetError()); } if (SDLNet_TCP_AddSocket(set, lis) < 0) { fail("SDLNet_AddSocket() failed: %s", SDLNet_GetError()); } SDL_AtomicSet(&lock, 0); } void gdb_quit(void) { ver("gdb quit"); SDLNet_FreeSocketSet(set); SDLNet_TCP_Close(lis); } void gdb_inst(void) { ver3("gdb inst"); if (SDL_AtomicGet(&lock) == LOCK_NONE) { return; } if (SDL_UnlockMutex(cpu_mutex) < 0) { fail("SDL_UnlockMutex() failed: %s", SDL_GetError()); } ver2("<- lock req"); ver2("-> lock ack"); SDL_AtomicSet(&lock, LOCK_ACK); while (SDL_AtomicGet(&lock) == LOCK_ACK) { SDL_Delay(100); } ver2("<- lock none"); if (SDL_LockMutex(cpu_mutex) < 0) { fail("SDL_LockMutex() failed: %s", SDL_GetError()); } } static void lock_cpu(void) { ver2("-> lock req"); SDL_AtomicSet(&lock, LOCK_REQ); while (SDL_AtomicGet(&lock) == LOCK_REQ) { SDL_Delay(100); } ver2("<- lock ack"); } static void free_cpu(void) { ver2("-> lock none"); SDL_AtomicSet(&lock, LOCK_NONE); } static result_t com_reason(void) { return RES_DAT("S0a", 4); } static result_t com_cont(char *req) { return RES_DAT("", 0); } static result_t com_step(char *req) { return RES_DAT("", 0); } static result_t com_rd_reg(void) { static char buf[(8 + 8 + 2) * 8 + 1]; if (SDL_LockMutex(cpu_mutex) < 0) { fail("SDL_LockMutex() failed: %s", SDL_GetError()); } uint32_t d0 = m68k_get_reg(NULL, M68K_REG_D0); uint32_t d1 = m68k_get_reg(NULL, M68K_REG_D1); uint32_t d2 = m68k_get_reg(NULL, M68K_REG_D2); uint32_t d3 = m68k_get_reg(NULL, M68K_REG_D3); uint32_t d4 = m68k_get_reg(NULL, M68K_REG_D4); uint32_t d5 = m68k_get_reg(NULL, M68K_REG_D5); uint32_t d6 = m68k_get_reg(NULL, M68K_REG_D6); uint32_t d7 = m68k_get_reg(NULL, M68K_REG_D7); uint32_t a0 = m68k_get_reg(NULL, M68K_REG_A0); uint32_t a1 = m68k_get_reg(NULL, M68K_REG_A1); uint32_t a2 = m68k_get_reg(NULL, M68K_REG_A2); uint32_t a3 = m68k_get_reg(NULL, M68K_REG_A3); uint32_t a4 = m68k_get_reg(NULL, M68K_REG_A4); uint32_t a5 = m68k_get_reg(NULL, M68K_REG_A5); uint32_t a6 = m68k_get_reg(NULL, M68K_REG_A6); uint32_t a7 = m68k_get_reg(NULL, M68K_REG_A7); uint32_t ps = m68k_get_reg(NULL, M68K_REG_SR); uint32_t pc = m68k_get_reg(NULL, M68K_REG_PC); if (SDL_UnlockMutex(cpu_mutex) < 0) { fail("SDL_UnlockMutex() failed: %s", SDL_GetError()); } sprintf(buf, "%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x" "%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x" "%08x%08x", d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, ps, pc); return RES_DAT(buf, sizeof buf - 1); } static result_t com_wr_reg(char *req) { uint32_t d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7; uint32_t a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7; uint32_t ps, pc; if (sscanf(req + 1, "%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x" "%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x" "%08x%08x", &d0, &d1, &d2, &d3, &d4, &d5, &d6, &d7, &a0, &a1, &a2, &a3, &a4, &a5, &a6, &a7, &ps, &pc) != 8 + 8 + 2) { return RES_DAT("E01", 3); } if (SDL_LockMutex(cpu_mutex) < 0) { fail("SDL_LockMutex() failed: %s", SDL_GetError()); } m68k_set_reg(M68K_REG_D0, d0); m68k_set_reg(M68K_REG_D1, d1); m68k_set_reg(M68K_REG_D2, d2); m68k_set_reg(M68K_REG_D3, d3); m68k_set_reg(M68K_REG_D4, d4); m68k_set_reg(M68K_REG_D5, d5); m68k_set_reg(M68K_REG_D6, d6); m68k_set_reg(M68K_REG_D7, d7); m68k_set_reg(M68K_REG_A0, a0); m68k_set_reg(M68K_REG_A1, a1); m68k_set_reg(M68K_REG_A2, a2); m68k_set_reg(M68K_REG_A3, a3); m68k_set_reg(M68K_REG_A4, a4); m68k_set_reg(M68K_REG_A5, a5); m68k_set_reg(M68K_REG_A6, a6); m68k_set_reg(M68K_REG_A7, a7); m68k_set_reg(M68K_REG_SR, ps); m68k_set_reg(M68K_REG_PC, pc); if (SDL_UnlockMutex(cpu_mutex) < 0) { fail("SDL_UnlockMutex() failed: %s", SDL_GetError()); } return RES_DAT("OK", 2); } static result_t com_rd_mem(char *req) { return RES_DAT("", 0); } static result_t com_wr_mem(char *req) { return RES_DAT("", 