.globl _io_time .globl _io_lcd .globl _io_ser .globl _io_midi .globl _io_disk .globl _io_tone .globl _io_leds .globl _io_kbrd .globl _lcd_a0 .globl _lcd_a1 .globl _io_vreg .globl _io_vraw .globl _io_vram .globl _io_fpu .globl _v_regs .globl _v_odtab .globl _v_actab .globl _v_ct0 .globl _v_gt1 .globl _v_score .globl _v_cgtab .globl _v_curs0 .globl _v_curs1 .globl _v_curs2 .globl _v_curs3 .globl _v_curs4 .globl _v_curs5 .globl _v_curs6 .globl _v_curs7 .globl _v_tcur .globl _v_kbobj .globl _v_lnobj .globl _v_win0 .globl _v_cur .globl _fc_sw .globl _fc_val .globl _v_obtab .globl _v_curob .globl _v_nobj .globl _v_obpri .globl _wsize .comm _wsize,2 .globl _vi_dis .comm _vi_dis,2 .globl _vi_ctl .comm _vi_ctl,2 .globl _SelObj .text _SelObj: ~~SelObj: ~obj=8 link R14,#0 movem.l R6-R7/R13-R13,-(sp) ~op=R13 ~newbank=R7 *line 83 move 8(R14),R0 muls #18,R0 move.l R0,R13 add.l #_v_obtab,R13 *line 85 move.b 13(R13),R7 ext.w R7 and #1,R7 lsl #8,R7 move.b 13(R13),R0 ext.w R0 and #2,R0 asl #6,R0 or R0,R7 *line 87 move 8(R14),_v_nobj *line 88 move.l R13,_v_curob *line 89 move.b 12(R13),R0 ext.w R0 move R0,_v_obpri *line 91 *line 92 clr R0 move 10+_v_regs,R0 and #384,R0 cmp R0,R7 beq L2 *line 92 move.b 13(R13),R0 ext.w R0 move R0,(sp) and #3,(sp) jsr _vbank L2:L1:tst.l (sp)+ movem.l (sp)+,R7-R7/R13-R13 unlk R14 rts .globl _SetPri .text _SetPri: ~~SetPri: ~obj=R7 ~pri=R6 link R14,#0 movem.l R5-R7/R13-R13,-(sp) ~op=R13 *line 113 move 8(R14),R7 *line 113 move 10(R14),R6 *line 113 *line 114 clr R0 move 10+_v_regs,R0 and #384,R0 beq L4 *line 114 clr (sp) jsr _vbank *line 115 L4: *line 116 move R7,R0 muls #18,R0 move.l R0,R13 add.l #_v_obtab,R13 *line 117 move.b R6,12(R13) *line 119 clr R0 move 14(R13),R0 or #16,R0 move R6,R1 asl #3,R1 ext.l R1 add.l #_v_odtab,R1 move.l R1,R9 move R0,(R9) *line 120 move R6,R0 asl #3,R0 ext.l R0 add.l #_v_odtab,R0 move.l R0,R8 move 16(R13),2(R8) *line 121 move.l 8(R13),R0 asr.l #1,R0 move R6,R1 asl #3,R1 ext.l R1 add.l #_v_odtab,R1 move.l R1,R9 move R0,4(R9) *line 123 move (R13),(sp) move 6(R13),-(sp) move R6,-(sp) jsr _objon addq.l #4,sp *line 125 *line 126 tst _vi_dis bne L3 *line 127 *line 128 move #7,(sp) jsr _setipl *line 130 move #1,R0 move R6,R1 asl R1,R0 or R0,_vi_ctl *line 132 *line 133 move.l $64,R0 cmp.l #_VIint,R0 beq L5 *line 133 move.l #_VIint,(sp) move #25,-(sp) move #5,-(sp) jsr _trap13 addq.l #4,sp *line 134 L5: *line 135 clr (sp) jsr _setipl L3:tst.l (sp)+ movem.l (sp)+,R6-R7/R13-R13 unlk R14 rts .globl _SetObj .text _SetObj: ~~SetObj: ~obj=8 ~type=10 ~bank=12 ~base=14 ~xpix=18 ~ypix=20 ~x0=22 ~y0=24 ~flags=26 ~pri=28 link R14,#0 movem.l R7-R7/R13-R13,-(sp) ~op=R13 *line 154 *line 155 clr R0 move 10+_v_regs,R0 and #384,R0 beq L7 *line 155 clr (sp) jsr _vbank *line 156 L7: *line 157 move 8(R14),R0 muls #18,R0 move.l R0,R13 add.l #_v_obtab,R13 *line 159 move.l R13,_v_curob *line 160 move 8(R14),_v_nobj *line 161 move 28(R14),_v_obpri *line 163 move 20(R14),(R13) *line 164 move 18(R14),2(R13) *line 165 move 22(R14),4(R13) *line 166 move 24(R14),6(R13) *line 167 move.l 14(R14),8(R13) *line 168 move 28(R14),R0 move.b R0,12(R13) *line 169 move 12(R14),R0 and #3,R0 move.b R0,13(R13) *line 173 *line 173 tst 10(R14) beq L8 *line 174 *line 175 move 26(R14),R0 and #-1537,R0 or #-17408,R0 move R0,14(R13) *line 176 *line 177 clr R0 move 14(R13),R0 and #1536,R0 bra L10 *line 178 L11: *line 179 *line 180 *line 181 move 18(R14),R0 ext.l R0 divs #128,R0 move R0,_wsize bra L9 *line 182 *line 183 L12: *line 184 *line 185 *line 186 move 18(R14),R0 ext.l R0 divs #48,R0 move R0,_wsize bra L9 *line 187 *line 188 L13: *line 189 *line 190 *line 191 move 18(R14),R0 ext.l R0 divs #64,R0 move R0,_wsize bra L9 *line 192 *line 193 L14: *line 194 *line 195 *line 196 move 18(R14),R0 ext.l R0 divs #96,R0 move R0,_wsize bra L9 *line 197 bra L9 L10:tst R0 beq L11 cmp #512,R0 beq L12 cmp #1024,R0 beq L13 cmp #1536,R0 beq L14 bra L9 L9: *line 198 *line 199 *line 200 *line 201 btst #6,15(R13) beq L15 *line 201 move _wsize,R0 asl #1,R0 add _wsize,R0 move R0,_wsize *line 202 *line 203 *line 204 L15:bra L16 L8: *line 205 *line 206 *line 207 move 26(R14),R0 and #3639,R0 move 12(R14),R1 and #3,R1 asl #6,R1 or R1,R0 move R0,14(R13) *line 208 *line 209 clr R0 move 14(R13),R0 and #1536,R0 bra L18 *line 210 L19: *line 211 L20: *line 212 *line 213 *line 214 clr _wsize bra L17 *line 215 *line 216 L21: *line 217 *line 218 *line 219 move 18(R14),R0 ext.l R0 divs #32,R0 move R0,_wsize bra L17 *line 220 *line 221 L22: *line 222 *line 223 *line 224 move 18(R14),R0 ext.l R0 divs #16,R0 move R0,_wsize bra L17 *line 225 bra L17 L18:tst R0 beq L19 cmp #512,R0 beq L20 cmp #1024,R0 beq L21 cmp #1536,R0 beq L22 bra L17 L17: *line 226 L16: *line 229 move 22(R14),R0 asr #1,R0 and #1023,R0 move _wsize,R1 move #10,R2 asl R2,R1 and #-1024,R1 or R1,R0 move R0,16(R13) *line 231 *line 232 tst 28(R14) blt L6 *line 233 *line 234 move 28(R14),(sp) move 8(R14),-(sp) jsr _SetPri addq.l #2,sp L6:tst.l (sp)+ movem.l (sp)+,R13-R13 unlk R14 rts .globl _CpyObj .text _CpyObj: ~~CpyObj: ~from=R13 ~to=R12 ~w=R7 ~h=R6 ~sw=R5 link R14,#0 movem.l R2-R7/R11-R13,-(sp) ~tp=R11 ~i=R4 ~j=R3 *line 257 move.l 8(R14),R13 *line 257 move.l 12(R14),R12 *line 257 move 16(R14),R7 *line 257 move 18(R14),R6 *line 257 move 20(R14),R5 *line 257 move R6,R4 bra L26 L27: *line 258 *line 259 move.l R12,R11 *line 260 *line 261 move R7,R3 bra L30 L31: *line 262 move (R13)+,(R11)+ L29:L30: *line 261 clr R0 move R3,R0 sub #1,R3 tst R0 bne L31 L28: *line 262 *line 263 *line 264 clr R0 move R5,R0 lsl #1,R0 swap R0 clr R0 swap R0 add.l R0,R12 L25:L26: *line 257 clr R0 move R4,R0 sub #1,R4 tst R0 bne L27 L24:L23:tst.l (sp)+ movem.l (sp)+,R3-R7/R11-R13 unlk R14 rts .data