.globl _io_time .globl _io_lcd .globl _io_ser .globl _io_midi .globl _io_disk .globl _io_tone .globl _io_leds .globl _io_kbrd .globl _lcd_a0 .globl _lcd_a1 .globl _io_vreg .globl _io_vraw .globl _io_vram .globl _io_fpu .globl _v_regs .globl _v_odtab .globl _v_actab .globl _v_ct0 .globl _v_gt1 .globl _v_score .globl _v_cgtab .globl _v_curs0 .globl _v_curs1 .globl _v_curs2 .globl _v_curs3 .globl _v_curs4 .globl _v_curs5 .globl _v_curs6 .globl _v_curs7 .globl _v_tcur .globl _v_kbobj .globl _v_lnobj .globl _v_win0 .globl _v_cur .globl _fc_sw .globl _fc_val .globl _v_obtab .globl _v_curob .globl _v_nobj .globl _v_obpri .globl _ebflag .globl _ebuf .globl _curfet .globl _cfetp .globl _infetp .globl _point .globl _obj0 .globl _bfs .globl _wdbxlb0 .globl _wdbxlb1 .globl _wdbox .globl _vbufs .globl _curinst .globl _curvce .globl _curwave .globl _curwdth .globl _curwfnl .globl _curwhrm .globl _curwhrv .globl _curwpnt .globl _curwoff .globl _curwslt .globl _cxval .globl _cyval .globl _lstwoff .globl _lstwpnt .globl _stccol .globl _stcrow .globl _wpntsv .globl _wplast .globl _wvlast .globl _vmtab .globl _wsbuf .globl _vknm .globl _waveob .globl _wsnmod .globl _wslib .globl _wdoct .globl _wavpal .data _wavpal: .dc.w $0 .dc.w $0 .dc.w $0 .dc.w $3 .dc.w $3 .dc.w $3 .dc.w $2 .dc.w $2 .dc.w $2 .dc.w $0 .dc.w $1 .dc.w $1 .dc.w $1 .dc.w $0 .dc.w $1 .dc.w $0 .dc.w $1 .dc.w $1 .dc.w $2 .dc.w $1 .dc.w $2 .dc.w $0 .dc.w $3 .dc.w $0 .dc.w $2 .dc.w $0 .dc.w $0 .dc.w $2 .dc.w $0 .dc.w $2 .dc.w $0 .dc.w $0 .dc.w $0 .dc.w $2 .dc.w $3 .dc.w $3 .dc.w $3 .dc.w $3 .dc.w $0 .dc.w $3 .dc.w $0 .dc.w $0 .dc.w $0 .dc.w $0 .dc.w $1 .dc.w $0 .dc.w $0 .dc.w $3 .globl _advwcur .text _advwcur: ~~advwcur: link R14,#0 movem.l R6-R7,-(sp) ~newcol=R7 *line 117 move _stccol,R7 add #1,R7 *line 119 *line 120 move.l _cfetp,R8 cmp 4(R8),R7 bgt L2 *line 120 move R7,(sp) move _stcrow,-(sp) jsr _itcpos addq.l #2,sp L2:L1:tst.l (sp)+ movem.l (sp)+,R7-R7 unlk R14 rts .globl _hdraw .text _hdraw: ~~hdraw: ~hv=R13 ~h=12 link R14,#0 movem.l R3-R7/R13-R13,-(sp) ~bc=R7 ~bx=R6 ~by=R5 ~j=R4 *line 138 move.l 8(R14),R13 *line 138 move 12(R14),R6 asl #4,R6 add #4,R6 *line 140 *line 140 move.l R13,R8 move 12(R14),R9 add.l R9,R9 add.l R9,R8 tst (R8) bge L4 *line 141 *line 142 move #306,R5 move 12(R14),R8 add.l R8,R8 move 0(R13,R8.l),R0 neg R0 asl #7,R0 ext.l R0 divs #100,R0 sub R0,R5 *line 143 move #8,R7 *line 144 bra L5 L4: *line 145 *line 146 *line 147 move #306,R5 move 12(R14),R8 add.l R8,R8 move 0(R13,R8.l),R0 asl #7,R0 ext.l R0 divs #100,R0 sub R0,R5 *line 148 move #9,R7 L5: *line 151 clr R4 bra L8 L9: *line 152 *line 153 move R7,(sp) move R5,-(sp) move R6,-(sp) move #306,-(sp) move R6,-(sp) jsr _lseg addq.l #8,sp *line 154 add #1,R6 L7: *line 151 add #1,R4 L8: *line 151 cmp #8,R4 blt L9 L6:L3:tst.l (sp)+ movem.l (sp)+,R4-R7/R13-R13 unlk R14 rts .globl _dsws .text _dsws: ~~dsws: ~how=8 link R14,#-6 movem.l R6-R7/R11-R13,-(sp) ~ip=R13 ~fv=R12 ~hv=R11 ~ov=-4 ~i=R7 ~cx=-6 *line 175 move _wdbox,(sp) jsr _exp_c move R0,-6(R14) *line 177 move _curvce,R0 muls #3938,R0 move.l R0,R13 add.l #_vbufs,R13 *line 178 tst _curwslt beq L10000 move.l R13,R0 add.l #2858,R0 bra L10002 L10000:move.l R13,R0 add.l #1778,R0 L10002:move.l R0,R12 *line 179 tst _curwslt beq L10003 move.l R13,R0 add.l #3366,R0 bra L10005 L10003:move.l R13,R0 add.l #2286,R0 L10005:move.l R0,-4(R14) *line 180 tst _curwslt beq L10006 move.l R13,R0 add.l #3874,R0 bra L10008 L10006:move.l R13,R0 add.l #2794,R0 L10008:move.l R0,R11 *line 182 move.l #_wdpoint,_point *line 184 *line 185 clr R0 move 10+_v_regs,R0 and #384,R0 beq L11 *line 185 clr (sp) jsr _vbank *line 186 L11: *line 187 *line 188 tst 8(R14) beq L12 *line 189 move -6(R14),(sp) move 6+_wdbox,-(sp) move 4+_wdbox,-(sp) move 2+_wdbox,-(sp) move _wdbox,-(sp) move #128,-(sp) move.l _waveob,-(sp) jsr _vbfill4 adda.l #14,sp *line 190 L12: *line 191 move #10,(sp) move #133,-(sp) move #510,-(sp) move #133,-(sp) move #1,-(sp) jsr _lseg addq.l #8,sp *line 192 move #10,(sp) move #266,-(sp) move #510,-(sp) move #266,-(sp) move #1,-(sp) jsr _lseg addq.l #8,sp *line 194 clr R7 bra L15 L16: *line 195 move R7,(sp) move.l R11,-(sp) jsr _hdraw addq.l #4,sp L14: *line 194 add #1,R7 L15: *line 194 cmp #32,R7 blt L16 L13: *line 197 clr R7 bra L19 L20: *line 198 *line 199 *line 200 *line 201 *line 202 move #6,(sp) move #133,-(sp) move.l -4(R14),R8 move R7,R9 add.l R9,R9 move 0(R8,R9.l),R0 asr #5,R0 ext.l R0 divs #8,R0 sub R0,(sp) move R7,R0 asl #1,R0 move R0,-(sp) add #2,(sp) jsr _wdpoint addq.l #4,sp *line 203 *line 204 *line 205 *line 206 *line 207 move #7,(sp) move #133,-(sp) move R7,R8 add.l R8,R8 move 0(R12,R8.l),R0 asr #5,R0 ext.l R0 divs #8,R0 sub R0,(sp) move R7,R0 asl #1,R0 move R0,-(sp) add #2,(sp) jsr _wdpoint addq.l #4,sp L18: *line 197 add #1,R7 L19: *line 197 cmp #254,R7 blt