1 | /*
2 | =============================================================================
3 | sedump.c -- dump various kinds of MIDAS-VII data in readable format
4 | Version 42 -- 1988-08-24 -- D.N. Lynx Crowe
5 | =============================================================================
6 | */
7 |
8 | #include "graphdef.h"
9 | #include "hwdefs.h"
10 | #include "stddefs.h"
11 | #include "score.h"
12 | #include "scfns.h"
13 | #include "slice.h"
14 | #include "secdefs.h"
15 | #include "vsdd.h"
16 |
17 | #include "midas.h"
18 | #include "instdsp.h"
19 |
20 | extern unsigned scrl;
21 |
22 | extern short curfunc;
23 | extern short curvce;
24 | extern short sbase;
25 | extern short sd;
26 | extern short se;
27 | extern short soffset;
28 | extern short subj;
29 |
30 | extern short varmode[][16];
31 |
32 | extern struct gdsel *gdstbc[NGDSEL];
33 | extern struct gdsel *gdstbn[NGDSEL];
34 | extern struct gdsel *gdstbp[NGDSEL];
35 |
36 | extern struct gdsel *gdfsep;
37 | extern struct gdsel gdfsl[MAXFSL];
38 |
39 | extern struct instdef vbufs[];
40 |
41 | extern char *idbxlbl[];
42 | extern char *osclbl[];
43 |
44 | /* |
45 |
46 | */
47 |
48 | char *A6PTR = 0L; /* traceback a6 starting address */
49 | char *A7PTR = 0L; /* traceback a7 starting address */
50 | char *A7TOP = 0x000FFFFFL; /* traceback stack top */
51 |
52 | short SCnumv = 0; /* voice for SCvoice() to dump (0..11) */
53 | short SL_Flag; /* ROMP trap disable flag */
54 | short x_unrec; /* unrecognized event type or size flag */
55 |
56 | long SCdlim = MAX_SE; /* score dump limit */
57 |
58 | char *evkinds[N_ETYPES] = { /* event types (must match score.h) */
59 |
60 | "00: EV_NULL null event ", "01: EV_SCORE score begin ",
61 | "02: EV_SBGN section begin", "03: EV_SEND section end ",
62 | "04: EV_INST instr. change", "05: EV_NBEG note begin ",
63 | "06: EV_NEND note end ", "07: EV_STOP stop ",
64 | "08: EV_INTP interpolate ", "09: EV_TMPO tempo ",
65 | "0A: EV_TUNE tuning ", "0B: EV_GRP group status ",
66 | "0C: EV_LOCN location ", "0D: EV_DYN dynamics ",
67 | "0E: EV_ANVL analog value ", "0F: EV_ANRS analog res. ",
68 | "10: EV_ASGN I/O assign ", "11: EV_TRNS transposition",
69 | "12: EV_REPT repeat ", "13: EV_PNCH punch in/out ",
70 | "14: EV_PRES poly pressure", "15: EV_FINI score end ",
71 | "16: EV_CPRS chan pressure", "17: EV_BAR bar marker "
72 | };
73 |
74 | char *hpname[N_TYPES] = { /* header type names (must match score.h) */
75 |
76 | "EH_INST", "EH_GRP ", "EH_LOCN", "EH_DYN ",
77 | "EH_ANRS", "EH_TRNS", "EH_INTP", "EH_TMPO",
79 | };
80 |
81 | char *var_lbl[6] = { /* variable names */
82 |
83 | "Pch/Hor", "Mod/Vrt", "Brth/LP", "GPC/CV1",
84 | "Pedal 1", "Key Prs"
85 | };
86 |
87 | char *srcname[] = { /* source names (must match smdefs.h) */
88 |
89 | "NONE", "RAND", "CTL1", "?03?", "?04?", "PTCH", "KPRS", "KVEL",
90 | "PED1", "?09?", "FREQ", "HTPW", "VTMW", "LPBR"
91 | };
92 |
93 | char *actname[] = { /* function action names */
94 |
95 | "NULL", "SUST", "ENBL", "JUMP", "LOOP", "KYUP", "KYDN", "HERE"
96 | };
97 |
98 | /* |
99 |
100 | */
101 |
102 | /*
103 | =============================================================================
104 | ev_kind(sep) -- returns a pointer to a string describing the event
105 | at 'sep', or a NULL pointer if the event is unrecognized.
