.globl _errno .globl __berrno .globl __thebpb .globl __thefat .globl __fatmod .globl __b_tbuf .globl __b_trak .globl __b_side .globl __b_sect .globl __b_tsec .globl __secwr .text __secwr: ~~_secwr: ~buf=R13 ~rec=R7 link R14,#0 movem.l R3-R7/R13-R13,-(sp) ~track=R6 ~side=R5 ~sector=R4 *line 71 move.l 8(R14),R13 *line 71 move 12(R14),R7 *line 71 *line 72 move.l __thebpb,R8 cmp #9,24(R8) beq L2 *line 72 move.l #$fffffff9,R0 bra L1 *line 73 L2: *line 74 *line 75 move.l __thebpb,R8 cmp #512,(R8) beq L3 *line 75 move.l #$fffffff9,R0 bra L1 *line 76 L3: *line 77 move R7,R6 move.l __thebpb,R8 move 22(R8),-(sp) move R6,R0 ext.l R0 divu (sp)+,R0 move R0,R6 *line 78 move R7,R4 move R6,R0 move.l __thebpb,R9 mulu 22(R9),R0 sub R0,R4 *line 80 *line 80 move.l __thebpb,R8 cmp 24(R8),R4 blo L4 *line 81 *line 82 move.l __thebpb,R8 move 24(R8),R0 sub R0,R4 *line 83 move #1,R5 *line 84 bra L5 L4: *line 85 *line 86 *line 87 clr R5 L5: *line 100 *line 101 cmp __b_trak,R6 bne L10000 cmp __b_side,R5 beq L6 L10000:*line 101 clr.l R0 bra L1 *line 102 L6: *line 103 move #512,(sp) move.l R13,-(sp) move R4,R0 move #9,R1 asl R1,R0 ext.l R0 add.l #__b_tbuf,R0 move.l R0,-(sp) jsr _memcpy addq.l #8,sp *line 110 clr.l R0 bra L1 L1:tst.l (sp)+ movem.l (sp)+,R4-R7/R13-R13 unlk R14 rts .globl _blkwr .text _blkwr: ~~blkwr: ~fcp=8 ~buf=12 ~ns=16 link R14,#-10 ~rc=-4 ~clustr=-6 *line 134 bra L10 L9: *line 135 *line 136 *line 136 move.l 8(R14),R8 tst.l 52(R8) beq L11 *line 137 *line 138 *line 138 move.l 8(R14),R8 move.l 40(R8),R0 move.l 8(R14),R9 move.l 52(R9),R1 cmp.l R1,R0 bge L12 *line 139 *line 144 *line 145 *line 146 *line 146 clr (sp) move.l 8(R14),R8 move.l 44(R8),R0 move R0,-(sp) move #1,-(sp) move.l 12(R14),-(sp) move #1,-(sp) move #4,-(sp) jsr _trap13 adda.l #12,sp move.l R0,-4(R14) beq L13 *line 147 *line 151 *line 152 *line 153 move.l -4(R14),__berrno *line 154 move #5,_errno *line 155 move 16(R14),R0 bra L7 *line 156 *line 157 *line 158 L13: *line 159 move.l 8(R14),R8 move.l 44(R8),R0 move R0,(sp) move.l 12(R14),-(sp) jsr __secwr addq.l #4,sp *line 160 *line 161 *line 162 move.l #__thefat,(sp) move.l __thebpb,-(sp) move.l 8(R14),-(sp) jsr __nsic addq.l #8,sp ext.l R0 move.l R0,-4(R14) *line 163 *line 167 *line 168 *line 169 *line 170 sub #1,16(R14) bne L14 *line 170 clr R0 bra L7 *line 171 L14: *line 172 *line 172 tst.l -4(R14) bge L15 *line 173 *line 174 move #5,_errno *line 175 move 16(R14),R0 bra L7 *line 176 *line 177 L15: *line 178 move.l __thebpb,R8 clr R0 move (R8),R0 swap R0 clr R0 swap R0 add.l R0,12(R14) *line 179 *line 180 bra L16 L12: *line 181 *line 181 move.l 8(R14),R8 move.l 40(R8),R0 move.l 8(R14),R9 move.l 52(R9),R1 cmp.l R1,R0 bne L17 *line 182 *line 183 *line 183 move.l 8(R14),(sp) jsr __alcnew tst