.globl _errno .globl __thebpb .comm __thebpb,4 .globl __thedir .comm __thedir,7168 .globl __dptr .comm __dptr,4 .globl __thefat .comm __thefat,3584 .globl __fatin .comm __fatin,2 .globl __dirin .comm __dirin,2 .globl __bpbin .comm __bpbin,2 .globl __fatmod .comm __fatmod,2 .globl __dirmod .comm __dirmod,2 .globl __berrno .comm __berrno,4 .globl __cl2lsn .text __cl2lsn: ~~_cl2lsn: ~bpp=8 ~clnum=12 link R14,#-4 *line 71 move.l 8(R14),R8 clr R0 move 12(R8),R0 move.l 8(R14),R9 clr R1 move 2(R9),R1 clr R2 move 12(R14),R2 sub #2,R2 mulu R2,R1 add R1,R0 bra L1 L1:unlk R14 rts .globl __gtcl12 .text __gtcl12: ~~_gtcl12: ~fat=R13 ~cl=12 link R14,#0 movem.l R5-R7/R13-R13,-(sp) ~cla=R7 ~clt=R6 *line 88 move.l 8(R14),R13 *line 88 move 12(R14),R7 lsr R7 add 12(R14),R7 *line 89 *line 90 move.b 1(R13,R7),R0 ext.w R0 move R0,R6 lsl #8,R6 and #-256,R6 move.b 0(R13,R7),R0 ext.w R0 and #255,R0 or R0,R6 *line 92 *line 93 btst #0,13(R14) beq L3 *line 93 lsr #4,R6 *line 94 L3: *line 95 and #4095,R6 *line 96 clr R0 move R6,R0 bra L2 L2:tst.l (sp)+ movem.l (sp)+,R6-R7/R13-R13 unlk R14 rts .globl __getfat .text __getfat: ~~_getfat: ~bpp=R13 ~bufad=8 ~nfat=16 link R14,#-2 movem.l R7-R7/R13-R13,-(sp) ~fatsec=-2 *line 116 move.l 12(R14),R13 *line 116 tst 16(R14) beq L10000 clr R0 move 10(R13),R0 bra L10002 L10000:clr R0 move 10(R13),R0 sub 8(R13),R0 L10002:move R0,-2(R14) *line 117 clr (sp) move -2(R14),-(sp) move 8(R13),-(sp) move.l 8(R14),-(sp) clr -(sp) move #4,-(sp) jsr _trap13 adda.l #12,sp bra L4 L4:tst.l (sp)+ movem.l (sp)+,R13-R13 unlk R14 rts .globl __rdfat .text __rdfat: ~~_rdfat: ~bufad=8 ~bpp=12 link R14,#-4 *line 135 *line 135 clr (sp) move.l 12(R14),-(sp) move.l 8(R14),-(sp) jsr __getfat addq.l #8,sp tst R0 beq L6 *line 136 *line 137 *line 138 move #1,(sp) move.l 12(R14),-(sp) move.l 8(R14),-(sp) jsr __getfat addq.l #8,sp tst R0 beq L7 *line 138 move #-1,R0 bra L5 *line 139 bra L8 L7: *line 140 move #1,R0 bra L5 L8: *line 141 *line 142 bra L9 L6: *line 143 clr R0 bra L5 L9:L5:unlk R14 rts .globl __rdroot .text __rdroot: ~~_rdroot: ~bpp=R13 ~buf=8 link R14,#0 movem.l R7-R7/R13-R13,-(sp) *line 158 move.l 12(R14),R13 *line 159 clr (sp) move 10(R13),-(sp) clr R0 move 8(R13),R0 add R0,(sp) move 6(R13),-(sp) move.l 8(R14),-(sp) clr -(sp) move #4,-(sp) jsr _trap13 adda.l #12,sp bra L10 L10:tst.l (sp)+ movem.l (sp)+,R13-R13 unlk R14 rts .globl __nsic .text __nsic: ~~_nsic: ~fcp=R13 ~bpp=12 ~fp=16 link R14,#0 movem.l R6-R7/R13-R13,-(sp) ~tfe=R7 *line 184 move.l 8(R14),R13 *line 184 *line 184 btst #4,32(R13) bne L12 *line 185 *line 186 move #22,_errno *line 187 move #-1,R0 bra L11 *line 188 *line 189 L12: *line 190 *line 190 btst #6,32(R13) beq L13 *line 191 *line 192 move #5,_errno *line 193 move #-1,R0 bra L11 *line 194 *line 195 L13: *line 196 *line 196 tst 26(R13) bne L14 *line 197 *line 198 or #-32768,32(R13) *line 199 move #1,R0 bra L11 *line 200 *line 201 *line 202 *line 203 *line 204 L14: *line 205 add.l #$1,40(R13) *line 207 *line 207 add #1,34(R13) clr R0 move 34(R13),R0 move.l 12(R14),R9 clr R1 move 2(R9),R1 cmp R1,R0 blo L15 *line 208 *line 209 *line 210 *line 211 clr 34(R13) *line 212 move 36(R13),(sp) move.l 16(R14),-(sp) jsr __gtcl12 addq.l #4,sp move R0,R7 *line 213 *line 214 *line 214 cmp #4080,R7 bcc L16 *line 215 *line 216 *line 217 move R7,36(R13) *line 218 move R7,(sp) move.l 12(R14),-(sp) jsr __cl2lsn addq.l #4,sp swap R0 clr R0 swap R0 move.l R0,44(R13) *line 219 *line 224 *line 225 *line 226 clr R0 bra L11 *line 227 *line 228 L16: *line 229 *line 229 cmp #4088,R7 bcc L17 *line 230 *line 231 or #-16384,32(R13) *line 232 *line 237 *line 238 *line 239 move #-1,R0 bra L11 *line 240 *line 241 L17: *line 242 or #-32768,32(R13) *line 243 move #1,R0 bra L11 *line 244 *line 245 *line 246 *line 247 bra L18 L15: *line 248 *line 249 *line 250 add.l #$1,44(R13) *line 251 *line 256 *line 257 *line 258 clr R0 bra L11 L18:L11:tst.l (sp)+ movem.l (sp)+,R7-R7/R13-R13 unlk R14 rts .globl __dsrch .text __dsrch: ~~_dsrch: ~de=R13 link R14,#-4 movem.l R7-R7/R12-R13,-(sp) ~i=-2 ~dl=-4 ~dp=R12 *line 279 move.l 8(R14),R13 *line 279 move.l #__thedir,R12 *line 280 move.l __thebpb,R8 clr R0 move 6(R8),R0 move.l __thebpb,R9 clr R1 move (R9),R1 lsr #5,R1 mulu R1,R0 move R0,-4(R14) *line 282 clr -2(R14) bra L22 L23: *line 283 *line 284 *line 285 *line 286 *line 287 move #11,(sp) move.l R12,-(sp) move.l R13,-(sp) jsr _memcmpu addq.l #8,sp tst R0 bne L24 *line 287 move.l R12,R0 bra L19 *line 288 *line 289 *line 290 L24: *line 291 *line 292 tst.b (R12) bne L25 *line 292 clr.l R0 bra L19 *line 293 L25: *line 294 add.l #32,R12 L21: *line 282 add #1,-2(R14) L22: *line 282 clr R0 move -2(R14),R0 cmp -4(R14),R0 blo L23 L20: *line 297 clr.l R0 bra L19 L19:tst.l (sp)+ movem.l (sp)+,R12-R13 unlk R14 rts .globl __dsnew .text __dsnew: ~~_dsnew: link R14,#-4 movem.l R7-R7/R13-R13,-(sp) ~i=-2 ~dl=-4 ~dp=R13 *line 316 move.l #__thedir,R13 *line 317 move.l __thebpb,R8 clr R0 move 6(R8),R0 move.l __thebpb,R9 clr R1 move (R9),R1 lsr #5,R1 mulu R1,R0 move R0,-4(R14) *line 319 clr -2(R14) bra L29 L30: *line 320 *line 321 *line 322 *line 323 *line 324 move.b (R13),R0 ext.w R0 and #255,R0 cmp #229,R0 bne L31 *line 324 move.l R13,R0 bra L26 *line 325 *line 326 *line 327 L31: *line 328 *line 329 tst.b (R13) bne