.globl _io_time .globl _io_lcd .globl _io_ser .globl _io_midi .globl _io_disk .globl _io_tone .globl _io_leds .globl _io_kbrd .globl _lcd_a0 .globl _lcd_a1 .globl _io_vreg .globl _io_vraw .globl _io_vram .globl _io_fpu .globl _v_regs .globl _v_odtab .globl _v_actab .globl _v_ct0 .globl _v_gt1 .globl _v_score .globl _v_cgtab .globl _v_curs0 .globl _v_curs1 .globl _v_curs2 .globl _v_curs3 .globl _v_curs4 .globl _v_curs5 .globl _v_curs6 .globl _v_curs7 .globl _v_tcur .globl _v_kbobj .globl _v_lnobj .globl _v_win0 .globl _v_cur .globl _fc_sw .globl _fc_val .globl _consl .globl _cursl .globl _nxtsl .globl _prvsl .globl _saddr .globl _scrl .globl _vi_sadr .globl _vi_scrl .globl _ctrsw .globl _ndisp .globl _sbase .globl _sd .globl _soffset .globl _gdstbc .globl _gdstbn .globl _gdstbp .globl _nbmoff .data _nbmoff: .dc.w $3 .globl _wrdoff .data _wrdoff: .dc.w $3 .globl _nbmasks .data _nbmasks: .dc.w $F .dc.w $F0 .dc.w $F00 .dc.w $F000 .globl _sc_adv .text _sc_adv: ~~sc_adv: link R14,#-6 movem.l R2-R7/R11-R13,-(sp) ~masksl=R7 ~maskpx=R6 ~i=R5 ~sword=R4 ~tl=R3 ~optr=R13 ~pptr=R12 ~fsl=R11 ~qptr=-4 ~pscrl=-6 *line 101 *line 102 clr R0 move 10+_v_regs,R0 and #384,R0 beq L2 *line 102 clr (sp) jsr _vbank *line 103 L2: *line 104 move.l #$80,R3 *line 108 jsr _ucslice *line 114 *line 114 cmp #2,_ndisp bne L3 cmp #1,_sd bne L10000 clr R0 bra L10002 L10000:move #3,R0 L10002:cmp _soffset,R0 bne L3 *line 115 *line 116 *line 116 cmp #1,_sd bne L4 *line 117 *line 118 move.l _prvsl,R11 *line 119 move _wrdoff,R0 asl #1,R0 ext.l R0 move.l R0,R13 add.l _saddr,R13 *line 120 bra L5 L4: *line 121 *line 122 *line 123 move.l _nxtsl,R11 *line 124 move.l R3,R0 asl.l #1,R0 move.l R0,R13 add.l _saddr,R13 L5: *line 125 *line 126 *line 127 *line 127 cmp #28544,_sbase ble L6 *line 128 *line 129 *line 130 *line 131 move.l _saddr,R12 cmp #1,_sd bne L10003 move.l #$6f7e,R0 bra L10005 L10003:move.l #$6f81,R0 L10005:asl.l #1,R0 sub.l R0,R12 *line 132 *line 133 *line 133 cmp #28672,_sbase bge L7 *line 134 *line 135 *line 136 *line 137 move #224,R5 bra L10 L11: *line 138 *line 139 move (R11)+,R4 *line 140 move R4,(R13) *line 141 move R4,(R12) *line 142 move.l R3,R0 asl.l #1,R0 add.l R0,R13 *line 143 move.l R3,R0 asl.l #1,R0 add.l R0,R12 L9:L10: *line 137 move R5,R0 sub #1,R5 tst R0 bne L11 L8: *line 144 *line 145 bra L12 L7: *line 146 *line 147 *line 148 *line 149 *line 150 move #224,R5 bra L15 L16: *line 151 *line 152 move (R11)+,(R12) *line 153 move.l R3,R0 asl.l #1,R0 add.l R0,R12 L14:L15: *line 150 move R5,R0 sub #1,R5 tst R0 bne L16 L13: *line 154 L12: *line 155 *line 156 *line 157 bra L17 L6: *line 158 *line 159 *line 160 *line 161 *line 162 move #224,R5 bra L20 L21: *line 163 *line 164 move (R11)+,(R13) *line 165 move.l R3,R0 asl.l #1,R0 add.l R0,R13 L19:L20: *line 162 move R5,R0 sub #1,R5 tst R0 bne L21 L18: *line 166 L17: *line 167 *line 168 *line 169 move.l _nxtsl,R13 *line 170 move.l _cursl,R12 *line 171 move.l _prvsl,-4(R14) *line 172 move.l _consl,R11 *line 173 *line 174 move #224,R5 bra L24 L25: *line 175 *line 176 move (R11)+,R4 *line 177 move