R0 beq L18 *line 184 *line 185 move #5,_errno *line 186 move 16(R14),R0 bra L7 *line 187 *line 188 L18: *line 189 move.l 8(R14),R8 and #32767,32(R8) *line 190 *line 195 *line 196 *line 197 *line 197 clr (sp) move.l 8(R14),R8 move.l 44(R8),R0 move R0,-(sp) move #1,-(sp) move.l 12(R14),-(sp) move #1,-(sp) move #4,-(sp) jsr _trap13 adda.l #12,sp move.l R0,-4(R14) beq L19 *line 198 *line 202 *line 203 *line 204 move.l -4(R14),__berrno *line 205 move #5,_errno *line 206 move 16(R14),R0 bra L7 *line 207 *line 208 *line 209 L19: *line 210 move.l 8(R14),R8 move.l 44(R8),R0 move R0,(sp) move.l 12(R14),-(sp) jsr __secwr addq.l #4,sp *line 211 *line 212 *line 213 move.l 8(R14),R8 add.l #$1,40(R8) *line 214 move.l 8(R14),R8 add #1,34(R8) *line 215 move.l 8(R14),R8 add.l #$1,44(R8) *line 216 *line 217 *line 218 sub #1,16(R14) bne L20 *line 218 clr R0 bra L7 *line 219 L20: *line 220 move.l __thebpb,R8 clr R0 move (R8),R0 swap R0 clr R0 swap R0 add.l R0,12(R14) *line 221 *line 222 *line 223 L17:L16:bra L21 L11: *line 224 *line 225 *line 226 *line 226 jsr __newcls move R0,-6(R14) bne L22 *line 227 *line 228 move #5,_errno *line 229 move 16(R14),R0 bra L7 *line 230 *line 231 L22: *line 232 move -6(R14),(sp) jsr _micons move R0,-(sp) move.l 8(R14),R8 move (sp)+,26(R8) *line 233 move #4088,(sp) move -6(R14),-(sp) move.l #__thefat,-(sp) jsr __ptcl12 addq.l #6,sp *line 234 move #1,__fatmod *line 235 move.l 8(R14),-(sp) move -6(R14),-(sp) move.l __thebpb,-(sp) jsr __cl2lsn addq.l #6,sp ext.l R0 move.l (sp)+,R8 move.l R0,44(R8) *line 236 move.l 8(R14),R8 move -6(R14),36(R8) *line 237 move.l 8(R14),R8 clr 34(R8) *line 238 move.l __thebpb,R8 clr R0 move 2(R8),R0 swap R0 clr R0 swap R0 move.l 8(R14),R9 move.l R0,52(R9) *line 239 move.l 8(R14),R8 and #32767,32(R8) *line 240 *line 241 move.l 8(R14),R8 and #32767,32(R8) *line 242 *line 247 *line 248 *line 249 *line 249 clr (sp) move.l 8(R14),R8 move.l 44(R8),R0 move R0,-(sp) move #1,-(sp) move.l 12(R14),-(sp) move #1,-(sp) move #4,-(sp) jsr _trap13 adda.l #12,sp move.l R0,-4(R14) beq L23 *line 250 *line 254 *line 255 *line 256 move.l -4(R14),__berrno *line 257 move #5,_errno *line 258 move 16(R14),R0 bra L7 *line 259 *line 260 *line 261 L23: *line 262 move.l 8(R14),R8 move.l 44(R8),R0 move R0,(sp) move.l 12(R14),-(sp) jsr __secwr addq.l #4,sp *line 263 *line 264 *line 265 move.l 8(R14),R8 add.l #$1,40(R8) *line 266 move.l 8(R14),R8 add #1,34(R8) *line 267 move.l 8(R14),R8 add.l #$1,44(R8) *line 268 *line 269 *line 270 sub #1,16(R14) bne L24 *line 270 clr R0 bra L7 *line 271 L24: *line 272 move.l __thebpb,R8 clr R0 move (R8),R0 swap R0 clr R0 swap R0 add.l R0,12(R14) L21: *line 273 L10: *line 274 tst 16(R14) bgt L9 L8: *line 276 move 16(R14),R0 bra L7 L7:unlk R14 rts .data