106 | Sets x_unrec according to the result.
107 | =============================================================================
108 | */
109 |
110 | char *
111 | ev_kind(sep)
112 | struct s_entry *sep;
113 | {
114 | if ((sep->e_type & 0x00FF) GE N_ETYPES) {
115 |
116 | x_unrec = TRUE;
117 | return(NULL);
118 | }
119 |
120 | x_unrec = FALSE;
121 |
122 | return(evkinds[sep->e_type]);
123 | }
124 |
125 | /* |
126 |
127 | */
128 |
129 | /*
130 | =============================================================================
131 | SEctrl() -- print current score pointers and times
132 | =============================================================================
133 | */
134 |
135 | SEctrl()
136 | {
137 | printf("curscor: %d \"%-16.16s\" cursect: %d scp: $%08lX\n\n",
138 | curscor, scname[curscor], cursect, scp);
139 |
140 |
141 | printf(" fc_val: %8ld fc_sw: %d\n\n",
142 | fc_val, fc_sw);
143 |
144 |
145 | printf(" t_bak: %8ld t_cur: %8ld t_ctr: %8ld t_fwd: %8ld\n",
146 | t_bak, t_cur, t_ctr, t_fwd);
147 |
148 | printf(" p_bak: $%08lX p_cur: $%08lX p_ctr: $%08lX p_fwd: $%08lX\n\n",
149 | p_bak, p_cur, p_ctr, p_fwd);
150 |
151 | }
152 |
153 | /*
154 | =============================================================================
155 | SEsnap() -- snap dump critical score storage variables
156 | =============================================================================
157 | */
158 |
159 | SEsnap()
160 | {
161 | register short i, j;
162 |
163 | printf("\n");
164 |
165 | printf("evleft: %ld spcount: %ld frags: %ld\n",
166 | evleft(), spcount, frags);
167 |
168 | printf(" se1_cnt=%ld se2_cnt=%ld se3_cnt=%ld\n",
169 | se1_cnt, se2_cnt, se3_cnt);
170 |
171 | printf(" pspool=$%08lX size1=$%08lX size2=$%08lX size3=$%08lX\n",
172 | pspool, size1, size2, size3);
173 |
174 | SEctrl();
175 |
176 | for (i = 0; i < N_SCORES; i++)
177 | printf("%2d: \"%-16.16s\" $%08lX %s\n",
178 | i + 1, scname[i], scores[i],
179 | (i EQ curscor) ? "<--- curscor" : "");
180 |
181 | printf("\n\n");
182 |
183 | printf("Variable modes for each group:\n\n");
184 |
185 | printf("V# VarName 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12\n");
186 | printf("-- ------- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --\n");
187 |
188 | for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
189 |
190 | printf("%02d %s ", i, var_lbl[i]);
191 |
192 | for (j = 0; j < 12; j++)
193 | printf(" %d ", varmode[i][j]);
194 |
195 | printf("\n");
196 | }
197 |
198 | printf("\n");
199 | }
200 |
201 | /* |
202 |
203 | */
204 |
205 | /*
206 | =============================================================================
207 | SEdump(sep) -- dumps the event at 'sep' in readable format.
208 | Returns 'sep'. Sets x_unrec TRUE if the event is unrecognized,
209 | FALSE if the event is recognized.