L20 L17:L10:tst.l (sp)+ movem.l (sp)+,R7-R7/R11-R13 unlk R14 rts .globl _wdswin .text _wdswin: ~~wdswin: ~n=R7 link R14,#0 movem.l R3-R7,-(sp) ~cx=R6 ~wval=R5 ~wsgn=R4 *line 226 move 8(R14),R7 *line 226 move R7,R0 asl #4,R0 ext.l R0 add.l #_wdbox,R0 move.l R0,R8 move 10(R8),R6 *line 227 move R6,R0 asl #4,R0 or R0,R6 *line 228 move R6,R0 asl #8,R0 or R0,R6 *line 232 *line 233 clr R0 move 10+_v_regs,R0 and #384,R0 beq L22 *line 233 clr (sp) jsr _vbank *line 234 L22: *line 235 *line 236 move R6,(sp) move R7,R0 asl #4,R0 ext.l R0 move.l R0,R8 move.l #_wdbox,R9 move 6(R8,R9.l),-(sp) move R7,R0 asl #4,R0 ext.l R0 move.l R0,R8 move.l #_wdbox,R9 move 4(R8,R9.l),-(sp) move R7,R0 asl #4,R0 ext.l R0 move.l R0,R8 move.l #_wdbox,R9 move 2(R8,R9.l),-(sp) move R7,R0 asl #4,R0 ext.l R0 move.l R0,R8 move.l #_wdbox,R9 move 0(R8,R9.l),-(sp) move #128,-(sp) move.l _waveob,-(sp) jsr _vbfill4 adda.l #14,sp *line 240 *line 241 move #14,(sp) move R7,R8 add.l R8,R8 add.l R8,R8 move.l #_wdbxlb0,R9 move.l 0(R8,R9.l),-(sp) move R7,R0 asl #4,R0 ext.l R0 move.l R0,R8 move.l #_wdbox,R9 move 14(R8,R9.l),-(sp) move R7,R0 asl #4,R0 ext.l R0 move.l R0,R8 move.l #_wdbox,R9 move 12(R8,R9.l),-(sp) move R7,R0 asl #4,R0 ext.l R0 move.l R0,R8 move.l #_wdbox,R9 move 8(R8,R9.l),-(sp) move #64,-(sp) move.l _waveob,-(sp) jsr _tsplot4 adda.l #16,sp *line 243 *line 244 move #14,(sp) move R7,R8 add.l R8,R8 add.l R8,R8 move.l #_wdbxlb1,R9 move.l 0(R8,R9.l),-(sp) move R7,R0 asl #4,R0 ext.l R0 move.l R0,R8 move.l #_wdbox,R9 move 14(R8,R9.l),-(sp) move R7,R0 asl #4,R0 ext.l R0 move.l R0,R8 move.l #_wdbox,R9 move 12(R8,R9.l),-(sp) add #1,(sp) move R7,R0 asl #4,R0 ext.l R0 move.l R0,R8 move.l #_wdbox,R9 move 8(R8,R9.l),-(sp) move #64,-(sp) move.l _waveob,-(sp) jsr _tsplot4 adda.l #16,sp *line 248 move R7,R0 bra L24 *line 249 L25: *line 250 *line 251 *line 252 clr (sp) jsr _dsws bra L21 *line 253 *line 254 L26: *line 255 *line 256 *line 257 move _curwave,(sp) add #1,(sp) move.l #L27,-(sp) move.l #_bfs,-(sp) jsr _sprintf addq.l #8,sp *line 258 *line 259 *line 260 move #14,(sp) move.l #_bfs,-(sp) move R7,R0 asl #4,R0 ext.l R0 move.l R0,R8 move.l #_wdbox,R9 move 14(R8,R9.l),-(sp) add #9,(sp) move R7,R0 asl #4,R0 ext.l R0 move.l R0,R8 move.l #_wdbox,R9 move 12(R8,R9.l),-(sp) move _curvce,R8 add.l R8,R8 add.l R8,R8 move _curwslt,R9 add.l R9,R9 add.l R9,R8 move.l #_wsnmod,R9 tst 0(R8,R9.l) beq L10009 move #13,-(sp) bra