.globl ___atab .globl _QQsw .comm _QQsw,2 .globl _QQanch .comm _QQanch,2 .globl _QQin .comm _QQin,4 .globl _QQip .comm _QQip,4 .globl _QQop .comm _QQop,4 .globl _QQnum .comm _QQnum,4 .globl _QQlnum .comm _QQlnum,2 .globl _QQdig .comm _QQdig,2 .globl _QQchr .comm _QQchr,2 .globl _QQstr .comm _QQstr,258 .globl _CMinit .text _CMinit: ~~CMinit: ~ip=8 link R14,#0 movem.l R6-R7/R13-R13,-(sp) ~i=R7 ~t=R13 *line 48 move.l 8(R14),_QQip *line 49 move.l 8(R14),_QQin *line 50 move #1,_QQsw *line 51 clr _QQanch *line 52 move.b #63,_QQdig *line 53 move.b #63,_QQchr *line 54 clr.l _QQnum *line 55 move.l #_QQstr,_QQop *line 56 move.l #_QQstr,R13 *line 58 clr R7 bra L4 L5: *line 59 clr.b (R13)+ L3: *line 58 add #1,R7 L4: *line 58 cmp #257,R7 blt L5 L2:L1:tst.l (sp)+ movem.l (sp)+,R7-R7/R13-R13 unlk R14 rts .globl _CMchr .text _CMchr: ~~CMchr: ~c=9 link R14,#-4 *line 75 *line 75 tst _QQanch bne L7 *line 75 bra L10 L9: *line 75 add.l #1,_QQip L10: *line 75 move.l _QQip,R8 cmp.b #32,(R8) beq L9 L8: *line 76 L7: *line 77 *line 78 move.l _QQip,R8 move.b (R8),R0 ext.w R0 cmp.b 9(R14),R0 beq L11 *line 78 clr R0 move R0,_QQsw bra L6 *line 79 L11: *line 80 move.l _QQip,R8 move.b (R8),_QQchr add.l #1,_QQip *line 81 move #1,R0 move R0,_QQsw bra L6 L6:unlk R14 rts .globl _CMuchr .text _CMuchr: ~~CMuchr: ~c=R7 link R14,#0 movem.l R5-R7,-(sp) ~t=R6 *line 99 move.b 9(R14),R7 *line 99 *line 99 tst _QQanch bne L13 *line 99 bra L16 L15: *line 99 add.l #1,_QQip L16: *line 99 move.l _QQip,R8 cmp.b #32,(R8) beq L15 L14: *line 100 L13: *line 101 move.l _QQip,R8 move.b (R8),R6 *line 103 *line 104 move.b R7,R0 ext.w R0 and #-128,R0 bne L17 *line 104 *line 105 move.b R7,R0 ext.w R0 ext.l R0 add.l #___atab,R0 move.l R0,R8 btst #3,(R8) beq L18 *line 105 add.b #32,R7 *line 106 L18:L17: *line 107 *line 108 move.b R6,R0 ext.w R0 and #-128,R0 bne L19 *line 108 *line 109 move.b R6,R0 ext.w R0 ext.l R0 add.l #___atab,R0 move.l R0,R8 btst #3,(R8) beq L20 *line 109 add.b #32,R6 *line 110 L20:L19: *line 111 *line 112 cmp.b R6,R7 beq L21 *line 112 clr R0 move R0,_QQsw bra L12 *line 113 L21: *line 114 move.l _QQip,R8 move.b (R8),_QQchr add.l #1,_QQip *line 115 move #1,R0 move R0,_QQsw bra L12 L12:tst.l (sp)+ movem.l (sp)+,R6-R7 unlk R14 rts .globl _CMstr .text _CMstr: ~~CMstr: ~s=8 link R14,#-4 movem.l R7-R7/R13-R13,-(sp) ~t=R13 ~q=-4 *line 134 *line 134 tst _QQanch bne L23 *line 134 bra L26 L25: *line 134 add.l #1,_QQip L26: *line 134 move.l _QQip,R8 cmp.b #32,(R8) beq L25 L24: *line 135 L23: *line 136 move.l _QQip,R13 *line 137 move.l 8(R14),-4(R14) *line 139 bra L29 L28: *line 140 *line 141 *line 142 move.l 8(R14),R8 move.b (R8),R0 ext.w R0 cmp.b (R13)+,R0 move sr,R0 add.l #1,8(R14) move R0,ccr beq L30 *line 142 clr R0 move R0,_QQsw bra L22 L30:L29: *line 143 move.l 8(R14),R8 tst.b (R8) bne L28 L27: *line 145 move.l #_QQstr,_QQop *line 147 bra L33 L32:L33: *line 147 move.l -4(R14),R8 move.b (R8),R0 ext.w R0 move.l _QQop,R9 move.b R0,(R9) add.l #1,-4(R14) add.l #1,_QQop tst R0 bne L32 L31: *line 149 move.l R13,_QQip *line 150 move #1,R0 move R0,_QQsw bra L22 L22:tst.l (sp)+ movem.l (sp)+,R13-R13 unlk R14 rts .globl _CMustr .text _CMustr: ~~CMustr: ~s=R13 link R14,#-4 movem.l R5-R7/R12-R13,-(sp) ~t=R12 ~t1=R7 ~t2=R6 ~q=-4 *line 169 move.l 8(R14),R13 *line 169 *line 169 tst _QQanch bne L35 *line 169 bra L38 L37: *line 169 add.l #1,_QQip L38: *line 169 move.l _QQip,R8 cmp.b #32,(R8) beq L37 L36: *line 170 L35: *line 171 move.l _QQip,R12 *line 172 move.l R13,-4(R14) *line 174 bra L41 L40: *line 175 *line 176 move.b (R12)+,R7 *line 177 move.b (R13)+,R6 *line 178 *line 179 *line 180 move.b R7,R0 ext.w R0 and #-128,R0 bne L42 *line 180 *line 181 move.b R7,R0 ext.w R0 ext.l R0 add.l #___atab,R0 move.l R0,R8 btst #3,(R8) beq L43 *line 181 add.b #32,R7 *line 182 L43:L42: *line 183 *line 184 move.b R6,R0 ext.w R0 and #-128,R0 bne L44 *line 184 *line 185 move.b R6,R0 ext.w R0 ext.l R0 add.l #___atab,R0 move.l R0,R8 btst #3,(R8) beq L45 *line 185 add.b #32,R6 *line 186 L45:L44: *line 187 *line 188 cmp.b R6,R7 beq L46 *line 188 clr R0 move R0,_QQsw bra L34 L46:L41: *line 189 tst.b (R13) bne L40 L39: *line 191 move.l #_QQstr,_QQop *line 193 bra L49 L48:L49: *line 193 move.l -4(R14),R8 move.b (R8),R0 ext.w R0 move.l _QQop,R9 move.b R0,(R9) add.l #1,-4(R14) add.l #1,_QQop tst R0 bne L48 L47: *line 195 move.l R12,_QQip *line 196 move #1,R0 move R0,_QQsw bra L34 L34:tst.l (sp)+ movem.l (sp)+,R6-R7/R12-R13 unlk R14 rts .globl _CMlong .text _CMlong: ~~CMlong: link R14,#0 movem.l R5-R7/R13-R13,-(sp) ~p=R13 ~n=R7 ~c=R6 *line 215 *line 215 tst _QQanch bne L51 *line 215 bra L54 L53: *line 215 add.l #1,_QQip L54: *line 215 move.l _QQip,R8 cmp.b #32,(R8) beq L53 L52: *line 216 L51: *line 217 move.l _QQip,R13 *line 218 clr.l R7 *line 219 move.b (R13)+,R6 *line 221 *line 222 move.b R6,R0 ext.w R0 and #-128,R0 beq L55 *line 222 clr R0 move R0,_QQsw bra L50 *line 223 L55: *line 224 *line 225 move.b R6,R0 ext.w R0 ext.l R0 add.l #___atab,R0 move.l R0,R8 btst #2,(R8) bne L56 *line 225 clr R0 move R0,_QQsw bra L50 *line 226 L56: *line 227 move.b R6,R0 ext.w R0 add #-48,R0 ext.l R0 move.l R0,R7 *line 229 bra L59 L58: *line 