.globl _ebflag .globl _ebuf .globl _curfet .globl _cfetp .globl _infetp .globl _io_time .globl _io_lcd .globl _io_ser .globl _io_midi .globl _io_disk .globl _io_tone .globl _io_leds .globl _io_kbrd .globl _lcd_a0 .globl _lcd_a1 .globl _io_vreg .globl _io_vraw .globl _io_vram .globl _io_fpu .globl _v_regs .globl _v_odtab .globl _v_actab .globl _v_ct0 .globl _v_gt1 .globl _v_score .globl _v_cgtab .globl _v_curs0 .globl _v_curs1 .globl _v_curs2 .globl _v_curs3 .globl _v_curs4 .globl _v_curs5 .globl _v_curs6 .globl _v_curs7 .globl _v_tcur .globl _v_kbobj .globl _v_lnobj .globl _v_win0 .globl _v_cur .globl _fc_sw .globl _fc_val .globl _curvce .globl _curfunc .globl _curpnt .globl _hitbox .globl _astat .globl _idnamsw .globl _cxval .globl _cyval .globl _cxrate .globl _cyrate .globl _curslim .globl _cmtype .globl _cmfirst .globl _pecase .globl _pntsv .globl _npts .globl _subj .globl _idimsw .globl _wcflag .globl _imflag .globl _idcfsw .globl _idsrcsw .globl _vtcrow .globl _vtccol .globl _stcrow .globl _stccol .globl _vtxval .globl _vtyval .globl _temax .globl _temin .globl _cratex .globl _cratey .globl _crate0 .globl _crate1 .globl _instob .globl _bfs .globl _idbxlbl .globl _fnoff .globl _idbox .globl _csbp .globl _idboxes .globl _sments .globl _vpsms .globl _valents .globl _pntptr .globl _vbufs .globl _zonemax .data _zonemax: .dc.w $3F .dc.w $77 .dc.w $AF .dc.w $E7 .dc.w $11F .dc.w $157 .dc.w $18F .dc.w $1C7 .dc.w $1FD .globl _zoneinc .data _zoneinc: .dc.w $2 .dc.w $2 .dc.w $4 .dc.w $9 .dc.w $12 .dc.w $24 .dc.w $49 .dc.w $92 .dc.w $12F .globl _id_fet1 .data _id_fet1: .dc.w $5 .dc.w $3E .dc.w $3E .dc.w $C *line 84 .dc.l _et_ires *line 84 .dc.l _ef_ires *line 84 .dc.l _rd_ires *line 84 .dc.l _nd_ires .dc.w $10 .dc.w $1 .dc.w $C .dc.w $D *line 85 .dc.l _et_imlt *line 85 .dc.l _ef_imlt *line 85 .dc.l _rd_imlt *line 85 .dc.l _nd_imlt .dc.w $10 .dc.w $F .dc.w $10 .dc.w $E *line 86 .dc.l _et_ipnt *line 86 .dc.l _ef_ipnt *line 86 .dc.l _rd_ipnt *line 86 .dc.l _nd_ipnt .dc.w $10 .dc.w $13 .dc.w $18 .dc.w $F *line 87 .dc.l _et_itim *line 87 .dc.l _ef_itim *line 87 .dc.l _rd_itim *line 87 .dc.l _nd_itim .dc.w $10 .dc.w $1B .dc.w $2C .dc.w $10 *line 88 .dc.l _et_ival *line 88 .dc.l _ef_ival *line 88 .dc.l _rd_ival *line 88 .dc.l _nd_ival .dc.w $10 .dc.w $2F .dc.w $3E .dc.w $11 *line 89 .dc.l _et_iact *line 89 .dc.l _ef_iact *line 89 .dc.l _rd_iact *line 89 .dc.l _nd_iact .dc.w $11 .dc.w $C .dc.w $D .dc.w $12 *line 90 .dc.l _et_icnf *line 90 .dc.l _ef_icnf *line 90 .dc.l _rd_icnf *line 90 .dc.l _nd_icnf .dc.w $11 .dc.w $17 .dc.w $18 .dc.w $13 *line 91 .dc.l _et_ivce *line 91 .dc.l _ef_ivce *line 91 .dc.l _rd_ivce *line 91 .dc.l _nd_ivce .dc.w $11 .dc.w $1F .dc.w $20 .dc.w $13 *line 92 .dc.l _et_idin *line 92 .dc.l _ef_idin *line 92 .dc.l _rd_idin *line 92 .dc.l _nd_idin .dc.w $11 .dc.w $39 .dc.w $3A .dc.w $15 *line 93 .dc.l _et_iwsn *line 93 .dc.l _ef_iwsn *line 93 .dc.l _rd_iwsn *line 93 .dc.l _nd_iwsn .dc.w $11 .dc.w $3D .dc.w $3E .dc.w $115 *line 94 .dc.l _et_iwsn *line 94 .dc.l _ef_iwsn *line 94 .dc.l _rd_iwsn *line 94 .dc.l _nd_iwsn .dc.w $12 .dc.w $24 .dc.w $2E .dc.w $8014 *line 95 .dc.l _et_iosc *line 95 .dc.l _ef_iosc *line 95 .dc.l _rd_iosc *line 95 .dc.l _nd_iosc .dc.w $12 .dc.w $11 .dc.w $20 .dc.w $0 *line 96 .dc.l _et_null *line 96 .dc.l _ef_null *line 96 .dc.l _rd_null *line 96 .dc.l _nd_null .dc.w $13 .dc.w $24 .dc.w $2E .dc.w $8114 *line 97 .dc.l _et_iosc *line 97 .dc.l _ef_iosc *line 97 .dc.l _rd_iosc *line 97 .dc.l _nd_iosc .dc.w $13 .dc.w $11 .dc.w $20 .dc.w $0 *line 98 .dc.l _et_null *line 98 .dc.l _ef_null *line 98 .dc.l _rd_null *line 98 .dc.l _nd_null .dc.w $14 .dc.w $24 .dc.w $2E .dc.w $8214 *line 99 .dc.l _et_iosc *line 99 .dc.l _ef_iosc *line 99 .dc.l _rd_iosc *line 99 .dc.l _nd_iosc .dc.w $14 .dc.w $11 .dc.w $20 .dc.w $0 *line 100 .dc.l _et_null *line 100 .dc.l _ef_null *line 100 .dc.l _rd_null *line 100 .dc.l _nd_null .dc.w $15 .dc.w $24 .dc.w $2E .dc.w $8314 *line 101 .dc.l _et_iosc *line 101 .dc.l _ef_iosc *line 101 .dc.l _rd_iosc *line 101 .dc.l _nd_iosc .dc.w $15 .dc.w $11 .dc.w $20 .dc.w $0 *line 102 .dc.l _et_null *line 102 .dc.l _ef_null *line 102 .dc.l _rd_null *line 102 .dc.l _nd_null .dc.w $0 .dc.w $0 .dc.w $0 .dc.w $0 .dc.l $0 .dc.l $0 .dc.l $0 .dc.l $0 .globl _srctbl .data _srctbl: *line 109 .dc.l L1 *line 110 .dc.l L2 *line 111 .dc.l L3 *line 112 .dc.l L4 *line 113 .dc.l L5 *line 114 .dc.l L6 *line 115 .dc.l L7 *line 116 .dc.l L8 *line 117 .dc.l L9 *line 118 .dc.l L10 *line 119 .dc.l L11 *line 120 .dc.l L12 *line 121 .dc.l L13 *line 122 .dc.l L14 .globl _id_flds .data _id_flds: *line 130 .dc.l _stdctp1 *line 131 .dc.l _nokey *line 132 .dc.l _nokey *line 133 .dc.l _cxkstd *line 134 .dc.l _cykstd *line 135 .dc.l _idcxupd *line 136 .dc.l _idcyupd *line 137 .dc.l _ikyup *line 138 .dc.l _ikydn *line 139 .dc.l _idx_key *line 140 .dc.l _select *line 141 .dc.l _stdmkey *line 142 .dc.l _stddkey *line 143 .dc.l _idnfld *line 144 .dc.l _id_fet1 *line 145 .dc.l _idboxes *line 146 .dc.l _crate1 *line 147 .dc.l _crate1 .dc.w $0 .dc.w $100 .dc.w $AF .globl _ikydn .text _ikydn: ~~ikydn: link R14,#-4 *line 164 clr _imflag L15:unlk R14 rts .globl _ikyup .text _ikyup: ~~ikyup: link R14,#-4 *line 175 *line 176 tst _imflag