.globl _ac_code .globl _scname .globl _se_chg .globl _curscor .globl _cursect .globl _se1_cnt .globl _se2_cnt .globl _se3_cnt .globl _spool .globl _pspool .globl _spcount .globl _frags .globl _t_bak .globl _t_cur .globl _t_ctr .globl _t_fwd .globl _size1 .globl _size2 .globl _size3 .globl _scores .globl _scp .globl _seclist .globl _hplist .globl _p_bak .globl _p_cur .globl _p_ctr .globl _p_fwd .globl _secopok .globl _t_sbgn .globl _t_send .globl _t_sect .globl _t_sec1 .globl _t_sec2 .globl _t_cbgn .globl _t_cend .globl _p_sbgn .globl _p_send .globl _p_sec1 .globl _p_sec2 .globl _p_cbgn .globl _p_cend .globl _grptran .globl _cmgtags .globl _cmgtype .globl _ehdlist .globl _grptmap .globl _sec_cpy .text _sec_cpy: ~~sec_cpy: ~ns=R7 link R14,#0 movem.l R5-R7/R11-R13,-(sp) ~cp=R13 ~lp=R12 ~rp=R11 ~newet=R6 *line 66 move 8(R14),R7 *line 68 move #1,_secopok *line 70 *line 70 move R7,(sp) jsr _chksec tst R0 beq L2 *line 71 *line 72 *line 73 move #-1,R0 bra L1 *line 74 *line 75 *line 76 *line 77 L2: *line 78 *line 78 jsr _evleft move.l R0,-(sp) jsr _sizesec cmp.l (sp)+,R0 ble L3 *line 79 *line 80 *line 81 move #-1,R0 bra L1 *line 82 *line 83 *line 84 *line 85 L3: *line 86 move.l _scp,R8 move.l 8(R8),R8 move.l 8(R8),R8 move.l (R8),R6 add.l _t_sect,R6 *line 88 *line 88 tst.l R6 blt L10000 cmp.l #$ffffff,R6 blt L4 L10000:*line 89 *line 90 *line 91 move #-1,R0 bra L1 *line 92 *line 93 *line 94 *line 95 *line 96 *line 97 L4: *line 98 *line 98 move.l _t_cur,(sp) move.l _p_sbgn,-(sp) jsr _madjsec addq.l #4,sp move.l R0,R13 move.l R13,R0 bne L5 *line 99 *line 100 *line 101 move #-1,R0 bra L1 *line 102 *line 103 *line 104 *line 105 L5: *line 106 move.l _t_cur,(sp) clr -(sp) move.l _p_cur,-(sp) jsr _ep_adj addq.l #6,sp move.l R0,R12 *line 107 move.l 12(R12),R11 *line 111 move.l _t_sect,(sp) move.l _t_cur,-(sp) move.l R12,-(sp) jsr _edelta addq.l #8,sp *line 115 move.l _p_cbgn,12(R12) *line 116 move.l _p_cbgn,R8 move.l R12,8(R8) *line 118 move.l _p_cend,8(R11) *line 119 move.l _p_cend,R8 move.l R11,12(R8) *line 123 move.l _p_cend,(sp) move.l _p_cbgn,-(sp) jsr _ehfix addq.l #4,sp *line 126 clr R0 bra L1 L1:tst.l (sp)+ movem.l (sp)+,R6-R7/R11-R13 unlk R14 rts .globl _sec_mrg .text _sec_mrg: ~~sec_mrg: ~ns=R7 link R14,#0 movem.l R4-R7/R11-R13,-(sp) ~cp=R13 ~lp=R12 ~rp=R11 ~newet=R6 ~et=R5 *line 150 move 8(R14),R7 *line 152 move #1,_secopok *line 154 *line 154 move R7,(sp) jsr _chksec tst R0 beq L7 *line 155 *line 156 *line 157 move #-1,R0 bra L6 *line 158 *line 159 *line 160 *line 161 L7: *line 162 *line 162 jsr _evleft move.l R0,-(sp) jsr _sizesec cmp.l (sp)+,R0 ble L8 *line 163 *line 164 *line 165 move #-1,R0 bra L6 *line 166 *line 167 *line 168 *line 169 L8: *line 170 move.l _scp,R8 move.l 8(R8),R8 move.l 8(R8),R8 move.l (R8),R6 add.l _t_sect,R6 *line 172 *line 172 tst.l R6 blt L10001 cmp.l #$ffffff,R6 blt L9 L10001:*line 173 *line 174 *line 175 move #-1,R0 bra L6 *line 176 *line 177 *line 178 *line 179 *line 180 *line 181 L9: *line 182 *line 182 move.l _t_cur,(sp) move.l _p_sbgn,-(sp) jsr _madjsec addq.l #4,sp move.l R0,R13 move.l R13,R0 bne L10 *line 183 *line 184 *line 185 move #-1,R0 bra L6 *line 186 *line 187 L10: *line 190 move.l _t_cur,(sp) clr -(sp) move.l _p_cur,-(sp) jsr _ep_adj addq.l #6,sp move.l R0,R12 *line 192 bra L13 L12: *line 193 *line 194 move.l 12(R13),R11 *line 195 move.l (R13),(sp) clr -(sp) move.l R12,-(sp) jsr _ep_adj addq.l #6,sp move.l R0,R12 *line 196 move.l R12,(sp) move.l R13,-(sp) jsr _e_ins addq.l #4,sp move.l R0,R12 *line 197 move.b 5(R13),R5 ext.w R5 and #127,R5 *line 198 *line 199 *line 200 move R5,R8 add.l R8,R8 add.l #_ehdlist,R8 cmp #-1,(R8) beq L14 *line 200 move R5,R8 add.l R8,R8 move.l #_ehdlist,R9 move 0(R8,R9.l),(sp) move.l R13,-(sp) jsr _eh_ins addq.l #4,sp *line 201 L14: *line 202 move.l R11,R13 L13: *line 203 move.l R13,R0 bne L12 L11: *line 206 clr R0 bra L6 L6:tst.l (sp)+ movem.l (sp)+,R5-R7/R11-R13 unlk R14 rts .globl _sec_grp .text _sec_grp: ~~sec_grp: ~ns=R7 link R14,#0 movem.l R3-R7/R12-R13,-(sp) ~cp=R13 ~rp=R12 ~et=R6 ~nv=R5 ~grp=R4 *line 229 move 8(R14),R7 *line 231 move #1,_secopok *line 233 *line 233 move R7,(sp) jsr _chksec tst R0 beq L16 *line 234 *line 235 *line 236 move #-1,R0 bra L15 *line 237 *line 238 L16: *line 239 move.l _p_sbgn,R13 *line 241 bra L19 L18: *line 242 *line 243 move.l 12(R13),R12 *line 244 move.b 5(R13),R6 ext.w R6 and #127,R6 *line 245 *line 246 *line 246 move.l #_cmgtags,R8 tst.b 0(R8,R6) beq L20 *line 247 *line 248 *line 249 move.l #_cmgtype,R8 tst.b 0(R8,R6) beq L10002 move.b 7(R13),R0 ext.w R0 bra L10004 L10002:move.b 6(R13),R0 ext.w R0 L10004:move R0,R4 and #15,R4 *line 250 *line 251 *line 251 cmp #5,R6 beq L10005 cmp #6,R6 bne L21 L10005:*line 252 *line 253 *line 254 *line 255 *line 256 move.b 7(R13),R0 ext.w R0 and #240,R0 move R4,R9 add.l R9,R9 add.l #_grptmap,R9 move (R9),R1 or R1,R0 move.b R0,7(R13) *line 257 *line 258 *line 259 *line 260 move.b 6(R13),R5 ext.w R5 add _grptran,R5 *line 261 *line 262 *line 263 cmp #127,R5 ble L22 *line 263 move #127,R5 bra L23 L22: *line 264 *line 265 tst R5 bge L24 *line 265 clr R5 *line 266 L24:L23: *line 267 move.b R5,6(R13) *line 268 bra L25 L21: *line 269 *line 269 cmp #15,R6 beq L10006 cmp #14,R6 bne L26 L10006:*line 270 *line 271 *line 272 *line 273 *line 274 move.b 6(R13),R0 ext.w R0 and #15,R0 move R4,R9 add.l R9,R9 add.l #_grptmap,R9 move (R9),R1 asl #4,R1 or R1,R0 move.b R0,6(R13) *line 275 bra L27 L26: *line 276 *line 277 *line 278 *line 279 *line 280 *line 281 move.l #_cmgtype,R8 tst.b 0(R8,R6) beq L28 *line 282 move.b 7(R13),R0 ext.w R0 and #240,R0 move R4,R9 add.l R9,R9 add.l #_grptmap,R9 move (R9),R1 or R1,R0 move.b R0,7(R13) *line 283 bra L29 L28: *line 284 *line 285 move.b 6(R13),R0 ext.w R0 and #240,R0 move R4,R9 add.l R9,R9 add.l #_grptmap,R9 move (R9),R1 or R1,R0 