.globl _io_time .globl _io_lcd .globl _io_ser .globl _io_midi .globl _io_disk .globl _io_tone .globl _io_leds .globl _io_kbrd .globl _lcd_a0 .globl _lcd_a1 .globl _io_vreg .globl _io_vraw .globl _io_vram .globl _io_fpu .globl _v_regs .globl _v_odtab .globl _v_actab .globl _v_ct0 .globl _v_gt1 .globl _v_score .globl _v_cgtab .globl _v_curs0 .globl _v_curs1 .globl _v_curs2 .globl _v_curs3 .globl _v_curs4 .globl _v_curs5 .globl _v_curs6 .globl _v_curs7 .globl _v_tcur .globl _v_kbobj .globl _v_lnobj .globl _v_win0 .globl _v_cur .globl _fc_sw .globl _fc_val .globl _seqtab .globl _seqflag .globl _seqline .globl _seqstim .globl _seqtime .globl _sregval .globl _trstate .globl _ptegood .globl _ptedfok .globl _ptestok .globl _ptedsok .globl _ptedtok .globl _ptedef .globl _ptestm .globl _ptespec .globl _ptesuba .globl _ptedat1 .globl _pteset .globl _ptecpos .globl _ptepred .globl _ptesucc .globl _ptebuf .globl _ptdebuf .globl _dtfree .comm _dtfree,2 .globl _ptfree .comm _ptfree,2 .globl _dpepred .comm _dpepred,2 .globl _dpecpos .comm _dpecpos,2 .globl _dpesucc .comm _dpesucc,2 .globl _ptdsbuf .comm _ptdsbuf,50 .globl _defptr .comm _defptr,5120 .globl _stmptr .comm _stmptr,5120 .globl _defents .comm _defents,2560 .globl _patches .comm _patches,4096 .globl _ptefifo .comm _ptefifo,16 .globl _ptewrds .comm _ptewrds,512 .globl _dmatch .data _dmatch: .dc.b $0 .dc.b $0 .dc.b $0 .dc.b $0 .dc.b $0 .dc.b $0 .dc.b $0 .dc.b $0 .dc.b $0 .dc.b $0 .dc.b $0 .dc.b $1 .dc.b $0 .dc.b $0 .dc.b $0 .dc.b $0 .dc.b $1 .dc.b $1 .dc.b $1 .dc.b $1 .dc.b $1 .dc.b $1 .dc.b $1 .dc.b $1 .dc.b $1 .dc.b $1 .dc.b $1 .even .globl _initpt .text _initpt: ~~initpt: link R14,#0 movem.l R6-R7,-(sp) ~i=R7 *line 107 move #64,(sp) move #192,-(sp) move #256,-(sp) move.l #_ptewrds,-(sp) move.l #_ptefifo,-(sp) jsr _setwq adda.l #12,sp *line 111 move #5120,(sp) clr -(sp) move.l #_defptr,-(sp) jsr _memset addq.l #6,sp *line 112 move #5120,(sp) clr -(sp) move.l #_stmptr,-(sp) jsr _memset addq.l #6,sp *line 116 move #4096,(sp) clr -(sp) move.l #_patches,-(sp) jsr _memset addq.l #6,sp *line 118 move #1,R7 bra L4 L5: *line 119 clr R0 move R7,R0 add #1,R0 clr R1 move R7,R1 lsl #4,R1 swap R1 clr R1 swap R1 add.l #_patches,R1 move.l R1,R9 move R0,(R9) L3: *line 118 add #1,R7 L4: *line 118 cmp #255,R7 blo L5 L2: *line 121 move #1,_ptfree *line 125 move #2560,(sp) clr -(sp) move.l #_defents,-(sp) jsr _memset addq.l #6,sp *line 127 move #1,R7 bra L8 L9: *line 128 clr R0 move R7,R0 add #1,R0 clr R1 move R7,R1 mulu #10,R1 add.l #_defents,R1 move.l R1,R9 move R0,(R9) L7: *line 127 add #1,R7 L8: *line 127 cmp #255,R7 blo L9 L6: *line 130 move #1,_dtfree L1:tst.l (sp)+ movem.l (sp)+,R7-R7 unlk R14 rts .globl _pt_alc .text _pt_alc: ~~pt_alc: link R14,#0 movem.l R6-R7,-(sp) ~pe=R7 *line 147 *line 148 move _ptfree,R7 tst R7 beq L11 *line 148 clr R0 move R7,R0 lsl #4,R0 swap R0 clr R0 swap R0 add.l #_patches,R0 move.l R0,R8 move (R8),_ptfree *line 149 L11: *line 150 clr R0 move R7,R0 bra L10 L10:tst.l (sp)+ movem.l (sp)+,R7-R7 unlk R14 rts .globl _pt_del .text _pt_del: ~~pt_del: ~pe=R7 link R14,#0 movem.l R6-R7,-(sp) *line 162 move 8(R14),R7 *line 162 clr R0 move R7,R0 lsl #4,R0 swap R0 clr R0 swap R0 add.l #_patches,R0 move.l R0,R8 move _ptfree,(R8) *line 163 move R7,_ptfree L12:tst.l (sp)+ movem.l (sp)+,R7-R7 unlk R14 rts .globl _dt_alc .text _dt_alc: ~~dt_alc: link R14,#0 movem.l R6-R7,-(sp) ~de=R7 *line 180 *line 181 move _dtfree,R7 tst R7 beq L14 *line 181 clr R0 move R7,R0 mulu #10,R0 add.l #_defents,R0 move.l R0,R8 move (R8),_dtfree *line 182 L14: *line 183 clr R0 move R7,R0 bra L13 L13:tst.l (sp)+ movem.l (sp)+,R7-R7 unlk R14 rts .globl _dt_del .text _dt_del: ~~dt_del: ~de=R7 link R14,#0 movem.l R6-R7,-(sp) *line 195 move 8(R14),R7 *line 195 clr R0 move R7,R0 mulu #10,R0 add.l #_defents,R0 move.l R0,R8 move _dtfree,(R8) *line 196 move R7,_dtfree L15:tst.l (sp)+ movem.l (sp)+,R7-R7 unlk R14 rts .globl _cprdpe .text _cprdpe: ~~cprdpe: ~np=8 link R14,#0 movem.l R4-R7/R13-R13,-(sp) ~ca=R7 ~cb=R6 ~ct=R5 ~pp=R13 *line 220 clr R0 move 8(R14),R0 mulu #10,R0 move.l R0,R13 add.l #_defents,R13 *line 222 *line 223 move _ptestm,R6 clr R0 move R6,R0 move 2(R13),R5 clr R1 move R5,R1 cmp R1,R0 bcc L17 *line 223 move #-1,R0 bra L16 *line 224 L17: *line 225 *line 226 cmp R5,R6 bls L18 *line 226 move #1,R0 bra L16 *line 227 L18: *line 228 *line 229 move _ptespec,R7 and #255,R7 clr R0 move R7,R0 move 4(R13),R5 and #255,R5 clr R1 move R5,R1 cmp R1,R0 bcc L19 *line 229 move #-1,R0 bra L16 *line 230 L19: *line 231 *line 232 cmp R5,R7 bls L20 *line 232 move #1,R0 bra L16 *line 233 L20: *line 234 *line 235 move _ptesuba,R6 clr R0 move R6,R0 move 6(R13),R5 clr R1 move R5,R1 cmp R1,R0 bcc L21 *line 235 move #-1,R0 bra L16 *line 236 L21: *line 237 *line 238 cmp R5,R6 bls L22 *line 238 move #1,R0 bra L16 *line 239 *line 240 *line 241 *line 242 L22: *line 243 *line 243 move.l #_dmatch,R8 tst.b 0(R8,R7) beq L23 *line 244 *line 245 *line 246 move _ptedat1,R6 clr R0 move R6,R0 move 8(R13),R5 clr R1 move R5,R1 cmp R1,R0 bcc L24 *line 246 move #-1,R0 bra L16 *line 247 L24: *line 248 *line 249 cmp R5,R6 bls L25 *line 249 move #1,R0 bra L16 *line 250 bra L26 L25: *line 251 clr R0 bra L16 L26: *line 252 bra L27 L23: *line 253 *line 254 *line 255 clr R0 bra L16 L27:L16:tst.l (sp)+ movem.l (sp)+,R5-R7/R13-R13 unlk R14 rts .globl _finddpe .text _finddpe: ~~finddpe: link R14,#0 movem.l R5-R7,-(sp) ~c=R7 ~idef=R6 *line 281 clr _dpepred *line 282 clr _dpecpos *line 283 clr _dpesucc *line 298 *line 298 clr R0 move 4+_ptebuf,R0 and #8191,R0 move R0,R8 move.l #_defptr,R9 move.b 0(R8,R9.l),R0 ext.w R0 move R0,R6 tst R6 bne L29 *line 299 *line 307 *line 308 *line 309 move #1,R0 bra L28 *line 310 *line 311 *line 312 *line 313 *line 314 L29: *line 315 bra L32 L31: *line 316 *line 317 *line 318 *line 319 *line 319 move R6,(sp) jsr _cprdpe move R0,R7 cmp #1,R7 beq L33 *line 320 *line 321 *line 321 tst R7 bne L34 *line 322 *line 323 move R6,_dpecpos *line 324 clr R0 move R6,R0 mulu #10,R0 add.l #_defents,R0 move.l R0,R8 move (R8),_dpesucc *line 