System Level I/O Functions in the C Library ------------------------------------------- access access(path, amode) * close close(fildes) * creat creat(path, mode) dup dup(fildes) fcntl fcntl(fildes, cmd, arg) fstat fstat(fildes, buf) ioctl ioctl(fildes, request, arg) * lseek lseek(fildes, offset, where) * open open(path, oflag, mode) * read read(fildes, buf, nbytes) stat stat(path, buf) * unlink unlink(path) * write write(fildes, buf, nbytes) * indicates a minimal set of I/O functions required for all systems. Additional I/O functions defined in Unix(tm) include: dup2, link, lock, mknod, mount, seek, sync, tell, umask, umount.