L32 *line 329 move.l R13,R0 bra L26 *line 330 L32: *line 331 add.l #32,R13 L28: *line 319 add #1,-2(R14) L29: *line 319 clr R0 move -2(R14),R0 cmp -4(R14),R0 blo L30 L27: *line 334 clr.l R0 bra L26 L26:tst.l (sp)+ movem.l (sp)+,R13-R13 unlk R14 rts .globl __deadio .text __deadio: ~~_deadio: ~fcp=R13 ~err=12 link R14,#0 movem.l R7-R7/R13-R13,-(sp) *line 350 move.l 8(R14),R13 *line 350 clr 34(R13) *line 351 clr 36(R13) *line 352 clr.l 40(R13) *line 353 clr.l 44(R13) *line 354 clr.l 48(R13) *line 355 and #-4097,32(R13) *line 356 or #8192,32(R13) *line 357 move 12(R14),_errno L33:tst.l (sp)+ movem.l (sp)+,R13-R13 unlk R14 rts .globl __seek .text __seek: ~~_seek: ~fcp=R13 link R14,#-4 movem.l R4-R7/R13-R13,-(sp) ~acls=R7 ~rcls=R6 ~nc=R5 ~sic=-2 ~spc=-4 *line 377 move.l 8(R14),R13 *line 377 *line 377 btst #4,32(R13) bne L35 *line 378 *line 379 move #22,_errno *line 380 move #-1,R0 bra L34 *line 381 *line 382 L35: *line 383 *line 383 move.l 40(R13),R0 cmp.l 52(R13),R0 ble L36 *line 384 *line 389 *line 390 *line 391 move #22,_errno *line 392 move #-1,R0 bra L34 *line 393 *line 394 L36: *line 395 move.l __thebpb,R8 move 2(R8),-4(R14) *line 396 clr R0 move -4(R14),R0 swap R0 clr R0 swap R0 move.l R0,-(sp) move.l 40(R13),-(sp) jsr ldiv addq.l #8,sp move R0,R6 *line 397 move.l 40(R13),R0 clr R1 move R6,R1 mulu -4(R14),R1 sub.l R1,R0 move R0,-2(R14) *line 398 move 26(R13),(sp) jsr _micons move R0,R7 *line 399 and #32767,32(R13) *line 411 *line 411 move.l 40(R13),R0 cmp.l 52(R13),R0 bne L37 *line 412 *line 413 or #-32768,32(R13) *line 414 *line 419 *line 420 *line 421 *line 422 tst R7 bne L38 *line 422 move #2,R0 bra L34 *line 423 L38: *line 424 *line 425 tst -2(R14) bne L39 *line 425 move #2,R0 bra L34 L39: *line 426 *line 427 *line 428 *line 429 L37: *line 430 clr R5 bra L42 L43: *line 431 *line 432 move R7,(sp) move.l #__thefat,-(sp) jsr __gtcl12 addq.l #4,sp move R0,R7 *line 433 *line 434 *line 435 cmp #4080,R7 blo L41 *line 436 *line 437 or #8192,32(R13) *line 438 move #22,_errno *line 439 *line 440 *line 440 cmp #4088,R7 bcc L44 *line 441 *line 442 move #5,_errno *line 443 or #16384,32(R13) *line 444 *line 445 L44: *line 446 move #-1,R0 bra L34 L41: *line 430 add #1,R5 L42: *line 430 cmp R6,R5 blo L43 L40: *line 449 move R7,36(R13) *line 450 move -2(R14),34(R13) *line 452 move R7,(sp) move.l __thebpb,-(sp) jsr __cl2lsn addq.l #4,sp add -2(R14),R0 swap R0 clr R0 swap R0 move.l R0,44(R13) *line 460 *line 461 move.l 40(R13),R0 cmp.l 52(R13),R0 bne L45 *line 461 move #1,R0 bra L34 *line 462 L45: *line 463 clr R0 bra L34 L34:tst.l (sp)+ movem.l (sp)+,R5-R7/R13-R13 unlk R14 rts .globl __ftrnc .text __ftrnc: ~~_ftrnc: ~dp=8 link R14,#0 movem.l R5-R7,-(sp) ~acls=R7 ~ncls=R6 *line 487 move.l 8(R14),R8 move 26(R8),(sp) jsr _micons move R0,R7 *line 492 bra L49 L48: *line 493 *line 494 *line 495 move R7,(sp) move.l #__thefat,-(sp) jsr __gtcl12 addq.l #4,sp move R0,R6 *line 496 clr (sp) move R7,-(sp) move.l #__thefat,-(sp) jsr __ptcl12 addq.l #6,sp *line 497 *line 503 *line 504 *line 505 move R6,R7 L49: *line 506 cmp #4080,R7 blo L48 L47: *line 511 move.l 8(R14),R8 move.l #$0,28(R8) *line 512 move.l 8(R14),R8 clr 26(R8) *line 513 move #1,__fatmod *line 514 move #1,__dirmod *line 527 clr R0 bra L46 L46:tst.l (sp)+ movem.l (sp)+,R6-R7 unlk R14 rts .globl __newcls .text __newcls: ~~_newcls: link R14,#0 movem.l R5-R7,-(sp) ~tc=R7 ~i=R6 *line 544 move.l __thebpb,R8 move 14(R8),R7 *line 546 move #2,R6 bra L53 L54: *line 547 *line 548 move R6,(sp) move.l #__thefat,-(sp) jsr __gtcl12 addq.l #4,sp tst R0 bne L55 *line 548 move R6,R0 bra L50 *line 549 L55:L52: *line 546 add #1,R6 L53: *line 546 cmp R7,R6 blt L54 L51: *line 550 clr R0 bra L50 L50:tst.l (sp)+ movem.l (sp)+,R6-R7 unlk R14 rts .globl __alcnew .text __alcnew: ~~_alcnew: ~fcp=R13 link R14,#0 movem.l R4-R7/R13-R13,-(sp) ~ac=R7 ~nc=R6 ~pc=R5 *line 572 move.l 8(R14),R13 *line 572 *line 572 jsr __newcls move R0,R6 beq L57 *line 573 *line 576 *line 577 *line 578 move #4088,(sp) move R6,-(sp) move.l #__thefat,-(sp) jsr __ptcl12 addq.l #6,sp *line 579 move 26(R13),(sp) jsr _micons move R0,R5 *line 580 *line 588 *line 589 *line 590 *line 591 *line 592 *line 593 bra L60 L59: *line 594 *line 595 *line 596 move R7,R5 L60: *line 597 move R5,(sp) move.l #__thefat,-(sp) jsr __gtcl12 addq.l #4,sp move R0,R7 move R7,R0 cmp #4080,R0 blt L59 L58: *line 598 *line 599 *line 600 *line 601 *line 612 *line 613 *line 614 move R6,(sp) move R5,-(sp) move.l #__thefat,-(sp) jsr __ptcl12 addq.l #6,sp *line 615 move.l __thebpb,R8 clr R0 move 2(R8),R0 swap R0 clr R0 swap R0 add.l R0,52(R13) *line 616 move R6,36(R13) *line 617 clr 34(R13) *line 618 *line 619 move R6,(sp) move.l __thebpb,-(sp) jsr __cl2lsn addq.l #4,sp swap R0 clr R0 swap R0 move.l R0,44(R13) *line 620 *line 629 *line 630 *line 631 clr R0 bra L56 *line 632 bra L61 L57: *line 633 *line 634 *line 638 *line 639 *line 640 move #-1,R0 bra L56 L61:L56:tst.l (sp)+ movem.l (sp)+,R5-R7/R13-R13 unlk R14 rts .globl __fmake .text __fmake: ~~_fmake: ~fcp=8 link R14,#0 movem.l R7-R7/R13-R13,-(sp) ~dp=R13 *line 659 *line 660 jsr __dsnew move.l R0,R13 move.l R13,R0 bne L63 *line 660 move #-1,R0 bra L62 *line 661 L63: *line 662 move.l R13,__dptr *line 663 move #32,(sp) clr -(sp) move.l R13,-(sp) jsr _memset