325 *line 326 *line 327 *line 337 L34: *line 338 clr R0 move R7,R0 bra L28 *line 339 *line 340 L33: *line 341 move R6,_dpepred *line 342 clr R0 move R6,R0 mulu #10,R0 add.l #_defents,R0 move.l R0,R8 move (R8),R6 L32: *line 343 tst R6 bne L31 L30: *line 354 move #-1,R0 bra L28 L28:tst.l (sp)+ movem.l (sp)+,R6-R7 unlk R14 rts .globl _cprpte .text _cprpte: ~~cprpte: ~np=8 link R14,#0 movem.l R4-R7/R12-R13,-(sp) ~ca=R7 ~cb=R6 ~ct=R5 ~pb=R13 ~pp=R12 *line 378 move.l #_ptebuf,R13 *line 379 clr R0 move 8(R14),R0 lsl #4,R0 swap R0 clr R0 swap R0 move.l R0,R12 add.l #_patches,R12 *line 381 *line 382 move 6(R13),R6 clr R0 move R6,R0 move 6(R12),R5 clr R1 move R5,R1 cmp R1,R0 bcc L36 *line 382 move #-1,R0 bra L35 *line 383 L36: *line 384 *line 385 cmp R5,R6 bls L37 *line 385 move #1,R0 bra L35 *line 386 L37: *line 387 *line 388 move 4(R13),R6 clr R0 move R6,R0 move 4(R12),R5 clr R1 move R5,R1 cmp R1,R0 bcc L38 *line 388 move #-1,R0 bra L35 *line 389 L38: *line 390 *line 391 cmp R5,R6 bls L39 *line 391 move #1,R0 bra L35 *line 392 L39: *line 393 *line 394 move 8(R13),R7 and #255,R7 clr R0 move R7,R0 move 8(R12),R5 and #255,R5 clr R1 move R5,R1 cmp R1,R0 bcc L40 *line 394 move #-1,R0 bra L35 *line 395 L40: *line 396 *line 397 cmp R5,R7 bls L41 *line 397 move #1,R0 bra L35 *line 398 L41: *line 399 *line 400 move 10(R13),R6 clr R0 move R6,R0 move 10(R12),R5 clr R1 move R5,R1 cmp R1,R0 bcc L42 *line 400 move #-1,R0 bra L35 *line 401 L42: *line 402 *line 403 cmp R5,R6 bls L43 *line 403 move #1,R0 bra L35 *line 404 *line 405 *line 406 *line 407 L43: *line 408 *line 408 move.l #_dmatch,R8 tst.b 0(R8,R7) beq L44 *line 409 *line 410 *line 411 move 12(R13),R6 clr R0 move R6,R0 move 12(R12),R5 clr R1 move R5,R1 cmp R1,R0 bcc L45 *line 411 move #-1,R0 bra L35 *line 412 L45: *line 413 *line 414 cmp R5,R6 bls L46 *line 414 move #1,R0 bra L35 *line 415 bra L47 L46: *line 416 clr R0 bra L35 L47: *line 417 bra L48 L44: *line 418 *line 419 *line 420 clr R0 bra L35 L48:L35:tst.l (sp)+ movem.l (sp)+,R5-R7/R12-R13 unlk R14 rts .globl _findpte .text _findpte: ~~findpte: link R14,#0 movem.l R5-R7,-(sp) ~c=R7 ~istim=R6 *line 446 clr _ptepred *line 447 clr _ptecpos *line 448 clr _ptesucc *line 463 *line 463 clr R0 move 6+_ptebuf,R0 and #8191,R0 move R0,R8 move.l #_stmptr,R9 move.b 0(R8,R9.l),R0 ext.w R0 move R0,R6 tst R6 bne L50 *line 464 *line 472 *line 473 *line 474 move #1,R0 bra L49 *line 475 *line 476 *line 477 *line 478 *line 479 L50: *line 480 bra L53 L52: *line 481 *line 482 *line 483 *line 484 *line 484 move R6,(sp) jsr _cprpte move R0,R7 cmp #1,R7 beq L54 *line 485 *line 486 *line 486 tst R7 bne L55 *line 487 *line 488 move R6,_ptecpos *line 489 clr R0 move R6,R0 lsl #4,R0 swap R0 clr R0 swap R0 add.l #_patches,R0 move.l R0,R8 move (R8),_ptesucc *line 490 *line 491 *line 492 *line 502 L55: *line 503 clr R0 move R7,R0 bra L49 *line 504 *line 505 L54: *line 506 move R6,_ptepred *line 507 clr R0 move R6,R0 lsl #4,R0 swap R0 clr R0 swap R0 add.l #_patches,R0 move.l R0,R8 move (R8),R6 L53: *line 508 