210 | =============================================================================
211 | */
212 |
213 | struct s_entry *
214 | SEdump(sep)
215 | struct s_entry *sep;
216 | {
217 | char *et;
218 |
219 | x_unrec = TRUE;
220 |
221 | switch (sep->e_size) {
222 |
223 | case E_SIZE1:
224 | case E_SIZE2:
225 | case E_SIZE3:
226 |
227 | break;
228 |
229 | default:
230 |
231 | printf("[%08lX]: ** Bad event size: $%02.2X **\n",
232 | sep, sep->e_size);
233 |
234 | return(sep);
235 | }
236 |
237 | if (NULL EQ (et = ev_kind(sep))) {
238 |
239 | printf("[%08lX]: ** Bad event type: $%02.2X **\n",
240 | sep, sep->e_type);
241 |
242 | return(sep);
243 | }
244 |
245 | x_unrec = FALSE;
246 |
247 | printf("$%08lX: t=%10ld F:$%08lX B:$%08lX * %s\n",
248 | sep, sep->e_time, sep->e_fwd, sep->e_bak, et);
249 |
250 | printf(" data = $%02.2X $%02.2X",
251 | 0x00FF & sep->e_data1, 0x00FF & sep->e_data2);
252 |
253 | if (sep->e_size EQ E_SIZE1)
254 | printf(" $%04.4X $%04.4X",
255 | ((struct n_entry *)sep)->e_vel,
256 | ((struct n_entry *)sep)->e_data4);
257 |
258 | printf("\n");
259 |
260 | if (sep->e_size GT E_SIZE1)
261 | printf(" up: $%08lX dn: $%08lX",
262 | sep->e_up, sep->e_dn);
263 | else
264 | return(sep);
265 |
266 | if (sep->e_size GT E_SIZE2)
267 | printf(" lft: $%08lX rgt: $%08lX",
268 | sep->e_lft, sep->e_rgt);
269 |
270 | printf("\n");
271 |
272 | return(sep);
273 | }
274 |
275 | /* |
276 |
277 | */
278 |
279 | /*
280 | =============================================================================
281 | SEchase() -- print up to 'n' events or to the end of the score,
282 | starting with event 'ep'.
283 | =============================================================================
284 | */
285 |
286 | struct s_entry *
287 | SEchase(ep, n)
288 | register struct s_entry *ep;
289 | register long n;
290 | {
291 | register long i;
292 | register struct s_entry *np;
293 |
294 | printf("\n");
295 |
296 | if (ep EQ E_NULL) {
297 |
298 | printf("NULL pointer\n");
299 | return(scp);
300 | }
301 |
302 | if (Pcheck(ep, "ep - SEchase()"))
303 | return(scp);
304 |
305 | for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
306 |
307 | SEdump(ep);
308 |
309 | if ((ep->e_type EQ EV_FINI) OR x_unrec)
310 | return(scp);
311 |
312 | np = ep->e_fwd;
313 |
314 | if (Pcheck(np, "e_fwd - SEchase()"))
315 | return(scp);
316 |
317 | if (Pcheck(ep->e_bak, "e_bak - SEchase()"))
318 | return(scp);
319 |
320 | ep = np;
321 | }
322 |
323 | printf("\n");
324 |
325 | return(ep);
326 | }
327 |
328 | /* |
329 |
330 | */
331 |
332 | /*
333 | =============================================================================
334 | SLdump() -- print slice control data
335 | =============================================================================
336 | */
337 |
338 | SLdump()
339 | {
340 | register short i;
341 | register struct gdsel *gp;
342 |
343 | printf("\n");
344 |
345 | printf("sd = %s se = %s sbase = %d soffset = %d scrl = $%04.4X\n",
346 | sd ? "BAK" : "FWD", se ? "BAK" : "FWD", sbase, soffset, scrl);
347 |
348 | printf("gdfsep = $%08lX\n\n", gdfsep);
349 |
350 | printf("gr $ gdstbp $ gdstbc $ gdstbn\n");
351 | printf(" %08lX %08lX %08lX\n", gdstbp, gdstbc, gdstbn);
352 | printf("-- -------- -------- --------\n");
353 |
354 | for (i = 0; i < NGDSEL; i++) {
355 |