addq.l #6,sp *line 664 move #12,(sp) move.l 8(R14),-(sp) move.l R13,-(sp) jsr _memcpy addq.l #8,sp *line 665 or.b #32,11(R13) *line 666 move #1,__dirmod *line 667 clr R0 bra L62 L62:tst.l (sp)+ movem.l (sp)+,R13-R13 unlk R14 rts .globl __opnvol .text __opnvol: ~~_opnvol: link R14,#0 movem.l R6-R7,-(sp) ~drc=R7 *line 686 *line 686 tst __bpbin beq L65 *line 687 *line 688 clr (sp) move #9,-(sp) jsr _trap13 addq.l #2,sp move.l R0,R7 *line 689 *line 696 *line 697 *line 698 *line 699 tst.l R7 beq L66 *line 699 clr __bpbin L66:bra L67 L65: *line 700 *line 701 *line 705 *line 706 L67: *line 709 *line 709 tst __bpbin bne L68 *line 710 *line 711 clr __fatin *line 712 clr __dirin *line 713 *line 714 *line 714 clr (sp) move #7,-(sp) jsr _trap13 addq.l #2,sp move.l R0,__thebpb bne L69 *line 715 *line 716 move #5,_errno *line 717 move #-1,R0 bra L64 *line 718 *line 719 L69: *line 720 move #1,__bpbin *line 721 *line 722 L68: *line 723 *line 723 tst __fatin bne L70 *line 724 *line 725 clr __dirin *line 726 *line 727 *line 727 move.l __thebpb,(sp) move.l #__thefat,-(sp) jsr __rdfat addq.l #4,sp tst R0 bge L71 *line 728 *line 729 move #5,_errno *line 730 move #-1,R0 bra L64 *line 731 *line 732 L71: *line 733 move #1,__fatin *line 734 clr __fatmod *line 735 *line 736 *line 737 L70: *line 738 *line 738 tst __dirin bne L72 *line 739 *line 740 *line 740 move.l __thebpb,(sp) move.l #__thedir,-(sp) jsr __rdroot addq.l #4,sp tst R0 beq L73 *line 741 *line 742 move #5,_errno *line 743 move #-1,R0 bra L64 *line 744 *line 745 L73: *line 746 move #1,__dirin *line 747 clr __dirmod *line 748 *line 749 L72: *line 750 clr R0 bra L64 L64:tst.l (sp)+ movem.l (sp)+,R7-R7 unlk R14 rts .globl __opfcb .text __opfcb: ~~_opfcb: ~fcp=R13 link R14,#-2 movem.l R7-R7/R13-R13,-(sp) ~rc=-2 *line 772 move.l 8(R14),R13 *line 772 *line 772 btst #4,32(R13) beq L75 *line 773 *line 774 move #22,_errno *line 775 move #-1,R0 bra L74 *line 776 *line 777 L75: *line 778 *line 778 jsr __opnvol tst R0 beq L76 *line 779 *line 780 move _errno,(sp) move.l R13,-(sp) jsr __deadio addq.l #4,sp *line 781 move #-1,R0 bra L74 *line 782 *line 783 *line 784 *line 785 L76: *line 786 *line 786 move.l R13,(sp) jsr __dsrch move.l R0,__dptr bne L77 *line 787 *line 788 *line 789 *line 790 *line 790 btst #3,32(R13) bne L78 *line 791 *line 792 move #2,(sp) move.l R13,-(sp) jsr __deadio addq.l #4,sp *line 793 move #-1,R0 bra L74 *line 794 *line 795 *line 796 *line 797 L78: *line 798 *line 798 move.l R13,(sp) jsr __fmake move R0,-2(R14) beq L79 *line 799 *line 800 move #5,(sp) move.l R13,-(sp) jsr __deadio addq.l #4,sp *line 801 move #-1,R0 bra L74 *line 802 *line 803 *line 804 *line 805 *line 806 L79:bra L80 L77: *line 807 *line 808 *line 809 *line 810 *line 811 *line 812 btst #0,11(R13) beq L81 clr R0 move 32(R13),R0 and #1600,R0 beq L81 *line 813 *line 814 *line 815 *line 816 move #13,(sp) move.l R13,-(sp) jsr __deadio addq.l #4,sp *line 817 move #-1,R0 bra L74 *line 818 *line 819 *line 820 *line 821 L81: *line 822 *line 822 btst #2,32(R13) beq L82 btst #1,32(R13) bne L82 *line 823 *line 824 *line 825 *line 826 move #13,(sp) move.l R13,-(sp) jsr __deadio addq.l #4,sp *line 827 move #-1,R0 bra L74 *line 828 *line 829 *line 830 *line 831 L82: *line 832 *line 832 btst #3,32(R13) beq L83 btst #7,33(R13) beq L83 *line 833 *line 834 *line 835 *line 836 move #17,(sp) move.l R13,-(sp) jsr __deadio addq.l #4,sp *line 837 move #-1,R0 bra L74 *line 838 *line 839 *line 840 *line 841 *line 842 *line 843 *line 844 L83: *line 845 *line 845 btst #6,33(R13) beq L84 *line 846 *line 847 *line 848 *line 849 *line 849 btst #1,32(R13) beq L85 *line 850 *line 851 *line 852 *line 853 *line 853 move.l __dptr,(sp) jsr __ftrnc tst R0 beq L86 *line 854 *line 855 move #5,(sp) move.l R13,-(sp) jsr __deadio addq.l #4,sp *line 856 move #-1,R0 bra L74 *line 857 *line 858 L86:bra L87 L85: *line 859 *line 860 *line 861 *line 862 *line 863 move #13,(sp) move.l R13,-(sp) jsr __deadio addq.l #4,sp *line 864 move #-1,R0 bra L74 L87: *line 865 *line 866 L84:L80: *line 871 move #32,(sp) move.l __dptr,-(sp) move.l R13,-(sp) jsr _memcpy addq.l #8,sp *line 872 clr 34(R13) *line 873 move 26(R13),(sp) jsr _micons move R0,36(R13) *line 874 clr 38(R13) *line 875 clr.l 40(R13) *line 876 tst 26(R13) beq L10003 move 36(R13),(sp) move.l __thebpb,-(sp) jsr __cl2lsn addq.l #4,sp bra L10005 L10003:clr R0 L10005:swap R0 clr R0 swap R0 move.l R0,44(R13) *line 877 move.l 28(R13),(sp) jsr _miconl move.l R0,48(R13) *line 879 *line 880 *line 881 move.l __thebpb,R8 clr R0 move 2(R8),R0 swap R0 clr R0 swap R0 move.l R0,-(sp) move.l __thebpb,R8 clr R0 move 4(R8),R0 swap R0 clr R0 swap R0 move.l R0,-(sp) move.l 48(R13),-(sp) jsr ldiv addq.l #8,sp move.l __thebpb,R9 clr R1 move 4(R9),R1 sub #1,R1 swap R1 clr R1 swap R1 and.l 48(R13),R1 beq L10006 move #1,R1 bra L10008 L10006:clr R1 L10008:ext.l R1 add.l R1,R0 move.l R0,-(sp) jsr lmul addq.l #8,sp move.l R0,52(R13) *line 883 and #8191,32(R13) *line 884 or #4096,32(R13) *line 891 clr R0 bra L74 L74:tst.l (sp)+ movem.l (sp)+,R13-R13 unlk R14 rts .globl __inifcb .text __inifcb: ~~_inifcb: ~fcp=R13 ~name=12 ~ext=16 ~mode=20 link R14,#-2 movem.l R5-R7/R11-R13,-(sp) ~fl=-2 ~i=R7 ~s1=R12 ~s2=R11 ~c=R6 *line 917 move.l 8(R14),R13 *line 917 move #56,(sp) clr -(sp) move.l R13,-(sp) jsr _memset addq.l #6,sp *line 921 *line 922 move 20(R14),R0 and #30960,R0 beq L89 *line 922 move #-1,R0 bra L88 *line 923 *line 924 *line 925 *line 926 *line 927 L89: *line 928 move #1,-2(R14) *line 929 move.l 12(R14),R12 *line 931 clr R7 bra L92 L93: *line 932 *line 932 tst.b (R12)+ bne L94 *line 933 *line 934 clr -2(R14) bra L90 *line 935 *line 936 *line 937 L94:L91: *line 931 add #1,R7 L92: *line 931 cmp #9,R7 blt L93 L90: *line 938 *line 939 tst -2(R14) beq L95 *line 939 move #-1,R0 bra L88 *line 940 *line 941 *line 942 L95: *line 943 move #1,-2(R14) *line 944 move.l 16(R14),R12 *line 946 clr R7 bra L98 L99: *line 947 *line 947 tst.b (R12)+ bne L100 *line 948 *line 949 clr -2(R14) bra L96 *line 950 *line 951 *line 952 L100:L97: *line 946 add #1,R7 L98: *line 946 cmp #4,R7 blt L99 L96: *line 953 *line 954 tst -2(R14) beq L101 *line 954 move #-1,R0 bra L88 *line 955 *line 956 *line 957 *line 958 *line 959 L101: *line 960 move #11,(sp) move #32,-(sp) move.l R13,-(sp) jsr _memset addq.l #6,sp *line 964 move.l R13,R12 *line 965 move.l 12(R14),R11 *line 967 clr R7 bra L104 L105: *line 968 *line 969 move.b (R11)+,R6 *line 970 *line 971 *line 972 tst.b R6 beq L102 cmp.b #32,R6 beq L102 *line 973 *line 974 move.b R6,(R12)+ L103: *line 967 add #1,R7 L104: *line 967 cmp #8,R7 blt L105 L102: *line 979 lea 8(R13),R12 *line 980 move.l 16(R14),R11 *line 982 clr R7 bra L108 L109: *line 983 *line 984 move.b (R11)+,R6 *line 985 *line 986 *line 987 tst.b R6 beq L106 cmp.b #32,R6 beq L106 *line 988 *line 989 move.b R6,(R12)+ L107: *line 982 add #1,R7 L108: *line 982 cmp #3,R7 blt L109 L106: *line 997 *line 998 move 20(R14),R0 clr R0 beq L110 *line 998 or #256,32(R13) *line 999 L110: *line 1000 *line 1001 btst #0,21(R14) beq L111 *line 1001 or #512,32(R13) *line 1002 L111: *line 1003 *line 1004 btst #1,21(R14) beq L112 *line 1004 or #768,32(R13) *line 1005 L112: *line 1006 *line 1007 btst #2,21(R14) beq L113 *line 1007 or #32,32(R13) *line 1008 L113: *line 1009 *line 1010 btst #3,21(R14) beq L114 *line 1010 or #1024,32(R13) *line 1011 L114: *line 1012 *line 1013 btst #0,20(R14) beq L115 *line 1013 or #2048,32(R13) *line 1014 L115: *line 1015 *line 1016 btst #1,20(R14) beq L116 *line 1016 or #64,32(R13) *line 1017 L116: *line 1018 *line 1019 btst #2,20(R14) beq L117 *line 1019 or #128,32(R13) *line 1020 L117: *line 1021 *line 1022 move 20(R14),R0 and #-32768,R0 beq L118 *line 1022 or #16,32(R13) *line 1023 L118: *line 1024 clr R0 bra L88 L88:tst.l (sp)+ movem.l (sp)+,R6-R7/R11-R13 unlk R14 rts .globl _ClsFile .text _ClsFile: ~~ClsFile: ~fcp=R13 link R14,#0 movem.l