L10011 L10009:move R7,R0 asl #4,R0 ext.l R0 move.l R0,R8 move.l #_wdbox,R9 move 8(R8,R9.l),-(sp) L10011:jsr _exp_c addq.l #2,sp move R0,-(sp) move #64,-(sp) move.l _waveob,-(sp) jsr _tsplot4 adda.l #16,sp *line 261 *line 262 move _curvce,(sp) add #1,(sp) move.l #L28,-(sp) move.l #_bfs,-(sp) jsr _sprintf addq.l #8,sp *line 263 *line 264 move #14,(sp) move.l #_bfs,-(sp) move R7,R0 asl #4,R0 ext.l R0 move.l R0,R8 move.l #_wdbox,R9 move 14(R8,R9.l),-(sp) add #18,(sp) move R7,R0 asl #4,R0 ext.l R0 move.l R0,R8 move.l #_wdbox,R9 move 12(R8,R9.l),-(sp) move R7,R0 asl #4,R0 ext.l R0 move.l R0,R8 move.l #_wdbox,R9 move 8(R8,R9.l),-(sp) move #64,-(sp) move.l _waveob,-(sp) jsr _tsplot4 adda.l #16,sp *line 265 *line 266 move _curinst,(sp) move.l #L29,-(sp) move.l #_bfs,-(sp) jsr _sprintf addq.l #8,sp *line 267 *line 268 move #14,(sp) move.l #_bfs,-(sp) move R7,R0 asl #4,R0 ext.l R0 move.l R0,R8 move.l #_wdbox,R9 move 14(R8,R9.l),-(sp) add #11,(sp) move R7,R0 asl #4,R0 ext.l R0 move.l R0,R8 move.l #_wdbox,R9 move 12(R8,R9.l),-(sp) add #1,(sp) move R7,R0 asl #4,R0 ext.l R0 move.l R0,R8 move.l #_wdbox,R9 move 8(R8,R9.l),-(sp) move #64,-(sp) move.l _waveob,-(sp) jsr _tsplot4 adda.l #16,sp *line 269 *line 270 move _curwslt,(sp) add #65,(sp) move.l #L30,-(sp) move.l #_bfs,-(sp) jsr _sprintf addq.l #8,sp *line 271 *line 272 move #14,(sp) move.l #_bfs,-(sp) move R7,R0 asl #4,R0 ext.l R0 move.l R0,R8 move.l #_wdbox,R9 move 14(R8,R9.l),-(sp) add #19,(sp) move R7,R0 asl #4,R0 ext.l R0 move.l R0,R8 move.l #_wdbox,R9 move 12(R8,R9.l),-(sp) add #1,(sp) move R7,R0 asl #4,R0 ext.l R0 move.l R0,R8 move.l #_wdbox,R9 move 8(R8,R9.l),-(sp) move #64,-(sp) move.l _waveob,-(sp) jsr _tsplot4 adda.l #16,sp *line 273 bra L21 *line 274 *line 275 *line 276 *line 277 L31: *line 278 *line 279 *line 280 move _curwpnt,(sp) move.l #L32,-(sp) move.l #_bfs,-(sp) jsr _sprintf addq.l #8,sp *line 281 *line 282 move #14,(sp) move.l #_bfs,-(sp) move R7,R0 asl #4,R0 ext.l R0 move.l R0,R8 move.l #_wdbox,R9 move 14(R8,R9.l),-(sp) add #4,(sp) move R7,R0 asl #4,R0 ext.l R0 move.l R0,R8 move.l #_wdbox,R9 move 12(R8,R9.l),-(sp) move R7,R0 asl #4,R0 ext.l R0 move.l R0,R8 move.l #_wdbox,R9 move 8(R8,R9.l),-(sp) move #64,-(sp) move.l _waveob,-(sp) jsr _tsplot4 adda.l #16,sp *line 283 *line 284 *line 284 tst _curwoff bge L33 *line 285 *line 286 move _curwoff,R0 neg R0 move R0,R5 *line 287 move.b #45,R4 *line 288 bra L34 