356 | printf("%2d %08lX %08lX %08lX\n",
357 | i + 1, gdstbp[i], gdstbc[i], gdstbn[i]);
358 |
359 | if (i EQ 11)
360 | printf("\n");
361 | }
362 |
363 | printf("\n");
364 |
365 | if (SL_Flag EQ FALSE)
366 | xtrap15();
367 |
368 | SL_Flag = FALSE;
369 | }
370 |
371 | /* |
372 |
373 | */
374 |
375 | /*
376 | =============================================================================
377 | SECdump() -- dump section variables and hplist
378 | =============================================================================
379 | */
380 |
381 | SECdump()
382 | {
383 | register short i;
384 |
385 | printf("p_sbgn = $%08lX p_send = $%08lX\n",
386 | p_sbgn, p_send);
387 |
388 | printf("t_sbgn = %8ld t_send = %8ld t_sect = %8ld\n\n",
389 | t_sbgn, t_send, t_sect);
390 |
391 |
392 | printf("p_cbgn = $%08lX p_cend = $%08lX\n",
393 | p_cbgn, p_cend);
394 |
395 | printf("t_cbgn = %8ld t_cend = %8ld\n\n",
396 | t_cbgn, t_cend);
397 |
398 |
399 | printf("seclist[curscor][]\n");
400 | printf("------------------\n\n");
401 |
402 | printf("Sec Addr_____ Sec Addr_____ Sec Addr_____ Sec Addr_____ Sec Addr_____ \n");
403 |
404 | for (i = 0; i < N_SECTS; i += 5) {
405 |
406 | printf("%2d $%08lX ", i + 1, seclist[curscor][i]);
407 |
408 | if ((i + 1) < N_SECTS)
409 | printf("%2d $%08lX ", i + 2, seclist[curscor][i + 1]);
410 |
411 | if ((i + 2) < N_SECTS)
412 | printf("%2d $%08lX ", i + 3, seclist[curscor][i + 2]);
413 |
414 | if ((i + 3) < N_SECTS)
415 | printf("%2d $%08lX ", i + 4, seclist[curscor][i + 3]);
416 |
417 | if ((i + 4) < N_SECTS)
418 | printf("%2d $%08lX ", i + 5, seclist[curscor][i + 4]);
419 |
420 | printf("\n");
421 | }
422 |
423 | printf("\n");
424 |
425 | printf("hplist[curscor][]\n");
426 | printf("-----------------\n");
427 | printf("Type___ Addr_____\n");
428 |
429 | for (i = 0; i < N_TYPES; i++)
430 | printf("%s $%08lX\n", hpname[i], hplist[curscor][i]);
431 |
432 | printf("\n");
433 | }
434 |
435 | /* |
436 |
437 | */
438 |
439 | /*
440 | =============================================================================
441 | DOA() -- do a simple stack traceback
442 | =============================================================================
443 | */
444 |
445 | DOA()
446 | {
447 | register long *olda6, *cura6;
448 | register short n, *prptr;
449 |
450 | if (A6PTR AND A7PTR) {
451 |
452 | printf("Stack dump: $%08lX to $%08lX\n\n", A7PTR, A7TOP);
453 | mdump(A7PTR, A7TOP, A7PTR);
454 | printf("\n\n");
455 | printf("Stack traceback: from A6 = $%08lX\n\n", A6PTR);
456 | printf("A6 Old A6 Return\n");
457 |
458 | } else {
459 |
460 | printf("Set A6PTR ($%08lX) and A7PTR ($%08lX) first\n",
461 | &A6PTR, &A7PTR);
462 |
463 | xtrap15();
464 | }
465 |
466 | cura6 = A6PTR;
467 |
468 | while (cura6) {
469 |
470 | olda6 = *cura6;
471 |
472 | printf("$%08lX: $%08lX $%08lX\n",
473 | cura6, olda6, *(cura6 + 4L));
474 |
475 | prptr = cura6 + 8L;
476 | n = 8;
477 |
478 | while (prptr < olda6) {
479 |
480 | printf(" +%-4d [$%08lX]: $%04.4X\n",
481 | n, prptr, *prptr);
482 |
483 | n += 2;
484 | ++prptr;
485 | }
486 |
487 | cura6 = olda6;
488 | }
489 |
490 | xtrap15();
491 | }
492 |
493 | /* |
494 |
495 | */
496 |
497 | /*
498 | =============================================================================
499 | SCPanic() -- print the score control variables