0); } static result_t handle(char *req) { result_t res; switch (req[0]) { case '?': res = com_reason(); break; case 'c': res = com_cont(req); break; case 's': res = com_step(req); break; case 'g': res = com_rd_reg(); break; case 'G': res = com_wr_reg(req); break; case 'm': res = com_rd_mem(req); break; case 'M': res = com_wr_mem(req); break; default: res = RES_DAT("", 0); break; } if (!res.ok || res.n_out > SZ_BUF - 5) { fail("unexpected result"); } static const uint8_t *hex = (uint8_t *)"0123456789abcdef"; static uint8_t buf[SZ_BUF]; buf[0] = '$'; memcpy(buf + 1, res.out, (size_t)res.n_out); int32_t sum = 0; for (int32_t i = 0; i < res.n_out; ++i) { sum = (sum + res.out[i]) % 256; } buf[res.n_out + 1] = '#'; buf[res.n_out + 2] = hex[sum / 16]; buf[res.n_out + 3] = hex[sum % 16]; buf[res.n_out + 4] = 0; ver2("resp %s", (char *)buf); return RES_DAT(buf, res.n_out + 4); } static int32_t hex_digit(uint8_t byte) { if (byte >= '0' && byte <= '9') { return byte - '0'; } if (byte >= 'a' && byte <= 'f') { return 10 + byte - 'a'; } if (byte >= 'A' && byte <= 'F') { return 10 + byte - 'A'; } return -1; } static result_t input(uint8_t byte) { static int32_t n_buf; static uint8_t buf[SZ_BUF]; static int32_t sum; static int32_t check; int32_t hex; result_t res; ver3("input %c st %d n %d", byte, (int32_t)state, n_buf); switch (state) { case STATE_HEAD: if (byte != '$') { err("expected '$'"); return RES_ERR; } sum = 0; n_buf = 0; state = STATE_DATA; return RES_OK; case STATE_DATA: if (n_buf == SZ_BUF - 1) { err("packet too long"); return RES_ERR; } if (byte == '#') { state = STATE_CHECK_1; return RES_DAT("+", 1); } sum = (sum + byte) % 256; buf[n_buf] = byte; ++n_buf; return RES_OK; case STATE_CHECK_1: hex = hex_digit(byte); if (hex < 0) { err("malformed checksum (0x%02x)", byte); return RES_ERR; } check = hex << 4; state = STATE_CHECK_2; return RES_OK; case STATE_CHECK_2: hex = hex_digit(byte); if (hex < 0) { err("malformed checksum (0x%02x)", byte); return RES_ERR; } check |= hex; if (sum != check) { err("invalid checksum"); return RES_ERR; } buf[n_buf] = 0; ver2("pack %s", buf); res = handle((char *)buf); if (!res.ok) { return RES_ERR; } state = STATE_ACK; return RES_DAT(res.out, res.n_out); case STATE_ACK: if (byte != '+') { err("invalid ACK (0x%02x)", byte); return RES_ERR; } state = STATE_HEAD; return RES_OK; default: fail("invalid state"); } // not reached, but Eclipse doesn't know return RES_ERR; } static void con_close(TCPsocket con) { if (SDLNet_TCP_DelSocket(set, con) < 0) { fail("SDLNet_TCP_DelSocket() failed: %s", SDLNet_GetError()); } SDLNet_TCP_Close(con); free_cpu(); } void gdb_loop(void) { inf("entering GDB loop"); TCPsocket con = NULL; while (SDL_AtomicGet(&run) != 0) { int32_t n_act = SDLNet_CheckSockets(set, 250); if (n_act < 0) { fail("SDLNet_CheckSockets() failed: %s", SDLNet_GetError()); } if (n_act == 0) { continue; } if (SDLNet_SocketReady(lis) != 0) { ver("incoming connection"); if (con != NULL) { ver("closing old"); con_close(con); } ver("accepting new"); con = SDLNet_TCP_Accept(lis); if (con == NULL) { fail("SDLNet_TCP_Accept() failed: %s", SDLNet_GetError()); } if (SDLNet_TCP_AddSocket(set, con) < 0) { fail("SDLNet_AddSocket() failed: %s", SDLNet_GetError()); } lock_cpu(); state = STATE_ACK; continue; } if (con == NULL || SDLNet_SocketReady(con) == 0) { continue; } ver3("reading"); uint8_t byte; if (SDLNet_TCP_Recv(con, &byte, 1) < 1) { ver("peer closed"); con_close(con); con = NULL; continue; } result_t res = input(byte); if (!res.ok) { err("invalid packet from GDB"); con_close(con); con = NULL; continue; } if (res.out == NULL) { continue; } if (SDLNet_TCP_Send(con, res.out, res.n_out) != res.n_out) { err("connection error"); con_close(con); con = NULL; continue; } } if (con != NULL) { con_close(con); } inf("leaving GDB loop"); }