L33: *line 289 *line 290 *line 291 move _curwoff,R5 *line 292 move.b #43,R4 L34: *line 293 *line 294 *line 295 move R5,(sp) move.b R4,R0 ext.w R0 move R0,-(sp) move.l #L35,-(sp) move.l #_bfs,-(sp) jsr _sprintf adda.l #10,sp *line 296 *line 297 move #14,(sp) move.l #_bfs,-(sp) move R7,R0 asl #4,R0 ext.l R0 move.l R0,R8 move.l #_wdbox,R9 move 14(R8,R9.l),-(sp) add #14,(sp) move R7,R0 asl #4,R0 ext.l R0 move.l R0,R8 move.l #_wdbox,R9 move 12(R8,R9.l),-(sp) move R7,R0 asl #4,R0 ext.l R0 move.l R0,R8 move.l #_wdbox,R9 move 8(R8,R9.l),-(sp) move #64,-(sp) move.l _waveob,-(sp) jsr _tsplot4 adda.l #16,sp *line 298 *line 299 *line 299 cmp #8,_curwdth bne L36 *line 300 *line 301 *line 302 move #14,(sp) move.l #L37,-(sp) move R7,R0 asl #4,R0 ext.l R0 move.l R0,R8 move.l #_wdbox,R9 move 14(R8,R9.l),-(sp) move R7,R0 asl #4,R0 ext.l R0 move.l R0,R8 move.l #_wdbox,R9 move 12(R8,R9.l),-(sp) add #1,(sp) move R7,R0 asl #4,R0 ext.l R0 move.l R0,R8 move.l #_wdbox,R9 move 8(R8,R9.l),-(sp) move #64,-(sp) move.l _waveob,-(sp) jsr _tsplot4 adda.l #16,sp *line 303 bra L38 L36: *line 304 *line 305 *line 306 *line 307 move #14,(sp) move.l #L39,-(sp) move R7,R0 asl #4,R0 ext.l R0 move.l R0,R8 move.l #_wdbox,R9 move 14(R8,R9.l),-(sp) move R7,R0 asl #4,R0 ext.l R0 move.l R0,R8 move.l #_wdbox,R9 move 12(R8,R9.l),-(sp) add #1,(sp) move R7,R0 asl #4,R0 ext.l R0 move.l R0,R8 move.l #_wdbox,R9 move 8(R8,R9.l),-(sp) move #64,-(sp) move.l _waveob,-(sp) jsr _tsplot4 adda.l #16,sp *line 308 *line 309 move _curwdth,(sp) move.l #L40,-(sp) move.l #_bfs,-(sp) jsr _sprintf addq.l #8,sp *line 310 *line 311 move #14,(sp) move.l #_bfs,-(sp) move R7,R0 asl #4,R0 ext.l R0 move.l R0,R8 move.l #_wdbox,R9 move 14(R8,R9.l),-(sp) add #6,(sp) move R7,R0 asl #4,R0 ext.l R0 move.l R0,R8 move.l #_wdbox,R9 move 12(R8,R9.l),-(sp) add #1,(sp) move R7,R0 asl #4,R0 ext.l R0 move.l R0,R8 move.l #_wdbox,R9 move 8(R8,R9.l),-(sp) move #64,-(sp) move.l _waveob,-(sp) jsr _tsplot4 adda.l #16,sp L38: *line 312 *line 313 *line 314 *line 314 tst _curwfnl bge L41 *line 315 *line 316 move _curwfnl,R0 neg R0 move R0,R5 *line 317 move.b #45,R4 *line 318 bra L42 L41: *line 319 *line 320 *line 321 move _curwfnl,R5 *line 322 move.b #43,R4 L42: *line 323 *line 324 *line 325 move R5,(sp) move.b R4,R0 ext.w R0 move R0,-(sp) move.l #L43,-(sp) move.l #_bfs,-(sp) jsr _sprintf adda.l #10,sp *line 326 *line 327 move #14,(sp) move.l #_bfs,-(sp) move