tst R6 bne L52 L51: *line 519 move #-1,R0 bra L49 L49:tst.l (sp)+ movem.l (sp)+,R6-R7 unlk R14 rts .globl _entrpte .text _entrpte: ~~entrpte: link R14,#0 movem.l R4-R7,-(sp) ~c=R7 ~np=R6 ~stim=R5 *line 536 tst _ptedfok beq L10001 tst _ptestok beq L10001 tst _ptedsok beq L10001 tst _ptedtok bne L10000 L10001:clr R0 bra L10002 L10000:move #1,R0 L10002:move R0,_ptegood *line 538 *line 538 tst _ptegood beq L57 *line 539 *line 540 jsr _buf2pte *line 541 *line 542 jsr _findpte move R0,R7 *line 543 *line 544 *line 544 tst R7 bne L58 *line 545 *line 546 move #6,(sp) move.l #4+_ptebuf,-(sp) move _ptecpos,R0 asl #4,R0 ext.l R0 add.l #_patches,R0 move.l R0,-(sp) add.l #4,(sp) jsr _memcpyw addq.l #8,sp *line 547 *line 548 move _ptecpos,R0 asl #4,R0 ext.l R0 add.l #_patches,R0 move.l R0,R8 or #-32768,8(R8) *line 549 *line 558 *line 559 bra L56 *line 560 *line 561 *line 562 *line 563 *line 564 *line 565 L58: *line 566 *line 566 jsr _pt_alc move R0,_ptecpos bne L59 *line 567 *line 571 bra L56 *line 572 *line 573 *line 574 L59: *line 575 move #6,(sp) move.l #4+_ptebuf,-(sp) move _ptecpos,R0 asl #4,R0 ext.l R0 add.l #_patches,R0 move.l R0,-(sp) add.l #4,(sp) jsr _memcpyw addq.l #8,sp *line 576 move _ptecpos,R0 asl #4,R0 ext.l R0 add.l #_patches,R0 move.l R0,R8 or #-32768,8(R8) *line 577 move 6+_ptebuf,R5 and #8191,R5 *line 578 *line 579 *line 579 cmp #1,R7 bne L60 *line 580 *line 581 clr _ptepred *line 582 move _ptecpos,R0 clr R9 move R5,R9 add.l #_stmptr,R9 move.b R0,(R9) *line 583 *line 584 *line 585 *line 586 *line 587 L60: *line 588 *line 588 tst _ptepred beq L61 *line 589 *line 590 move _ptepred,R0 asl #4,R0 ext.l R0 add.l #_patches,R0 move.l R0,R8 move (R8),_ptesucc *line 591 *line 592 move _ptecpos,R0 asl #4,R0 ext.l R0 add.l #_patches,R0 move.l R0,R8 move _ptesucc,(R8) *line 593 move _ptecpos,R0 asl #4,R0 ext.l R0 add.l #_patches,R0 move.l R0,R8 move _ptepred,2(R8) *line 594 *line 595 move _ptepred,R0 asl #4,R0 ext.l R0 add.l #_patches,R0 move.l R0,R8 move _ptecpos,(R8) *line 596 *line 597 *line 598 tst _ptesucc beq L62 *line 598 move _ptesucc,R0 asl #4,R0 ext.l R0 add.l #_patches,R0 move.l R0,R8 move _ptecpos,2(R8) *line 599 L62:bra L63 L61: *line 600 *line 601 *line 602 move _ptecpos,R0 asl #4,R0 ext.l R0 add.l #_patches,R0 move.l R0,R8 clr 2(R8) *line 603 *line 604 *line 604 cmp #-1,R7 bne L64 *line 605 *line 606 move.l #_stmptr,R8 move.b 0(R8,R5),R0 ext.w R0 move R0,_ptesucc *line 607 *line 608 move _ptecpos,R0 asl #4,R0 ext.l R0 add.l #_patches,R0 move.l R0,R8 move _ptesucc,(R8) *line 609 *line 610 move _ptesucc,R0 asl #4,R0 ext.l R0 add.l #_patches,R0 move.l R0,R8 move _ptecpos,2(R8) *line 611 *line 612 move _ptecpos,R0 clr R9 move R5,R9 add.l #_stmptr,R9 move.b R0,(R9) *line 613 bra L65 L64: *line 614 *line 615 *line 616 move _ptecpos,R0 asl #4,R0 ext.l R0 add.l #_patches,R0 move.l R0,R8 clr (R8) L65: *line 617 L63: *line 618 *line 619 *line 620 *line 621 *line 622 *line 623 *line 623 jsr _finddpe move R0,R7 tst R7 bne L66 *line 624 *line 628 bra L56 *line 629 *line 