500 | =============================================================================
501 | */
502 |
503 | SCPanic()
504 | {
505 | SEsnap(); /* control data */
506 | xtrap15();
507 | }
508 |
509 | /*
510 | =============================================================================
511 | SCdump() -- print the score control variables and the current score
512 | =============================================================================
513 | */
514 |
515 | SCdump()
516 | {
517 | SEsnap(); /* control data */
518 | SECdump(); /* section variables */
519 | SEchase(scp, SCdlim); /* current score */
520 | xtrap15();
521 | }
522 |
523 | /*
524 | =============================================================================
525 | SCcrash() -- print all of the score related data and the current score
526 | =============================================================================
527 | */
528 |
529 | SCcrash()
530 | {
531 | SL_Flag = TRUE;
532 | SLdump(); /* slice data */
533 | SCdump(); /* control data and current score */
534 | }
535 |
536 | /*
537 | =============================================================================
538 | SCtimes() -- print the score times and pointers
539 | =============================================================================
540 | */
541 |
542 | SCtimes()
543 | {
544 | SEctrl();
545 | xtrap15();
546 | }
547 |
548 | /* |
549 |
550 | */
551 |
552 | /*
553 | =============================================================================
554 | SCslice() -- print details of the slices
555 | =============================================================================
556 | */
557 |
558 | SCslice()
559 | {
560 | register short i, s;
561 | register struct gdsel *gp;
562 |
563 | /* print details of gdstbp */
564 |
565 | s = FALSE;
566 |
567 | for (i = 0; i < NGDSEL; i++) {
568 |
569 | if ((struct gdsel *)NULL NE (gp = gdstbp[i])) {
570 |
571 | if (NOT s) {
572 |
573 | printf("gdstbp:");
574 | s = TRUE;
575 | }
576 |
577 | while (gp) {
578 |
579 | printf(" %02d:%02d:%d",
580 | i + 1, gp->note, gp->code);
581 |
582 | gp = gp->next;
583 | }
584 | }
585 | }
586 |
587 | if (s)
588 | printf("\n");
589 |
590 | /* |
591 |
592 | */
593 | /* print details of gdstbc */
594 |
595 | s = FALSE;
596 |
597 | for (i = 0; i < NGDSEL; i++) {
598 |
599 | if ((struct gdsel *)NULL NE (gp = gdstbc[i])) {
600 |
601 | if (NOT s) {
602 |
603 | printf("gdstbc:");
604 | s = TRUE;
605 | }
606 |
607 | while (gp) {
608 |
609 | printf(" %02d:%02d:%d",
610 | i + 1, gp->note, gp->code);
611 |
612 | gp = gp->next;
613 | }
614 | }
615 | }
616 |
617 | if (s)
618 | printf("\n");
619 | /* |
620 |
621 | */
622 | /* print details of gdstbn */
623 |
624 | s = FALSE;
625 |
626 | for (i = 0; i < NGDSEL; i++) {
627 |
628 | if ((struct gdsel *)NULL NE (gp = gdstbn[i])) {
629 |
630 | if (NOT s) {
631 |
632 | printf("gdstbn:");
633 | s = TRUE;
634 | }
635 |
636 | while (gp) {
637 |
638 | printf(" %02d:%02d:%d",
639 | i + 1, gp->note, gp->code);
640 |
641 | gp = gp->next;
642 | }
643 | }
644 | }
645 |
646 | if (s)
647 | printf("\n");
648 |
649 | }
650 |
651 | /* |
652 |
653 | */
654 |
655 | /*
656 | =============================================================================
657 | SCvce() -- dump voice buffer instrument definition
658 | =============================================================================