230 *line 231 *line 232 move.b R6,R0 ext.w R0 and #-128,R0 bne L57 *line 233 *line 234 *line 235 move.b R6,R0 ext.w R0 ext.l R0 add.l #___atab,R0 move.l R0,R8 btst #2,(R8) beq L57 *line 236 *line 237 move.l #$a,-(sp) move.l R7,-(sp) jsr lmul addq.l #8,sp move.l R0,R7 move.b R6,R0 ext.w R0 add #-48,R0 ext.l R0 add.l R0,R7 *line 238 add.l #1,R13 L59: *line 239 move.b (R13),R6 bne L58 L57: *line 241 move.l R13,_QQip *line 242 move.l R7,_QQnum *line 243 move #1,R0 move R0,_QQsw bra L50 L50:tst.l (sp)+ movem.l (sp)+,R6-R7/R13-R13 unlk R14 rts .globl _CMdig .text _CMdig: ~~CMdig: link R14,#0 movem.l R6-R7,-(sp) ~c=R7 *line 260 *line 260 tst _QQanch bne L61 *line 260 bra L64 L63: *line 260 add.l #1,_QQip L64: *line 260 move.l _QQip,R8 cmp.b #32,(R8) beq L63 L62: *line 261 L61: *line 262 move.l _QQip,R8 move.b (R8),R7 *line 264 *line 265 move.b R7,R0 ext.w R0 and #-128,R0 beq L65 *line 265 clr R0 move R0,_QQsw bra L60 *line 266 L65: *line 267 *line 268 move.b R7,R0 ext.w R0 ext.l R0 add.l #___atab,R0 move.l R0,R8 btst #2,(R8) bne L66 *line 268 clr R0 move R0,_QQsw bra L60 *line 269 L66: *line 270 move.b R7,_QQdig *line 271 add.l #1,_QQip *line 272 move #1,R0 move R0,_QQsw bra L60 L60:tst.l (sp)+ movem.l (sp)+,R7-R7 unlk R14 rts .globl _CMlist .text _CMlist: ~~CMlist: ~l=-4 ~l=8 link R14,#0 movem.l R6-R7/R12-R13,-(sp) ~n=R7 ~p=R13 ~q=R12 *line 291 *line 291 tst _QQanch bne L68 *line 291 bra L71 L70: *line 291 add.l #1,_QQip L71: *line 291 move.l _QQip,R8 cmp.b #32,(R8) beq L70 L69: *line 292 L68: *line 293 clr R7 *line 295 bra L74 L73: *line 296 *line 297 move.l R13,R12 *line 298 *line 299 *line 299 move.l R13,(sp) jsr _CMstr tst R0 beq L75 *line 300 *line 301 move.l #_QQstr,_QQop *line 302 *line 303 bra L78 L77:L78: *line 303 move.b (R12)+,R0 ext.w R0 move.l _QQop,R9 move.b R0,(R9) add.l #1,_QQop tst R0 bne L77 L76: *line 304 *line 305 move R7,_QQlnum *line 306 move #1,R0 move R0,_QQsw bra L67 *line 307 *line 308 L75: *line 309 add #1,R7 L74: *line 310 move.l 8(R14),R8 move.l (R8),R13 move.l R13,R0 add.l #4,8(R14) tst.l R0 bne L73 L72: *line 312 clr R0 move R0,_QQsw bra L67 L67:tst.l (sp)+ movem.l (sp)+,R7-R7/R12-R13 unlk R14 rts .globl _CMulist .text _CMulist: ~~CMulist: ~l=-4 ~l=8 link R14,#0 movem.l R6-R7/R12-R13,-(sp) ~n=R7 ~p=R13 ~q=R12 *line 332 *line 332 tst _QQanch bne L80 *line 332 bra L83 L82: *line 332 add.l #1,_QQip L83: *line 332 move.l _QQip,R8 cmp.b #32,(R8) beq L82 L81: *line 333 L80: *line 334 clr R7 *line 336 bra L86 L85: *line 337 *line 338 move.l R13,R12 *line 339 *line 340 *line 340 move.l R13,(sp) jsr _CMustr