630 *line 631 L66: *line 632 *line 632 jsr _dt_alc move R0,_dpecpos bne L67 *line 633 *line 637 bra L56 *line 638 *line 639 *line 640 L67: *line 641 clr R0 move _dpecpos,R0 mulu #10,R0 add.l #_defents,R0 move.l R0,R8 clr (R8) *line 642 clr R0 move _dpecpos,R0 mulu #10,R0 add.l #_defents,R0 move.l R0,R8 move _ptestm,2(R8) *line 643 clr R0 move _dpecpos,R0 mulu #10,R0 add.l #_defents,R0 move.l R0,R8 move _ptespec,4(R8) *line 644 clr R0 move _dpecpos,R0 mulu #10,R0 add.l #_defents,R0 move.l R0,R8 move _ptesuba,6(R8) *line 645 clr R0 move _dpecpos,R0 mulu #10,R0 add.l #_defents,R0 move.l R0,R8 move _ptedat1,8(R8) *line 646 *line 647 move 4+_ptebuf,R6 and #8191,R6 *line 648 *line 649 *line 649 cmp #1,R7 bne L68 *line 650 *line 651 clr _dpepred *line 652 clr R0 move _dpecpos,R0 clr R9 move R6,R9 add.l #_defptr,R9 move.b R0,(R9) *line 653 *line 654 L68: *line 655 *line 655 tst _dpepred beq L69 *line 656 *line 657 clr R0 move _dpepred,R0 mulu #10,R0 add.l #_defents,R0 move.l R0,R8 move (R8),_dpesucc *line 658 clr R0 move _dpecpos,R0 mulu #10,R0 add.l #_defents,R0 move.l R0,R8 move _dpesucc,(R8) *line 659 clr R0 move _dpepred,R0 mulu #10,R0 add.l #_defents,R0 move.l R0,R8 move _dpecpos,(R8) *line 660 bra L70 L69: *line 661 *line 662 *line 663 *line 663 cmp #-1,R7 bne L71 *line 664 *line 665 move.l #_defptr,R8 move.b 0(R8,R6),R0 ext.w R0 move R0,_dpesucc *line 666 clr R0 move _dpecpos,R0 mulu #10,R0 add.l #_defents,R0 move.l R0,R8 move _dpesucc,(R8) *line 667 clr R0 move _dpecpos,R0 clr R9 move R6,R9 add.l #_defptr,R9 move.b R0,(R9) *line 668 bra L72 L71: *line 669 *line 670 *line 671 clr R0 move _dpecpos,R0 mulu #10,R0 add.l #_defents,R0 move.l R0,R8 clr (R8) L72: *line 672 L70: *line 673 *line 674 *line 683 bra L56 *line 684 *line 685 *line 686 *line 695 L57:L56:tst.l (sp)+ movem.l (sp)+,R5-R7 unlk R14 rts .globl _find1st .text _find1st: ~~find1st: link R14,#0 movem.l R5-R7,-(sp) ~cp=R7 ~pp=R6 *line 712 clr R7 bra L76 L77: *line 713 *line 714 move.l #_stmptr,R8 move.b 0(R8,R7),R0 ext.w R0 move R0,R6 and #255,R6 tst R6 beq L78 *line 714 move R6,R0 bra L73 *line 715 L78:L75: *line 712 add #1,R7 L76: *line 712 cmp #5120,R7 blt L77 L74: *line 716 clr R0 bra L73 L73:tst.l (sp)+ movem.l (sp)+,R6-R7 unlk R14 rts .globl _findnxt .text _findnxt: ~~findnxt: ~cp=8 link R14,#0 movem.l R5-R7,-(sp) ~np=R7 ~stim=R6 *line 731 *line 732 move 8(R14),R0 asl #4,R0 ext.l R0 add.l #_patches,R0 move.l R0,R8 move (R8),R7 tst R7 beq L80 *line 732 move R7,R0 bra L79 *line 733 L80: *line 734 move 8(R14),R0 asl #4,R0 ext.l R0 add.l #_patches,R0 move.l R0,R8 move 6(R8),R6 and #8191,R6 *line 736 bra L83 L82: *line 737 *line 738 move.l #_stmptr,R8 move.b 0(R8,R6),R0 ext.w R0 move R0,R7 and #255,R7 tst R7 beq L84 *line 738 move R7,R0 bra L79 *line 739 L84:L83: *line 740 add #1,R6 move R6,R0 cmp #5120,R0 blt L82 L81: *line 740 clr R0 bra L79 L79:tst.l (sp)+ movem.l (sp)+,R6-R7 unlk R14 rts .globl _findprv .text _findprv: ~~findprv: ~cp=8 link R14,#0 movem.l R4-R7,-(sp) ~np=R7 ~pp=R6 ~stim=R5 *line 758 *line 759 move 8(R14),R0 asl #4,R0 ext.l R0 add.l #_patches,R0 move.l R0,R8 move 2(R8),R7 tst R7 beq L86 *line 759 move R7,R0 bra L85 *line 760 L86: *line 761 move 8(R14),R0 asl #4,R0 ext.l R0 add.l #_patches,R0 move.l R0,R8 move 6(R8),R5 and #8191,R5 *line 763 bra L89 L88: *line 764 *line 765 *line 765 move.l #_stmptr,R8 move.b 0(R8,R5),R0 ext.w R0 move R0,R7 and #255,R7 tst R7 beq L90 *line 766 *line 767 *line 768 *line 769 bra L93 L92: *line 770 move R6,R7 L93: *line 770 move R7,R0 asl #4,R0 ext.l R0 add.l #_patches,R0 move.l R0,R8 move (R8),R6 bne L92 L91: *line 771 *line 772 move R7,R0 bra L85 *line 773 L90:L89: *line 774 sub #1,R5 bge L88 L87: *line 776 clr R0 bra L85 L85:tst.l (sp)+ movem.l (sp)+,R5-R7 unlk R14 rts .globl _dpte .text _dpte: ~~dpte: ~pe=R7 ~row=R6 ~atr=R5 link R14,#0 movem.l R3-R7,-(sp) ~i=R4 *line 793 move 8(R14),R7 *line 793 move 10(R14),R6 *line 793 move 12(R14),R5 *line 793 move #50,(sp) move #32,-(sp) move.l #_ptdsbuf,-(sp) jsr _memset addq.l #6,sp *line 795 *line 795 tst R7 beq L95 *line 796 *line 797 move R7,R0 asl #4,R0 ext.l R0 move.l R0,R8 move.l #_patches,R9 move 4(R8,R9.l),(sp) move.l #2+_ptdsbuf,-(sp) jsr _dspdfst addq.l #4,sp *line 798 move R7,R0 asl #4,R0 ext.l R0 move.l R0,R8 move.l #_patches,R9 move 6(R8,R9.l),(sp) move.l #15+_ptdsbuf,-(sp) jsr _dspdfst addq.l #4,sp *line 799 move R7,R0 asl #4,R0 ext.l R0 add.l #_patches,R0 move.l R0,(sp) move.l #28+_ptdsbuf,-(sp) jsr _dspdest addq.l #4,sp *line 800 *line 801 clr R4 bra L98 L99: *line 802 *line 803 move R4,R8 add.l #_ptdsbuf,R8 tst.b (R8) bne L100 *line 803 move R4,R8 add.l #_ptdsbuf,R8 move.b #32,(R8) *line 804 L100:L97: *line 801 add #1,R4 L98: *line 801 cmp #50,R4 blt L99 L96: *line 805 clr.b 48+_ptdsbuf *line 806 *line 807 L95: *line 808 move #226,(sp) move.l #L101,-(sp) clr -(sp) move R6,-(sp) jsr _UpdVid addq.l #8,sp *line 809 move R5,(sp) move.l #1+_ptdsbuf,-(sp) move #1,-(sp) move R6,-(sp) jsr _UpdVid addq.l #8,sp L94:tst.l (sp)+ movem.l (sp)+,R4-R7 unlk R14 rts .globl _dptw .text _dptw: ~~dptw: link R14,#0 movem.l R3-R7,-(sp) ~cp=R7 ~r=R6 ~row=R5 ~pp=R4 *line 830 *line 830 tst _ptecpos beq L103 *line 831 *line 832 *line 833 *line 834 move #7,R5 *line 835 move _ptecpos,R4 *line 836 *line 837 bra L106 L105: *line 838 *line 839 move R7,R4 *line 840 *line 841 *line 842 sub #1,R5 beq L104 L106: *line 843 move R4,(sp) jsr _findprv move R0,R7 tst R7 bne L105 L104: *line 844 *line 848 *line 849 *line 850 *line 850 tst R5 beq L107 *line 851 *line 852 clr R6 bra L110 L111: *line 853 move #18,(sp) move R6,-(sp) clr -(sp) jsr _dpte addq.l #4,sp L109: *line 852 add #1,R6 L110: *line 852 cmp R5,R6 blt L111 L108: *line 853 *line 854 *line 855 L107: *line 856 bra L114 L113: *line 857 *line 858 move #18,(sp) move R5,-(sp) move R4,-(sp) jsr _dpte addq.l #4,sp add #1,R5 *line 859 move R4,(sp) jsr _findnxt move R0,R4 L114: *line 860 cmp #7,R5 blt L113 L112: *line 861 *line 862 *line 863 *line 864 *line 869 *line 870 *line 871 move #18,(sp) move R5,-(sp) move R4,-(sp) jsr _dpte addq.l #4,sp