R4,(R13)+ *line 178 move R4,(R12)+ *line 179 move.l -4(R14),R8 move R4,(R8) add.l #2,-4(R14) L23:L24: *line 174 move R5,R0 sub #1,R5 tst R0 bne L25 L22: *line 180 *line 181 *line 182 *line 183 *line 184 *line 185 *line 186 L3: *line 187 *line 187 tst _sd bne L26 *line 188 *line 189 *line 189 add #1,_soffset move _soffset,R0 cmp #3,R0 ble L27 *line 190 *line 191 clr _soffset *line 192 add.l #2,_saddr *line 193 *line 194 *line 194 add #1,_sbase move _sbase,R0 cmp #28672,R0 ble L28 *line 195 *line 196 move.l #_v_score,_saddr *line 197 clr _sbase *line 198 L28: *line 199 *line 200 L27:bra L29 L26: *line 201 *line 202 *line 203 *line 203 sub #1,_soffset bge L30 *line 204 *line 205 move #3,_soffset *line 206 sub.l #2,_saddr *line 207 *line 208 *line 208 sub #1,_sbase bge L31 *line 209 *line 210 move.l #57344+_v_score,_saddr *line 211 move #28672,_sbase *line 212 L31: *line 213 L30:L29: *line 217 move _scrl,-6(R14) *line 221 move _soffset,R8 add.l R8,R8 add.l #_nbmasks,R8 move (R8),R6 *line 222 move R6,R0 not R0 move R0,R7 *line 224 move.l #_gdstbp,(sp) move R7,-(sp) move R6,-(sp) move.l _prvsl,-(sp) jsr _uslice addq.l #8,sp *line 226 move.l #_gdstbn,(sp) move R7,-(sp) move R6,-(sp) move.l _nxtsl,-(sp) jsr _uslice addq.l #8,sp *line 228 move _soffset,R0 asr #1,R0 move #1,R1 eor R1,R0 or #-32768,R0 move R0,_scrl *line 232 *line 232 cmp #2,_ndisp bne L32 clr R0 move _scrl,R0 cmp -6(R14),R0 beq L32 *line 233 *line 234 move.l _saddr,R0 asr.l #1,R0 move R0,R4 *line 235 *line 236 move #1,(sp) jsr _setipl *line 237 *line 238 move _scrl,_vi_scrl *line 239 move R4,_vi_sadr *line 240 *line 241 clr (sp) jsr _setipl *line 242 *line 243 L32: *line 244 clr _ctrsw L1:tst.l (sp)+ movem.l (sp)+,R3-R7/R11-R13 unlk R14 rts .globl _scupd .text _scupd: ~~scupd: link R14,#-2 movem.l R2-R7/R11-R13,-(sp) ~masksl=R7 ~maskpx=R6 ~i=R5 ~sword=R4 ~tl=R3 ~optr=R13 ~qptr=R12 ~fsl=R11 ~soff=-2 *line 275 *line 276 clr R0 move 10+_v_regs,R0 and #384,R0 beq L34 *line 276 clr (sp) jsr _vbank *line 277 L34: *line 278 move _nbmoff,R0 add _soffset,R0 and #3,R0 move R0,-2(R14) *line 279 move -2(R14),R0 add #2,R0 and #3,R0 move R0,R8 add.l R8,R8 add.l #_nbmasks,R8 move (R8),R6 *line 280 move R6,R0 not R0 move R0,R7 *line 281 move.l #$80,R3 *line 285 *line 285 move.l #_gdstbc,(sp) move R7,-(sp) move R6,-(sp) move.l _cursl,-(sp) jsr _cslice addq.l #8,sp tst R0 beq L35 cmp #2,_ndisp bne L35 *line 286 *line 287 *line 288 *line 289 move.l _cursl,R11 *line 290 cmp #1,-2(R14) ble L10006 move.l #$40,R0 bra L10008 L10006:move.l #$3f,R0 L10008:asl.l #1,R0 move.l R0,R13 add.l _saddr,R13 *line 291 move.l _consl,R12 *line 292 *line 293 move #224,R5 bra L38 L39: *line 294 *line 295 *line 296 move R6,R4 and (R11),R4 beq L40 *line 296 clr R0 move R4,R0 move R7,R1 and (R13),R1 or R1,R0 move R0,(R13) *line 297 L40: *line 298 move (R12)+,(R11)+ *line 299 move.l R3,R0 asl.l #1,R0 add.l R0,R13 L37:L38: *line 293 move R5,R0 sub #1,R5 tst R0 bne L39 L36: *line 300 *line 301 *line 302 *line 303 *line 304 L35: *line 305 clr _ctrsw L33:tst.l (sp)+ movem.l (sp)+,R3-R7/R11-R13 unlk R14 rts .data