tst R0 beq L87 *line 341 *line 342 move.l #_QQstr,_QQop *line 343 *line 344 bra L90 L89:L90: *line 344 move.b (R12)+,R0 ext.w R0 move.l _QQop,R9 move.b R0,(R9) add.l #1,_QQop tst R0 bne L89 L88: *line 345 *line 346 move R7,_QQlnum *line 347 move #1,R0 move R0,_QQsw bra L79 *line 348 *line 349 L87: *line 350 add #1,R7 L86: *line 351 move.l 8(R14),R8 move.l (R8),R13 move.l R13,R0 add.l #4,8(R14) tst.l R0 bne L85 L84: *line 353 clr R0 move R0,_QQsw bra L79 L79:tst.l (sp)+ movem.l (sp)+,R7-R7/R12-R13 unlk R14 rts .globl _CMstat .text _CMstat: ~~CMstat: ~msg=8 link R14,#0 movem.l R7-R7/R13-R13,-(sp) ~tp=R13 *line 371 move.l _QQin,R13 *line 372 move.l 8(R14),(sp) move.l #L92,-(sp) jsr _printf addq.l #4,sp *line 373 *line 374 *line 375 *line 376 move.b _QQdig,R0 ext.w R0 move R0,(sp) move.b _QQchr,R0 ext.w R0 and #-128,R0 bne L10000 move.b _QQchr,R0 ext.w R0 move R0,R8 move.l #___atab,R9 move.b 0(R8,R9.l),R0 ext.w R0 and #94,R0 beq L10001 move.b _QQchr,R0 ext.w R0 move R0,-(sp) bra L10003 L10001:move #32,-(sp) L10003:bra L10005 L10000:move #32,-(sp) L10005:move.b _QQchr,R0 ext.w R0 move R0,-(sp) tst _QQanch beq L10006 move.l #L96,-(sp) bra L10008 L10006:move.l #L97,-(sp) L10008:tst _QQsw beq L10009 move.l #L94,-(sp) bra L10011 L10009:move.l #L95,-(sp) L10011:move.l #L93,-(sp) jsr _printf adda.l #16,sp *line 377 move _QQlnum,(sp) move.l _QQnum,-(sp) move.l #L98,-(sp) jsr _printf addq.l #8,sp *line 378 move.l #_QQstr,(sp) move.l #L99,-(sp) jsr _printf addq.l #4,sp *line 379 move.l _QQin,(sp) move.l #L100,-(sp) jsr _printf addq.l #4,sp *line 380 move.l #L101,(sp) jsr _printf *line 382 bra L104 L103: *line 383 move.l #L105,(sp) jsr _printf L104: *line 383 cmp.l _QQip,R13 move sr,R0 add.l #1,R13 move R0,ccr bne L103 L102: *line 385 move.l #L106,(sp) jsr _printf *line 386 move _QQsw,R0 bra L91 L91:tst.l (sp)+ movem.l (sp)+,R13-R13 unlk R14 rts .data L92:.dc.b $25,$73,$D,$A,$0 L93:.dc.b $20,$20,$51,$51,$73,$77,$3A,$20,$25,$73,$2C,$20,$51,$51,$61,$6E,$63,$68,$3A,$20,$25,$73,$2C,$20,$51,$51,$63,$68,$72,$3A .dc.b $20,$30,$78,$25,$30,$32,$78,$20,$3C,$25,$63,$3E,$2C,$20,$51,$51,$64,$69,$67,$3A,$20,$25,$63,$D,$A,$0 L94:.dc.b $4F,$4B,$0 L95:.dc.b $4E,$4F,$47,$4F,$0 L96:.dc.b $61,$6E,$63,$68,$6F,$72,$65,$64,$0 L97:.dc.b $64,$65,$62,$6C,$61,$6E,$6B,$65,$64,$0 L98:.dc.b $20,$20,$51,$51,$6E,$75,$6D,$3A,$20,$25,$6C,$64,$2C,$20,$51,$51,$6C,$6E,$75,$6D,$3A,$20,$25,$64,$D,$A,$0 L99:.dc.b $20,$20,$51,$51,$73,$74,$72,$3A,$20,$25,$73,$D,$A,$0 L100:.dc.b $20,$20,$7B,$25,$73,$7D,$D,$A,$0 L101:.dc.b $20,$20,$20,$0 L105:.dc.b $20,$0 L106:.dc.b $5E,$D,$A,$0