add #1,R5 *line 872 *line 873 *line 874 *line 875 bra L117 L116: *line 876 *line 877 move #18,(sp) move R5,-(sp) move R4,-(sp) jsr _dpte addq.l #4,sp add #1,R5 *line 878 *line 879 *line 880 cmp #15,R5 bgt L115 L117: *line 881 move R4,(sp) jsr _findnxt move R0,R4 tst R4 bne L116 L115: *line 882 *line 883 *line 884 bra L120 L119: *line 885 move #18,(sp) move R5,-(sp) clr -(sp) jsr _dpte addq.l #4,sp add #1,R5 L120: *line 885 cmp #16,R5 blt L119 L118: *line 886 *line 887 bra L121 L103: *line 888 *line 889 *line 890 *line 890 jsr _find1st move R0,_ptecpos beq L122 *line 891 *line 895 *line 896 *line 897 *line 898 *line 899 clr R5 bra L125 L126: *line 900 move #18,(sp) move R5,-(sp) clr -(sp) jsr _dpte addq.l #4,sp L124: *line 899 add #1,R5 L125: *line 899 cmp #7,R5 blt L126 L123: *line 900 *line 901 *line 902 *line 903 *line 904 move #18,(sp) move R5,-(sp) move _ptecpos,R4 move R4,-(sp) jsr _dpte addq.l #4,sp add #1,R5 *line 905 *line 906 *line 907 *line 908 bra L129 L128: *line 909 *line 910 move #18,(sp) move R5,-(sp) move R4,-(sp) jsr _dpte addq.l #4,sp add #1,R5 *line 911 *line 912 *line 913 cmp #15,R5 bgt L127 L129: *line 914 move R4,(sp) jsr _findnxt move R0,R4 tst R4 bne L128 L127: *line 915 *line 916 *line 917 *line 918 bra L132 L131: *line 919 move #18,(sp) move R5,-(sp) clr -(sp) jsr _dpte addq.l #4,sp add #1,R5 L132: *line 919 cmp #16,R5 blt L131 L130: *line 920 *line 921 bra L133 L122: *line 922 *line 923 *line 927 *line 928 *line 929 *line 930 *line 931 clr R5 bra L136 L137: *line 932 cmp #7,R5 bne L10003 move #18,(sp) bra L10005 L10003:move #18,(sp) L10005:move R5,-(sp) clr -(sp) jsr _dpte addq.l #4,sp L135: *line 931 add #1,R5 L136: *line 931 cmp #16,R5 blt L137 L134: *line 932 L133: *line 933 L121: *line 936 *line 936 tst _ptecpos beq L138 *line 937 *line 938 move #6,(sp) move _ptecpos,R0 asl #4,R0 ext.l R0 add.l #_patches,R0 move.l R0,-(sp) add.l #4,(sp) move.l #4+_ptebuf,-(sp) jsr _memcpyw addq.l #8,sp *line 939 move #1,_pteset *line 940 jsr _pte2buf *line 941 *line 946 *line 947 bra L139 L138: *line 948 *line 949 *line 950 clr _pteset *line 951 jsr _voidpb *line 952 *line 957 *line 958 *line 959 L139:L102:tst.l (sp)+ movem.l (sp)+,R4-R7 unlk R14 rts .globl _srdspte .text _srdspte: ~~srdspte: link R14,#-10 ~oldcpos=-2 ~oldpred=-4 ~oldsucc=-6 *line 980 tst _ptedfok beq L10007 tst _ptestok beq L10007 tst _ptedsok beq L10007 tst _ptedtok bne L10006 L10007:clr R0 bra L10008 L10006:move #1,R0 L10008:move R0,_ptegood *line 1002 *line 1002 tst _ptegood beq L141 *line 1003 *line 1004 move _ptecpos,-2(R14) *line 1005 move _ptepred,-4(R14) *line 1006 move _ptesucc,-6(R14) *line 1007 *line 1008 jsr _buf2pte *line 1009 *line 1010 *line 1010 jsr _findpte tst R0 bne L142 *line 1011 *line 1015 *line 1016 *line 1017 move #6,(sp) move _ptecpos,R0 asl #4,R0 ext.l R0 add.l #_patches,R0 move.l R0,-(sp) add.l #4,(sp) move.l #4+_ptebuf,-(sp) jsr _memcpyw addq.l #8,sp *line 1018 move #1,_pteset *line 1019 jsr _pte2buf *line 1020 jsr _dptw *line 1021 bra L143 L142: *line 