.globl _Cbuffs .globl _Stdbufs .globl _Stdbuf .globl ___atab .text _pipc: ~~pipc: ~chars=8 ~length=12 link R14,#-6 ~i=-2 *line 47 clr -2(R14) bra L5 L6: *line 48 *line 49 move.l 8(R14),R8 move -2(R14),R9 add.l R9,R8 btst #7,(R8) bne L7 move -2(R14),R8 move.l 8(R14),R9 move.b 0(R8,R9.l),R0 ext.w R0 and #255,R0 move R0,R8 move.l #___atab,R9 move.b 0(R8,R9.l),R0 ext.w R0 and #94,R0 beq L7 *line 49 move -2(R14),R8 move.l 8(R14),R9 move.b 0(R8,R9.l),R0 ext.w R0 move R0,(sp) move.l #L8,-(sp) jsr _printf addq.l #4,sp *line 50 bra L9 L7: *line 51 move.l #L10,(sp) jsr _printf L9:L4: *line 47 add #1,-2(R14) L5: *line 47 move -2(R14),R0 cmp 12(R14),R0 blt L6 L3:L2:unlk R14 rts .globl _mdump .text _mdump: ~~mdump: ~begin=8 ~end=12 ~start=16 link R14,#-36 ~i=-4 ~ii=-8 ~j=-10 ~jj=-12 ~k=-14 ~c=-16 ~chars=-32 *line 71 clr.l -4(R14) *line 72 move.l 16(R14),-8(R14) *line 73 clr -10(R14) *line 75 *line 76 move.l 8(R14),R0 cmp.l 12(R14),R0 bhi L11 *line 77 *line 78 bra L14 L13: *line 79 *line 80 move.l 8(R14),R8 move.b (R8),-16(R14) add.l #1,8(R14) *line 81 *line 82 *line 82 move.l #$10,-(sp) move.l -4(R14),-(sp) jsr lrem addq.l #8,sp tst.l R0 bne L15 *line 83 *line 84 *line 84 tst.l -4(R14) beq L16 *line 85 *line 86 clr -10(R14) *line 87 move.l #L17,(sp) jsr _printf *line 88 move #16,(sp) move.l R14,-(sp) add.l #-32,(sp) jsr _pipc addq.l #4,sp *line 89 *line 90 L16: *line 91 move.l -8(R14),(sp) move.l #L18,-(sp) jsr _printf addq.l #4,sp *line 92 *line 93 L15: *line 94 add.l #$1,-8(R14) *line 95 add.l #$1,-4(R14) *line 96 *line 97 move.b -16(R14),R0 ext.w R0 move R0,(sp) and #255,(sp) move.l #L19,-(sp) jsr _printf addq.l #4,sp *line 98 move.l R14,R8 move -10(R14),R9 add.l R9,R8 move.b -16(R14),-32(R8) add #1,-10(R14) L14: *line 99 move.l 8(R14),R0 cmp.l 12(R14),R0 bls L13 L12: *line 101 *line 101 move.l #$10,-(sp) move.l -4(R14),-(sp) jsr lrem addq.l #8,sp move R0,-14(R14) beq L20 *line 102 *line 103 move #16,R0 sub -14(R14),R0 move R0,-14(R14) *line 104 *line 105 clr -12(R14) bra L23 L24: *line 106 move.l #L25,(sp) jsr _printf L22: *line 105 add #1,-12(R14) L23: *line 105 move -14(R14),R0 muls #3,R0 cmp -12(R14),R0 bgt L24 L21: *line 106 *line 107 *line 108 L20: *line 109 move.l #L26,(sp) jsr _printf *line 110 move #16,(sp) move.l R14,-(sp) add.l #-32,(sp) jsr _pipc addq.l #4,sp *line 111 move.l #L27,(sp) jsr _printf L11:unlk R14 rts .data L8:.dc.b $25,$63,$0 L10:.dc.b $2E,$0 L17:.dc.b $20,$20,$0 L18:.dc.b $A,$25,$30,$38,$6C,$58,$3A,$0 L19:.dc.b $20,$25,$30,$32,$2E,$32,$58,$0 L25:.dc.b $20,$0 L26:.dc.b $20,$20,$0 L27:.dc.b $A,$0