move.b R0,6(R13) L29:L27:L25: *line 286 *line 287 *line 288 L20: *line 289 move.l R12,R13 L19: *line 290 cmp.l _p_send,R13 bne L18 L17: *line 293 clr R0 bra L15 L15:tst.l (sp)+ movem.l (sp)+,R4-R7/R12-R13 unlk R14 rts .globl _sec_mov .text _sec_mov: ~~sec_mov: ~ns=R7 link R14,#0 movem.l R2-R7/R11-R13,-(sp) ~cp=R13 ~lp=R12 ~rp=R11 ~newet=R6 ~et=R5 ~grp=R4 ~nv=R3 *line 317 move 8(R14),R7 *line 319 move #1,_secopok *line 321 *line 321 move R7,(sp) jsr _chksec tst R0 beq L31 *line 322 *line 323 *line 324 move #-1,R0 bra L30 *line 325 *line 326 *line 336 *line 337 *line 338 *line 339 L31: *line 340 *line 340 move.l _t_cur,R0 cmp.l _t_sbgn,R0 blt L32 move.l _t_cur,R0 cmp.l _t_send,R0 bgt L32 *line 341 *line 342 *line 343 move #-1,R0 bra L30 *line 344 *line 345 *line 346 *line 347 L32: *line 348 move.l _t_cur,(sp) clr -(sp) move.l _p_cur,-(sp) jsr _ep_adj addq.l #6,sp move.l R0,R12 *line 349 move.l _p_send,R8 move.l 12(R8),R13 *line 358 move.l _p_sbgn,R8 move.l 8(R8),R8 move.l _p_send,R9 move.l 12(R9),12(R8) *line 359 move.l _p_send,R8 move.l 12(R8),R8 move.l _p_sbgn,R9 move.l 8(R9),8(R8) *line 360 move.l _p_sbgn,R8 move.l #$0,8(R8) *line 361 move.l _p_send,R8 move.l #$0,12(R8) *line 365 *line 366 move.l _t_cur,R0 cmp.l _t_send,R0 blt L33 *line 366 move.l _t_sect,R0 sub.l R0,_t_cur *line 367 *line 371 *line 372 L33: *line 373 bra L36 L35: *line 374 *line 375 move.l _t_sect,R0 sub.l R0,(R13) *line 376 move.l 12(R13),R13 L36: *line 377 move.b 5(R13),R5 ext.w R5 and #127,R5 cmp #21,R5 bne L35 L34: *line 389 move.l _p_sbgn,R11 *line 390 move.l _p_sbgn,R8 move.l (R8),R6 *line 392 bra L39 L38: *line 393 *line 394 sub.l R6,(R11) *line 395 move.b 5(R11),R5 ext.w R5 and #127,R5 *line 396 *line 397 *line 397 move.l #_cmgtags,R8 tst.b 0(R8,R5) beq L40 *line 398 *line 399 *line 400 move.l #_cmgtype,R8 tst.b 0(R8,R5) beq L10007 move.b 7(R11),R0 ext.w R0 bra L10009 L10007:move.b 6(R11),R0 ext.w R0 L10009:move R0,R4 and #15,R4 *line 401 *line 402 *line 402 cmp #5,R5 beq L10010 cmp #6,R5 bne L41 L10010:*line 403 *line 404 *line 405 *line 406 *line 407 move.b 7(R11),R0 ext.w R0 and #240,R0 move R4,R9 add.l R9,R9 add.l #_grptmap,R9 move (R9),R1 or R1,R0 move.b R0,7(R11) *line 408 *line 409 *line 410 *line 411 move.b 6(R11),R3 ext.w R3 add _grptran,R3 *line 412 *line 413 *line 414 cmp #127,R3 ble L42 *line 414 move #127,R3 bra L43 L42: *line 415 *line 416 tst R3 bge L44 *line 416 clr R3 *line 417 L44:L43: *line 418 move.b R3,6(R11) *line 419 bra L45 L41: *line 420 *line 420 cmp #15,R5 beq L10011 cmp #14,R5 bne L46 L10011:*line 421 *line 422 *line 423 *line 424 *line 425 move.b 6(R11),R0 ext.w R0 and #15,R0 move R4,R9 add.l R9,R9 add.l #_grptmap,R9 move (R9),R1 asl #4,R1 or R1,R0 move.b R0,6(R11) *line 426 bra L47 L46: *line 427 *line 428 *line 429 *line 430 *line 431 *line 432 move.l #_cmgtype,R8 tst.b 0(R8,R5) beq L48 *line 433 move.b 7(R11),R0 ext.w R0 and #240,R0 