1022 *line 1023 *line 1024 move -2(R14),_ptecpos *line 1025 move -4(R14),_ptepred *line 1026 move -6(R14),_ptesucc *line 1027 *line 1037 *line 1038 L143: *line 1039 *line 1040 *line 1041 *line 1045 *line 1046 L141:L140:unlk R14 rts .globl _stmproc .text _stmproc: ~~stmproc: ~trg=R7 link R14,#-4 movem.l R2-R7/R12-R13,-(sp) ~nextdef=R13 ~nextpch=R12 ~adspec=R6 ~adsuba=R5 ~np=R4 ~stim=R3 ~addat1=-2 ~adrtag=-4 *line 1068 move 8(R14),R7 *line 1068 clr R0 move R7,R0 and #8191,R0 move R0,R8 move.l #_defptr,R9 move.b 0(R8,R9.l),R0 ext.w R0 move R0,R4 and #255,R4 *line 1069 tst R4 beq L10009 clr R0 move R4,R0 mulu #10,R0 add.l #_defents,R0 bra L10011 L10009:clr.l R0 L10011:move.l R0,R13 *line 1073 bra L147 L146: *line 1074 *line 1075 *line 1076 *line 1077 move 4(R13),R6 *line 1078 move 6(R13),R5 *line 1079 move 8(R13),-2(R14) *line 1080 move 2(R13),R3 *line 1081 move.l #_dmatch,R8 move.b 0(R8,R6),R0 ext.w R0 move R0,-4(R14) *line 1082 *line 1083 *line 1084 *line 1085 clr R0 move R3,R0 and #8191,R0 move R0,R8 move.l #_stmptr,R9 move.b 0(R8,R9.l),R0 ext.w R0 move R0,R4 and #255,R4 *line 1086 tst R4 beq L10012 clr R0 move R4,R0 lsl #4,R0 swap R0 clr R0 swap R0 add.l #_patches,R0 bra L10014 L10012:clr.l R0 L10014:move.l R0,R12 *line 1087 *line 1088 bra L150 L149: *line 1089 *line 1090 *line 1091 *line 1092 *line 1093 *line 1094 cmp 6(R12),R3 bne L151 clr R0 move 8(R12),R0 and #255,R0 cmp R0,R6 bne L151 cmp 10(R12),R5 bne L151 *line 1095 *line 1096 *line 1097 tst -4(R14) beq L10015 tst -4(R14) beq L152 clr R0 move 12(R12),R0 cmp -2(R14),R0 bne L152 L10015:*line 1098 *line 1099 *line 1100 cmp 4(R12),R7 bne L153 *line 1100 or #-32768,8(R12) *line 1101 bra L154 L153: *line 1102 and #32767,8(R12) L154: *line 1103 L152: *line 1104 *line 1105 *line 1106 *line 1107 L151: *line 1108 move (R12),R4 *line 1109 tst R4 beq L10016 clr R0 move R4,R0 lsl #4,R0 swap R0 clr R0 swap R0 add.l #_patches,R0 bra L10018 L10016:clr.l R0 L10018:move.l R0,R12 L150: *line 1110 move.l R12,R0 bne L149 L148: *line 1111 *line 1112 *line 1113 *line 1114 move (R13),R4 *line 1115 tst R4 beq L10019 clr R0 move R4,R0 mulu #10,R0 add.l #_defents,R0 bra L10021 L10019:clr.l R0 L10021:move.l R0,R13 L147: *line 1116 move.l R13,R0 bne L146 L145: *line 1124 clr R0 move R7,R0 and #8191,R0 move R0,R8 move.l #_stmptr,R9 move.b 0(R8,R9.l),R0 ext.w R0 move R0,R4 and #255,R4 *line 1125 tst R4 beq L10022 clr R0 move R4,R0 lsl #4,R0 swap R0 clr R0 swap R0 add.l #_patches,R0 bra L10024 L10022:clr.l R0 L10024:move.l R0,R12 *line 1129 bra L157 L156: *line 1130 *line 1131 *line 1132 *line 1133 clr R0 move 8(R12),R0 and #-32768,R0 beq L158 cmp 6(R12),R7 bne L158 *line 1133 move.l R12,(sp) jsr _dopatch *line 1134 *line 1135 *line 1136 L158: *line 1137 move (R12),R4 *line 1138 tst R4 beq L10025 clr R0 move R4,R0 lsl #4,R0 swap R0 clr R0 swap R0 add.l #_patches,R0 bra L10027 L10025:clr.l R0 L10027:move.l R0,R12 L157: *line 1139 move.l R12,R0 bne L156 L155:L144:tst.l (sp)+ movem.l (sp)+,R3-R7/R12-R13 unlk R14 rts .data L101:.dc.b $B0,$20,$0