beq L17 *line 176 jsr _modinst L17:L16:unlk R14 rts .globl _idcyupd .text _idcyupd: ~~idcyupd: link R14,#0 movem.l R4-R7,-(sp) ~pval=R7 ~vh=R6 ~vl=R5 *line 191 *line 192 cmp #-1,_wcflag bne L18 *line 193 *line 194 *line 195 tst _idimsw bne L18 *line 196 *line 197 *line 197 tst _idsrcsw bne L10000 tst _idcfsw beq L19 L10000:*line 198 *line 199 move _cyrate,R0 add R0,_vtyval move _vtyval,R0 ext.l R0 divs #14,R0 move R0,_vtcrow *line 200 *line 201 *line 202 cmp #24,_vtcrow ble L20 *line 202 move #24,R0 move R0,_vtcrow muls #14,R0 move R0,_vtyval bra L21 L20: *line 203 *line 204 cmp #22,_vtcrow bge L22 *line 204 move #22,R0 move R0,_vtcrow muls #14,R0 move R0,_vtyval *line 205 L22:L21:bra L23 L19: *line 206 *line 206 tst _idnamsw beq L24 *line 207 *line 208 jsr _vtcyupd *line 209 bra L25 L24: *line 210 *line 210 tst _pntsv beq L26 *line 211 *line 212 move.l _pntptr,R8 move 2(R8),R7 asr #5,R7 move _cyrate,R0 muls #7,R0 sub R0,R7 *line 213 *line 214 *line 215 cmp #1000,R7 ble L27 *line 215 move #1000,R7 bra L28 L27: *line 216 *line 217 tst R7 bge L29 *line 217 clr R7 *line 218 L29:L28: *line 219 move #12,(sp) move R7,-(sp) jsr _vtoy addq.l #2,sp move R0,_cyval *line 220 move R7,R0 asl #5,R0 move.l _pntptr,R9 move R0,2(R9) *line 221 *line 222 move R7,R6 ext.l R6 divs #100,R6 *line 223 move R7,R5 move R6,R0 muls #100,R0 sub R0,R5 *line 224 *line 225 move R5,(sp) move R6,-(sp) move.l #L30,-(sp) move.l #_bfs,-(sp) jsr _sprintf adda.l #10,sp *line 226 *line 227 clr (sp) jsr _vbank *line 228 *line 229 move #14,(sp) move.l #_bfs,-(sp) move 270+_idbox,-(sp) move 268+_idbox,-(sp) add #1,(sp) move 266+_idbox,-(sp) move 264+_idbox,-(sp) move #64,-(sp) move.l _instob,-(sp) jsr _vcputsv adda.l #18,sp *line 230 *line 231 move #1,_imflag *line 232 *line 233 bra L31 L26: *line 234 *line 235 *line 236 move _cyrate,R0 add R0,_cyval *line 237 *line 238 *line 239 cmp #348,_cyval ble L32 *line 239 move #348,_cyval bra L33 L32: *line 240 *line 241 cmp #1,_cyval bge L34 *line 241 move #1,_cyval L34:L33:L31:L25:L23:L18:tst.l (sp)+ movem.l (sp)+,R5-R7 unlk R14 rts .globl _idcxupd .text _idcxupd: ~~idcxupd: link R14,#-2 movem.l R3-R7,-(sp) ~th=R7 ~tl=R6 ~fptime=R5 ~stime=R4 ~zone=-2 *line 260 *line 260 tst _idimsw beq L36 *line 261 *line 262 move _cxrate,R0 add R0,_cxval *line 263 *line 264 *line 265 cmp #256,_cxval ble L37 *line 265 move #256,_cxval bra L38 L37: *line 266 *line 267 cmp #208,_cxval bge L39 *line 267 move #208,_cxval *line 268 L39:L38:L36: *line 269 *line 269 tst _idsrcsw bne L10001 tst _idcfsw beq L40 L10001:*line 270 *line 271 move _cxrate,R0 add R0,_vtxval move _vtxval,R0 asr #3,R0 move R0,_vtccol *line 272 *line 273 *line 274 cmp #46,_vtccol ble L41 *line 274 move #46,R0 move R0,_vtccol asl #3,R0 move R0,_vtxval bra L42 L41: *line 275 *line 276 cmp #17,_vtccol bge L43 *line 276 move #17,R0 move R0,_vtccol asl #3,R0 move R0,_vtxval *line 277 L43:L42:bra L44 L40: *line 278 *line 278 tst _idnamsw beq L45 *line 279 *line 280 jsr _vtcxupd *line 281 *line 282 bra L46 L45: *line 283 *line 283 tst _pntsv beq L47 *line 284 *line 285 clr -2(R14) bra L50 L51: *line 286 *line 287 move -2(R14),R8 add.l R8,R8 move.l #_zonemax,R9 move 0(R8,R9.l),R0 cmp _cxval,R0 bge L48 *line 288 L49: *line 285 add #1,-2(R14) L50: *line 285 cmp #8,-2(R14) ble L51 L48: *line 289 move _pecase,R0 bra L53 *line 290 L54: *line 291 L55: *line 292 *line 293 *line 294 *line 295 tst _cxrate blt L56 *line 296 move -2(R14),R8 add.l R8,R8 move.l #_zoneinc,R9 move 0(R8,R9.l),R0 muls _cxrate,R0 move R0,(sp) move.l _pntptr,R8 move (R8),-(sp) jsr _addfpu addq.l #2,sp move R0,R5 *line 297 bra L57 L56: *line 298 *line 299 move _cxrate,R0 neg R0 move -2(R14),R9 add.l R9,R9 add.l #_zoneinc,R9 muls (R9),R0 move R0,(sp) move.l _pntptr,R8 move (R8),-(sp) jsr _subfpu addq.l #2,sp move R0,R5 L57: *line 300 *line 301 move R5,(sp) move _subj,-(sp) jsr _segtime addq.l #2,sp move R0,R4 *line 302 *line 303 *line 303 cmp _temax,R4 blo L58 *line 304 *line 305 move _temax,(sp) sub #1,(sp) move _subj,-(sp) jsr _setseg addq.l #2,sp bra L52 *line 306 *line 307 bra L59 L58: *line 308 *line 308 tst R4 bne L60 *line 309 *line 310 move #1,(sp) move _subj,-(sp) jsr _setseg addq.l #2,sp bra L52 *line 311 *line 312 *line 313 L60:L59: *line 314 move R4,(sp) move _subj,-(sp) jsr _setseg addq.l #2,sp bra L52 *line 315 *line 316 *line 317 *line 318 L61: *line 319 *line 320 *line 321 *line 322 tst _cxrate blt L62 *line 322 move -2(R14),R8 add.l R8,R8 move.l #_zoneinc,R9 move 0(R8,R9.l),R0 muls _cxrate,R0 move R0,(sp) move.l _pntptr,R8 move (R8),-(sp) jsr _addfpu addq.l #2,sp move R0,R5 *line 323 bra L63 L62: *line 324 move _cxrate,R0 neg R0 move -2(R14),R9 add.l R9,R9 add.l #_zoneinc,R9 muls (R9),R0 move R0,(sp) move.l _pntptr,R8 move (R8),-(sp) jsr _subfpu addq.l #2,sp move R0,R5 L63: *line 325 *line 326 move R5,(sp) jsr _fromfpu move R0,R4 add _temin,R4 *line 327 *line 328 *line 329 cmp _temax,R4 bcc L52 *line 330 *line 331 move R5,(sp) move _subj,-(sp) jsr _segtime addq.l #2,sp move R0,(sp) move _subj,-(sp) jsr _setseg addq.l #2,sp *line 332 move _temax,(sp) move _subj,-(sp) add #1,(sp) jsr _setseg addq.l #2,sp bra L52 *line 333 bra L52 L53:tst R0 beq L54 cmp #1,R0 beq L55 cmp #2,R0 beq L61 bra L52 L52: *line 