R7,R0 asl #4,R0 ext.l R0 move.l R0,R8 move.l #_wdbox,R9 move 14(R8,R9.l),-(sp) add #14,(sp) move R7,R0 asl #4,R0 ext.l R0 move.l R0,R8 move.l #_wdbox,R9 move 12(R8,R9.l),-(sp) add #1,(sp) move R7,R0 asl #4,R0 ext.l R0 move.l R0,R8 move.l #_wdbox,R9 move 8(R8,R9.l),-(sp) move #64,-(sp) move.l _waveob,-(sp) jsr _tsplot4 adda.l #16,sp *line 328 bra L21 *line 329 *line 330 *line 331 L44: *line 332 *line 333 *line 334 move _curwhrm,(sp) add #1,(sp) move.l #L45,-(sp) move.l #_bfs,-(sp) jsr _sprintf addq.l #8,sp *line 335 *line 336 move #14,(sp) move.l #_bfs,-(sp) move R7,R0 asl #4,R0 ext.l R0 move.l R0,R8 move.l #_wdbox,R9 move 14(R8,R9.l),-(sp) add #10,(sp) move R7,R0 asl #4,R0 ext.l R0 move.l R0,R8 move.l #_wdbox,R9 move 12(R8,R9.l),-(sp) move R7,R0 asl #4,R0 ext.l R0 move.l R0,R8 move.l #_wdbox,R9 move 8(R8,R9.l),-(sp) move #64,-(sp) move.l _waveob,-(sp) jsr _tsplot4 adda.l #16,sp *line 337 *line 338 *line 338 tst _curwhrv bge L46 *line 339 *line 340 move _curwhrv,R0 neg R0 move R0,R5 *line 341 move.b #45,R4 *line 342 bra L47 L46: *line 343 *line 344 *line 345 move _curwhrv,R5 *line 346 move.b #43,R4 L47: *line 347 *line 348 *line 349 move R5,(sp) move.b R4,R0 ext.w R0 move R0,-(sp) move.l #L48,-(sp) move.l #_bfs,-(sp) jsr _sprintf adda.l #10,sp *line 350 *line 351 move #14,(sp) move.l #_bfs,-(sp) move R7,R0 asl #4,R0 ext.l R0 move.l R0,R8 move.l #_wdbox,R9 move 14(R8,R9.l),-(sp) add #6,(sp) move R7,R0 asl #4,R0 ext.l R0 move.l R0,R8 move.l #_wdbox,R9 move 12(R8,R9.l),-(sp) add #1,(sp) move R7,R0 asl #4,R0 ext.l R0 move.l R0,R8 move.l #_wdbox,R9 move 8(R8,R9.l),-(sp) move #64,-(sp) move.l _waveob,-(sp) jsr _tsplot4 adda.l #16,sp *line 352 bra L21 *line 353 *line 354 bra L23 L24:tst R0 beq L25 cmp #2,R0 beq L26 cmp #4,R0 beq L31 cmp #5,R0 beq L44 bra L23 L23:L21:tst.l (sp)+ movem.l (sp)+,R4-R7 unlk R14 rts .globl _wwins .text _wwins: ~~wwins: link R14,#0 movem.l R6-R7,-(sp) ~i=R7 *line 371 clr R7 bra L52 L53: *line 372 move R7,(sp) jsr _wdswin L51: *line 371 add #1,R7 L52: *line 371 cmp #6,R7 blt L53 L50:L49:tst.l (sp)+ movem.l (sp)+,R7-R7 unlk R14 rts .globl _wdpoint .text _wdpoint: ~~wdpoint: ~x=8 ~y=10 ~pen=12 link R14,#-4 *line 384 *line 385 clr R0 move 10+_v_regs,R0 and #384,R0 beq L55 *line 385 clr (sp) jsr _vbank *line 386 L55: *line 387 move 12(R14),(sp) move 10(R14),-(sp) move 8(R14),-(sp) move.l _wdoct,-(sp) jsr _vputp addq.l #8,sp L54:unlk R14 rts .globl _wdbord .text _wdbord: ~~wdbord: link R14,#-4 *line 401 move.l #_wdpoint,_point *line 403 move #2,(sp) clr -(sp) move #511,-(sp) clr -(sp) clr -(sp) jsr _lseg addq.l #8,sp *line 404 move #2,(sp) move #349,-(sp) move #511,-(sp) clr -(sp) move #511,-(sp) jsr _lseg addq.l #8,sp *line 405 move #2,(sp) move #349,-(sp) clr -(sp) move #349,-(sp) move #511,-(sp) jsr _lseg addq.l #8,sp *line 406 move #2,(sp) clr -(sp) clr -(sp) move #349,-(sp) clr -(sp) jsr _lseg addq.l #8,sp *line 408 move #2,(sp) move #308,-(sp) move #511,-(sp) move #308,-(sp) clr -(sp) jsr _lseg addq.l #8,sp *line 409 move #2,(sp) move #321,-(sp) clr -(sp) move #321,-(sp) move #511,-(sp) jsr _lseg addq.l #8,sp *line 411 move #2,(sp) move #349,-(sp) move #175,-(sp) move #322,-(sp) move #175,-(sp) jsr _lseg addq.l #8,sp *line 412 move #2,(sp) move #349,-(sp) move #231,-(sp) move #322,-(sp) move #231,-(sp) jsr _lseg addq.l #8,sp *line 413 move #2,(sp) move #349,-(sp) move #399,-(sp) move #322,-(sp) move #399,-(sp) jsr _lseg addq.l #8,sp L56:unlk R14 rts .globl _clrws .text _clrws: ~~clrws: link R14,#0 movem.l R7-R7/R13-R13,-(sp) ~ip=R13 *line 429 move _curvce,R0 muls #3938,R0 move.l R0,R13 add.l #_vbufs,R13 *line 431 *line 431 tst _curwslt beq L58 *line 432 *line 433 move #32,(sp) clr -(sp) move.l R13,-(sp) add.l #3874,(sp) jsr _memsetw addq.l #6,sp *line 434 move #254,(sp) clr -(sp) move.l R13,-(sp) add.l #3366,(sp) jsr _memsetw addq.l #6,sp *line 435 move #254,(sp) clr -(sp) move.l R13,-(sp) add.l #2858,(sp) jsr _memsetw addq.l #6,sp *line 436 bra L59 L58: *line 437 *line 438 *line 439 move #32,(sp) clr -(sp) move.l R13,-(sp) add.l #2794,(sp) jsr _memsetw addq.l #6,sp *line 440 move #254,(sp) clr -(sp) move.l R13,-(sp) add.l #2286,(sp) jsr _memsetw addq.l #6,sp *line 441 move #254,(sp) clr -(sp) move.l R13,-(sp) add.l #1778,(sp) jsr _memsetw addq.l #6,sp L59: *line 444 jsr _clrwsa *line 446 move _curwpnt,R0 move R0,_wplast move R0,_lstwpnt *line 448 clr R0 move R0,_curwoff move R0,_curwfnl move R0,_wvlast move R0,_lstwoff *line 450 clr _curwhrv *line 452 jsr _updfpu *line 453 move _curvce,R8 add.l R8,R8 add.l R8,R8 move _curwslt,R9 add.l R9,R9 add.l R9,R8 add.l #_wsnmod,R8 move #1,(R8) L57:tst.l (sp)+ movem.l (sp)+,R13-R13 unlk R14 rts .globl _iniwslb .text _iniwslb: ~~iniwslb: link R14,#0 movem.l R5-R7,-(sp) ~i=R7 ~j=R6 *line 469 move #24,(sp) clr -(sp) move.l #_wsnmod,-(sp) jsr _memsetw addq.l #6,sp *line 471 clr R7 bra L63 L64: *line 472 *line 473 clr R6 bra L67 L68: *line 474 *line 475 move R6,R0 add #1,R0 asl #8,R0 move #-32768,R1 eor R1,R0 move R7,R1 muls #1080,R1 move R6,R2 asl #1,R2 ext.l R2 add.l R2,R1 add.l #_wslib,R1 move.l R1,R9 move R0,(R9) *line 476 move R6,R0 add #1,R0 asl #8,R0 move #-32768,R1 eor R1,R0 move R7,R1 muls #1080,R1 move R6,R2 asl #1,R2 ext.l R2 add.l R2,R1 add.l #_wslib,R1 move.l R1,R9 move R0,508(R9) L66: *line 473 add #1,R6 L67: *line 473 cmp #254,R6 blt L68 L65: *line 477 *line 478 *line 479 move #32,(sp) clr -(sp) move R7,R0 muls #1080,R0 add.l #_wslib,R0 move.l R0,-(sp) add.l #1016,(sp) jsr _memsetw addq.l #6,sp L62: *line 471 add #1,R7 L63: *line 471 cmp #20,R7 blt L64 L61:L60:tst.l (sp)+ movem.l (sp)+,R6-R7 unlk R14 rts .globl _wsdsp .text _wsdsp: ~~wsdsp: link R14,#-4 *line 494 move.l #_v_score,_waveob *line 495 move.l #_v_curs0,_obj0 *line 496 move.l #144+_v_obtab,_wdoct *line 498 clr _wpntsv *line 499 jsr _newws *line 501 jsr _dswap *line 503 *line 504 clr R0 move 10+_v_regs,R0 and #384,R0 beq L70 *line 504 clr (sp) jsr _vbank *line 505 L70: *line 506 move #32767,(sp) clr -(sp) move.l _waveob,-(sp) jsr _memsetw addq.l #6,sp *line 507 move #12033,(sp) clr -(sp) move.l _waveob,R0 add.l #$fffe,R0 move.l R0,-(sp) jsr _memsetw addq.l #6,sp *line 509 move #-1,(sp) move #1536,-(sp) clr -(sp) clr -(sp) move #350,-(sp) move #512,-(sp) move.l _waveob,-(sp) clr -(sp) clr -(sp) move #8,-(sp) jsr _SetObj adda.l #20,sp *line 510 move #-1,(sp) move #1540,-(sp) move #128,-(sp) move #256,-(sp) move #16,-(sp) move #16,-(sp) move.l _obj0,-(sp) move #1,-(sp) clr -(sp) clr -(sp) jsr _SetObj adda.l #20,sp *line 512 move #1,(sp) jsr _arcurs *line 513 move #1,(sp) jsr _itcini *line 515 jsr _wdbord *line 516 jsr _wwins *line 518 move #8,(sp) move #8,-(sp) jsr _SetPri addq.l #2,sp *line 519 move #15,(sp) clr -(sp) jsr _SetPri addq.l #2,sp *line 520 move #128,(sp) move #256,-(sp) jsr _setgc addq.l #2,sp *line 522 move.l #_wavpal,(sp) jsr _vsndpal L69:unlk R14 rts .data L27:.dc.b $25,$30,$32,$64,$0 L28:.dc.b $25,$30,$32,$64,$0 L29:.dc.b $25,$30,$32,$64,$0 L30:.dc.b $25,$63,$0 L32:.dc.b $25,$30,$33,$64,$0 L35:.dc.b $25,$63,$25,$30,$34,$64,$0 L37:.dc.b $49,$6E,$74,$65,$72,$70,$0 L39:.dc.b $57,$69,$64,$74,$68,$0 L40:.dc.b $25,$30,$31,$64,$0 L43:.dc.b $25,$63,$25,$30,$34,$64,$0 L45:.dc.b $25,$30,$32,$64,$0 L48:.dc.b $25,$63,$25,$30,$33,$64,$0