659 | */
660 |
661 | SCvce(n)
662 | {
663 | register short i, j, pif, pt1;
664 | register struct instdef *ip;
665 | register struct idfnhdr *fp;
666 | register struct instpnt *pp;
667 |
668 | ip = &vbufs[n];
669 |
670 | /* dump instrument header */
671 |
672 | printf("VOICE %2d: %-16.16s %-16.16s %-16.16s %-16.16s\n",
673 | (1 + n), ip->idhname, ip->idhcom1, ip->idhcom2, ip->idhcom3);
674 |
675 | printf(" flag=%04.4X Cfg=%d #plft=%d WsA=%d WsB=%d\n",
676 | ip->idhflag, (0x00FF & ip->idhcfg), (0x00FF & ip->idhplft),
677 | (1 + (0x00FF & ip->idhwsa)), (1 + (0x00FF & ip->idhwsb)));
678 |
679 | printf(" Osc 1:%s %c %04.4X 2:%s %c %04.4X 3:%s %c %04.4X 4:%s %c %04.4X\n",
680 | osclbl[ip->idhos1c & OC_MOD],
681 | ((ip->idhos1c & OC_SYN) ? 'S' : ' '),
682 | ip->idhos1v,
683 | osclbl[ip->idhos2c & OC_MOD],
684 | ((ip->idhos2c & OC_SYN) ? 'S' : ' '),
685 | ip->idhos2v,
686 | osclbl[ip->idhos3c & OC_MOD],
687 | ((ip->idhos3c & OC_SYN) ? 'S' : ' '),
688 | ip->idhos3v,
689 | osclbl[ip->idhos4c & OC_MOD],
690 | ((ip->idhos4c & OC_SYN) ? 'S' : ' '),
691 | ip->idhos4v);
692 |
693 | /* dump function headers */
694 |
695 | printf("\nFunction headers\n");
696 |
697 | printf(" Fn Pch Mult Sr Pif Pt1 Cpt Md Pr Trg \n");
698 | printf(" -- ---- ---- -- --- --- --- -- -- ----\n");
699 |
700 | for (i = 0; i < NFINST; i++) {
701 |
702 | fp = &ip->idhfnc[i];
703 |
704 | printf(" %2d %04.4X %04.4X %02X %3d %3d %3d %02x %02x %04.4x %s\n",
705 | i, fp->idfpch, fp->idfmlt, (0x00FF & fp->idfsrc),
706 | (0x00FF & fp->idfpif), (0x00FF & fp->idfpt1),
707 | (0x00FF & fp->idfcpt), (0x00FF & fp->idftmd),
708 | (0x00FF & fp->idfprm), fp->idftrg, idbxlbl[i]);
709 |
710 | }
711 |
712 | /* dump occupied points for each function */
713 |
714 | printf("\nOccupied points\n");
715 | printf(" Fn Fpt Ipt Time Val Mult Src Act P1 P2 P3 Pd\n");
716 | printf(" -- --- --- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- -- -- -- --\n");
717 |
718 | for (i = 0; i < NFINST; i++) {
719 |
720 | fp = &ip->idhfnc[i];
721 | pif = 0x00FF & fp->idfpif;
722 | pt1 = 0x00FF & fp->idfpt1;
723 |
724 | for (j = 0; j < pif; j++) {
725 |
726 | pp = &ip->idhpnt[pt1 + j];
727 |
728 | printf(" %2d %3d %3d %04.4X %04.4X %04.4X %4s %4s %2X %2X %2X %2X\n",
729 | i, j, (pt1 + j), pp->iptim, pp->ipval, pp->ipvmlt,
730 | srcname[0x00FF & pp->ipvsrc],
731 | actname[0x00FF & pp->ipact],
732 | (0x00FF & pp->ippar1), (0x00FF & pp->ippar2),
733 | (0x00FF & pp->ippar3), (0x00FF & pp->ippad));
734 | }
735 | }
736 |
737 | printf("\n");
738 | }
739 |
740 | /* |
741 |
742 | */
743 |
744 | /*
745 | =============================================================================
746 | SCvces() -- dump voice buffer instrument definitions
747 | =============================================================================
748 | */
749 |
750 | SCvces()
751 | {
752 | register short i;
753 |
754 | for (i = 0; i < 12; i++)
755 | SCvce(i);
756 |
757 | xtrap15();
758 | }
759 |
760 | /*
761 | =============================================================================
762 | SCvoice() -- dump voice buffer instrument definition
763 | =============================================================================
764 | */
765 |
766 | SCvoice()
767 | {
768 | SCvce(SCnumv);
769 | xtrap15();
770 | }