334 *line 335 *line 336 move _subj,(sp) move _curfunc,-(sp) jsr _timeto addq.l #2,sp move R0,R7 *line 337 move R7,R6 clr.l R0 move R7,R0 divu #1000,R0 mulu #1000,R0 sub R0,R6 *line 338 clr.l R0 move R7,R0 divu #1000,R0 move R0,R7 *line 339 *line 340 move R6,(sp) move R7,-(sp) move.l #L64,-(sp) move.l #_bfs,-(sp) jsr _sprintf adda.l #10,sp *line 341 *line 342 *line 343 clr R0 move 10+_v_regs,R0 and #384,R0 beq L65 *line 343 clr (sp) jsr _vbank *line 344 L65: *line 345 *line 346 move #14,(sp) move.l #_bfs,-(sp) move 254+_idbox,-(sp) move 252+_idbox,-(sp) add #1,(sp) move 250+_idbox,-(sp) move 248+_idbox,-(sp) move #64,-(sp) move.l _instob,-(sp) jsr _vcputsv adda.l #18,sp *line 347 *line 348 move #1,_imflag *line 349 move #12,(sp) move _subj,-(sp) move _curfunc,-(sp) jsr _timeto addq.l #4,sp move R0,-(sp) jsr _ttox addq.l #2,sp move R0,_cxval *line 350 bra L66 L47: *line 351 *line 352 *line 353 move _cxrate,R0 add R0,_cxval *line 354 *line 355 *line 356 cmp #510,_cxval ble L67 *line 356 move #510,_cxval bra L68 L67: *line 357 *line 358 cmp #1,_cxval bge L69 *line 358 move #1,_cxval L69:L68:L66:L46:L44:L35:tst.l (sp)+ movem.l (sp)+,R4-R7 unlk R14 rts .globl _idnfld .text _idnfld: ~~idnfld: ~k=8 link R14,#0 movem.l R3-R7/R12-R13,-(sp) ~endpnt=R7 ~basepnt=R6 ~t=R5 ~fn=R4 ~fp=R13 ~ip=R12 *line 379 move _curvce,R0 muls #3938,R0 move.l R0,R12 add.l #_vbufs,R12 *line 380 move.l R12,R13 move _curfunc,R0 muls #12,R0 add.l R0,R13 add.l #86,R13 *line 382 *line 382 tst _astat beq L71 *line 383 *line 384 *line 384 jsr _whatbox tst R0 beq L72 *line 385 *line 386 *line 386 cmp #12,_hitbox bne L73 *line 387 *line 388 *line 388 cmp #8,8(R14) bne L74 *line 389 *line 390 move #1,R0 eor.b R0,7(R13) move.b 7(R13),R0 move R0,R5 *line 391 *line 392 *line 393 clr R0 move 10+_v_regs,R0 and #384,R0 beq L75 *line 393 clr (sp) jsr _vbank *line 394 L75: *line 395 *line 396 *line 397 *line 398 move #14,(sp) move _curfunc,R8 add.l R8,R8 add.l R8,R8 move.l #_idbxlbl,R9 move.l 0(R8,R9.l),-(sp) move #54,-(sp) move #4,-(sp) btst #0,R5 beq L10002 move _curfunc,R0 asl #4,R0 ext.l R0 move.l R0,R8 move.l #_idbox,R9 move 8(R8,R9.l),-(sp) bra L10004 L10002:move #2,-(sp) L10004:move #64,-(sp) move.l _instob,-(sp) jsr _tsplot4 adda.l #16,sp *line 399 *line 400 jsr _modinst *line 401 clr R0 bra L70 *line 402 *line 403 bra L76 L74: *line 404 *line 404 cmp #9,8(R14) bne L77 *line 405 *line 406 move.b 6(R13),R6 ext.w R6 *line 407 move R6,R7 move.b 5(R13),R0 ext.w R0 add R0,R7 sub #1,R7 *line 408 *line 409 *line 410 cmp.b #99,5(R13) bne L78 *line 410 move #-1,R0 bra L70 *line 411 L78: *line 412 *line 412 move