.globl _ac_code .globl _scname .globl _se_chg .globl _curscor .globl _cursect .globl _se1_cnt .globl _se2_cnt .globl _se3_cnt .globl _spool .globl _pspool .globl _spcount .globl _frags .globl _t_bak .globl _t_cur .globl _t_ctr .globl _t_fwd .globl _size1 .globl _size2 .globl _size3 .globl _scores .globl _scp .globl _seclist .globl _hplist .globl _p_bak .globl _p_cur .globl _p_ctr .globl _p_fwd .globl _noteop .globl _notesel .globl _t_note .globl _p_nbeg .globl _p_nend .globl _ctime .globl _fcnote .text _fcnote: ~~fcnote: ~grp=R7 ~tnote=R6 link R14,#-4 movem.l R2-R7/R12-R13,-(sp) ~bp=R13 ~ep=R12 ~en=R5 ~eg=R4 ~et=R3 ~t_left=-4 *line 52 move 8(R14),R7 *line 52 move 10(R14),R6 *line 52 move.l _ctime,(sp) clr -(sp) move.l _p_cur,-(sp) jsr _ep_adj addq.l #6,sp move.l R0,R13 *line 53 move.l _t_cur,R0 add.l #$ffffff0f,R0 move.l R0,-4(R14) *line 54 clr.l _p_nbeg *line 55 clr.l _p_nend *line 56 clr.l _t_note L4: *line 58 *line 59 *line 60 move.b 5(R13),R3 ext.w R3 and #127,R3 *line 61 move.b 6(R13),R5 ext.w R5 *line 62 move.b 7(R13),R4 ext.w R4 *line 63 *line 64 *line 64 move.l (R13),R0 cmp.l -4(R14),R0 blt L10000 cmp #1,R3 bne L5 L10000:*line 65 *line 66 *line 67 *line 68 clr.l R0 bra L1 *line 69 bra L6 L5: *line 70 *line 70 cmp #6,R3 bne L7 cmp R6,R5 bne L7 cmp R7,R4 bne L7 *line 71 *line 72 *line 73 *line 74 clr.l R0 bra L1 *line 75 *line 76 bra L8 L7: *line 77 *line 77 cmp #5,R3 bne L9 cmp R6,R5 bne L9 cmp R7,R4 bne L9 *line 78 *line 79 *line 80 *line 81 move.l 12(R13),R12 *line 82 L12: *line 83 *line 84 *line 85 move.b 5(R12),R3 ext.w R3 and #127,R3 *line 86 move.b 6(R12),R5 ext.w R5 *line 87 move.b 7(R12),R4 ext.w R4 *line 88 *line 89 *line 90 cmp #5,R3 bne L13 cmp R6,R5 bne L13 cmp R7,R4 bne L13 *line 91 *line 92 *line 93 *line 94 clr.l R0 bra L1 *line 95 *line 96 bra L14 L13: *line 97 *line 98 cmp #6,R3 bne L15 cmp R6,R5 bne L15 cmp R7,R4 bne L15 *line 99 *line 100 *line 101 *line 102 move.l R13,_p_nbeg *line 103 move.l R12,_p_nend *line 104 move.l (R12),R0 sub.l (R13),R0 move.l R0,_t_note *line 105 move.l R13,R0 bra L1 *line 106 bra L16 L15: *line 107 *line 107 cmp #21,R3 bne L17 *line 108 *line 109 *line 110 *line 111 clr.l R0 bra L1 *line 112 *line 113 L17:L16:L14: *line 114 move.l 12(R12),R12 *line 115 L11:bra L12 L10: *line 116 *line 117 *line 118 *line 119 L9:L8:L6: *line 120 move.l 8(R13),R13 *line 121 L3:bra L4 L2:L1:tst.l (sp)+ movem.l (sp)+,R3-R7/R12-R13 unlk R14 rts .data