R7-R7/R12-R13,-(sp) ~dp=R12 *line 1051 move.l 8(R14),R13 *line 1051 *line 1051 btst #4,32(R13) beq L120 *line 1052 *line 1053 *line 1053 clr R0 move 32(R13),R0 and #3584,R0 beq L121 *line 1054 *line 1055 *line 1055 move.l R13,(sp) jsr __dsrch move.l R0,R12 move.l R12,R0 beq L122 *line 1056 *line 1057 *line 1058 *line 1059 *line 1059 move #32,(sp) move.l R13,-(sp) move.l R12,-(sp) jsr _memcmp addq.l #8,sp tst R0 beq L123 *line 1060 *line 1061 move #32,(sp) move.l R13,-(sp) move.l R12,-(sp) jsr _memcpy addq.l #8,sp *line 1062 move #1,__dirmod *line 1069 *line 1070 *line 1071 *line 1072 *line 1073 *line 1074 *line 1075 L123:bra L124 L122: *line 1076 *line 1077 *line 1081 *line 1082 *line 1083 move #5,_errno *line 1084 move #-1,R0 bra L119 L124: *line 1085 *line 1086 *line 1087 *line 1091 *line 1092 L121: *line 1093 clr R0 bra L119 *line 1094 bra L125 L120: *line 1095 *line 1096 *line 1100 *line 1101 *line 1102 move #22,_errno *line 1103 move #-1,R0 bra L119 L125:L119:tst.l (sp)+ movem.l (sp)+,R12-R13 unlk R14 rts .globl __clsvol .text __clsvol: ~~_clsvol: link R14,#-4 *line 1118 *line 1118 tst __fatmod beq L127 *line 1119 *line 1120 jsr __clsfat *line 1121 *line 1125 *line 1126 *line 1127 L127: *line 1128 *line 1128 tst __dirmod beq L128 *line 1129 *line 1130 jsr __clsdir *line 1131 *line 1135 *line 1136 *line 1137 L128: *line 1138 clr __bpbin *line 1139 clr __fatin *line 1140 clr __dirin L126:unlk R14 rts .globl _fcbinit .text _fcbinit: ~~fcbinit: ~name=R13 ~fcp=R12 link R14,#-14 movem.l R7-R7/R12-R13,-(sp) ~tmpname=-10 ~tmpext=-14 *line 1156 move.l 8(R14),R13 *line 1156 move.l 12(R14),R12 *line 1156 clr (sp) move.l R14,-(sp) add.l #-14,(sp) move.l R13,-(sp) jsr _FilExt addq.l #8,sp move.l R0,-(sp) move.l R14,-(sp) add.l #-10,(sp) move.l R13,-(sp) jsr _FilName addq.l #8,sp move.l R0,-(sp) move.l R12,-(sp) jsr __inifcb adda.l #12,sp bra L129 L129:tst.l (sp)+ movem.l (sp)+,R12-R13 unlk R14 rts .globl _DelFile .text _DelFile: ~~DelFile: ~fcp=8 link R14,#-4 *line 1178 *line 1179 jsr __opnvol tst R0 beq L131 *line 1179 move #-1,R0 bra L130 *line 1180 L131: *line 1181 *line 1181 move.l 8(R14),(sp) jsr __dsrch move.l R0,__dptr bne L132 *line 1182 *line 1183 move #2,_errno *line 1184 move #-1,R0 bra L130 *line 1185 *line 1186 L132: *line 1187 *line 1187 move.l __dptr,R8 btst #0,11(R8) beq L133 *line 1188 *line 1189 move #13,_errno *line 1190 move #-1,R0 bra L130 *line 1191 *line 1192 L133: *line 1193 *line 1194 move.l __dptr,(sp) jsr __ftrnc tst R0 beq L134 *line 1194 move #-1,R0 bra L130 *line 1195 L134: *line 1196 move.l __dptr,R8 move.b #229,(R8) *line 1204 clr R0 bra L130 L130:unlk R14 rts .data