.globl _ebflag .globl _ebuf .globl _curfet .globl _cfetp .globl _infetp .globl _tunob .globl _stcrow .globl _stccol .globl _tunval .globl _tunmod .globl _tdbox .globl _dspbuf .globl _modtun .text _modtun: ~~modtun: link R14,#-4 *line 37 *line 37 tst _tunmod bne L2 *line 38 *line 39 move #1,_tunmod *line 40 move #6,(sp) jsr _tdswin *line 41 L2:L1:unlk R14 rts .globl _et_tval .text _et_tval: ~~et_tval: ~n=8 link R14,#0 movem.l R5-R7,-(sp) ~tv=R7 ~ts=R6 *line 60 tst _tunval bge L10000 move _tunval,R0 neg R0 bra L10002 L10000:move _tunval,R0 L10002:move R0,R7 asr R7 *line 61 tst _tunval bge L10003 move #45,R0 bra L10005 L10003:move #43,R0 L10005:move.b R0,R6 *line 63 move R7,(sp) move.b R6,R0 ext.w R0 move R0,-(sp) move.l #L4,-(sp) move.l #_ebuf,-(sp) jsr _sprintf adda.l #10,sp *line 64 move #1,_ebflag *line 66 clr R0 bra L3 L3:tst.l (sp)+ movem.l (sp)+,R6-R7 unlk R14 rts .globl _ef_tval .text _ef_tval: ~~ef_tval: ~n=8 link R14,#0 movem.l R3-R7/R13-R13,-(sp) ~ov=R13 ~i=R7 ~tmpval=R6 ~tv=R5 ~ts=R4 *line 86 clr.b 5+_ebuf *line 87 clr _ebflag *line 89 clr R6 *line 91 move #1,R7 bra L8 L9: *line 92 muls #10,R6 move.l #_ebuf,R8 move.b 0(R8,R7),R0 ext.w R0 add R0,R6 add #-48,R6 L7: *line 91 add #1,R7 L8: *line 91 cmp #5,R7 blt L9 L6: *line 94 *line 95 cmp.b #45,_ebuf bne L10 *line 95 move R6,R0 neg R0 asl #1,R0 move R0,_tunval *line 96 bra L11 L10: *line 97 move R6,R0 asl #1,R0 move R0,_tunval L11: *line 99 tst _tunval bge L10006 move _tunval,R0 neg R0 bra L10008 L10006:move _tunval,R0 L10008:move R0,R5 asr R5 *line 100 tst _tunval bge L10009 move #45,R0 bra L10011 L10009:move #43,R0 L10011:move.b R0,R4 *line 101 move R5,(sp) move.b R4,R0 ext.w R0 move R0,-(sp) move.l #L12,-(sp) move.l #_dspbuf,-(sp) jsr _sprintf adda.l #10,sp *line 103 clr (sp) jsr _vbank *line 104 move #14,(sp) move.l #_dspbuf,-(sp) move #54,-(sp) move #18,-(sp) move 8(R14),R0 asl #4,R0 ext.l R0 move.l R0,R8 move.l #_tdbox,R9 move 10(R8,R9.l),-(sp) move 8(R14),R0 asl #4,R0 ext.l R0 move.l R0,R8 move.l #_tdbox,R9 move 8(R8,R9.l),-(sp) move #64,-(sp) move.l _tunob,-(sp) jsr _vcputsv adda.l #18,sp *line 106 jsr _modtun *line 107 clr R0 bra L5 L5:tst.l (sp)+ movem.l (sp)+,R4-R7/R13-R13 unlk R14 rts .globl _rd_tval .text _rd_tval: ~~rd_tval: ~nn=8 link R14,#0 movem.l R4-R7,-(sp) ~tv=R7 ~n=R6 ~ts=R5 *line 126 move 8(R14),R6 and #255,R6 *line 128 tst _tunval bge L10012 move _tunval,R0 neg R0 bra L10014 L10012:move _tunval,R0 L10014:move R0,R7 asr R7 *line 129 tst _tunval bge L10015 move #45,R0 bra L10017 L10015:move #43,R0 L10017:move.b R0,R5 *line 131 move R7,(sp) move.b R5,R0 ext.w R0 move R0,-(sp) move.l #L14,-(sp) move.l #_dspbuf,-(sp) jsr _sprintf adda.l #10,sp *line 133 clr (sp) jsr _vbank *line 134 move #14,(sp) move.l #_dspbuf,-(sp) move #54,-(sp) move #18,-(sp) move R6,R0 asl #4,R0 ext.l R0 move.l R0,R8 move.l #_tdbox,R9 move 10(R8,R9.l),-(sp) move R6,R0 asl #4,R0 ext.l R0 move.l R0,R8 move.l #_tdbox,R9 move 8(R8,R9.l),-(sp) move #64,-(sp) move.l _tunob,-(sp) jsr _vcputsv adda.l #18,sp *line 135 clr R0 bra L13 L13:tst.l (sp)+ movem.l (sp)+,R5-R7 unlk R14 rts .globl _nd_tval .text _nd_tval: ~~nd_tval: ~k=R7 ~nn=8 link R14,#0 movem.l R4-R7,-(sp) ~ec=R6 ~n=R5 *line 154 move 10(R14),R7 *line 154 move 8(R14),R5 and #255,R5 *line 155 move _stccol,R6 move.l _cfetp,R8 move 2(R8),R0 sub R0,R6 *line 157 *line 157 tst R6 bne L16 *line 158 *line 159 *line 159 cmp #8,R7 bne L17 *line 160 *line 161 move.b #45,_ebuf *line 162 clr.b 5+_ebuf *line 163 *line 164 move.b #45,_dspbuf *line 165 clr.b 1+_dspbuf *line 166 bra L18 L17: *line 167 *line 167 cmp #9,R7 bne L19 *line 168 *line 169 move.b #43,_ebuf *line 170 clr.b 5+_ebuf *line 171 *line 172 move.b #43,_dspbuf *line 173 clr.b 1+_dspbuf *line 174 bra L20 L19: *line 175 *line 176 *line 177 move #-1,R0 bra L15 L20:L18: *line 178 *line 179 *line 180 bra L21 L16: *line 181 *line 182 *line 183 move R7,R0 add #48,R0 move R6,R9 add.l #_ebuf,R9 move.b R0,(R9) *line 184 clr.b 5+_ebuf *line 185 *line 186 move R7,R0 add #48,R0 move.b R0,_dspbuf *line 187 clr.b 1+_dspbuf L21: *line 190 clr (sp) jsr _vbank *line 191 move #14,(sp) move.l #_dspbuf,-(sp) move _stccol,-(sp) move _stcrow,-(sp) move R5,R0 asl #4,R0 ext.l R0 move.l R0,R8 move.l #_tdbox,R9 move 10(R8,R9.l),-(sp) move #12,-(sp) move #64,-(sp) move.l _tunob,-(sp) jsr _vcputsv adda.l #18,sp *line 193 jsr _advtcur *line 194 clr R0 bra L15 L15:tst.l (sp)+ movem.l (sp)+,R5-R7 unlk R14 rts .data L4:.dc.b $25,$63,$25,$30,$34,$64,$0 L12:.dc.b $56,$61,$6C,$20,$25,$63,$25,$30,$34,$64,$0 L14:.dc.b $56,$61,$6C,$20,$25,$63,$25,$30,$34,$64,$0