Newsgroups: mod.std.unix Subject: public domain AT&T getopt source Date: 3 Nov 85 19:34:15 GMT Here's something you've all been waiting for: the AT&T public domain source for getopt(3). It is the code which was given out at the 1985 UNIFORUM conference in Dallas. I obtained it by electronic mail directly from AT&T. The people there assure me that it is indeed in the public domain. There is no manual page. That is because the one they gave out at UNIFORUM was slightly different from the current System V Release 2 manual page. The difference apparently involved a note about the famous rules 5 and 6, recommending using white space between an option and its first argument, and not grouping options that have arguments. Getopt itself is currently lenient about both of these things. White space is allowed, but not mandatory, and the last option in a group can have an argument. That particular version of the man page evidently has no official existence, and my source at AT&T did not send a copy. The current SVR2 man page reflects the actual behavor of this getopt. However, I am not about to post a copy of anything licensed by AT&T. I will submit this source to Berkeley as a bug fix. I, personally, make no claims or guarantees of any kind about the following source. I did compile it to get some confidence that it arrived whole, but beyond that you're on your own.