R7,(sp) move _curfunc,-(sp) move.l R12,-(sp) jsr _inspnt addq.l #6,sp tst R0 bne L79 *line 413 *line 414 move #-1,R0 bra L70 *line 415 bra L80 L79: *line 416 *line 417 *line 418 move.b 5(R13),R0 ext.w R0 sub #1,R0 move R0,_subj *line 419 jsr _pntsel *line 420 move #1,_pntsv *line 421 move #12,(sp) clr -(sp) move.l _pntptr,-(sp) jsr _memset addq.l #6,sp *line 422 move.l _pntptr,R8 move.l _pntptr,R9 move -10(R9),2(R8) *line 423 move _subj,(sp) sub #1,(sp) move _curfunc,-(sp) jsr _timeto addq.l #2,sp move R0,(sp) add #1,(sp) move _subj,-(sp) jsr _setseg addq.l #2,sp *line 424 move _curfunc,(sp) jsr _edfunc *line 425 move #1,(sp) jsr _showpt *line 426 move #12,(sp) move _subj,-(sp) move _curfunc,-(sp) jsr _timeto addq.l #4,sp move R0,-(sp) jsr _ttox addq.l #2,sp move R0,_cxval *line 427 move #12,(sp) move.l _pntptr,R8 move 2(R8),R0 asr #5,R0 move R0,-(sp) jsr _vtoy addq.l #2,sp move R0,_cyval *line 428 move #3,(sp) jsr _arcurs *line 429 move _cyval,(sp) move _cxval,-(sp) jsr _gcurpos addq.l #2,sp *line 430 jsr _modinst *line 431 clr R0 bra L70 L80: *line 432 *line 433 *line 434 *line 435 *line 436 L77:L76:bra L81 L73: *line 437 *line 437 cmp #12,_hitbox bge L82 *line 438 *line 439 move _hitbox,R0 cmp _curfunc,R0 bne L10005 move #12,R0 bra L10007 L10005:move _hitbox,R0 L10007:move R0,R4 *line 440 *line 441 *line 441 cmp #8,8(R14) bne L83 *line 442 *line 443 *line 444 clr R0 move 10+_v_regs,R0 and #384,R0 beq L84 *line 444 clr (sp) jsr _vbank *line 445 L84: *line 446 *line 447 *line 448 *line 449 *line 450 move #14,(sp) move R4,R8 add.l R8,R8 add.l R8,R8 move.l #_idbxlbl,R9 move.l 0(R8,R9.l),-(sp) move _hitbox,R0 asl #4,R0 ext.l R0 move.l R0,R8 move.l #_idbox,R9 move 14(R8,R9.l),-(sp) move _hitbox,R0 asl #4,R0 ext.l R0 move.l R0,R8 move.l #_idbox,R9 move 12(R8,R9.l),-(sp) move.l R12,R8 move R4,R1 muls #12,R1 add.l R1,R8 move.l R8,-(sp) move #1,R0 move.l (sp)+,R8 eor.b R0,93(R8) move.b 93(R8),R0 and #1,R0 beq L10008 move R4,R0 asl #4,R0 ext.l R0 move.l R0,R8 move.l #_idbox,R9 move 8(R8,R9.l),-(sp) bra L10010 L10008:move #2,-(sp) L10010:move #64,-(sp) move.l _instob,-(sp) jsr _tsplot4 adda.l #16,sp *line 451 *line 452 jsr _modinst *line 453 L83: *line 454 L82:L81: *line 455 *line 456 L72: *line 457 move #-1,R0 bra L70 *line 458 L71:L70:tst.l (sp)+ movem.l (sp)+,R4-R7/R12-R13 unlk R14 rts .globl _idx_key .text _idx_key: ~~idx_key: link R14,#0 movem.l R6-R7/R11-R13,-(sp) ~smp=R13 ~vep=R12 ~i=R7 ~ip=R11 *line 477 *line 477 tst _astat beq L86 *line 478 *line 479 *line 480 tst _idsrcsw bne L85 tst _idcfsw bne L85 tst _idnamsw bne L85 cmp #-1,_wcflag bne L85 *line 481 *line 482 *line 482 cmp #16,_stcrow bne L87 *line 483 *line 484 *line 484 cmp #1,_stccol blt L88 cmp #7,_stccol bgt L88 *line 485 *line 486 *line 487 *line 488 move.l #_valents,R12 *line 489 move _curvce,R0 asl #4,R0 move _curfunc,R9 add.l R9,R9 add.l #_fnoff,R9 move (R9),R1 add R1,R0 move R0,R8 add.l R8,R8 add.l R8,R8 add.l #_vpsms,R8 move.l (R8),R13 *line 490 *line 491 *line 491 tst 10(R13) beq L89 *line 492 *line 493 move.l 4(R13),R8 move.l (R13),(R8) *line 494 move.l (R13),R8 move.l 4(R13),4(R8) *line 495 *line 496 move.l R12,4(R13) *line 497 move.l (R12),(R13) *line 498 move.l (R12),R8 move.l R13,4(R8) *line 499 move.l R13,(R12) *line 500 *line 501 clr 10(R13) *line 502 *line 503 L89: *line 504 move _curvce,R0 muls #3938,R0 move _curfunc,R1 muls #12,R1 add.l R1,R0 add.l #_vbufs,R0 move.l R0,R8 clr.b 90(R8) *line 505 move #13,(sp) jsr _dswin *line 506 jsr _modinst *line 507 *line 508 bra L90 L88: *line 509 *line 509 cmp #15,_stccol beq L10011 cmp #16,_stccol bne L91 L10011:*line 510 *line 511 *line 512 *line 513 jsr _delpnts *line 514 bra L92 L91: *line 515 *line 515 cmp #33,_stccol blt L93 cmp #39,_stccol bgt L93 *line 516 *line 517 *line 518 *line 519 move.l _pntptr,R8 clr.b 6(R8) *line 520 move #16,(sp) jsr _dswin *line 521 jsr _modinst *line 522 *line 523 L93:L92:L90:bra L94 L87: *line 524 *line 525 cmp #17,_stcrow bne L95 cmp #31,_stccol beq L10012 cmp #32,_stccol bne L95 L10012:*line 526 *line 527 *line 528 *line 529 move _curvce,R0 muls #3938,R0 add.l #_vbufs,R0 move.l R0,(sp) jsr _initi *line 530 clr (sp) clr -(sp) move _curvce,-(sp) jsr _execins addq.l #4,sp *line 531 jsr _setinst *line 532 jsr _allwins *line 533 jsr _modinst *line 534 L95:L94: *line 535 L86:L85:tst.l (sp)+ movem.l (sp)+,R7-R7/R11-R13 unlk R14 rts .globl _idfield .text _idfield: ~~idfield: link R14,#-4 *line 549 clr _idimsw *line 550 move #210,_curslim *line 552 move.l #_id_flds,(sp) jsr _curset L96:unlk R14 rts .data L1:.dc.b $20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$0 L2:.dc.b $52,$61,$6E,$64,$6F,$6D,$20,$0 L3:.dc.b $47,$50,$43,$2F,$43,$56,$31,$0 L4:.dc.b $3F,$3F,$3F,$3F,$3F,$3F,$3F,$0 L5:.dc.b $3F,$3F,$3F,$3F,$3F,$3F,$3F,$0 L6:.dc.b $50,$69,$74,$63,$68,$20,$20,$0 L7:.dc.b $4B,$65,$79,$20,$50,$72,$73,$0 L8:.dc.b $4B,$65,$79,$20,$56,$65,$6C,$0 L9:.dc.b $50,$65,$64,$61,$6C,$20,$31,$0 L10:.dc.b $3F,$3F,$3F,$3F,$3F,$3F,$3F,$0 L11:.dc.b $46,$72,$65,$71,$20,$20,$20,$0 L12:.dc.b $50,$63,$68,$57,$2F,$48,$54,$0 L13:.dc.b $4D,$6F,$64,$57,$2F,$56,$54,$0 L14:.dc.b $42,$72,$74,$68,$2F,$4C,$50,$0 L30:.dc.b $25,$30,$32,$64,$2E,$25,$30,$32,$64,$0 L64:.dc.b $25,$30,$32,$64,$2E,$25,$30,$33,$64,$0