move R4,R9 add.l R9,R9 add.l #_grptmap,R9 move (R9),R1 or R1,R0 move.b R0,7(R11) *line 434 bra L49 L48: *line 435 *line 436 move.b 6(R11),R0 ext.w R0 and #240,R0 move R4,R9 add.l R9,R9 add.l #_grptmap,R9 move (R9),R1 or R1,R0 move.b R0,6(R11) L49:L47:L45: *line 437 *line 438 *line 439 L40: *line 440 *line 441 move R5,R8 add.l R8,R8 add.l #_ehdlist,R8 cmp #-1,(R8) beq L50 *line 441 move R5,R8 add.l R8,R8 move.l #_ehdlist,R9 move 0(R8,R9.l),(sp) move.l R11,-(sp) jsr _eh_rmv addq.l #4,sp *line 442 L50: *line 443 move.l 12(R11),R11 L39: *line 444 move.l R11,R0 bne L38 L37: *line 446 move.l 12(R12),R11 *line 450 move.l _p_sbgn,R8 move.l R12,8(R8) *line 451 move.l _p_send,R8 move.l R11,12(R8) *line 452 move.l _p_sbgn,12(R12) *line 453 move.l _p_send,8(R11) *line 459 move.l _p_sbgn,R13 *line 460 move.l _t_cur,R6 *line 468 bra L53 L52: *line 469 *line 470 move.b 5(R13),R5 ext.w R5 and #127,R5 *line 471 add.l R6,(R13) *line 472 *line 473 *line 474 move R5,R8 add.l R8,R8 add.l #_ehdlist,R8 cmp #-1,(R8) beq L54 *line 474 move R5,R8 add.l R8,R8 move.l #_ehdlist,R9 move 0(R8,R9.l),(sp) move.l R13,-(sp) jsr _eh_ins addq.l #4,sp *line 475 L54: *line 476 move.l 12(R13),R13 L53: *line 477 cmp.l R11,R13 bne L52 L51: *line 487 bra L57 L56: *line 488 *line 489 move.l _t_sect,R0 add.l R0,(R13) *line 490 move.l 12(R13),R13 L57: *line 491 move.b 5(R13),R5 ext.w R5 and #127,R5 cmp #21,R5 bne L56 L55: *line 494 clr R0 bra L30 L30:tst.l (sp)+ movem.l (sp)+,R3-R7/R11-R13 unlk R14 rts .globl _sec_rmv .text _sec_rmv: ~~sec_rmv: ~ns=R7 link R14,#-4 movem.l R5-R7/R11-R13,-(sp) ~cp=R13 ~lp=R12 ~rp=R11 ~et=R6 ~pp=-4 *line 518 move 8(R14),R7 *line 520 move #1,_secopok *line 522 *line 522 move R7,(sp) jsr _chksec tst R0 beq L59 *line 523 *line 524 *line 525 move #-1,R0 bra L58 *line 526 *line 527 L59: *line 528 move.l _p_send,R8 move.l 12(R8),R13 move.l R13,-4(R14) *line 547 move.l _p_sbgn,R8 move.l 8(R8),R8 move.l _p_send,R9 move.l 12(R9),12(R8) *line 548 move.l _p_send,R8 move.l 12(R8),R8 move.l _p_sbgn,R9 move.l 8(R9),8(R8) *line 549 move.l _p_sbgn,R8 move.l #$0,8(R8) *line 550 move.l _p_send,R8 move.l #$0,12(R8) *line 554 *line 555 move.l _t_cur,R0 cmp.l _t_send,R0 blt L60 *line 555 move.l _t_sect,R0 sub.l R0,_t_cur *line 556 *line 560 *line 561 L60: *line 562 bra L63 L62: *line 563 *line 564 move.l _t_sect,R0 sub.l R0,(R13) *line 565 move.l 12(R13),R13 L63: *line 566 move.b 5(R13),R6 ext.w R6 and #127,R6 cmp #21,R6 bne L62 L61: *line 576 move.l _p_sbgn,R11 *line 578 bra L66 L65: *line 579 *line 580 move.l 12(R11),R12 *line 581 move.b 5(R11),R6 ext.w R6 and #127,R6 *line 582 *line 583 *line 584 cmp.l _p_bak,R11 bne L67 *line 584 move.l -4(R14),_p_bak *line 585 L67: *line 586 *line 587 cmp.l _p_cur,R11 bne L68 *line 587 move.l -4(R14),_p_cur *line 588 L68: *line 589 *line 590 cmp.l _p_ctr,R11 bne L69 *line 590 move.l -4(R14),_p_ctr *line 591 L69: *line 592 *line 593 cmp.l _p_fwd,R11 bne L70 *line 593 move.l -4(R14),_p_fwd *line 594 L70: *line 595 *line 596 move R6,R8 add.l R8,R8 add.l #_ehdlist,R8 cmp #-1,(R8) beq L71 *line 596 move R6,R8 add.l R8,R8 move.l #_ehdlist,R9 move 0(R8,R9.l),(sp) move.l R11,-(sp) jsr _eh_rmv addq.l #4,sp *line 597 L71: *line 598 move.l R11,(sp) jsr _e_rmv move.l R0,(sp) jsr _e_del *line 599 move.l R12,R11 L66: *line 600 move.l R11,R0 bne L65 L64: *line 602 move _curscor,R0 muls #80,R0 move R7,R1 asl #2,R1 ext.l R1 add.l R1,R0 add.l #_seclist,R0 move.l R0,R8 move.l #$0,(R8) *line 604 clr R0 bra L58 L58:tst.l (sp)+ movem.l (sp)+,R6-R7/R11-R13 unlk R14 rts .globl _sec_dgr .text _sec_dgr: ~~sec_dgr: ~ns=R7 link R14,#0 movem.l R6-R7/R12-R13,-(sp) ~lp=R13 ~rp=R12 *line 626 move 8(R14),R7 *line 628 move #1,_secopok *line 630 *line 630 move R7,(sp) jsr _chksec tst R0 beq L73 *line 631 *line 632 *line 633 move #-1,R0 bra L72 *line 634 *line 635 *line 645 *line 646 *line 647 *line 648 *line 649 *line 650 L73: *line 653 move.l _p_sbgn,R8 move.l 12(R8),R12 *line 655 bra L76 L75: *line 656 *line 657 move.l 12(R12),R13 *line 658 *line 659 *line 659 move.l R12,(sp) jsr _oktodg tst R0 beq L77 *line 660 *line 661 *line 662 cmp.l _p_bak,R12 bne L78 *line 662 move.l R13,_p_bak *line 663 L78: *line 664 *line 665 cmp.l _p_cur,R12 bne L79 *line 665 move.l R13,_p_cur *line 666 L79: *line 667 *line 668 cmp.l _p_ctr,R12 bne L80 *line 668 move.l R13,_p_ctr *line 669 L80: *line 670 *line 671 cmp.l _p_fwd,R12 bne L81 *line 671 move.l R13,_p_fwd *line 672 L81: *line 673 move.l R12,(sp) jsr _e_rmv move.l R0,(sp) jsr _e_del *line 674 *line 675 L77: *line 676 move.l R13,R12 L76: *line 677 cmp.l _p_send,R12 bne L75 L74: *line 680 clr R0 bra L72 L72:tst.l (sp)+ movem.l (sp)+,R7-R7/R12-R13 unlk R14 rts .globl _sec_dev .text _sec_dev: ~~sec_dev: ~ns=R7 link R14,#0 movem.l R6-R7/R12-R13,-(sp) ~lp=R13 ~rp=R12 *line 702 move 8(R14),R7 *line 704 move #1,_secopok *line 706 *line 706 move R7,(sp) jsr _chksec tst R0 beq L83 *line 707 *line 708 *line 709 move #-1,R0 bra L82 *line 710 *line 711 *line 721 *line 722 *line 723 *line 724 *line 725 *line 726 L83: *line 729 move.l _p_sbgn,R8 move.l 12(R8),R12 *line 731 bra L86 L85: *line 732 *line 733 move.l 12(R12),R13 *line 734 *line 735 *line 735 move.l R12,(sp) jsr _oktode tst R0 beq L87 *line 736 *line 737 *line 738 cmp.l _p_bak,R12 bne L88 *line 738 move.l R13,_p_bak *line 739 L88: *line 740 *line 741 cmp.l _p_cur,R12 bne L89 *line 741 move.l R13,_p_cur *line 742 L89: *line 743 *line 744 cmp.l _p_ctr,R12 bne L90 *line 744 move.l R13,_p_ctr *line 745 L90: *line 746 *line 747 cmp.l _p_fwd,R12 bne L91 *line 747 move.l R13,_p_fwd *line 748 L91: *line 749 move.l R12,(sp) jsr _e_rmv move.l R0,(sp) jsr _e_del *line 750 *line 751 L87: *line 752 move.l R13,R12 L86: *line 753 cmp.l _p_send,R12 bne L85 L84: *line 756 clr R0 bra L82 L82:tst.l (sp)+ movem.l (sp)+,R7-R7/R12-R13 unlk R14 rts .data